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《三言》之越界研究吳玉杏, Wu Yu Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
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中共早期「新人」論述的建構和影響(1921~1945) / The Construction of the CCP’s “New Man” Discourse and Its Influence (1921~1945)黃奕鳴, Huang, I Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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從個殊性與身體性論主體意涵 / The Implication of Subject : A Vision from Individuality and Corporeality郭思妤 Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文的材料及其排序即是主體哲學史的文獻回顧,以笛卡兒的「我思」與精神分析的「我欲」為根系,而胡賽爾的交互主體性彷彿突破、而其實是統合了兩者為主幹,萊維納斯則依隨其上,分別地為主體哲學的邊界做出提示。為尋求不受限於封閉主體的「自我」,我們試圖追問的是:主體如何開展有別於實體的存在型態? / This thesis is a historical retrospection on the philosophy of subjectivity. We commence our task with a review of the famous Cartesian “Cogito” – the substance of reflexive consciousness. Secondly, we refer to J. Lacan’s psychanalytical elaboration of “Desire.” Thirdly, we make an allusion to E. Husserl’s phenomenological “Intersubjectivity,” with which Husserl seems to have surmounted the aporia of solipsism, yet, de facto, rendered it to be a unitary and transcendental structure of consciousness. Sequentially, we follow the hints that E. Levinas pointed, that the relation to others is the experience that subject lose its power. By this investigation, we hope to illustrate a “Self” not confined in an enclosing subject and thus to invite ourselves to reconsider how a subject can exist differently from a substance.
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My Bloody Valentine─身體感探索的另類實踐 / My bloody valentine- a practice of alternative corporeity雍志中, Yung, Chih Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本創作論述中,提供了歷史上關於放血的文獻記載、台灣愉虐社群介紹、放血實踐者之描述,與放血活動之田野觀察等關於本創作紀錄之主題的描述;也探討了身體感與身體規訓之文獻探討、攝影之理論研究、攝影傳遞真實的反思,以及觀眾抗拒心理等與本創作相關議題的文獻資料;最後,本論述紀錄了創作執行過程、創作呈現的規劃與成果,以及觀眾的回饋意見。 / This series of documentary photography of a group of “bloodletting” practitioner’s daily life and an event of bloodletting aim at the manifestation of an alternative beauty of human body, and a different way to explore “corporéité.” The thesis includes the review of the writings about “corporéité” and “l’image du corps” by Merleau-Ponty and the studies about the discipline of the body by Foucault, and the discussion about the connotation in photography. In addition, preparation and execution for two exhibitions of the photography works, and feedbacks from exhibition visitors are also included in the dissertation.
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動勢場之身體意象預防方案:以女大學生為例 / Dongshi field based body image prevention program for college women馬心怡, Ma, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
研究方法:研究一採用問卷法,中文化問卷後針對201名女性大學生進行資料搜集,在問卷之信效度檢驗上,採用內部一致性信度、建構效度以及效標關聯效度進行檢驗。研究二招募三組受試者,依次是實驗組(N = 14)、體育課組(N = 15)以及控制組(N = 20),共有49名某國立大學女性大學生參與本研究。實驗組受試者接受每週1次,每次1.5小時,共計8次之團體介入。三組皆採用自陳氏問卷,於介入前、介入後以及三個月追蹤之三個時間點進行資料搜集。
結論:本研究嘗試以舞蹈治療作為基礎,發展身體意象預防方案,結果可有效提升個體的身體覺察程度,但方案內容仍有待改進之空間。最後,提出本研究限制以及未來研究方向。 / Background: Body image concern is one of the important issues of modern women's self-development, and also the risk factors for eating disorders. Thus body image prevention program has been taken seriously, which, in the past the programs were more emphasized on negative factors. In recent years, the concept of "positive body image" has been developing and emphasizing on one's own positive feelings about individual's body and body-mind attunement, but still lacking of practical and well organized method to put into practice. This study aims to develop a body image prevention program based on the concept of Dongshi, to explore the effectiveness of the improvement of body appreciation and body responsiveness, also the effectiveness to decrease the impact of negative body image. Due to the limitations of the Chinese version research tools, Study 1 of this study will focus on examing the reliability and validity of the Chinese version’s body image questionnaires. Study 2 will explore the effectiveness of the prevention program.
Methods: In Study 1, the questionnaires were used to study the data of 201 female college students. On the reliability and the validity of the questionnaires, the internal consistency reliability and construct validity were tested. In Study 2, three groups were recruited as the intervention group (N = 14), the physical education class group (N = 15) and the control group (N = 20), a total of 49 female college students from a national university participated in the study as samples. The intervention group received a weekly intervention, 1.5 hour each time, a total of 8 sessions in group involved. All three groups were collected from the self-reported questionnaire, and data collection from three periods: before the intervention, after the intervention and 3 months follow-up.
Result: It is found that the Chinese edition questionnaires in this study are sufficiently reliable and can be used as a measurement tool. The results of the intervention showed that in comparing with the physical education group and the control group, the intervention group had significant effect on the post-test and the three-month follow-up in the body awareness.
Conclusion: This study attempts to develop a body image prevention program based on dance therapy. The results can effectively improve the individual's body awareness, but the content of the program still has room for improvement. Finally, the limitations of this study and future directions for research are proposed.
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台灣中學舞蹈班女學生身體意象形塑與認同 / Body Image Formulation and Identities of High School Dance Class Girls in Taiwan廖翊廷, Liao, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究發現如下:一、舞蹈班女學生對規訓並非全然接受,並以意識到自己的需求為前提,有著對抗規訓的策略;二、舞蹈班女學生可經由「舞者認同」的建立而形成自我規訓,進而塑造身體;三、因「舞者認同」受到舞蹈類型的偏好影響,而發展出多元的舞者認同。 / The girls in dance classes in Taiwan strictly conform to the social standard of beauty. Their bodies are ideal beauty according to society. In order to deliver the best visual performance, they would keep fit from strict diet control and body training (Jin Chenxuan, 2010). To find out how dance class follows body disciplinary method and how the girls in dance classes discipline themselves, semi-structured interviews were used when interviewing 11 experienced female dancers from dance classes. I would also like to figure out whether “dancer identities” and body images support them when they are trying to shape their bodies.
Here are the findings:
1. The girls in dance classes may resist the body discipline in dance classes, because they are also aware of their own demand.
2. The girls in dance classes may build self-disciplinary and shape their body through the construction of “dancer identities”.
3. “Dancer identitiy” is influenced by various dance types, therefore we can conclude that “dancer identity” is diversified.
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身體的規訓、儀態化與抵抗- 一個幼兒園班級的民族誌研究 / The Study of Discipline, Hexis and Resistance in Body: An Ethnographic method in One Kindergarten.陳述綸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Foucault 的觀點,從上述四個面向整理幼兒園課程對幼兒身體的
規訓手段,並配合Bourdieu 的分析歸納幼兒的身上所體現的四種儀態化身體(團結、受命、被管控、僵固),以瞭解規訓的策略在幼兒身上所體現的樣貌。此外,本研究也發現幼兒身體所出現四種型態身體的抵抗(挑釁、隱蔽、愉悅、溢出框架)。藉著被策略控制與抵抗之間來呈現幼兒園中教師與幼兒互動的立體樣貌。 / This is a research about early childhood education, culture and everyday lives in the kindergarten. The main points in this study is the body plays as a mediation with social culture and ideology. Social culture manifested through the body. The children’s bodies learn social culture by imitating what their observation, complying with rules in the kindergarten, etc. Researcher gets in one kindergarten in Taiwan with an ethnographic method, and pays attention to how children’s bodies were disciplined and shaped. Thus, this research focuses on three questions:
1. What are disciplinary strategies in the kindergarten?
2. What kinds of cultural values reveal through the children’s hexis bodies?
3. How children's bodies challenge and resist adult`s rules?
According to these three questions, this study recorded four aspects of everyday life in kindergarten from curriculum, sleeping, table manners and queuing. The role of researcher is to fieldnotes and to analyze these data, In order to know how school disciplines children’s body.
The research field is one kindergarten in Yonghe District, New Taipei,City,Taiwan. There are thirty children in this kindergarten (twenty-nine children are five years old and just one child is three years old) and two teachers, Ms. Ann and Mrs. De. This is a typical public kindergarten in
Taiwan, and the curriculum model adopts Project Approach.
The researcher analyzes observations with the theoretical framework about the body and society. To examine discipline curriculum in kindergarten from Foucauldian perspective and to see cultural values reflected in the children`s bodies in Bourdieuan perspective.
The findings of research are as follows:
1. Teachers use four oriented (dynamic teaching, static teaching,eating and sleeping) strategies to discipline children in kindergarden.
2. Children's bodies was molded into four kinds of hexis bodies(mutually beneficial, inflexible, ordered and managed).
3. Children also resist the rules of adults by four kinds of resistance of the body (pleasure, hidden, provocation and overflow).
The everyday lives in kindergarten is multiple meanings constructed by teachers and students. Thus, bodies carry with multiple meanings with discipline, hexis and resistance.
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身體質量指數對台灣健保支出的影響許秀李 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲以身體質量指數為衡量指標,進行體重過重、肥胖者與台灣健保醫療資源利用是否相關性之實證研究探討,並了解其對健保財務負擔影響程度,是否值得重視。研究資料取自國民健康局於2001年執行之「國民健康訪問調查」抽樣樣本,連結健保利用資料,並採最小平方法(ordinary least squares,OLS)為實證分析之方法。本研究以全樣本及男性樣本之模型實證結果發現,身體質量指數過低或過高,都會增加健保門診費用效果;個人的身體質量指數對門診健保費用的影響,並非線性,而是呈現U型的曲線。值得注意的是,以女性樣本之模型,身體質量指數並未顯著地影響健保門診就醫情形,這可能是台灣女性平時較注重健康,會留意體重的變化,以防止體重體重過輕或過重而引起病痛。
關鍵詞:身體質量指數、健保支出、醫療資源利用 / The Body Mass Index (BMI) Impact to the Expenditure of National Health Insurance on Taiwan
Due to economic grows vigorously on Taiwan, the average income per person increase extremely year by year. Consequently, the living style and eating habit have significantly changes in searching major foods always with high colorific, full fat and low fiber. Therefore, it causes the body absorbing excessively of the colorific and fat as well as in unbalance supply of nutrition. The result of the third Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT) announced in Year 1998, the Taiwanese’ Body Mass Index was toward to rise.
Either lower or higher of Body Mass Index is always subjected higher death rate. Many researches show, there are high correlation coefficient between high percentage of chronic morbidity and death and up trends of Body Mass Index. Therefore, the obesity itself will be an independent dangerous factor. According to newest statistics of National Health Administration, Year 2005 in Taiwan, the main death reason from brain blood vessel disease, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure are ranking at the second, third, fourth and tenth of top ten cause of death respectively. Also the obesity is significantly associated with excess medical care cost and resources of hospitalization rising up year by year.
This Research tends to apply Body Mass Index to be an indication of health measuring. Study and discuss the high correlation coefficient between overweighed and obesity and consuming resources of hospitalization of Taiwan. Meanwhile, it deserves paying more attention for understanding the influence level of financial to health insurance. The present data were derived from Bureau of Health Promotion which committee was implemented the National Health Interview Survey at Year 2001 and directly link to expenditure of National Health Insurance. The study method is adopting ordinary least squares (OLS) for real case analysis. This research discovered with the result of study model using completed samples and male samples, either lower or higher of the Body Mass Index will increase outpatient medical care cost. And there was a U-shaped association between Body Mass Index and outpatient medical care cost but liner-shaped.
It deserves paying attention to the model of the samples of female, the Body Mass Index do not obviously encouraging them to see a doctor. Because of Taiwanese women relatively focus on the health regular, will look out for the change of the weight, in order to prevent the weight from being underweight or overweight and causing the illness.
Keyword: Body Mass Index, expenditure of health insurance, resources of hospitalization
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身「不」由己——世紀末台灣文學的污名身體 / The stigmatized body in post-war Taiwanese literature徐誌遠 Unknown Date (has links)
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論紀律--以韋伯和傅柯為例 / The Discipline-M.Weber and M.Foucault林倩如, Lin, Chien-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 導論
第一節 研究命題
第二節 方法論的考慮與策略
第二章 紀律與個人身體
第一節 紀律對於空間的分配
第三章 紀律與社會身體
第一節 紀律在現代資本主義的位置
第二節 官僚制與全景敞視(Ⅰ)
第三節 官僚制與全景敞視的國家控制(Ⅱ)
第四章 結論
參考書目 / This theis is depended on the perspectives of M.Weber and M.Foucault to explore the disciple imposed on the individual body.I try to explain this in two diemensions.We will discuss the relationship of the disciple and individual body.The disciple proceeds from the distribution in space and then elabrate the individual act by time.The disciple is intended to make the individuals finally.
Second,I want to expatiate the relationship between the disciple and social body by Panopticism and modern Bureaucracy.
In a work,my purpose is to wake up people to concern their own fate.
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