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審美體驗的社會性─論藝術作品中的他人、語言、拜物教 / Social character immanent in aesthetic experience : A study on Others, language, and fetishism of artwork王建評, WANG, JIAN-PING Unknown Date (has links)
本文是對人類自由心靈的探究,藝術作品則是做為探索的中介;藝術作品中的審美感性作用本是「私己的」,然而,由於藝術作品來自於社會的集體生產,使得藝術作品在私人審美之前,早已沾染「他人」的價值判斷─私密的審美其實是社會性的。審美價值的傾注及接收皆在不知不覺中進行著,審美之人在接受、認同審美價值的過程中,總是帶有拜物教的形式意味;而拜物教又與人類的宗教崇拜心境直接關聯著,因此,本來看似「自由」的審美體驗,其實與象徵「束縛」的權威互為條件,事實上,走在自由的路上就是走在服從權威的路上。「詮釋」則被視為是審美價值傳遞的必要媒介,亦是使得拜物教形式得以可能的必然現象。 / This article is an inquiry about freedom of human’s mind, the artwork is presented as intermediary of it. Aesthetic function is originally private, but actually is embedded with “fait social” by dint of artwork’s social-production character , which makes every man’s aesthetic values is utterly infiltrated by ”Others” before they make their own judgment : aesthetic judgment which appears private is in fact social-collected. The impregnation and absorption of aesthetic values always processes in state of unconsciousness. When people intake and approve the values given by others, they worship in form of fetishism ; Fetishism is associated with the worship of religion, therefore aesthetic experience containing human’s free choice is correlated with authority symbolizing constraint. In fact, when we quest for freedom, we’re at the same time in quest of conformity. Explanation is regarded as necessary intermediary communicating aesthetic judgment as well as indispensable phenomenon conditioning the worship of fetishism.
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論我國高中教育中的分數拜物教 / Code-fetishism in Taiwan's senior high school system陳禹仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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消費社會中時尚的拜物教性質 / Fashion and its property of fetishism in the consumer society鄭智維, Cheng, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的具體分析目標有三:第一,釐清Simmel、Bourdieu、Bauman時尚社會學的理論意涵以便確立分析框架,並進而指出三者錯失的社會場景。第二,將時尚社會學常用的「階級性」和「個體性」這兩個分析概念操作化,並從社會歷史到個人心理的經驗現象層面漸次闡明消費社會中「拚行頭」和「風格穿搭」的時尚實作。第三,重新梳理「原始社會拜物教」、「商品拜物教」與「精神分析戀物癖」的概念歷史,並將此概念組應用到時尚現象中進行拜物教性質的詮釋。承上述,研究結果發現,消費社會的秩序已脫離社會契約論與社會互動論等觀點,改以物神誘惑時尚主體的新形式進行社會整合。換句話說,消費者在時尚遊戲中同時扮演主人與奴隸的矛盾角色;不過,本研究最終又提問拜物教作為政治策略的可能性,以便為將來的研究提供方向。 / In the film Confessions of a Shopaholic, Rebecca is addicted to the overconsumption of fashionable clothes and shoes. Her singular case reveals an universal phenomenon of the consumer society in which consumers pursue fashion as an expression of self-identity. In counter to the conventional sociological dismissal of fashion to individual anomic behaviors, this thesis seeks to explore the logic of practice of fashion in the consumer society with an aim to rethink the classical question of social order. After being initiated into Benjamin's enchanting world of fashion, the thesis hypothesizes a theoretical model of the new social order which may be formulated as "Consumer society = Fashion + Property of Fetishism". Based on this hypothesis, the thesis puts forward two lines of arguments. Above all, practices of fashion in the consumer society are an integral part of cybernetic control in the maintenance of social order. Subsequently, the notion of fetish should be severed from conceptions of substance or subject prevalent in commonsense as well as scientific understanding, and reconceived as playing a medating role in the structuring and restructuring of society.
The thesis is organized around three objects of analysis. First,we clarify dominant sociological accounts of fashion in the works of Simmel, Bourdieu and Bauman to outline an analytical framework whilst questioning the social-historical scenes those theoretical perspectives have possibly missed. Second, we operationalize the analytical notions of "social class" and "individuality" within social settings of fashion known as "dress to compete" and "dress in style", and then expound these widespread empirical phenomena of fashion by means of social history as well as individual psychology. Third, we review the conceptual development of "primitive fetishism ", "commodity fetishism" and "sexual fetishism" in relevant intellectual histories, and then apply the conceptual triad to the reinterpretation of fashion as a social phenomenon imbued with the practical property of fetishism. As a result, the thesis finds that the question of order in the consumer society is radically different from what the proponents of social contract and symbolic interaction have usually conceived. Instead, contemporary society mobilizes various mechanisms of fetishism to seduce consumer subjects so that they can actively contribute to social integration. In other words, a consumer is both master and slave in the game of fashion; nevertheless, this thesis ponders on the final possibility of fetishism as a political strategy, a heuristic question which might lead to future research.
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