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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

玩潮世代-穿上身的街頭經濟 / Another Type of Subculture - Trendy Fashion in Asia

李郁莉 Unknown Date (has links)
打著反抗主流為名號的潮流風格,卻以偏高定價在市場上販售,穿著「潮流」服飾是鋪張浪費或是新生活態度?是盲從還是有思想?是主流還是小眾?潮流現象充滿二元對立的矛盾,這盲從、炒作、主流化的循環過程,在各式各樣樂活、嘻哈、搖滾等次文化現象中,似乎從來沒有停下過腳步。 無論如何,潮流產業成型了,聯精品大牌LV都與潮牌合作。潮流是文化產業,但產業文化、文化產業兩者間充滿辯證,是推廣文創,還是文化產業化?這個雞生蛋、蛋生雞的問題,或許能在潮流這樣一個號稱容納多樣文化的產業中,一窺端倪。以下報導將會逐一闡述「潮流」這個快速變動世代下的文化、消費、產業、美學意義…等種種面向。

街頭塗鴉的日常生活研究:以台北市西門町為例 / Graffiti and Everyday Life:A Case Study of Hsimending,Taipei

黃柏堯, Po-Yao,Huang Unknown Date (has links)
從駐足欣賞一則街頭塗鴉開始,本文的發問是:從傳播角度出發,該如何做跨學科的街頭塗鴉研究?日常生活的研究是重視差異性、尋求在異化的生活中翻轉可能的研究,因此更精準的問法則是:街頭塗鴉與「日常生活」的關連為何?塗鴉抵抗了什麼? 發問的場域是台北市密集、大量出現街頭塗鴉的地點—西門町。其原因是西門町是年輕人聚集出沒的地點;另外2000年之後政府與民間合力改造,使得西門町成為台北塗鴉最密集之處,也使得觀察、比較不同權力在此的運作得為可能。 行文脈絡上,我將從華山塗鴉事件出發,以合法非法的辯論為起點,進一步導入全球與台灣塗鴉發展,指出塗鴉是「全球與地方」發生關連的次文化文本。接著,則透過理論的辯論與整理,闡述街頭塗鴉的抵抗精神。同時並透過西門町的歷史發展與理論意義探討,我將街頭塗鴉文化重新擺回2000年之後的時空環境作理解,這個塗鴉世代是奠基在網路崛起的時空背景下,當下的台北都會塗鴉景觀才得為可能。最後透過空間參與觀察、訪談與文本分析,我將塗鴉的意義界定為日常生活中的抵抗,他在平靜的生活中進行翻攪,讓一切是與不是產生碰撞,他不直接抵抗商業體系,也不直接衝撞公權力,他讓這兩者的內部產生矛盾,激盪出新的意義,這是過去進行抵抗的研究常忽略的所在,也是後續相關研究進行時必須反身性捕捉到的一點。 在文明廢墟中尋求救贖,在日常生活中尋求差異,這是文化研究的重心,透過對塗鴉與日常生活的考察,我們才能掌握現代生活中,主體與文本、再現與空間的複雜關連。

《鼓動人生》劇本創作與論述 / The Film Script and Description of “Cheer Up Life with Drums”

蔡泰祥, Tsai, Tai Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本劇改編自真實故事,以一位非洲鼓手為主角,描述他教姪子們打鼓,幫助他們走出喪父的陰霾,同時也化解自己與爸爸對立的關係、使家族情感重新凝聚的故事。從劇情中帶出一些普遍存在的生命經驗及困頓,以及在面對時所抱持的態度及過程,期能作為人們生命教育中的一環。 本文共分創作論述、劇本及附錄三個部分。論述的部分首先說明了〈鼓動人生〉故事的創作背景,並整理了親子教養觀、音樂治療、街頭表演藝術等相關文獻;其次為人物小傳、情節設計與先前故事,最後以創作心得及回顧檢討作結。附錄則為分場大綱。 / The film script is adapted from an authentic story, describing a drummer teaches his nephews how to drum in African style in order to help them ride out the grief from their father’s death. In the meanwhile, he also reconciles the conflict with his father, and cohered family bonds. In the script revealed are some commonly-existing life experience and hardship, the process in which difficulties are eventually overcome. The positive attitude towards life as displayed among the family members shows courage and can serve as a life education for the audience. The thesis consists of three parts: the literature review, script and appendixes. In the first part, the background of the story is mentioned, and then documents of parent-child upbringing, music therapy, and street performance are researched and filed. And the following are the life story of each role, the plot design and a prelude. And then an overview of the script writing is presented. In the end, the outlined plot is displayed in appendixes.

空間與自我重塑: 佛斯特《窗外有藍天》 / Space and reconfigured self in E. M. forster's _a room with a view_

楊孟芯, Yang, Meng Shin Unknown Date (has links)
佛斯特(E. M. Forster)在小說《窗外有藍天》(A Room with a View, 1908)裡,將義大利描繪為自由、激情、活力的國度,而英國相較而言卻是嚴謹、傳統且充滿囿限。在空間與文化的刺激與啟發下,主角露西(Lucy)的義大利旅行逐步地改變她的人生觀以及對生活的態度。藉由義大利旅行與城市的互動,以及遇見他者(the other)的經歷,露西慢慢地得以「變成他者」(becoming-other),突破原有的傳統限制變成遊牧旅行者(nomadic traveler)。本論文擬以空間議題來探究露西在旅行經驗下的「空間變成」(spatial becoming),以及她逐步成形的遊牧自我(nomadic self)。 本論文第一章為總論性質的介紹。第二章主要藉助德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)與瓜達希(Félix Guattari)的「遊牧學」(nomadology)和「變成」(becoming),結合伊斯蘭(Syed Manzurul Islam)從德勒茲理論延伸的旅行理論,來探討義大利與英國的空間如何影響身於其中的主體。本章將英國空間比喻為房間,義大利空間喻為風景,闡述露西如何面對她的文化衝突並發展自我重塑。然而,露西的遊牧轉變不應被視為身分認同議題下的自我追尋,亦非男性與女性之間的二元對立,而是邁向「變成旅行者」(becoming-traveler)的轉變。 第三章運用德瑟鐸(Michel de Certeau)城市行走(walking in the city)的概念,來檢視露西藉由街頭行走(street-walking)的經驗以及她和義大利生活文化的相遇,所逐步產生的自我改變。由於單獨的街頭行走,對維多利亞時代(the Victorian)的女性而言是一項禁忌,從掙扎到漫遊,露西在城市中的行走非但沒有被動地接受城市設計者所塑造出的都市形象,甚至能夠主動地從她的觀察來解讀詮釋城市,於是跨越了維多利亞時代的限制疆界,從依賴轉為獨立,進而遇見他者(encounter the other)。她的行走經驗開拓了自身的視野,而與城市的互動更是重燃她對於自由和自主權的渴望,因而開啟了她的「空間變成」(spatial becoming)。 第四章則著重於分析露西回到英國的生活,如何受到義大利旅行經驗影響而產生具體轉變。筆者援引伊斯蘭(Syed Manzurul Islam)的概念,剖析露西是一個不斷改變的遊牧旅行者(nomadic traveler),而她的未婚夫賽希爾(Cecil)卻是一個單調不變的靜止旅行者(sedentary traveler)。當露西從旅行經驗中發展出遊牧自我,她與傳統保守的英國空間、賽西爾的衝突也勢將不可避免。義大利顯然觸動她不可逆(irreversible)的變成他者與變成旅行者,露西因此轉而前往義大利繼續其無止盡的旅程。 總括言之,在《窗外有藍天》中,露西與義大利空間的互動驅使她跨越疆界,進行自我轉變。然而,義大利只是帶領她離開嚴謹傳統束縛的旅程序曲。她的遊牧轉變並非一個確切定案的結果,而是不停歇的轉變過程。 / E. M. Forster’s A Room with a View (1908) delineates Italy as liberal, passionate and invigorating, whereas England is portrayed as rigid, conventional and restrictive. Due to spatial and cultural impact, the protagonist, Lucy, changes her view about life by degrees as soon as she travels in Italy. By means of her interactions with the urban space and her encounters with the other in Italy, Lucy gradually enters her becoming-other and breaks through the Victorian confinement into a nomadic traveler. This thesis employs a spatial perspective to investigate spatial becoming embodied on Lucy during her travel, and the formation of her nomadic self. Chapter One is an overall introduction to the whole thesis. As for chapter Two, I focus on Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s nomadology and becoming, and Syed Manzurul Islam’s extension in travel theory to explore how Italian and English spatiality influences the contained subjects. By characterizing England as a room and Italy as a view, this chapter explores how Lucy confronts with her conflicts and develops her reconfigured self. Lucy’s nomadic changes, however, should not be regarded as a self-searching pursuit in terms of identity politics. Instead, her transformation transcends binary opposition between men and women, heading toward her becoming-traveler. Chapter Three utilizes Michel de Certeau’s concept of walking in the city to examine how street-walking and encounters with Italian life and culture lead to the change in Lucy. Since street-walking alone is a forbidden behavior for Victorian women, Lucy’s street-walking goes through certain struggles. Rather than passively receives the built image from urban designers, Lucy is gradually able to read and interpret the city from her observation of the cityscape. From following others’ guidance to gradual independence, Lucy crosses the boundary of Victorian confinement and gets to encounter the other. Her walking experiences significantly open up her view and initiate her spatial becoming. Her interaction with a lived city rekindles her desire for freedom and autonomy. Chapter Four concentrates on the analysis of Lucy’s changes in England as a result of her Italian travel. I apply Syed Manzurul Islam’s idea to claim Lucy as a transformative nomadic traveler in contrast to her fiancé Cecil as a changeless sedentary traveler. I argue that with her formation of nomadic self, the return to English spatiality only leads to ineluctable conflicts between Lucy, her family and Cecil. Lucy accordingly seeks to leave for Italy and continues her endless travel. Italy triggers her irreversible becoming-other and becoming-traveler. Conclusively speaking, in A Room with a View, Lucy’s interaction with the Italian spatiality inspires her to cross the boundary and makes her transformation possible. Yet, Italy is only a prologue to her journey, bringing her out of the rigid convention. Her nomadic change is not a pinpointed result, but a shifting and ceaseless process.


王尉晉 Unknown Date (has links)
運動在全球化的加溫下,商品化的潛在利益,正吸引企業投入運動行銷。國內近年來從事運動行銷管理的研究,所佔比率有升高的趨勢,且成長比例仍在增加中。然而,在回顧國內運動行銷研究時,多數研究將運動視為行銷工具之一,而對「運動」理念本身的行銷過程,鮮少著墨。因此,本研究的出發點在於瞭解當「運動」本身做為一商業性理念時,企業如何擬定行銷策略及與消費者進行互動? 本研究從回顧整理運動行銷的學術論文開始,分類歸結其主要的研究課題。並引用理念行銷中「對購買行為的界定」和體驗行銷的「策略體驗模組」、「體驗媒介」為研究基礎,採深度訪談的方式,探討adidas「街頭籃球運動」與Nike「高中籃球聯賽」。 研究結果共發展出十項命題,包括運動理念的發展起源、區隔與定位、行銷目的之界定、目標消費族群行銷策略、及評估方法等,並比較兩個案的理念行銷策略及體驗矩陣。對後續研究的建議則包括傳播媒體對運動理念的相關報導,以及運動理念消費者的生活型態研究。

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