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忠興織造轉型進入精品代工之歷程研究 / The track investigation of Universal Webbing OEM Company transformed to become a supplier in the luxury industry賴育秀 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 企業轉型時,即使選擇專注在代工的本業上,也會大幅提高「代工品牌」的附加價值。
2. 企業積極的社會性連結,是我國傳統代工產業成功轉型之關係管理中很重要的部分。
3. 企業徹底了解自身的成長脈絡與競爭優勢,才能發展出合適的轉型策略。
4. 企業成功轉型中,在接單層次的提升上,會先著眼於較穩定發展、風險較低的市場。
5. 企業成功轉型中,藉由網絡中地位的提升,能夠增加議價力,並改變供應鏈的溝通模式。 / Textile industry is definitely one important role of Taiwan’s manufacturing. It accompanies the growth of Taiwan’s economic. However, during the period of NTD appreciation, many textile firms moved their factories to China to respond the lower and lower profit challenge from global competition. But most of them failed and disappeared.
“How to survive?” It is the big problem then. Nevertheless, Universal Webbing Company did it. Now Universal Webbing Company is the biggest webbing-OEM -company of the world.
To figure out the reasons of Universal Webbing’s success, this thesis use the two aspects to investigate the company. One is “The transformation strategy of traditional industries to value up” by Dr. Jung-Lang Cheng. Another aspect is the sum up of Relationship Management from various scholars.
The conclusions in this paper are below,
1. Companies can value up even still choose the OEM for their transformation way.
2. Active and unique Social Bonding between companies (which is one part of Relationship Management) can be very helpful for well-transformations of Taiwan OEM/ODMs.
3. The company should consider both its own histories and advantages before choosing what kind of transformation for its good fit.
4. To start a profitable transformation, the first step should be to search and define the relatively stable market/customers’ industry to lower the failure risk.
5. During the advantageous transformation, companies can improve the bargain power by raising their status in the network. Moreover, it is able to create the new communication mode in the industrial chain.
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消費社會中時尚的拜物教性質 / Fashion and its property of fetishism in the consumer society鄭智維, Cheng, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的具體分析目標有三:第一,釐清Simmel、Bourdieu、Bauman時尚社會學的理論意涵以便確立分析框架,並進而指出三者錯失的社會場景。第二,將時尚社會學常用的「階級性」和「個體性」這兩個分析概念操作化,並從社會歷史到個人心理的經驗現象層面漸次闡明消費社會中「拚行頭」和「風格穿搭」的時尚實作。第三,重新梳理「原始社會拜物教」、「商品拜物教」與「精神分析戀物癖」的概念歷史,並將此概念組應用到時尚現象中進行拜物教性質的詮釋。承上述,研究結果發現,消費社會的秩序已脫離社會契約論與社會互動論等觀點,改以物神誘惑時尚主體的新形式進行社會整合。換句話說,消費者在時尚遊戲中同時扮演主人與奴隸的矛盾角色;不過,本研究最終又提問拜物教作為政治策略的可能性,以便為將來的研究提供方向。 / In the film Confessions of a Shopaholic, Rebecca is addicted to the overconsumption of fashionable clothes and shoes. Her singular case reveals an universal phenomenon of the consumer society in which consumers pursue fashion as an expression of self-identity. In counter to the conventional sociological dismissal of fashion to individual anomic behaviors, this thesis seeks to explore the logic of practice of fashion in the consumer society with an aim to rethink the classical question of social order. After being initiated into Benjamin's enchanting world of fashion, the thesis hypothesizes a theoretical model of the new social order which may be formulated as "Consumer society = Fashion + Property of Fetishism". Based on this hypothesis, the thesis puts forward two lines of arguments. Above all, practices of fashion in the consumer society are an integral part of cybernetic control in the maintenance of social order. Subsequently, the notion of fetish should be severed from conceptions of substance or subject prevalent in commonsense as well as scientific understanding, and reconceived as playing a medating role in the structuring and restructuring of society.
The thesis is organized around three objects of analysis. First,we clarify dominant sociological accounts of fashion in the works of Simmel, Bourdieu and Bauman to outline an analytical framework whilst questioning the social-historical scenes those theoretical perspectives have possibly missed. Second, we operationalize the analytical notions of "social class" and "individuality" within social settings of fashion known as "dress to compete" and "dress in style", and then expound these widespread empirical phenomena of fashion by means of social history as well as individual psychology. Third, we review the conceptual development of "primitive fetishism ", "commodity fetishism" and "sexual fetishism" in relevant intellectual histories, and then apply the conceptual triad to the reinterpretation of fashion as a social phenomenon imbued with the practical property of fetishism. As a result, the thesis finds that the question of order in the consumer society is radically different from what the proponents of social contract and symbolic interaction have usually conceived. Instead, contemporary society mobilizes various mechanisms of fetishism to seduce consumer subjects so that they can actively contribute to social integration. In other words, a consumer is both master and slave in the game of fashion; nevertheless, this thesis ponders on the final possibility of fetishism as a political strategy, a heuristic question which might lead to future research.
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清末民初的變局與身體張世瑛 Unknown Date (has links)
而晚清中國人在外表上的變化,不只反映了國家再造的過程中,對新國民身體的一種想像與建構,也和十九世紀中期以來沿海城市(特別是上海)的商業活動與消費文化的需求有關,過去都將這兩個層面視為各自獨立的研究領域,但在清末民初的一段時間裡,這兩個影響晚清時人身體外形變化的因素與動機,卻出現了不再是那麼涇渭分明的交融現象。在這個劇烈變動的時代裡,傳統的社會地位與身份階級已不足恃,外形是一個人在變局中的資本與成功的條件,只要穿上時髦的衣服就是成功的一半;時髦男女藉此展現,如何在新權威尚未建立之前、舊勢力還未完全崩解之際,以身體為戰場來挑釁統治權威,或表示對禮教束縛及道德規範的不滿。也因著這些晚清男女求新求變的身體展現,使得這段時間所呈現的中國歷史圖像,也變得生動鮮活許多。 / Twentieth century has been a revolutionary era for the China. In the past researches, scholars frequently analyzed the Chinese revolution from the approach of ideology and action. However, in recent years, a few western scholars pay more attention to the significant influence of locality and identity in the Chinese revolution. Revolution is not merely the conflict of ideologies and political actions, but a certain kind of representation of daily life and social phenomena.
In the violent process of the Chinese revolution, body is the main battleground. Various political parties and groups have different opinions about citizen’s appearance, which is including hairstyle, clothing, adornment, figure, carriage and so on. These opinions reflected the ideal image of citizens what they conceived. Furthermore, such opinions also revealed the transformation of Chinese people's realization and recognition about body. Meanwhile, modern science has gradually replaced the traditional Confucianism to be the new authority on judging or identifying Chinese people's impression about body.
The discussions about body in Modern China usually tied with the collective intention and goal of establishing a wealthy and powerful nation. On the other hand, since mid-nineteenth century the rapid growth of economy in the coastal cities has created a new fashion. The impact of new fashion on traditional order and notion about body (present in dress) is noteworthy. The main purpose of this project is to investigate how Chinese people changing his appearance and body in the tide of revolution, and to inquire the significance of the new culture (or the same old one) through the approach of fashion and body. We are going to use newspapers, memoirs and photographs to look at the social and political history of this period.
We do find numerous dramatic variations of Chinese society in revolutionary era. And we do understand the fashion is symbol of doing away the old and changing it for new. Then we do comprehend the change of appearance is an important identification for distinguishing between different groups. We also notice the reformation of body is highly concerned in Chinese revolution. Nevertheless, though the tradition seems to be totally negated, in fact the fashion and the tradition are still interrelated in innumerable ways.
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快速時尚品牌個性與品牌權益之關係— 以歐洲消費者之認知為例 / The Relationship between Brand Personalities and Brand Equity - An Investigation on European Consumer Perception towards Fast Fashion Brands王奕云, Wang, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
接著透過單因子變異數分析探討不同性別、年齡與消費者最熟悉的品牌對品牌個性是否存在某種認知傾向與差異,在性別上,顯示出男性在選擇品牌個性「有趣勇敢」上多於女生;在年齡上品牌個性「外向開放」在各年齡層上呈現顯著,且21-30歲的年齡層最多。品牌上本研究選擇樣本數最多的三個品牌最分析,分別是H&M、ZARA、UNIQLO,在三個品牌中,H&M的消費者認為此品牌擁有最多「優雅別緻」的性格;UNIQLO則是在「簡單自在」最為突出;而消費者認為ZARA此品牌擁有相對多「有趣勇敢」的特質。應用結構方程模型分析(SEM)本研究發現某些品牌個性確實透過知覺品質、知覺價值、獨特性等觀察變項對整體品牌權益呈現正向影響,但「外向開放」卻對知覺品質呈負向影響,因此擁有「外向開放」要對消費者「知覺品質」的經營特別注意。 / The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations among brand personality, perceived quality, perceived value and overall brand equity of fast fashion brands in European area. The survey chose six famous fast fashion brands which are ZARA, H&M, UNIQLO, Mango, Forever21 and TOPSHOP as the main targets of research. The questionnaire was distributed in Paris and Lyon French area from January to the end of April in 2015. There were 263 samples being successfully collected, and 242 are valid ones.
This thesis applied descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis to categorize 58 brand personalities into four factors, which are named as “sophisticated and elegant”, “simple and comfortable”, “interesting and courageous” , and” outgoing and open-minded”. Afterward the research has applied ANOVA analysis to further investigate whether the differences of genders, age and brands would influence the preferences of brand personality. Ultimately, male customers are prone to be attracted to the brands with “interesting and courageous” personality; customers among 21-30 years-old prefer” outgoing and open-minded” brands; as the aspect of brands, customers consider each of the three brands having distinguished personalities.
By using structural equational modeling analysis, the researcher finds that fast fashion brands with personalities as “sophisticated and elegant” and “simple and comfortable” have positive impacts on perceived value, uniqueness and perceived quality; however, brands that have personality as “interesting and courageous” need to take measures to enhance perceived quality due to potential negative effect of such brand personality. Last but not least, perceived value, uniqueness and perceived quality are proven to have positive significant effects on overall brand equity, especially uniqueness does.
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國際代理商如何強化績效—以時尚與精品產業為例 / How import agents improve performance in the fashion and luxury goods industry黃子庭, Huang, Brandon Unknown Date (has links)
在研究方法上採用個案研究法(Case study),透過次集資料的搜集,包括了產業的介紹和回顧了國際進入策略、交易成本理論和代理理論的相關文獻,佐以個案公司訪談,探討如何提升代理商的績效,分析結果後歸納提出命題。
1. 代理商行銷能力越強。
2. 代理商的財務能力及規模越大。
3. 代理商越有優良的代理績效與信用。
4. 代理商與品牌商的非正式“關係”經營的越成功。
5. 代理商發展代理商專屬的通路品牌越成功。
6. 代理商對於品牌VIP顧客關係的經營、維持越成功。
7. 代理商代理品牌數越多,越能強化代理商的績效。
如此一來,在國際代理關係中不再扮演被動角色,而是能主動尋找機會,有效降低經營的風險且強化代理商的核心價值。 / Due to the globalization and the economic development in Asian countries, the market performances of fashion and luxury brands are boosting in recent years. Many brands choose to open their own branches in Asian countries rather than find a local agent. Local agents help oversea manufactures or brands to distribute the products in local markets, but foreign manufactures often viewed agent contracts as a temporary entering strategy. This is becoming a crucial threat for the agents. How agents strength their performance in order to build their own competitive advantage?
This study aims to address this issue. I define the fashion and luxury goods industry by introducing the market segmentation and business models within the industry. And then we reviewed the literature based on international entry strategy, transaction cost theory, and agency theory. Based on the literature, we conducted interviews with five Taiwanese agents in fashion and luxury sectors to discover this thesis with seven hypothesizes. By these seven hypothesis agents can improve the performance:
1. The agent should develop the brand building marketing skill.
2. The agent should enhance financial ability and expand capital size.
3. The agent should build up a better credits and reputation.
4. The agent should develop better “Guanxi” in order to strength the performance.
5. The agent should build it’s own distribution channel brand.
6. The agent should foster the relationship with VIP customers.
7. The agent should represent more brands.
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挑品國際營運計劃書— 永續時尚暨零廢棄商品營銷推廣平台 / Picupi Business Plan the Zero Waste Merchandise Plan & Marketing Extension Platform For The Sustainable Fashion張倞菱, Chang, Ching Ling Unknown Date (has links)
發展出創新的再利用方法所帶來的利益, 將比大部分人所能想像的還要多。
並藉由研究結果提供國內時尚產業對永續時尚資訊運用上,與歐美時尚產業同步運作的速度,並統整永續時尚產業鏈的機制與系統,以期台灣時尚產業、製造業成為發展永續時尚的亞太區重心。通過研究的探討,研究者以永續時尚為核心,提出創新商業模式。以平台概念串接消費者和供應商使其為橋梁,將永續時尚資訊收集途徑系統化,並能使其資訊透明化和有提供有效環保數據,並銷售得到消費者信賴的對地球友善之商品選項,期待成為有利於雙方的商業模式。 / Due to rapid developments in the fashion industry, the transformed production chain has created high environmental impacts. There are various sources in the production processes that casued destructions to the world, for example: the use of pesticides in cotton fields, fabric dyeing consuming great amount of water resources, the use of the third world Sweatshops, and a mixture of strategies of mass-produced cheap clothing. Consumers’ desires are constantly being provoked by those low-price and fast fashion while clothes were thrown to the third world to be buried. The pace of waste generation is far more faster than the speed of material recycling. It’s time to think about values verse demages created by the fashion industry.
The primary goal of this study is to understand and clarify the concept of circular economy that promotes greater resource productivity. The aim is to reduce waste and avoid pollution by promoting a sustainable fashion design model on a crowdsourcing platform. Sustainable fashion is a part of the growing design philosophy and trend of sustainability, it is to create an eco-system which can be supported indefinitely in terms of human impact on the environment and social responsibility. The system can be seen as an alternative trend against fast fashion. For these purposes, this study will clarify the relationship of circular economy and fashion industry though the primary focus has remained on improving the impacts of productive processing and material provenance. Meanwhile, the study will examine business cases of circular economy to enhance the development of sustainable fashion platform. The findings are useful for Taiwan fashion industry to strengthen their design and development of sustainable fashion to lead Asia Pacific center.
The study explored the influence of sustainable fashion on aspects of design, production, marketing, and innovative business model. The proposed platform provides information and goods of sustainable fashion and builds a channel which connects suppliers and consumers.
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Facebook朋友品牌分享貼文效果:理想自我形象、品牌形象與朋友形象之交互效果探討 / Effects of interactions between ideal self image, brand image and friend image congruence on Facebook shared posts陳翊甄, Chen, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
二、知覺品質中介「品牌形象與理想自我一致性」對品牌態度的影響; 但對購買意願無中介效果。
三、 「朋友時尚形象與理想自我形象一致性」高低並不會影響品牌與消費者理想自我形象一致性高低對品牌態度。
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時裝設計產業智慧財產保護之研究 / A study on the intellectual property rights in apparel design industry古詩苹 Unknown Date (has links)
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子品牌態度忠誠之前置因素對母品牌之反饋—以Armani與Armani Exchange為例 / Feedback of Endorsed Brand's Attitudinal Loyalty toward Mother Brand's — The Case Study of Armani and Armani Exchange林耕毅, Lin,Keng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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時尚配件品牌創業及商標佈局之探討 / A Study of Branding and Trademark Strategies from Fashion Accessory Start-up Companies林佑貞, Lin, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台灣新創手提包時尚品牌如何成功打進國際市場,創造世界級的知名度並打造全球品牌的進程。藉由個案研究方式,觀察JumpFromPaper與Ciao Ciao Banana如何運用時尚界中創意翻玩的灰色地帶,品牌的商標又提供了品牌怎樣的保護,以及著作權如何提供品牌的創新合理的智慧財產保護。
本研究使用賓州大學行銷學者Jonah Berger的感染力要素,分析個案使用之社群媒體操作口耳行銷之方式,豐富其品牌內涵;藉由網路社群的影響力,將品牌行銷於全世界。兩位青年創業家成功創造出讓歐美時尚消費者也喜愛的流行手提包品牌。品牌行銷的過程中,兩個案均針對社群行銷以Promotion Manager角度操作網路媒體的力量打造後進品牌,不失為台灣發展全球品牌的有效方法。個案研究之品牌皆有效運用網路口碑行銷的方式,藉由感染力要素中的社交價值、曝光要素,運用時尚界知名的部落客的社群影響力,為品牌增添時尚的元素,爭取傳統時尚媒體如《Vogue》雜誌的背書,創造後進品牌與流行時尚的連結;也藉由這些時尚界的意見領袖的使用,創造大眾消費者模仿名人、想要擁有該產品的欲望,創造出市場需求。兩個案在使用社群媒體行銷的過程中,其行銷內容均符合感染力要素中的情緒、與故事要素:行銷內容與時事結合、具有故事性,讓消費者感到有趣,主動傳播品牌的行銷內容;此外,創造全球品牌的過程中,如何讓消費者有意識的聯想到品牌,品牌行銷的過程中,使用了觸發物要素,如普普藝術、平面漫畫,使得消費者在特定情境下有機會聯想到該品牌;並且行銷內容不只宣傳品牌、也提供消費者其他方面的便利性,如Ciao Ciao Banana提供實體店周邊的美食地圖,提供品牌消費者造訪實體店時的休閒提案。
JumpFromPaper和Ciao Ciao Banana在全球時尚界獲得矚目後,智慧財產權之商標議題在歐美與中國等世界各重要市場陸續成為品牌必須處理的課題,為了預防品牌經營開拓新市場時,陷入智財訴訟之泥淖,品牌需審慎思考並於佈局新市場的過程中,需要妥善規劃運用智慧財產權保護品牌權益。 / The purpose of the study focused on how the Taiwanese young entrepreneurs started the new fashion brand to a new market and the trademarks strategies. With interview to the brand founder and visit to the channels around Taiwan and California, it revealed the marketing and entry strategy into a new market. The results indicated that the new brand should integrate the resources in marketing and intellectual property with completely market entry strategies. Global marketing and channel development strategies should be well planned in order to build up a whole new brand and registered the necessary trademarks in the market. Still, online marketing with social media channels was a new trend. It is an effective and possible way for Taiwanese company to build up a global brand. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on branding and trademark strategies in the global market as well as a feasible model for other new Taiwanese brands.
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