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銀行業徵信業務之研究(上)陳麗常 Unknown Date (has links)
筆者黍為銀行從業員工的一份子,先後在徵信及放款部門工作,故對如何健全徵信部門組織,改善徵信業務,以促進銀行徵信業務現代化之努力,實屬責無旁貸,義不容辭。而徵信業務的改進與促進銀行業務現代化方案各項,尤其是第五、六兩項均有直接間接的關係,愛以「銀行業徵信業務之研究」 為題,撰寫本文。
本文所論,乃是就以上各項業務擇要探討,雖不能巨細靡遺,至少力求提綱挈領。全文計分十章。第一章緒論簡述銀行之意義,業務範圍,信用之意義,分類和功能,銀行的授信與徵信,以及徵信業務之歷史發展。第二章討論銀行徵信部門之組織。包括組織之原理與型態,徵信業務之內涵等問題,並列舉美國大通、花旗等銀行之徵信業務,以窺大要。第三章泛論一般信用調查業務,主要為信用調查的意義,次序及其內容,信用資料的來源,借款用途及遠款財源的調查,擔保品的調查等項,其中尤以擔保品的調查一節因種類較多,內容較繁,所佔篇幅頗多。第四、五、六三章乃是就管理、財務及經濟三大要素,評估申請受信客戶之信用風險。按此理論源自德類克(Milton Drake) 氏的「銀行家如何評估信用風險」(How.a Banker Evaluate a Credit Risk)一文,廣為銀行界所接受。緣股份有限公司普遍發展之後,原用以評估個人或獨資,合夥企業用的三○四○或五○理論,已不能完全適用,德類克氏乃有此三F理論之提出。就管理要素的評估言,除以摩里士協會(Robert Morris Associates, RMA)所推介的管理評核表及柯克(Robert L,Kirrk)的管理分析表為評估之主要依據外,對於個人因素的探討仍不忽略。就財務要素的評估言,著重於財務管理及財務分析二方面。銀行徵信之基本精神在於求真,因此財務要素評估之先決條件為獲取正確的財務報表。報表真偽之判斷及虛飾報表之調整,乃成為重要之問題。至如財務分析之方法,一方法之選擇,與夫重點之分析等問題,均在討論之列。經濟因素之考慮一章因係經濟研究業務之範疇,僅論述兩點:一為經濟環境對於企業活動的影響。一為產業調查。第七章乃是承第四、五、六三章有關信用風險分析之餘緒,對受信客戶之信用予以綜合評分或評等,頗有研究之價值。第八章為徵信報告,析述徵信報告之種類,格式及其內容,主要為書面之調查報告。性書信答覆及電話答詢,亦為徵信報告方式之一,一併論列。其中牽涉到資料互換之有關問題,如美國RMA協會會員資料互換之道德規範以及銀行與商業機構間交換徵信資料之原則等均予引用,以供參考。並舉出調查報告數篇,(本文一篇,附錄三篇),旨在瞭解調查報告之大要。第十章結論與建議,綜合歸納徵信工作之特質六點,其一為徵信工作之求真性。其二為徵信工作之廣泛性。其三為徵信工作之合作性。其四為徵信工作之綜合性,其五為徵信工作之持續性。其六為徵信工作之前瞻性。並針對當前銀行業務之癥結所在,就管見所及提出建議十點:
承吾師 譚海鳴教授之悉指導,稿成又蒙刪閱一過;內子李安美女士,協助校儲;同事金璐小姐任英文打字,謹併玫最崇高的謝意。
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兩岸徵信業管理制度之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of Cross-strait Credit Industry Management System陳建彰 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共分五章,第一章緒論;第二章針對徵信起源、定義、特徵、功能、分類及相關概念作說明,並介紹近代中西方徵信演進發展之概況;第三章以徵信機構體制為方向,說明徵信機構的定義、角色、分類、監管及設立退出條件,並對公共徵信機構與私營徵信機構進行比較。接著介紹世界上主要國家徵信機構發展之過程,並以此為基礎,對我國與中國徵信機構體制進行比較;第四章先點出隱私權與徵信間的衝突後,再介紹隱私權的內涵、發展,最後由隱私權衍生出信息隱私權之概念,並進而對徵信業務規則進行討論並比較我國與中國對於信息隱私權保護的差異性;第五章,總結兩岸徵信業之差異,期以之能作為兩岸共建聯合信息平台之基礎,並對兩岸信息共享提供未來發展方向之建議。 / Taiwan has signed "Financial Regulatory Cooperation" and "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" with China in the early years, which marks that the cross-strait economics, trade exchanges and financial cooperation has been in the orbit, which opens up a new era of cross-strait economics and trade relations. Since the "cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement" ECFA was signed, economic ties and financial cooperation are more closely. Substantial growth in cross-strait financial institutions, commercial enterprise type, and credit management will present cross-regional, multi-level and diversified trend. At this time, credit management between Taiwan and China can be as a basis to highlight the growing of more frequent exchanges and Cross-Strait economic cooperation. The establishment of Unicom credit information exchange platform between Taiwan and China will help create a good financial credit environment .For the goal, realization of the credit industry management system difference between Taiwan and China is a must.
The paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter is an introduction; the second chapter introduces credit origin, definition, features, functions, classification and related concepts, and makes an overview of the evolution and development of modern Western and Eastern countries; the third chapter discusses credit institution, indicating that the definition of credit institutions, the role of classification, the establishment of entrance and exit conditions, and the comparison between public credit institutions and private credit bureaus . Then, the paper introduces the world's major national development process of the credit bureaus, and on this basis, compare credit institution between Taiwan and China; the fourth chapter points out the conflict between privacy and credit, and then introduces privacy connotation, development, and finally privacy of information is derived from the concept of privacy. Then discuss the rules for the credit industry. Finally, make a comparison of Taiwan and China Information Privacy differences; the fifth chapter summarizes the differences between the two sides of the credit industry, in order that it can build a basis for cross-strait joint platform of credit information, sharing of credit information of Taiwan and China. Finally, the paper provides the future direction of the sharing of credit information between Taiwan and China.
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徵信資料交換制度之探討余振忠, YU, ZHEN-ZHONG Unknown Date (has links)
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銀行徵信流程之探討─以C銀行法人金融業務為例 / Credit verification process of corporate finance department in banks—take Bank C as an example彭雅蘭, Peng, Ya Lan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用Tsaih and Lin(2006)所發展之PWIO(Process-Wide Information Organism)分析方法論,來描述與瞭解個案公司法人金融事業群徵信流程,透過實作表的展開以分析流程,並提出相對應之績效衡量指標與改善建議,作為未來個案公司徵信流程改善之參考,期能因此增進個案公司的徵信流程正確性與效率,進而強化其競爭能力,塑造組織長遠的發展優勢。 / Competition among banks becomes intensive nowadays. While new financial products launched, less differences could be found in products from bank to bank; therefore, the differentiation of detail-oriented services becomes a key factor for keeping competitiveness in the banking industry.
One of the main elements for improving the quality of bank services is the amelioration of internal process. As for the corporate finance department in banks, more than product design itself, making credit verification process better, raising operating validity and efficiency would definitely reach their goals for quick response, and also enhance customer satisfaction.
The case bank is one of the leading companies in the domestic banking industry. The scale of organization is huge, the divisions of department are meticulous, and the operation process is deeply relied on the information systems. Under such circumstances, the credit verification process of its corporate finance department has become minute and complicated. Furthermore, the business side takes responsibility for the credit verification process. To execute the process, the business side needs supports from other related departments and does a series of decision making based on personal experiences, which means that it is also an influential factor to train the primary personnel well in the credit verification process flow.
This study, based on an application of the Process-Wide Information Organism approach (Tsaih and Lin. 2006), describes and interprets the credit verification process of corporate finance department of the bank. For improving the validity and efficiency of the process, this study intends to set targets and evaluation indicators toward the process flow, and provides suggestions at the same time to enhance the long-term competitive advantages of the bank.
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無擔保消費金融系統性信用風險下授信控管創新作法之研究蔡國基, Tsai, Gwo-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
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電信事業建立聯合徵信中心之可行性研析 / A feasibility study on the joint credit information center of telecom operators曾志強, Tseng, Ben Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係蒐集分析電信詐欺之特性及其對電信事業及社會成本增加所造成的損傷及影響,並以國外如英、美、日本及新加坡等國電信聯合徵信制度之損失統計及相關的法例及作法,藉由實務上之運作與現行法令的落差,檢視目前國內法律不足之處。同時由憲法位階對人權之秘密通訊之保障,對我國未來電信事業建立聯合徵信中心可行性提出研析與建議。 / Since the liberalization of telecom, telecommunication services become more and more an integral part of everyday life. Unfortunately, as well as telecom fraud through fraudulent accounts has become a serious problem in Taiwan. Due to telecom regulations are not regularly updated, the false account numbers were abused easily by the telecom fraud group, and not only caused telecom operators bad debt and profit lose, but also increased social cost obviously, such as the social security, public benefit and the country competitiveness.
There is no effective preventive measure to address telecom fraud. Therefore, this country becomes a paradise for this type of activity. Telecom fraud targets all people, the youth, the elderly and even foreign immigrants, and ranks in the top two in social grievances. The telecom joint credit information system was paid attention by the Public, Industry and Government, which is to build up a effective preventive mechanism by regulation for telecom fraud is a important issue to be solved.
Due to the uncertainty industrial policy and the legal system do not harmony with social needs, and not kept pace with the times, so that the source of the fake telecom numbers for telecom fraud criminal are unable to manage and block.
In this study, I will analyze the characteristics of telecom fraud and its social cost and impact on the telecom industry and then to discuss the Telecom joint credit regulatory and practices used in other countries such as Britain, the United States, Japan and Singapore. This analysis will compare it with the current domestic legal deficiencies and proposes feasible recommendations.
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