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不動產時效取得相關問題之法律經濟分析葉秦寧, Yeh,Chin-ning Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣稅式支出之研究--有關所得稅部份之探討葉英財, YE, YING-CAI Unknown Date (has links)
一九六八年主管美國租稅政策的助理財政部長沙瑞(Stanley S. Surry)首先提出稅
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廠商研究發展行為的租稅獎勵效果顏國裕, YAN, GUO-YU Unknown Date (has links)
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國稅稽徵行政救濟管理效能之研究:以財政部台北市國稅局為例戴平郎, Tai Ping-Lang Unknown Date (has links)
從這些重要的發現,本研究提出幾項建議供相關機關及人員做為參考,並提引出未來待更進一步研究的方向。 / The enhancement of government administrative efficiency to satisfy public demand has been of paramount concern to public administration. Tax administration is a very special part of government work because of its close connection to the general public. This is why the constitution has been particularly designed to make tax legal positivism, one of the most important administrative principles in modern democratic Taiwan. Tax administrative remedy is a balancing measure between the fundamental rights and obligations of taxpayers. However, in recent years, disputes over tax administrative measures have become commonplace, with the number of cases still on the rise. The new laws-the Petition law and the Administrative Litigation Law-went into effect on July 1, 2000, and the Administrative Procedure Law was Promulgated on January 1, 2001. How such laws, designed to the rights of citizens, will affect government administrative efficiency, especially in tax administration, is worth pondering, Whether disputes can be resolved through improved management remains to be seen. The aim of this study is to provide an economic analysis of tax administration from a legal viewpoint and suggest ways in which it may to rationalized according to the evolution of the legal system, of what is to make the tax administrative remedy effectively meet the principles of fairness and justice while developing and enhancing efficiency so as to make the tax administrative remedy system more comprehensive.
This thesis uses the remedy of national tax collection as a proxy for tax administrative remedy. Furthermore, the organization of the National Tax Administration of Taipei, Ministry of Finance and its administrative remedy are cited for examples. This study course scientific principle, organization, authorization, and remedy, collocated with theory, scientific principle and practice. It includes information gleaned from interviews with concerned personnel and explores issues related to management efficiency concerning the tax administrative remedy of national tax collection. The findings include the following: 1) Due to information asymmetry, communication with and management of agencies are more important than direct management of tax collection personnel or taxpayers; 2) There is an urgent need for legalizing the arbitration system in areas such as compromise and negotiation; and 3) The ultimate results of the tax administrative remedy show improvement in the enforcement of the law by administrative units. An analysis of a 2-year period indicates that taxpayers win approximately one out of 100 cases. This serves as a good reference as taxpayers must first evaluate whether it is necessary to file an administrative remedy petition.
From these important discoveries, this study raises a few suggestions for the reference of related government agencies and staff. In addition, this study points out the possible direction of future studies.
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台糖土地釋出之政治經濟分析 / Political Economics Analysis on the Land Release of Taisugar Corporation黃舒衛, Huang, Shu-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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「智慧」是憲法所保障的財產權嗎?以著作權法為中心論智慧財產權之憲法基礎陳正和 Unknown Date (has links)
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民間參與捷運場站土地開發模式之制度經濟分析簡龍鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所獲致之結論包括:(1)民間參與捷運場站土地開發制度得以代理理論、權力面向及賽局理論一窺全貌;(2)制度的賽局均衡觀得以降低因徵收土地開發之代理與權力交互關係對資源配置效率之衝擊;(3)模擬分析民間參與之代理與賽局整合模型具可操作性並可運用於實務界。再者,本研究所提出之建議包括:(1)建構政府與民間機構之代理模型俾以降低委託代理問題;(2)建構政府與所有權人之制度賽局模型俾以達成自願交易;(3)建構代理規範與制度賽局之整合模型以維護所有權人參與土地開發之權益。 / “Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Public Infrastructure Projects” provides a mechanism for the private sector to develop the land for any public infrastructure project so that the financial self-liquidating ratio may be increased. The financial concept of BOT projects in Taiwan, such as HSR and MRT, is to recoup the cost of the infrastructure project by land development revenues. Indeed, the public concerns focus on the revenues, which depend on the institution and scale of development. However, the revenues depend on the scale of development and effect of the agent’s efforts. While the information asymmetry exists, there may arise the issues of agency and power control.
The institution of the MRT station development provides a diversity of land development, including cooperation development, expropriation development and application development. The development issue has switched from government-led development approaches to the interaction between the government and landowners. As for the payoff function of their strategy combination, it depends on the right distribution rate and feedback payment. In the MRT station development institution exists a form of strategic game.
Therefore, how to establish an institutional economic analysis model takes agency norm, and involves decision-making and equilibrium, which forms the criterion, serving as a key to promote the private participation in MRT station development. This study attempts: First, to analyze the private participation in MRT station development based on the agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. Second, to explore the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. Third, to establish an integrated model of both the agent and the game, which by equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions reach a mutual agreement among the government, private sector, and landowners. Finally, case simulation.
It is concluded that, (1) the institution of the private participation MRT station development may be fully reviewed by agency theory, power dimension, and game theory. (2) the equilibrium-of–the-game view of institutions may reduce the impact on the allocation efficiency of resources under the interaction effect of agent and power. (3) by case simulation found that the integrated model of both agent and game is available. It is suggested that, (1) to establish an agency model for both the government and private sector serves to solve agency issues. (2) to establish an institutional game model for both the government and landowner functions as voluntary exchanges. (3) to establish an integrated model of both agent and game helps to keep landowner on the rights of participation in MRT station development.
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環境議題的政治經濟分析-以聯合國氣候綱要公約在臺灣的實踐為個案研究 / The Political Economy of the Environment Issue-a case study on the practice of the UNFCCC in Taiwan劉雅娟, Liu, Ya-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係透過聯合國氣候綱要公約在臺灣的實踐為個案研究來就環境政策形成過程為政治經濟分析。首先,先就環境問題的原因與特徵及國際環境意識形成的政治經濟因素為介紹。為了個案研究,也檢視了國際環境法在全球暖化議題的發展來了解國際的發展方向,再就臺灣的國內環境政策與國際環境政策為了解以提供本研究的背景資料。透過深度訪談來就組織、法令及政策來探討聯合國氣候綱要公約在臺灣的實踐。本研究發現,組織的設計仍有部分限制,相關法令尚未全面的檢視,政策則缺乏一上位的指導綱領。由於政治及經濟因素均對環境政策的發展扮演著重要的角色,臺灣未來有關全球暖化政策的發展取決於執政黨的決心與執行力。 / This study explores the political economy behind the environmental policy making process through a case study of Taiwan’s practice of the UNFCCC. First, this study analyzes the reasons and characteristics of environmental problems, as well as the political economy of the formation of international environment awareness. For the case study, the development of international environment law toward global warming is reviewed to clarify international trends in dealing with this problem. Next, the author analyzes two aspects of Taiwan’s environmental policy: domestic environmental policy and international environmental policy in the past fifty years to give background information of Taiwan’s global warming policy. Then, through in-depth interviews, an examination of organization, legislation, and policy aspects of the UNFCCC practice in Taiwan is conducted to understand how the policy implements. The conclusions are as followed: (1) Institution settings for Taiwan’s global warming policies still have some limitations and need to be reviewed. (2) Although some GHG reduction regulations have already been sent to the Legislative Yuan to be reviewed, the government has yet to carry out overwhelming legal evaluation in all aspects to address the climate change issues. (3) Policy lacks superior guidelines laying out the direction for whole country to follow and implement. After all, political and economic factors both play influential roles in the development of environmental policy. Taiwan’s future action regarding global warming still depends on the determination and executive ability of the new ruling party.
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不純正不作為犯之作為義務研究 / Research of obligation to act from derivative omission offences魏國晉, Wei, Kuo-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
為檢驗本文透過個人與社會實際需求所進行之假設是否符合現代社會之實際需求,本文假設刑事法學界所承認之刑法作為義務與保證人地位,若多數吸納原屬於其他社會制度之人際關係,則多數刑法作為義務態樣之原型,應全部得透過本文回溯社會群體、個人需求的最初假設,而得出符合本文觀察之解釋。最後,於本文第四章之結論中,確實得出與本文理想圖像相契合之論證結論。申言之,當代諸多被刑法作為義務吸納之保證人地位,多數均存在本文所稱作為義務人得自履行救助義務直接得利之特徵,而使本文第三章所提之觀察與假設,有其實際論證基礎。至於無法透過本文假設所詮釋之保證人地位,如「危險前行為」、「自願承擔義務」,本文亦指出其法理基礎乃源自於第二章已提及不可論證之先驗性思考,而有斟酌其適當性之必要。 / Germany and Taiwan’s criminal law researching have long troubled derivative Omission Offences with its core “Criminal duty of care”. Until today, the study of derivative Omission Offences has been a hundred years, yet it is still difficult to solve the problem of circular argument and lacking of basis.
Based on the great foundation of our country and the German doctrine, this paper has confirmed that the all the discussion so far has failed to achieve the goal of solving the problem successfully. This article tries to give the “Criminal duty of care” the most practical and consistent legal basis through the most direct way, by using “Economic Analysis of law” as Legal method. When we regard criminal law as an obligation as a social system, there are several economic features that can be used to answer our questions. Finally, we have the assumption that why Derivative Omission Offences exists and how it works, and this is a hypothesis that is of practical significance and takes into account cost allocation.
In order to test whether our hypothesis is consistent with the current situation, this article one by one to dismantle the existing “state of protection”, and confirm that all “state of protection” are in line with our assumptions. In other words, all the obligors who choose through “Criminal duty of care” are to allocate the cost of fulfilling the obligation to protect. As for the “Criminal duty of care” does not meet the assumptions of this hypothesis, such as the creation of dangerous pre-behavior, voluntary commitment, this article also successfully demonstrated why they can not fit, and they are a lack of basic theory.
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競爭法對於搭售行為之規範 / Tying Arrangements under the Competition Law楊宏暉, Yang, Hung-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
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