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Elizabeth-時尚童裝品牌創業計畫 / Elizabeth-Children’s Fashion Brand Business Plan李晶晶, Lee, Crystal Unknown Date (has links)
Elizabeth is an apparel company that is built around the concept of creating a collection of unique children’s apparel that encourages self-expression. The company was founded in January 2016. Their principal office is located in Taipei, Taiwan. The brand was initially created on the foundation of the Fairyware Couture collection. Each dress in the collection is delicately handmade taking over 4 hours of labor. Demand continued to increase for the collection leading the brand to venture into Ready to Wear and Accessories. Elizabeth had successfully found a demand in the children’s wear market.
Elizabeth currently has a total of three different collections with more on the way. The first collection launched in May 2016 through the retail channel of a pop up store. The launch was an extreme success with most of the inventory being depleted within the first week. In addition to several large press publications promoting the brand and the new collection for several weeks leading up to the opening and for several weeks after.
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時尚奢華品消費價值追求探索-自我監控、個人集體主義與主觀認知消費專家性觀點 / Delving into the value of fashion luxury goods陳則成 Unknown Date (has links)
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時尚中文:台灣當代時尚雜志語言與教學運用 / Fashion Chinese in Taiwanese fashion magazines – a case of learning lsp麗莎 Unknown Date (has links)
Recently some language courses based on so-called “fashion language” were developed in different countries, particularly in England, Italy and France. We predict that Chinese “fashion language” will become important in the world of fashion design and a course on Chinese “fashion language” will be in great demand by people working in the fashion industry. It is noticed that students studying Chinese in regular classes are not able to read fashion magazines and utilize “fashion language” because it includes special terminology and stylistics.
“Fashion language” is a language for specific purpose (LSP) and as any LSP it has specific features. This study focuses on the features of “fashion Chinese” by analyzing the texts of Elle Taiwan, Vogue Taiwan, Marie Claire Taiwan magazines and fashion resource Style.com.tw. We have applied corpus ananlysis in our research, and recommendations for a language course on “fashion Chinese” are given in the final part of the study.
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民國時期的服裝產業與時尚變遷,1927-1936 / The clothing industry and fashion changes in Republic of China, 1927-1936陳晧昕 Unknown Date (has links)
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成功部落客之個人品牌經營之道 —以策略行銷分析架構探討 / Constructing How a Successful Blogger Manage Personal Branding from Strategic Marketing Analysis Framework陳采韓 Unknown Date (has links)
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美麗化身---流行時尚雜誌讀者對美的接收與詮釋徐孟延 Unknown Date (has links)
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品牌重定位之研究-以時尚產業為例 / The Research of Brand Repositioning-A qualitative study of fashion industry蔣嫚璘, Chiang, Man lin Unknown Date (has links)
時尚精品產業的發展行之有年,歷經了時代的淬練,誕生了如英國的Vivienne Westwood、Burberry、Pringle;法國的Dior、Chanel、Celine、LV、Hermes、Agnes b、BALENCIAGA、YSL;義大利的Gucci、Prada、Fendi、BOTTEGA VENETA、MIU MIU、Chloe、Gianni Versac、Giorgio Armani、MaxMara、Ferragamo;日本的三宅一生;美國的Calvin Klein等等知名品牌。而這些品牌也的確一直被視為品質的保證、品味的象徵,在過去的市場表現有不菲的佳績。而奠基於品牌背後的是其品牌形成歷史故事與過程,這些內涵強壯了品牌的表現,蔚為時尚的經典。然而隨著時代的變遷,環境的改變,時尚品牌也面臨著巨大的考驗,當市場成長趨緩,客層年齡的移動,對於時尚品味的演變,導致品牌面臨品牌形象僵固化、抑或品牌形象已不符合時代的潮流,或者是顧客的不同需求。又時尚品牌與其他產業不同,有其不可磨滅之傳統與歷史,影響時尚品牌重定位的空間寬廣度。
過去對於時尚品牌相關論文研究,多從消費者面著手,較少探討企業面的做法,以及對於重定位議題之直接文獻也為少數,所以本研究探討時尚品牌因大環境或自身條件的改變及限制的因應對策為何,即時尚品牌重定位階段的因應做法為何?並利用David Aaker的品牌識別理論、及品牌識別執行工具檢視時尚品牌重定位的做法,並歸納出以下結論:
一、 時尚品牌形成的內涵,奠基於工匠精神對品質的要求,與時代發展、文化背景結合。發展品牌時,可以擁有一至兩個或以上的品牌識別概念。
二、 時尚品牌重定位時,善用過去的歷史文化、傳統,在摩登與傳統中取得平衡,以增加品牌識別的概念,加強消費者對於品牌的認知。
三、 時尚品牌重定位時,應用品牌識別執行工具,透過對外一致的形象廣告、場所的打造、品牌標誌的設計,可呈現品牌識別概念。整頓產品系列與通路的掌握是必要的,設計創新、材質創新、時裝成衣為切入重點。「執行長」與「創意總監」為建構時尚品牌的重要角色。
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玩潮世代-穿上身的街頭經濟 / Another Type of Subculture - Trendy Fashion in Asia李郁莉 Unknown Date (has links)
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應用生活美學及時尚元素於IT周邊新品牌---Met-Style之個案研究 / New IT pheripheral brand applying fashion elements - MetStyle Case Study袁孝平, Yuan,Irene Unknown Date (has links)
下一代的IT周邊產品融入非IT與更生活美學時尚元素,會是所有亞洲周邊廠商必走的路,本研究論文藉檢討MetStyle個案找出成功因素,希望有助於亞洲廠商建構世界級的品牌。 / MetStyle – an IT + fashion elements case study , To find out the core successful factors for building a new IT brand with more innovation , fashion and creation elements.
MetStyle case study is a real new business happened in an IPO company, we are trying to build a next generation brand with “cross over “possibility to create a more life style IT brand. The vision of the brand is trying to “escaping from being technology slave”, so main theme is trying to offer a brand for end users, manufacturing and distributors a new branding platform. By joining this platform, linking with different cities and cultures will help to build this new digital life style brand a global vision and concept of no boundaries.
MetStyle is not the first brand trying to adapt the fashion, non IT elements into a IT products, however, in the current market, there are few IT branding, really successfully build up a brand with non IT elements, this report is trying to find out the core successful factors for any other people who like to build up a new IT peripheral brand.
There are four major questions we like to find out solutions: What meaning and value for adopting culture, fashion and life style to IT brand? What is the strategy for doing such crossing over brand? What is the positioning for this brand, product, marketing channel strategy? What will be the difficulties doing this type of brand?
Value for adding creation and fashion life style into an IT brand is trying to find a next generation IT brand with more life style and also create the benefit for end users, distributors and product producers. Technology will be implemented into our daily life, technology is no longer just for rich or high tech business man. From kids to old men, digital life will become soon a major subject for all computer peripheral products. Nowadays, there are brands built only by American or European companies, we as major makers for all types of peripherals products never find out way to build an accessory brand for the coming era filled with digital life style. We have power and chance to create a brand successfully. MetStyle like to build this chance.
MetStyle brand, product , marketing positioning will be for “ youth “ , fun with all type of new technology product, travel a lot, need stylish equipped characters and try to find unique from other regular peoples. All non sophisticated IT product will be our categories, cleaning, gear and computer cases, screen protectors, mouse and wrist pad, comfort and stylish are major subject for the product position. MetStyle is trying to build a brand positioning itself as best partner for youth people in their daily digital life.
Strategy for doing brand with crossing possibility, MetStyle is trying to build up a new brand with crossing over possibility. The strategy for running this type of brand exist several key factors. Starting from low tech products, easily and quickly to find the fashion elements implemented. Find IT channel but sale Non IT concept to get the blue ocean, then starting back to the main stream market and products. For new brand, marketing need a smarter way, also need to in line with channel developing plan. MetStyle make a product strategy suitable for our channel partner for both IT and no IT channels. This will help to build a so called cross over IT brand.
Difficulties for bring this type of brand, mainly is linking between two type of people and resources. Basically, IT channel is still focusing in box moving and spec features. Trying this type of new way to do brand will still face challenging in beginning. In supply chain, all IT product development team will need to work with Non IT traditional makers, a lot of time; communication will be the main issue no matter with suppliers or even internal team members. How to train a good management team will be key task to solve this issue.
Working in IT industry over 20 years, a next generation IT peripheral brand adopting non IT, more life style and fashion elements is a very important for all Asian peripheral companies. This report is trying to find those successful factors by reviewing the MetStyle case. We do hope this will help Asian companies in this field will get any chance to build a real successful worldwide brand.
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誰在散播時尚的秘密? 數位時代的時尚話語流動 / Who’s Spreading the Secret of Vogue ? The Flow of Fashion Discourse in the Digital Age陳曼薇 Unknown Date (has links)
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