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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳貽中 Unknown Date (has links)
過去智慧財產相關的研究大多由法律、會計等制度層面探討智慧財產權議題,或以企業個體為研究的核心,探討其企業策略及智慧財產策略。然而,事實上,每個企業均為大環境下的個體,科技的趨勢、產業的消長、需求的變化、社會價值觀與政治經濟的結構等因素互相激盪下,不僅動態地形成企業個體所處的生態環境,也往往改變了企業經營的根本遊戲法則。   資訊軟體產業有著動態、創新、知識密集的特性,向來被視為知識經濟下的代表。微軟公司又為產業中之標竿企業。因此,本研究試圖以宏觀的角度、長時間軸的觀察,探討微軟公司面對企業經營所處生態環境的變遷,在智慧財產經營策略上的演變。本研究將微軟公司的成長歷程中因應所處環境的改變,歸納出三次重大的智慧財產策略轉折,包括研發策略之轉折,著作權保護走向專利權保護之轉折,及封閉原始碼走向共享原始碼之策略轉折。   本研究之主要發現如下: 一、生態環境的變化影響智慧財產策略之選擇 二、生態環境的變化影響企業策略之選擇 三、智慧財產策略之轉變,可能引導其他後續變革 四、結構惰性影響智慧財產策略變革的能力 五、同形策略影響企業之競爭優勢   同時,本研究提出以下四點建議,供產業界參考: 一、分散式的研發系統 二、積極的專利管理策略 三、發展與強化外部網路關係 四、降低結構惰性

競爭法對於搭售行為之規範 / Tying Arrangements under the Competition Law

楊宏暉, Yang, Hung-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
搭售意指賣方將兩個產品搭配在一起銷售,乃屬商場上常見之行銷手法。但從競爭法的規範面向來看,搭售被認為是種限制競爭的行為,目的在於延伸市場力量,排除被搭售產品市場上的競爭,並且構築市場進入障礙。經濟理論則提出了一些反駁,說明搭售也有某些促進競爭的效果,如增進效率、品質控制等,因而要求對於搭售行為可能產生之正負效益作精確地評估,不宜一律視作當然違法,進而影響到規範搭售行為的執法。我國的公平交易法也將搭售行為納入規範,實務案例並不少見,故此問題值得重視。 我國公平交易法的立法與執法融合了美國法和德國法的特色,故本論文乃從比較法的觀點,分析美國和德國規範搭售行為之理論與實務及變遷,在美國法上,搭售與反托拉斯法的互動雖已有百年之久,但其規範迄今仍有相當大的爭議,相關的討論屢見不鮮,而隨著微軟案的推波助瀾,搭售問題再度受到矚目及討論,因此,本論文也對此案的相關問題和討論作一整理。此外,也整理了若干對於搭售行為的經濟分析文獻,並且對於競爭政策和競爭法的一些看法作了著墨。 在內容上,本論文除了從限制競爭法的角度來探討搭售行為外,也從不正競爭法的立場來觀察搭售行為所可能產生的影響,這部分的討論以德國不正競爭防止法為主,敘述搭售行為所可能涉及的行為樣態,並且對於近年來德國聯邦最高法院針對低價手機和門號的搭配促銷所表示之見解加以整理,同時也析論贈品令廢止之最新動態及其後續影響。 最後,則整理及分析我國公平交易法規範搭售行為的相關規定和實務案例,並提出執法建議。

網路外部性與競爭規範--微軟之反托拉斯案件研究 / Network Externality and Competition Regulation---A Research on the Antitrust Case of Microsoft

楊佳憲, Yang, Jia-Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
Red-Hat Linux之CEO,Robert Yang曾對微軟行為作如此論述:「微軟很壞,但壞的很成功!」本文內容可分為三部分。首先在於釐清微軟成功之原因,針對形成微軟獨佔個人電腦作業系統之原因,做一有系統之經濟觀點分析:將軟體產業特殊之競爭策略層面考量與相關網路外部性理論經濟模型推論、驗證過程透過本文架構重新整合,發展出不同於一般管理文獻論述之方式以建立微軟獨佔地位之經濟理論基礎。第二部份針對微軟破壞競爭規範等違法行為作研究,主要針對微軟1998年對網景之反托拉斯此案,以美國司法部公布之事實認定書與休曼法為基礎,加以延申並做詳盡之探討。第三部分則針對微軟被宣判違反反托拉斯法後,政府在網際網路時代下執行反托拉斯法以回復競爭規範之角色、補救原則、措施做一探討並與AT&T案例比較;最後並提出兩種分割方式經濟模型分析與最適分割條件之政策性建議。 / The CEO of Red-Hat Linux, Robert Yang, has made such comments on the behavior of Microsoft that:” Microsoft is very bad, but very successful.” This thesis mainly focuses on three parts. The first part is to clarify the reasons why Microsoft is so successful and analyze its monopolistic position on personal computer operating system market in light of a systematic、economic method combining strategic competitive characteristics of software industry with economic theories of network externalities, making its foundations of monopoly and distinguish from general managerial arguments through the framework of this thesis. The second part primarily focuses on the antitrust case of Microsoft’s behavior against Netscape proposed by DOJ in 1998. Basing on the DOJ’s findings of fact and the antitrust law of Sherman act, we made explorative research on the case. The third part is to explore the role、principles and methods of antitrust remedy enforcements by government under the era of networks and Internet and compare with the AT&T case in 1982. Finally, we compare between two different ways that divide Microsoft into two companies in light of economic analysis and propose policy recommendation about condition that will optimize upon exploiting such remedy method.

中國大陸反壟斷法對於外資企業經營知識產權之影響 / The Impacts of China’s Antimonopoly Law on Foreign Investment Enterprises Operating Intellectual Property Rights

林佳蓉, Lin, Chia-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
近年外資在中國投資日益增多,成為中國政府所重視的經濟政策導向之一,改革開放後,相關法制和制度逐漸健全,藉以吸引更多的外國資金流入,帶動中國經濟蓬勃發展。 中國大陸反壟斷法於2008年8月1日正式生效,對於外資企業造成一定程度的影響,特別是對於外資企業併購所涉及的經營者集中和濫用知識產權所造成的市場支配地位,在反壟斷法施行後,受到全球欲投資中國的外資矚目。 外資在中國欲從事相關的併購和商業行為,除了中國特殊固有的國情外,加以中國知識產權之保護與反壟斷法之立法,讓外資受到相關的限制。中國國情特殊、市場廣大,在政治和經濟上的影響力不可小覷,各國都希望拓展大陸市場,而運用知識產權的排他性為取得市場支配地位最快速的手段,但如何與中國反壟斷法衡平,避免受到有關機關的反壟斷審查以及懲罰,是外資在進入中國市場時需要考慮的要點。 本文企圖從可口可樂收購匯源、中國微軟黑屏事件兩個案例分析中,歸納出中國政府對於外資併購和壟斷所採取之態度,以及中國反壟斷法與知識產權適用上的平衡交錯,並且在結論與建議上提供外資及台商在反壟斷法施行後經營知識產權所應當留意之處。 / In recent years, foreign investments in China have been increasing because of Chinese Government's economic policy and global economic trends. The gradually improved investment regulations in legal system and environment attract more and more foreign capital inflows, and led China's economy to flourish. China’s antimonopoly law had effect on August 1, 2008, and had great impacts on foreign enterprises, especially in mergers and acquisitions and market power to which is contributed by the exercises of intellectual property rights. Foreign companies must consider China's special national conditions. Besides, protections of China's intellectual property rights and anti-trust legislations also exercise restraints on foreign investments in China. All countries want to develop the market in China, while the exclusive use of intellectual property rights in order to achieve a dominant market position is the most rapid means, but how the Chinese anti-monopoly law equitable to the exclusive IPR would be the key point. Foreign investors who are entering the Chinese market need to consider the main points of the authority concerned in antitrust law reviewing and punishments. From the acquisition case of Coca-Cola and Huiyuan and Microsoft case in China, this thesis attempts to draw a conclusion of what attitudes towards foreign companies Chinese Government would take in the future.In order to summarize how to balance China's anti-monopoly law and intellectual property rights for foreign mergers and acquisitions. Also, remind Taiwanese investor of business tips from the legal and business points of view.

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