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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

歐洲主要市場奈米科技產品之商業化 / Nano technology product commercialization in key european markets

何淑珊, Sampath, Shubha Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲主要市場奈米科技產品之商業化 / Objectives of the research: To identify commercial possibilities and develop an entry strategy for Nano technology product in the healthcare segment for key Western European markets. To investigate the Benelux and German customer landscape by collecting data via hospital and field expert interviews. To compile the research findings to formulate the Europe market entry strategy and provide future recommendations. Executive Summary This paper sets out to research the European market entry possibilities of ‘Nano technology Product’, an antimicrobial surface treatment that uses nano-scale technology to kill bacteria and viruses upon contact. Through face-to-face interviews with infectious disease professionals in the hospital environment, a research was conducted to understand, what needs end-users have and which procedures and products are currently employed. Furthermore, the research aimed to reveal how aware potential customers are about nanotechnology in general and ‘Nano technology Product’ in specific, what institutions govern the landscape and how end users’ budgets are set. Based on an analysis of the institutional landscape in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, a recommended market entry strategy is created for the ‘Nano technology Product’.

探討捷克與美國對科技新聞報導之異同:以奈米科技為例 / A comparative study of how the press covers nanotechnology in Czech Republic and United States

茂瑞德, Materna, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
奈米科技被認為在不同的領域都能帶來重大好處,例如醫藥發展、水、土壤或土淨化、資訊和通信基礎設施等方面。奈米科技也可用來製造的更強韌、更輕巧的材料,這也是為什麼政府和許多公司行號願意投注大量的資金來發展奈米科技。而這當中,媒體扮演了至關重要的角色,因為媒體對於奈米科技的報導,不僅會影響人們對此科技的印象與知識,更有可能影響政府的決策。因此,瞭解媒體如何報導奈米科技,甚至不同國家的報紙是否反映在地經濟與文化背景,實在是個不可忽略的重要研究問題。藉由分析美國與捷克的三家平面媒體從2000年至2010年共計150則新聞,本研究發現,以整體故事的基調而言,美國和捷克記者對奈米科技大都持肯定態度。此外,他們頻繁地使用「進步框架」,強調此科技未來的潛力,這三個報紙所報導的關於奈米科技的優點也遠遠超過風險,在這些媒體所提到的少數風險當中,較受到注意的是「未知」和「醫療」方面的風險。關於消息來源,大學的教職員和科學家是記者最常訪問的對象。這項研究有助於瞭解科學和社會的互動。藉由分析處於不同社會、政治和文化背景之下的媒體,本研究對於不同的社會環境如何理解一項新興科技,提供了有價值的見解。 / Nanotechnologies seem to have potential to bring significant benefits in diverse areas such as pharmaceuticals development, water, soil or earth decontamination, information and communication infrastructures, and the production of stronger, lighter and better nanomaterials. It is also what attracts investment from both governments and private sectors in nanotechnologies. Media play a crucial role in this dynamic. Based on these facts, it will be interesting to examine media coverage of nanotechnology to see if it reflects different economic and cultural context. Analyzing 150 news stories from 2000 to 2010, I found that American and Czech press was largely positive about nanotechnology in terms of overall story tone. Furthermore, not only did they portray the technology as having the potential to bring about progress (the progress frame), the examined newspapers also emphasized a lot more benefits than risks, with a focus on unspecified or yet unknown ones and medical. As far as news sources are concerned, university employees and scientists as well as general sources were consulted most frequently by the journalists in the United States and the Czech Republic. This study contributes to the discussions about how science and society interact. By analyzing media content in different social, political, and cultural contexts, this study provides valuable insights into how an emerging technology is understood in different societies. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

台灣建立醫藥科技評估(HTA)制度之研究 / Research on the HTA mechenism in Taiwan

陳如如, Chen, Ju-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
建立一個評估創新醫療科技是否具價值的機制,並將評估結果作為公共政策制定或管理的依據,牽涉的範圍包括產業、科技、醫學、管理、經濟、民眾等面向,影響的層面不僅只政府及人民的需求,還可能涉及產業界龐大的商業利益與競爭壓力,甚至影響未來的科技進展走向,不同面向之利害關係人及各參與群體的立場或理念往往不同,甚至敏感對立,各種可控制及不可控制的因果關聯也極為複雜。除相關的利害關係人群體間因立場不一致,可能產生衝突而影響政策之可行性外,還面臨各方對醫療科技評估角色、相關制度規劃及執行模式等制度建立之要素是否有共識、研究能力及科學基礎是否足夠、基礎環境是否已完備等,都是制度能否建立及有效運作之影響變因。 本研究針對我國建立醫療科技評估之政策可行性,及連帶牽動之制度架構規劃與執行運作設計等面向之相關影響變數,進行不同利害關係人群體間之意見分析,以深入訪談政府單位、學者專家及產業界代表的方式,探討我國發展HTA制度之最主要的爭議點,並參酌國際經驗,提出我國如何平順進行醫療科技評估之建議。 自訪談中發現台灣發展HTA最可能面對的問題為產業界對此政策的疑慮和反彈壓力;各利害團體間對HTA角色、定位、評估方法、判斷標準及研究報告如何使用之認知與共識;制度面的完整規劃及運作;HTA對中小型企業可能造成的衝擊;本土資料缺乏、人才不足、及使用者對HTA報告沒有信心等。 因此本研究將依據研究發現與討論,嘗試自我國建立HTA之政策可行性、發展HTA之法規環境、HTA執行模式及相關運作規劃等面向,提出研究結論與可行建議: 研究結論 壹、針對我國建立HTA之政策可行性的探討: 由國際各區域的HTA發展情形可知HTA已為國際趨勢,雖然產業界與政府及學者專家對我國是否有必要發展HTA機制有二極的看法,本研究經研討後認為政府有義務介入新醫療科技的發展和使用,以確保民眾獲得及使用醫療資源的可近性與可靠性,再加上HTA方法學可協助提供充分且可靠的資訊,協助並增進決策制定的品質,因此國內有建立HTA機制的必要性與需要性,目前亦為國內開始推動HTA的適合時機。 貳、針對我國發展HTA之法規環境及HTA執行模式之探討: 推動HTA機制須否設立法源及明確的法規,本研究經研討後認為初始的推動過程中,以行政命令的方式推動會較有效率,但當最後社會共識形成,國內環境成熟後,建立法源依據對推動及落實仍有其需要性,因為包括相關研究如何公開及如何使用,都會涉及到權利義務,一旦研究內容有所爭議,也才較具裁量的空間及效力。至於立法的方式,單獨立法或初期附屬在一個法之下,或初期以軟性方式描述,隨著國內的HTA報告之參考性逐漸被認可及能產生效應,再階段性演進為硬性規範,都是可行的方式。 而在執行模式的探討上,由研究結果可知,科學、透明、公正,具有公信力,是各界對HTA報告之最重要的要求,至於執行單位,則不限政府單位設立的財團法人、學術界、社團學會、研究中心或產業界等都可以執行。至於HTA機制與目前決策委員會間角色功能的探討,因為科學能提供的是有限證據,仍需要各領域專家就其經驗提供實務意見,政策單位再考量其特定的政策或政治目的,將科學證據、實務經驗與政治考量結合,進行最後的決策。觀諸國際經驗,大多數以國家力量執行HTA的國家,雖然都已設立具法律依據、獨立的科學專責機構執行HTA的評估或研究,但是中央政策單位仍會組織相關的委員會進行督導或審議。因此,以專家委員會協助決策制定的機制在短時間內是不會改變的方式,HTA評估機制也無法完全取代專家經驗。 參、對於我國HTA運作規劃之探討: 1. 研究能力 相對於我國有已建置之健保資料庫,各國也都面臨研究所需之資訊不足的問題,因此國際各國的HTA機制除了專職的評估或研究人員外,也聘請了許多的專家顧問或外審人力,整個機制中也含括許多的專家委員會,及與學研界間之合作管道;而除了各國本身的機制外,國際間也成立了許多的HTA合作網絡及跨國的HTA學會,以期增進針對HTA相關知識與經驗之合作研究及資訊分享。國內除善用國際資源及建立與學研單位間的合作管道外,我國機制中若能由政府投資經費並出面協調與整合相關的HTA組織,含括學界、醫界及HTA機構共同進行整合性應用研究,甚至將相關需求以國際競標的方式,請國際專家來幫忙,則可望各界均有機會自實案中逐步學習與累積相關研究實力。由政府投資經費進行整合性應用研究的好處是可避免學界依靠廠商的捐款或補助進行研究,而使HTA的研究成果失去公正客觀。除相關機制的建立外,研究人員可嘗試於已建置的健保資料庫取得抽樣資料,依不同狀況建立假說,進行不同可能性的模型推估。 至於需否制定政策誘因,以激發產業界願意投入,共同產生國內目前不足的本土流行病學資料或新科技適當使用的指引規範。自研究中之訪談結果顯示,雖然目前政策單位已就如何訂立鼓勵政策進行相關可行性設計,但若能先將制度的透明度及一致性做好,產業界能預期效果,自動就會投入,且若政策重視好的本土數據,並能在決策上看到效果及影響,則學術界、學會等自然也會願意付出行動,各方面能量就會很快的啟動。 2. 研究執行 國內執行HTA研究,不需要開發自我的方法學,因為國際公認的方法學已經過演進,能接受挑戰,且研究結果較能被國際標準認同。 由於進行一個HTA評估需耗費相當的人力、時間、金錢,在資源有限的情形下,HTA資源的運用需有其優先順序之安排;觀諸國際經驗,各國的HTA機制對於研究議題的產出也有不同的方式,若自新藥是否納入給付之層面而言,我國與國際各國類似,工作計畫單純來自政府委託評估的個案。但對於醫療照護領域相關之公共政策議題的研究,我國尚未發展出民眾及基層醫療人員參與提出健康照護相關議題之機制,是否朝更開放透明的全民社會參與的機制進行設計,因涉及整個運作流程的效率問題,可由政策主管單位視需要性進行研議。但研究結果完成後應有周延的檢討,且對於現行使用中的科技也應有定期檢視的機制。 3. 政策運行方式 建議建構溝通平台,邀集各界討論及溝通,進行各方面意見的整合,使產業界去敏感性並願意尋求合作利基。溝通平台的發起及召集者,應由政策主導單位擔任。各項法令的定義及標準的設立,主政機構能連動可用資源及最終期望能達到的目標進行整體的策略思考,避免因片段的決策,衍生其他額外問題,同時盡量避免過多模糊的空間,以使產業界為其產品進行策略規劃時能有清楚明確的依據,並能預期可能結果。 / Perspectives from industry, technology, medicine, management, economics and people are essential to the establishing of an innovative health technology assessment (HTA) mechanism for the purpose to placing the assessment results as a basis of public policy decision-making. The impacts of an innovative HTA mechanism were not only occurred to the government and people's needs but also to huge commercial interests and competitions, and even to the future progression of science & technology of a country. Different stakeholders might have different thoughts and standpoints and these conflicts might lead to the failure of a HTA mechanism at the end. In addition to that roles of HTA, consensus on important components for planning & executing models, capabilities of research & groundwork of science, infrastructure etc. all are influencing factors to the establishment and the successful operation of a HTA mechanism of a country. The purposes of the study were to explore the policy possibility and the factors connected to the system planning and operation design of HTA mechanism in Taiwan. Comprehensive literature review and in-deep interviews to the experts from government, academia and industry affiliates were executed to discover the most critical points. A potential HTA mechanism in Taiwan has been projected after the considerations of global experiences and the study findings. Study revealed that the most important issue of the HTA mechanism in Taiwan was the nervousness and the opposition from the industry. In addition to that consensus has not been reached on the roles, position, methods of assessment, criteria of judgment, and even the usage of reports of the HTA. How to establish a comprehensive planning and operation system, potential impacts of HTA to small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, lack of domestic data, insufficient person of talent, and no confidence to the HTA reports from the users etc. were all important factors exposed by this study and have to be resolved in the future. Conclusion of the study was provided as below: 1. Aspect of the policy possibility: Although there existed different opinions on the HTA mechanism in Taiwan among industry, government and academia the necessity and essentiality of HTA mechanism were recognized and currently was a suitable time to endorse such a mechanism in Taiwan. However under current situations where consensus not reached for the roles of HTA, lack of persons with talents and experiences the most practical ways in this early beginning stage were to cultivate people and to go through learning process. By following the acceptance of HTA report and the appearance of important issues concerned by the society roles and directions of the HTA in Taiwan would be consolidated. Why and how to bridge HTA results to policy decision-making was under discussion and construction presently. Nevertheless purely scientific assessment was emphasized to maintain its entirely objective standpoint of the HTA. Otherwise bias or policy leading will happened and the accountability of the HTA in Taiwan will be lost. 2. Aspect of the regulation envirement:Whether explicit law and regulation wanted for the endorsement of HTA mechanism had debates with different thoughts and rationales. Study revealed that affecting with political order has been the most efficiency way presently. However in the long run law or regulation will be desired as the HTA environment been established and society consensus been attained. Considering the modes of legislation on matter single legislation, attended to current law, or graduated from soft guidance to consolidated law all were sufficient. 3. Aspect of the executing model: The most significant requirements to HTA executing models and HTA reports were scientific, transparency, justice and accountability. SOPs of HTA research were recommended to set up as the environment of HTA conduction in Taiwan been matured. Accreditation mechanism applied to HTA researcher and HTA institution was also suggested. Field experts to provide professional opinions were crucial owing to the limitation of scientific evidences. For the positioning of HTA experiences from experts will not be wholly replaced by the HTA mechanism, therefore by using experts committee to help for decision making will not be changed in short time. 4. Aspect of the operation planning: In front of shortage of data and expertise in Taiwan one recommendation was to retrieve data from the national health insurance database while models can be explored under different assumptions. Different levels of assessment reports may have their levels of value for references. As experience and capability increased, related database built up and as time moving forward the deficiency of data can be enhanced. In addition to that networking with research institutes domestically and internationally was essential seeing that the extension of resources. Government should lead to coordinate and to integrate related HTA organizations and to invest money for the research of the integration. Incentive scheme to related parities was not suggested right away. More important facets were the transparency and the consistence of the system. If the final consequences of the HTA in Taiwan are predictable and then the industry will have their input. And if good research can be acknowledged by the policy and the impacts on the decision-making can be recognized then the academia and related associations will have their actions. After all powers from different sources will be initialed. It was not necessary to determine self-owned HTA methodology in Taiwan but just followed the global standards because HTA methodologies have developed for a period of time and by this way the results found in Taiwan can be accepted globally. HTA assessment is resources consuming while lots of human resources, time and money required. Since resources are scare the utilization of HTA resources should has its priority setting. A mechanism to have people or basic health care workers to provide health care issues was not been developed in Taiwan. Considering the efficiency of operation whether to design a more transparency mechanism with whole society participation can be considered by the authorities according to the demands in the future. Comprehensive evaluation to the HTA results and routinely assessment to the technologies in uses were also recommended. Plate-form of communication was suggested to construct to invite related parties for discussion and for connection. If opinions can be integrated and the susceptibility from industry can be released then a cooperation foundation can be built. To initial and to chair of the plate-form should be the responsibilities of the authorities. Comprehensive strategic planning including definition of the regulations, establishment of the guidance was critical to the authorities to avoid pieces of decision-making, surprised problems and too much uncertain room occurred. By this way the industry will have unambiguous basis with predictable outcomes to make strategic planning for their innovative medicinal products.


蕭幼嵐 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的資訊業廠商的確處於一個成長快速的環境,企業本身必須要能夠不斷地創新、淘汰舊產品、創立新事業,以因應環境的變化,同時維持公司成長的動力。與先進國家的企業比較起來,國內的高科技公司在創新事業方面似乎經驗更是不足。因此本研究以成長率高於產業平均代準的八家資訊業廠商為個案研究的對象,探討它們在兩大情境構面因素-新事業與原組織的相關程度及原組織的演化度下,建立新事業的過程與作法。 本研究論文所得到之主要的研究發現如下: 一、原組織的演化度高且企業發展與原來事業相關程度高的新事業時,企業會藉用組織內部原有的各種資源。 二、原組織演化度高且企業發展與原組織相關程度低的新事業時,企業會自組織外部尋找技術及人員,同時延用內部的管理制度與經驗。 三、原組織的演化度低且企業發展與原組織相關程度高的新事業時,企業會運用內部的技術及人員。在新事業營運階段時,企業的新事業與原事業整合。 四、原組織的演化度低且企業發展與原組織相關程度低的新事業,企業會在新事業的發展過程中,不斷地調整、學習以及制度化。 五、在新事業初期發展階段時,企業的新事業組織獨立。而原組織的演化度高時,在新事業營運階段時,企業的新事業組織獨立。 六、原組織的演化度低,則新事業產品構想及資訊主要來自組織外部;原組織的演化度高,則新事業產品構想及資訊主要來自組織內部。 七、原組織演化度低,則企業發展新事業時,先投入銷售活動,再陸績投入研發及生產活動;原組織演化度高,則企業發展新事業時,先投入研發活動,接著生產及銷售活動。


古麗雅, R. Gulfia Fakhretdinova Unknown Date (has links)

台灣生物醫藥科技產業發展之現況及對策 / The Status Quo and Countermeasures of the Development of Biomedical Technology Industry in Taiwan

陳立人 Unknown Date (has links)

桃園縣國民中學校長科技領導與學校效能關係之研究 / Research of the relationship between technology leadership and school effectiveness of junior high school principals in Taoyuan County

蔡瑞倫, Tsai, Jui-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣公立國民中學校長科技領導與學校效能的現況,並分別針對不同教師個人背景變項和學校環境變項在校長科技領導與學校效能上差異情形加以探討;其次分析兩者之間相關情形;最後則針對其預測力進行分析。本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣公立國民中學教師為調查和分析的對象,編製「國民中學校長科技領導與學校效能相關之研究調查問卷」進行調查,抽取桃園縣59所公立國民中學之567位國中教師為樣本,蒐集的資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後考驗法、皮爾遜積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。研究結果如下: 一、桃園縣公立國民中學校長科技領導與學校效能之現況均屬中上良好程度。 二、桃園縣公立國民中學校長科技領導會因教師性別、年齡、年資、職務、學 校規模變項之不同,而有顯著差異情形;至於學歷、學校歷史變項,則無 差異。 三、桃園縣公立國民中學學校效能會因教師性別、年齡、年資、學歷、職務、 學校規模變項之不同,而有顯著差異情形;至於學校歷史變項,則無差 異。 四、桃園縣公立國民中學校長科技領導與整體學校效能具有顯著相關。 五、桃園縣公立國民中學校長科技領導對學校效能各層面具有高度預測力。 最後依據文獻探討,及上述之研究結論,提出以下建議,做為教育行政機關,國民中學校長,以及後續研究之參考。 壹、對教育行政單位的建議 一、提供國中校長科技領導之專業訓練,加強其科技領導能力,列為校長 職前與在職培訓課程。 二、將校長科技領導與學校效能納入學校校務評鑑。 三、提供學校必要的科技化教學設施與經費。 貳、對國民中學校長的建議 一、強化科技願景,妥善規劃資訊設施,加強溝通協調,提昇科技領導滿 意度。 二、整合不同意見,轉化教師心智模式,組成同儕成長團隊。 三、設置「知識管理團隊」及「知識教育平台」,進行專業分享與成長。 叁、對未來後續研究之建議 一、研究的地區可擴大到其他地區或學校層級,做跨縣市或跨學校層級之 比較。 二、研究的對象可增加教育局長,教育行政人員,做不同研究對象之比較。 三、研究的工具可增加「國民中學校長科技領導與學校效能關係半結構式 訪談問題」,以補本研究工具之不足。 關鍵詞:科技領導、校長科技領導、學校效能 / This research is to comprehend the current status of technology leadership and school effectiveness of public junior high school principals in Taoyuan County, in addition, to discuss the diverseness of technology leadership and school effectiveness of school principals to be aimed at background variables of individual teachers and school environment variables; moreover, to analyze the relationship between both factors; finally, to analyze the forecast ability of both factors. This research investigated and analyzed public junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County by questionnaires of [Related research questionnaire of the relationship between technology leadership and school effectiveness of junior high school principals], randomly selected 567 teachers form 59 public junior high schools in Taoyuan County as samples, collected data were analyzed by using statistics methods such as t-test, one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Scheffé Post Hoc, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple-regression -analysis etc., and gained following results: 一、Current status of the technology leadership and school effectiveness of public junior high school principals in Taoyuan County are in fairly good level. 二、The technology leadership and school effectiveness of public junior high school principals in Taoyuan County show significant diversities according to variables such as teacher’s age, seniority, post, scale of school etc.; other variables such as sex, academic background, school history etc. did not show diversities. 三、The school effectiveness of public junior high schools in Taoyuan County show significant diversities according to variables such as teacher’s age, seniority, post, scale of school etc.; other variables such as sex, academic background, school history etc. did not show diversities. 四、The technology leadership and the whole school effectiveness of public junior high school principals in Taoyan County are significantly related. 五、The technology leadership of public junior high school principals in Taoyuan County have high forecast abilities toward school effectiveness in every level. Finally, by literatures discussions and the conclusion of above research to make following suggestions, as references for educational administrative administrations, junior high school principals and follow-up researches. 一、Suggestions to educational administrative administrations: 1.To provide professional trainings of technology leadership for junior high school principals, to increase the technology leadership ability and make it as pre-post and on-the-job principals training programs. 2.To add technology leadership and school effectiveness into school administration evaluation. 3.To provide efficient facilities and budgets for scientific teaching for schools. 二、Suggestions to junior high school principals: 1.To strengthen technology prospects, well planning information facilities, improving communications and co- ordination, increase technology leadership satisfaction. 2.To integrate different opinions, converting teacher’s mental models, forming a same generation growing team. 3.To allocate [knowledge management team] and [knowledge education platform], proceeding professional sharing and growth. 三、Suggestions to follow-up researches: 1.The research area can be expended to other areas or different levels of schools, in order to make comparisons between counties, cities or school levels. 2.The research target can include the Minister of Education, educational administrative staffs, in order to make comparisons between different research targets. 3.The researching tools can add [The relationship between technology leadership of junior high school principals and school effectiveness semi-structural interview questions], in order to complement the researching tools of this research. Keywords: technology leadership, principals technology leadership , school effectiveness

電子書包: 教學科技發展歷程中的政治

田瑞華, Tien, Jui Hua Unknown Date (has links)
2002年中,政府擬在中小學推行「電子書包教學」之訊息開始廣泛為新聞媒體報導,帶動社會大眾關注。「電子書包」彷佛是繼教育電視、電腦輔助教學之後,另一個運用科技進行教學的里程碑。然而,本論文認為,不可一昧地將電子書包的出現和發展視為理所當然,而應探討其發展歷程和影響其中轉變的權力(即政治)運作,方能瞭解電子書包問世和停滯的問題所在。 不同於過去文獻探討教學科技發展時,多著重教學科技的工具性角色與其影響,忽略了科技發展所牽涉的社會條件與社會關係運作,本論文採取科技與社會相互建構、共同構成一個整體的立場,並採取「科技框架」為研究概念、個案研究作為研究方法,分析電子書包的意義如何在社會與科技相互建構的過程中產生和轉變,以及其中的權力運作意涵。以此探討社會運作如何影響電子書包發展,也看社會和科技構成的整體又如何賦予或限制社會運作。 研究分析發現,整體而言,提倡或早期採用電子書包的社會團體成員,出自對創新科技運用的認同,仍將電子書包定義為用來達成教學/學習目的「工具」並重視討論其影響和應用方式;電子書包在官方與學界聯手推動下,進一步被界定為中小學生的學習工具,卻受到「電子書包」名稱蘊含的符號意義所限制、引發相關社會、教育爭議,為研究和推動工作帶來社會干擾和壓力,反限制原行動目的,於是便再欲以「行動學習載具」再正名,希望主導電子書包的「正確定義」。 然而,電子書包或說行動學習載具,雖透過教學實驗,讓更多相關社會團體開始互動,其各自對電子書包的定義和問題界定仍存在諸多岐見,相關行動者的行動或互動反而朝各自重視的方向進行、優先解決各自重視的問題,例如政府機關未能解決利益衝突問題而暫緩擴大實施、研究人員聚焦於完成研究工作、硬體廠商開發新市場以解決獲利問題等。也就是說,電子書包的定義要由具詮釋彈性到逐漸穩定下來、形成某種具共識的雛型、達到理想,仍待許多努力。行動者的各自的科技框架、市場利益、電子書包與教學情境的互相形塑,皆實際影響、限制了行動者選擇硬體的條件,甚至限制行動教學順利進行。

影響公司併購後資訊科技整合的成功因素 / The determinations of successful post-merger IT integration

林育琴 Unknown Date (has links)
公司經由併購可以迅速的達成企業的目標,例如加速擴張企業規模、橫跨多個市場;接收其他企業的關鍵技術(know-how)、產品和技能;或達到規模經濟。資訊科技整合是指兩個或多個公司的資訊系統、資訊科技基礎設施、資訊科技政策做整合,讓雙方更即時且便利的利用資訊系統取得資訊。本研究主要目的為探討公司在併購之後資訊科技整合的成功因素,透過過去併購和資訊科技相關文獻的分析並與台灣某電子零件通路商資訊長(CIO)的深度訪談,發現併購後資訊科技整合的成功因素有資訊科技因素的「資訊科技能力」、「資訊科技整合規劃」和「資訊科技與使用者的溝通」三個因素,以及組織因素的「資訊科技參與併購計畫的程度」和「高階管理人員的支持」兩個因素。若公司擁有強大的資訊科技能力、規劃完善的資訊科技整合流程以及公司的資訊科技與使用者有良好的的溝通、高階管理人員對資訊科技全力的支持,對併購後資訊科技整合成功有正面的影響,然而,資訊科技參與併購計畫的程度高低卻對併購後資訊科技整合成功的影響不大。過去許多文獻都建議公司做併購計畫的時候要考量彼此資訊科技整合的適合程度,本研究卻發現在變化快速與競爭激烈的電子零件通路商產業中,公司還是會以企業成長為最主要的考量,希望透過快速的併購方式來提升自己的競爭地位,等到併購協議達成之後才開始做組織的資訊科技整合,而公司的「資訊科技能力」可以彌補資訊科技參與併購計畫程度的不足,達到併購後資訊科技整合成功的目標。 / By way of merger and acquisition, the goal of enterprise can be quickly achieved by firms, such as rapid growing in firm’s size, increasing market shares, acquisition of know-how from other enterprises, products, skills or accomplishment of economy of scale. Integration of information technology refers to the combination of two or more companies’ information systems, IT infrastructures, and IT policies, which facilitates accessing to information from the systems more efficiently and conveniently to both sides. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the successful factors which may influence IT integration. With analyzing past literatures and an in-depth interview with a CIO of a distinguished IC component distributor in Taiwan, I realized that there are five factors playing critical roles in the integration of information technology including “IT competence”, “IT integration planning”, “Communication between IT and end-user”, “IT participation in merger planning”, and “Top management support”. If company owns strong IT capacities, perfect IT integration planning, good communication between IT and end-users, and full top management support, these factors will influence post-merger IT integration success in a positive manner. However, the degree of IT participation in merger planning has minor effect on post-merger IT integration success. Some researchers suggest that companies should take IT into consideration when they plan to conduct M&A, but this may not fit in the rapidly changing and intensely competing industry, such as IC component distributor. From their viewpoints, they often consider business growth the top priority. To acquire the competitive advantages, they would like to combine each other as soon as possible. IT integration will start until the merger contract is done. However, the capacity of powerful IT can be a complement to the lower degree of participation in merger planning. As a result, companies can also achieve the goal of successful IT integration.

中共科技政策之研究( 一九四九- 一九八三)

梅畢娜, MEI, BI-NA Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之重點在於分析中共科技政策,特別是從毛澤東死後至今之科技政策。起自科 技現代化是四個現代化實現基本條件,論文提出由中共新領導階層在四人幫跨台後所 擬定的現代化之計劃。然後並分析自中共成立後基本科技政策之原則,連帶介紹最重 要的科技研究及教育機構。同時論文分析科技政策自中國大陸經濟,財政情況和生產 需要的觀點,包括來自國外科技轉移及引進的國際政治之關係。最後論文提出有關中 共科技政策可能發展及趨向之一些觀點。

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