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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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洪春茂 Unknown Date (has links)
「企業授信」,用通俗的話表達即為「賒銷」,亦即企業銷售商品或勞務時,允許客戶暫免付現,而于一段時間過後始行支付貸款之意。其交易金額表現于會計上則為企業之“應收帳款”或為“應收票據 ”。幾世紀以來,「授信」一直是經營企業的必要條件之一,其重要性且有日漸增高的趨勢。過去,多數的企業均嚴重忽略這項工作的重要性視其僅為企業對客戶的一種服務而已,而現在已經演變成企業激起客戶需要,促進銷售的強有力工具。企業不但用它來與同行競爭,爭取客戶,而且也運用它的操作來改善企業的利潤情況。歐美先進國家企業管理當局也改變對其授信部門的觀念,不再視這個部門為一個單純的幕僚部門,而把它看做一個利潤中心。管理當局所關心的不只是“授信對銷售有多大幫助”,他們進一步注意到“授信是否對利潤產生貢獻”。 本論文之研究乃在針對這種企業授信的新形勢,探討企業授信工作之決策方法,在兼顧成本與收入的前提下,如何擬訂一個最適的授信政策(Optimal Credit Policy)以及面對一個賒購客戶時如何作成授信(賒銷)決策等,計分五章敘述。第一章為緒論,在信用的多種功能中,界定企業授信之意義,闡述企業授信之目的,井說明企業授信工作內容之重點,強調這種工作的創造性與建設性,第二章授信政策之擬訂,分析企業現金折扣,信用期限及信用額度等之操作,對市場需要及授信成本可能產生之影響,然後進一步討論如何擬訂最適現金折扣(Optimal Cash Discount),最適信用期限(Optimal Credit-Period Length)及如何設定客戶的信用額度(Line of Credit)最後并說明擬訂最適授信政策之可能性。第三章授信決策之分析,分析企業授信的風險與機會,建立對個別交易授信之決策分析模型,并探討企業投資於授信數額之決策方法。為四章述明對個別客戶授信決策之分析程序,實際應用第三章所建立之模型,并強調站在促進銷售的立場,對於每筆擬拒絕之賒購訂單,應考慮作進一步之信用調查。第五章為結論,扼要誤明本文各章之重點,指出授信政策與授信決策理論方法之前提及其應用於實務上之限制,并就個人對實務的觀察與瞭解提出國內現階段之企業授信工作要在倒帳損失不大前提下,發揮促進銷售功能的輔助之道。 本文之研究,承蒙吾師盛禮約教授悉心提導,并提供寶貴意見,謹在此致最高謝忱。 本文之研究,曾參考國內外各種有關此一問題之著作,并對實務作深入之觀察,惟個人學識、能力與經驗所限,雖全力以赴,仍難免有所疏漏與錯誤,尚祈先進賢達不吝指正。


黃祥穎, Huang, Xiang-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,分別就砍究動機、目的、範圍、業象與選樣,以及研究假設、觀念 架構、研究限制加以說明,並列出研究大綱。 第二章 討論企業授信政策。第一節為概述:第二節論微信調查時機、範圍與資料 來源;第三節說明信用評價制度;第四節則對授信決策加以討論。 第三章 是應收帳款的管理。首先討論應收帳款的記錄及內部控制;其次則為收帳 工作的探討;最後說明收帳績效的衡量。 第四章 就問卷回函資料,以食品、纖維紡織、化學、電機、基本金屬及其製品等 五業作綜合分析,以了解各業在信用管理上的異同,並對影響信用管理的因素加以 驗證;最後再檢定信用管理與其績效的關聯性。 第五章 為結論與建議。 #2810628


蔡國基, Tsai, Gwo-Ji Unknown Date (has links)
過去幾年,國內銀行消費金融的競爭,使得整個社會開始一起承擔後果!辦理信用卡消費,或與銀行進行小額借貸的動作是一種現代人的理財基本常識與服務,但各家銀行由於看到幾家大型銀行發出的信用卡、現金卡獲利可觀,因此大舉以各種行銷手法(辦卡開卡贈禮、以卡辦卡、餘額代償、低利促銷..等),搶食信用卡及無擔保消費金融市場。使得銀行彼此之間市場紀律蕩然無存,導致高風險客戶舉債金額快速擴大,最後苦嚐惡果,債權難以回收成為呆帳。債務收回困難下,卻將債權切割出售或委外,使部份銀行或資產管理公司發生不當手段進行催債,終使卡債、卡奴引爆出政治、經濟及社會問題,消費金融系統性授信用風險儼然發生。 台灣金融史上從未經歷過消費金融之經營危機,本研究以臺灣銀行業經營消費金融授信管理為範疇,研究目的呈現兩大重點。第一部份研究為什麼突然間消費金融信用風險在台灣金融市場爆發,就連表現績優之模範銀行無一倖免而受傷累累;第二部分則透過檢視消費金融無擔保之授信控管政策、組織及管理問題提出創新做法與實證研究,供銀行經營者有不同風險控管之思考,避免系統性信用風險發生。

台灣地區銀行業企業貸款利率之決定因素-以A銀行為例 / Determinants of commercial loan interest rate of banks in Taiwan-Evidence form A bank

陳材燦 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣利率自由化的演進過程,是採取循序漸進的方式,先由貨幣市場實施,再逐步推及到存放款市場。自1989年利率自由化及1991年政府開放新商業銀行設立以來,台灣銀行業的競爭就進入了白熱化的春秋戰國時代,金融版圖重新調整,產業的競爭有增無減。這期間經過兩次的金融改革,體質較弱的銀行紛紛走向讓售及被併購的命運,尤其是2008年發生金融海嘯,對銀行業的經營更是一大挑戰。觀察近年來銀行業的經營困境,存放款利差持續走低,多數銀行採取價格競爭策略,企業授信市場採用低利削價的手段,造成銀行業獲利率降低,危及銀行健全經營體質。所以本研究從文獻回顧探討影響放款利率定價決定因素,從樣本銀行實務授信政策及放款定價辦法探討影響放款利率定價決定因素,並利用樣本資料從實證模型的估計及檢驗來推估假設變數與企業貸款利率定價之間的具體關係及影響方向與程度,最後將實證結果提供予銀行管理當局擬定授信政策及建立完善放款利率定價模型之參考。 / From money market to deposit and loan markets, the development of interest rate liberalization in Taiwan has been in gradual progress. Since interest-rate liberalization in the year of 1989 and governmental approval on the establishment of new commercial banks in 1991, the competition among banks in Taiwan has become severe. Market shares among banks have thus changed. During the period, the financial market experienced two banking reforms. Banks with relatively weak financial nature have been forced to be sold or merged. Moreover, the financial turmoil in the year of 2008 made the business environment of banking industry even more challengeable. Running business in banking has been more difficult in recent years. Interest rate spread for banks has been narrowing. Most banks have adopted price competition strategies. Such price-cutting policy in commercial loan market has resulted in the deterioration of bank management in the industry. This research reviews study-papers focusing on the factors affecting commercial loan interest rate pricing, using bank A as a sample to review its actual operation of credit policy and loan pricing means. In addition, by adopting technique of empirical model measurement and statistical test on the sample data, the concrete correlation and extent of influence between hypothetical variables and pricing on commercial loan interest rate are also estimated. The aim of this paper is to provide empirical tested results to the banking authorities for their reference when designing fine credit policies and commercial loan pricing model.

金融危機對合作金庫授信政策之影響 / The corresponding credit policies of Taiwan cooperative bank against global financial crisis

陳建希, Chen, Chien Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
現今世界的經濟自由化、金融自由化及國際化潮流,為世界經濟注入一泉活水。然而,人們卻也為這種高度流動性以及蓬勃的經濟成長付出了慘痛代價。金融危機對經濟的影響與重要性,以及對金融業尤其是銀行有著極其深遠的影響。而關係著銀行經營之成敗,也是銀行業務中最重要的授信政策,毫無疑問更是金融銀行業經營的重心、開發各項業務的基礎。因此,如何在金融危機發生時維持良好的授信品質,成為銀行業不可或缺的首要課題之一。 本文利用文獻分析、問卷設計之量化研究、深度訪談之質化研究等方法來分析「金融危機下,銀行如何透過授信政策來改善授信品質」、「以合作金庫為例,合庫採取哪些授信政策來改善授信品質」以及「合作金庫之授信政策,是否能有效改善授信品質」等研究問題,並以合作金庫在全球金融危機(2007-2009年)下,授信政策的有效性進行探討。 本文研究發現,合作金庫在全球金融危機(2007-2009年)之授信政策,以「協助經營艱困企業的紓困政策」最為有效,「風險控管」、「區域授信中心」等其他相關政策也頗具效果,惟「緊縮性放款政策」的成效不彰。研究也發現,授信政策有效性會受到地區性、年資與職稱的影響而有不同的結果。且全球金融危機(2007-2009年)政策的制定深深受到亞洲金融危機(1997-1998年)政策成效與評價的影響。因此本文有以下幾項建議: 一、 有關當局可記取前幾次金融危機的教訓,作為制定授信政策的參考依據,並將政策方向指向改善金融體系或銀行的體質。 二、 銀行與企業經營要良性循環、共體時艱且合作並存。 三、 在考量政策實行的同時,也須以不同地區、年資與職稱的授信員工託付不同性質的授信政策去執行,才能「因地制宜、適才適用」。 / Nowadays, the rise of liberalization of world economic, financial and international trend plays the role of pouring living water into the world economy. However, people suffer from the exorbitant cost caused by the high liquidity and robust economic growth simultaneously. The significance and impact of global financial crisis, especially on financial and banking activities is absolutely crucial. Moreover, credit policies not only determine success or failure in banking, but undoubtedly is the core of financial management as well as the foundation of banking affair. Therefore, maintaining high credit quality under financial crisis has become the most essential issue for the banking system. In this thesis, literature analysis, quantitative questionnaire design and qualitative in-depth interview have been applied to analyze the following questions including “How do banks improve credit quality through credit policies facing financial crisis ?” ,“In the case of Taiwan Cooperative Bank, what kind of credit policies has it adopted to improve credit quality ?”Are these credit policies of Taiwan Cooperative Bank feasible and sufficient to improve credit quality? ”Also, the effectiveness of credit policies of Taiwan Cooperative Bank during global financial crisis (2007-2009) will be discussed. This study discovers that the most effective credit policy of Taiwan Cooperative Bank during global financial crisis (2007-2009) is “The bailout and assistance policies for the tough enterprises”. ”Risk management policy”, “Regional credit center policy” and other relevant policies are also quite effective. On the contrary, “Shrinking and restricting lending policies” proved to be invalid. The research tells us that the effectiveness of credit policies differs from distinct regions, years of seniority, and agent titles. In addition, the policies during global financial crisis (2007-2009) have been deeply influenced by the evaluation of effectiveness during Asian financial crisis (1997-1998). In conclusion, several suggestions are provided. First, the authorities concerned should keep the lessons from previous financial crisis in mind as references for improving credit quality. And the policy-making direction should be oriented to ameliorate the constitution of banking and financial system. Second, banks and connecting enterprises should operate a virtuous circle, cooperate and coexist in difficulties. Third, in consideration of policy implementation, different regions, years of seniority, and agent titles should entrust diverted credit policies to put into practice. In this way, crediting policies can “ Take actions that suit local circumstances and let the right men do the right things.”

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