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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

幼兒族語假日托育計畫與未來展望 / Ipmact weekend playcare

陳安穠, Chen, An-Nung Unknown Date (has links)
IMPCT is a global social enterprise dedicated to transforming low-income and vulnerable communities through education. Our business model involves branding and selling locally sourced products and investing the profits into a proven intervention to break the poverty cycle. Weekend Playcare is a case study of IMPCT Taiwan’s early childhood education program. This case study will illustrate the early education problems of aboriginal children that IMPCT discovered and identified. Additionally, IMPCT developed a business model to solve social issues. At the end of the case study, it will present the evaluation outcome of the Weekend Playcare project.

臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心政策之省思 / Reexaminations on the Public Babysitting Center Policy in Taipei

張沂潔 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來臺灣生育率快速下降,我國育齡婦女總生育率長期低於2.1之人口替換水準,政府為追求生育率之提升,祭出許多政策誘因。本研究係針對臺北市生育政策中「公辦民營托嬰中心」為焦點,欲探討雙薪生育家庭在尋找托育方式時所重視及關切考量之因素,以及探究臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心對於臺北市民在托育服務與育兒照顧方面的實質幫助。本研究透過質性研究之深度訪談法進行,經由訪談送托家長及中心主任藉以探究臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心此一政策的評價。 本研究結果發現,臺北市公辦民營托嬰中心受到育兒家庭歡迎之因素有(一)學費低廉,減少雙薪父母的經濟負擔;(二)環境新穎,硬體設備及教具資源豐富且多元;(三)師資專業,能夠依據孩子年齡給予適合的刺激互動與發展訓練;(四)緩和育兒家庭照顧孩子的壓力,給予暫時的喘息空間。對於育兒家庭希望改善之處有(一)師生比例較高;(二)孩子間容易發生交互感染的問題;(三)專業人員離職,易造成嬰幼兒重新適應主要照顧者之問題。對於公辦民營托嬰中心政策之建議則有(一)延長托育時間;(二)廣設平價托嬰中心。 針對研究結果,提出研究建議為(一)比照臺北市國小及幼兒園「課後照顧」方式,設立臨時托育服務;(二)加強居家保母與私立托嬰中心管理之責,建立積極監督機制;(三)設立保母及私立托嬰中心評比機制,給予績優者在硬軟體設備之補助,打造臺北市友善托育環境;(四)定期表揚績優居家保母與托嬰機構,並給予托育獎助費用。 / The fertility rate declines rapidly in recent years as the total fertility rate of childbearing age women has been below the population replacement level of 2.1 for a long time in Taiwan. The government promotes many incentive policies to raise fertility rate. Therefore, the study explores the factors that dual-earner households care and consider and the concrete assistances that the public babysitting center policy delivers to the residents in Taipei City for babysitting service and nurture caring. This study applies the deep interview method of qualitative research with the interviews with the parents who demand babysitting service and representatives of babysitting centers to evaluate the policy. The research reveals that the factors the public babysitting center policy is welcomed among nurturing families are derived from the following: 1. the financial burden of the dual-earner households is lightened by inexpensive tuition fee. 2. The facility is new with plenty and various of hardware equipment and teaching aids. 3. Professional teachers give children adequate stimulation of interaction and training of development according to their ages. 4. The policy alleviates the pressure of parenting, having the families relaxed temporarily. Regarding the issues to be improved, parenting families ask for the following: 1. slightly high student-teacher ratio. 2. Cross-infection problem among children. 3. The problem of readapting for children and infants due to the resignation of the professionals. The suggestions from the participants with respect to the public babysitting policy are as follows: 1. extending the time of babysitting. 2. Budget babysitting centers should be widely established. The study concludes with the following advices: 1. Interim babysitting service is to be set up in line with the after-school care for elementary school and kindergarten students in Taipei City. 2. Active supervision system is to be established to enhance the managerial duties of the home babysitters and private babysitting centers. 3. Assessment system is to be created to home babysitters and private babysitting centers while excellent units are encouraged with hardware equipment subsidies to build a babysitting-friendly environment. 4. Excellent home babysitters and babysitting centers are to be praised and rewarded with babysitting compliment regularly.

公共托育服務對女性家庭照顧與就業之影響 / Public Child Care Service and Its Impact on Female Employment and Domestic Child Care Responsibility.

戴淑卿 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會經濟環境的變遷、教育程度提高、性別平等工作的推動,女性投入職場就業的比例逐年增加,而女性所面對的家庭與工作兩頭燒的壓力,卻日漸沉重。女性的就業選擇往往受到家庭照顧責任及社會文化規範等結構性因素的干擾。國家在提倡與促進女性就業的同時,能否提供更友善的家庭照顧資源與社會支持系統,使就業女性能兼顧家庭與工作,並且維持良好的生活品質,是值得深入探究的議題。 近幾年,新北市政府建立多所公共托育中心提供兒童托育服務。本研究目的在探討新北市的公共托育服務,相較於家庭的非正式托育、經濟市場所提供的私人托育服務,其對於女性在家庭照顧與就業面向上所產生的變化與影響,並針對公共托育政策提出反思與建議。 本研究透過深度訪談法,訪談10位使用新北市公共托育服務之女性,研究發現當國家提供平價、優質且穩定的公共托育服務,協助家庭照顧三歲以下的嬰幼兒,對於女性家庭照顧與就業情形皆有正面的影響。在家庭照顧方面,使用公共托育服務可以降低家庭育兒經濟負擔、降低女性的兒童照顧壓力、建立家庭的共同照顧價值、增進家長親職知能及擴大家庭生活圈、增加生育意願等。在就業方面,公共托育服務可以降低女性所面對的家庭與工作的衝突、支持與促進女性就業、提升女性就業品質,以及有利於女性職涯規劃與發展。 最後,針對公共托育服務政策,提出以下幾點建議:1.國家應積極促進托育服務公共化,以提供人民近便、平價且優質的托育服務、2.建立托育資源整合平台,提供托育相關資訊與協助,以利女性育兒與就業規劃、3.家庭育兒政策與充分就業政策結合,促進女性就業且提升女性生活品質。

孩童早期受托照顧與兒童犯罪之關聯性探討 / The association between child care arrangement and child crime

黃政翰 Unknown Date (has links)
托育安排對幼兒發展有著長遠影響。本研究旨在探討托育安排與兒童犯罪的可能關聯性。資料涵蓋自1998年至2015年間臺灣地區共16個縣市,估計方法採用最小平方法、固定效果以及隨機效果模型。 研究結果顯示,縣市的兒童犯罪率與其課後托育的比例有負向關聯,意味著當一個縣市有著較高比例的課後托育兒童時,其兒童犯罪率會進而降低。另外,結果亦指出,如離婚率、婚生嬰兒比以及人口密度等解釋變數,與兒童犯罪率呈現顯著相關。然而,破獲率和警政支出似乎與兒童犯罪率無關。 鑑此,為避免課後托育匱乏所帶來的長久負面效應,應在托育政策的制訂上,建立一個安全友善、平價普及的課後托育制度;其次,地方政府也應在幼托政策上投注更多資源,以達到兒童犯罪預防的效果;最後,政府機構須正視區域發展失衡對孩童的影響。 / Childcare arrangement plays an important role to child development. This study is to explore the possible correlation between childcare arrangement and child crime. The data is from 16 counties and cities in Taiwan from 1998 to 2015. The estimation methods are ordinary least squares, fixed effects and random effects models. The results show that a county/city’s child crime rate is negative correlated to its after-school care ratio, which implies that when a county/city has a higher proportion of children in after-school care programs, the child crime rate would be lower. The results also show that some explanatory variables, like divorce rate, legitimate baby ratio and population density, are significantly correlated to child crime rate. However, crime detection rate and police expenditure seem to be not correlated with child crime rate. In formulation of proper childcare policy, it is important to create a safe, friendly, affordable, and universal after-school care system. So, it could ensure that the long-term negative effect from lacking of after-school care program. In addition, local government should spend more resource on child care programs in order to achieve the effectiveness of child crime prevention. Finally, government agency should also address the regional development imbalances on children.

雙薪家庭父親與母親使用社區保母系統服務及其對親職角色影響之初探研究 / An exploratory study on double-income family father and mother use communal nurse system service and its impact on parenting role

林慧菁, Lin, Hui Ching Unknown Date (has links)
我國女性勞動參與率逐年上升,雙薪家庭比例逐年升高,然而在家庭中幼兒的照顧工作仍以女性為主力,透過完備的公共托育政策將有助於平等性別分工。我國自2001年起推動社區保母系統服務,自2008年起開辦保母托育管理與托育費用補助計畫,旨在於使雙薪家庭父母親能夠安心使用保母托育服務。 本研究目的在探討幼兒父親與母親決定使用保母服務及選擇保母的動機及考量因素,以及使用保母服務托育後父親與母親自覺對自己的父職角色及母職角色的認知有何影響。並透過研究結果以提供保母與保母托育服務管理者參考及協助媒合。 本研究屬質化研究,透過位於台北的彭婉如基金會提供9對父母親受訪者,為避免夫妻權力干擾,訪談方式為研究者與父母親分開之單獨訪談。研究結論歸納九點:一、因家庭經濟考量與無法由家裡長輩照顧而尋求保母托育,且「人際管道」為主要的找保母管道;二、父母親普遍重視保母證照;三、選擇保母時,父母親重視托育持續性,意即可固定保母長期托育;四、父母親期待保母能有其他托育幼兒,使幼兒可學習人際互動;五、父母親選擇保母時重視幼兒感受;六、家長使用有系統管理的保母較安心;七、家庭對於選擇保母是以「母親」意見為主導,且母親考量較細緻;八、母親對於使用保母服務有愧疚感且感受深切,父親則無;九、使用保母服務有助於親職角色的發揮。最後,提出幾點關於承辦社區保母系統基金會的角色、保母訓練課程,以及托育政策等的相關建議。 / Taiwan's female labor force participation rate increased year by year, the proportion of double-income family is gradually increased, however, still women in the care of the children in the family as the main force, through a comprehensive public childcare policy will contribute to equal gender division of labor. Taiwan since 2001 to promote Communal Nurse the System service, Child care management and child care fee allowance program offered since 2008, aims to double income families, parents can feel at ease to use the Family child care providers nursery service. The purpose of this study was to investigate fathers and mothers decided to use the family child care providers nursery service and the motives and considerations of selecting the family child care providers, as well as after the use of the family child care providers nursery service, the father and the mother is conscious awareness of fatherhood and Motherhood what impact. And through research results to provide Family child care providers and the Family child care providers nursery service managers Reference and assist in matching. This study is a qualitative research, nine pairs of parents of respondents through the Peng Wan-Ru Foundation located at Taipei. The way of interview in this study to separate researcher and the parents is for avoiding the interference from parents by marital power. Conclusion this study of nine points:1.Due to the family economy and at home elder cannot take care of children, seeking for a child care, and seeking for a child care “interpersonal channels” is the main way; 2. Parents generally value the Family child care providers’ license; 3.Select a family child care provider parents attach importance to child care sustained, meaning family child care providers can be long-term childcare; 4.Parents look forward to the family child care providers can take care other children so that children can learn social interaction; 5.Parents choose family child care providers focus on children feeling; 6.Parents use family child care providers of systems management service feel trust; 7.Family select the family child care providers leading on the views of "mother", and mother considerations is in greater detail; 8. Mother feeling guilt and deep feelings for the family child care provider service, but no father; 9.The family child care providers nursery service contribute to the parenting role to play. Finally, offer some points of the foundation’s role to host the Communal Nurse System service, family child care providers training courses and childcare policy recommendations.

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