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愛滋感染者權能增強影響因素之研究 / The empowerment factors of people living with HIV/AIDS莊登閔, Chuang, Deng Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據研究結果,針對實務工作者、未來研究者以及愛滋感染者進行相關的建議。期許實務工作者能協助感染者權能提昇的執行,研究者能夠繼續探索相關影響因素,而愛滋感染者可以相信自己具有權能的能力。 / People living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA) are marginalized by HIV social stigma, and we are hardly to see this population speak and act for their right, even through their right or power is violated. For this reason, I hope to find out the performances and the factors of empowerment of PLWHA. As the results, we can empower this population by the right strategies.
The method to carry out this study was using a survey, which held by purposive sampling. People who infected HIV in Taiwan are the main sample size. The participation in this study was contacted by Non-government organizations, prisons and drug abuser center of correction agency, expecting to respond anonymously by them or interviewer. In the end, 379 questionnaires were analyzed. The instrument consist of six main parts, including demographic, satisfaction with life scale, HIV internal stigma, participation types, HIV/AIDS knowledge scale and reported compliance with medication. To address this issue, t-test and analyses of variance were used to detect bivariate analysis between dependent and independent variables. In order to clarify the explanatory power of variables, a multiple regression analysis was done.
All research revealed, the total empowerment is moderate, and social-political empowerment is the highest, but PLWHA seldom participate in activities. Second, participation didn’t satisficate with their life, especially what they got in the past. Third, PLWHA had higher internal stigma score, which was negatively correlated with lower empowerment. Forth, PLWHA who can affect others had higher empowerment score. Fifth, HIV/AIDS knowledge was shown significant associated with empowerment of PLWHA. Sixth, multiple regression analysis shows that satisfaction with life scale, community participation, HIV/AIDS knowledge and reported compliance with medication were important factors of empowerment, accounting for 36% variance.
Suggestions were given to pratical workers, future researchers and PLWHA: we hope pratical worker can help to raise the empowerment of PLWHA, researcher can keep finding more empowerment factors in the future, and PLWHA can believe they have empower ability to strive for their right.
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身「不」由己——世紀末台灣文學的污名身體 / The stigmatized body in post-war Taiwanese literature徐誌遠 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣地區HIV感染者生活適應之探討 / The research on the life adapation of people with HIV in Taiwan施侒玓, Shih, An-Ti Unknown Date (has links)
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中國上海男男性工作者之研究 / The study on the male to male sex workers in Shanghai China丁明豪, Ting. Ming-hao Unknown Date (has links)
none / Shanghai is one of China’s most developed cities; by 2006, the GDP per capita had reached US$7490, with the year-to-year economic growth exceeding 8% every year for the past decade. These results leave everyone impressed. Besides this factor, Shanghai is where the East meets the West, with a truly cosmopolitan cultural milieu. For these very reasons, many young Chinese come to Shanghai in search of their lucky pot of gold. But homosexual male-to-male sexual workers leave their hometowns for the big city, availing themselves of the chance to get rid of their family pressures, and to embrace new lives with their sexual orientation. So why do they instead choose to remain subject to the traditional Chinese way of thinking, being limited by the traditional Confucian precepts, seeing marriage as an absolutely essential element of life? What are the relations between economic development and social mores in terms of China’s male-to-male sexual workers (sex or sexual)? As the economy develops very rapidly, the concept of sexulization has begun to sprout in China, so how can male-to-male sexual workers (sex or sexual) envision themselves in light of these trends? From the traditional views of the subservient master-servant Confucian vertical social relations, to the present circumstance of transforming one’s body into a product for sale, does this help China’s male-to-male sexual workers (sex or sexual)to oppose the constraints of the traditional Confucian views, so that they can, like China’s female prostitutes, begin a quest for their equal human rights? These are among the many questions addressed in this study.
Therefore, the primary focus of this study is to understand the working milieu of the male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual) in Shanghai, China, in appreciation of the background causes for underlying male-to-male sex work (sex or sexual) and perception of the entire process of their experiences. .An in-depth study on these male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual?) in Shanghai, China, was conducted as to when they left their hometowns, and how they came to grip with their sexual orientation yet had to return to face the issue of forming a traditional family (by marriage). How could someone who has been living in a country and society steeped in patriarchy, go to work as a prostitute for the male?
How strong are the forces of internal anxiety and external pressure upon these men’s inner world? These are the core issues this study intends to explore and follow up.
After the research motivation for this study was specified and the author became acquainted with these men, one realized that each of these men worked as male-to-male sex workers had within their personal histories, some skeletons which they wish they had left alone in the closet. Their inner worlds are both bitter and complicated.
This is also the reason why qualitative analysis was adopted in this study, to possibly penetrate the world of these men’s hearts, and to analyze their individual family backgrounds, living predicaments, interactions with the broader world and social pressures, and other aspects during the interview process.
After interviewing with the 15 MB, the author has learned more from examining the circumstances of male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual) who are willing to engage in the male-to-male sex trade and also willing to held a traditional marriage, from the three perspectives of their sexual orientation, economic status and overall social environment. (A) From the sexual orientation point of view. Among the male-to-male sex workers (sex or sexual) in this study with the exception of one participant who was a heterosexual, the majority of the participants in this interview were all homosexuals staying in the closet. And many of the MBs in the countryside share common formative sexual experiences with other boys, such as sleeping together and masturbation…etc. In the more densely populated countryside where living conditions are relatively poor, it is quite common to see many boys sleeping together in one room, thereby increasing the opportunity for the boys to develop intimate contact. Therefore in light of their formative experiences, the ways they grew up actually contributed to these MB’s acceptance of the male-to-male sex trade. (B) From the economics point of view. All of the research subjects had indicated that the main reason for becoming an MB was to make money. Money became the focal point of these MB’s lifestyles because they had grown up in very poor rural areas and suffered from the pressures of an impoverished environment and unfair society. For recently-graduated students from the rural areas, the education which they have received at great expense is still not comparable with those students graduated from the city. Moreover, China is a social-networking or so-called “guanxi” in Chinese. Rural families often find absolutely no connections to help them find jobs. As a result, graduation spells unemployment. And consequently under great economic pressures, many rural youths go to Shanghai in search of their fortunes. However as they run into brick walls and run out of resources, selling their bodies becomes an easy way to increasing their wealth and a means of survival. (C) From the social environment point of view. Chinese people have stepped away from communism due to the development of capitalism. The emergence of the commodity economy society enables people to pursue a material life and leave virtues of contented living behind.
Now with the formation of a capitalist society, wealth has become one of the standard measures for things. The impact of the worship for mammon on Chinese people now results in people using the amount of money as a criterion for interaction. Such a society gradually develops a positive attitude towards prostitution. Sensations, attitudes and affinity distance are all determined by the amount of wealth. Prostitution becomes a means of pursuing money.
According to the results from this study, respondents indicated that they have agreed that the sale of body is a tool or method for making money, and have repeatedly emphasized that money is the main factor of becoming MBs. Instead, sex trade was triggered by socio-economic oppression and self-expectations or expectation in sudden success (Structural tension theory, Merton). Furthermore, due to unequal social opportunities, for examples, most of the MBs have not attained good schools; neither does their family have good social relations, which results in a consistent and normal behavior of prostitution among the MBs.
For this reason, MBs are in need of social and public concern, while nonetheless such efforts cannot be completed through a group. The society should subvert its current social standards and the value classification, evaluate human values and needs with an attitude of non-judgmental awareness, and seriously look into each individual and his or her work. By understanding and helping those people in need, consequently we will develop a happy world in prosperity.
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跨界組織場域中的社會自主性:中國愛滋NGO之研究 / Trans-border organizational field and social autonomy: AIDS NGO in China王占璽 Unknown Date (has links)
在理論觀點上,本文從「組織場域」的角度出發,援引組織制度論提供的多層次分析策略,以便同時在社會系統、組織場域與組織行動者三個層次觀察愛滋NGO的發展動力與演進軌跡。此外,本文進一步針對研究現象的性質提出「跨界組織場域」與「場域層次的社會自主性」兩項概念,以便具體說明全球在地化的制度擴散歷程,以及此一過程如何可能推動國家社會關係的變化。在經驗分析中,本文指出在華北愛滋問題的範疇中出現的NGO,已經在跨國、全國與地方三種空間層次間形成制度化的跨界組織場域,而此一跨界場域的型構、運作與影響,形成了國家力量未能充分掌控的社會活動空間,並且在提升愛滋NGO組織化程度的同時,也使其呈現出「社會運動產業」的性質。 / The rising of NGO, social resist, and Foreign actors involved in domestic affairs are new dynamics in the transition of state-society relation in china. All these three trends can be observed in AIDS NGO. In the view of issue domain, this dissert study variety of NGO which act at transnational, national, and local level and involve in AIDS governance related to Henan and other adjoin province, where HIV/AIDS diffused in former blood donors. And, this dissert focus on how these NGOs interact, connect and how they change the giver institution arrangement that state sets to limit social forces.
Institution theory about organizational field offer rice theoretic tools and analysis strategies to understand the loci and effects of interaction and connection between AIDS NGOs. Beyond organizational field theory, this dissert develop two concepts to explain related phenomenons: “trans-border organization” and “social autonomy of field constructing” In experience, this dissert point out an institutional field which members include IO, INGO and rural organization have emerged. And, the construction, operation and effect of this trans-border organizational field not only promote NGO’s ability to work without state admit, but make their collective action appear the character of “social movement industry”.
Key word: state-society relation, golcalization, HIV/AIDS, NGO, organizational field
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全球多層次愛滋病治理 / Global multi-level governance of HIV/AIDS廖祐德, Liao, You-Tehoward Unknown Date (has links)
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新聞報導中的愛滋人權論述分析─權利與權力尤昱婷, Yu, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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"留意這腐爛帶蛆性行為": 論艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>深刻書寫的性愛、疾病、死亡議題 / "Alert to even the grubbiest sexual possibility": The Immersive Writing of Sex, Disease, Death in Edmund White's The Married Man胡家銘, Hu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
第三章參考喬瑟夫.凱迪在1993年發表的文章、 分類愛滋書寫為深刻書寫和反深刻書寫,討論<已婚男人>裡愛滋深刻書寫裡、藉由呈現詭異疾病身體來製造驚嚇感、引發讀者對於愛滋議題另一層次的反思。第四章、則是探討<已婚男人>呈現無病徵的衣櫃身體、其造成主體/客體在視覺上/心理上、介於有病/無病的模糊詭譎狀態,可以被視為愛滋文學、一種提供讀者在愛滋年代裡、在絕望中仍可懷抱希望的正面力量。透過以上探討、艾德蒙.懷特<已婚男人>豎立愛滋書寫之中、呈現男同志文化與愛滋病複雜關係的傑出作品。 / This study discusses Edmund White’s AIDS writing in his The Married Man, a fiction that depicts the issue of gay sex and death in the age of the Epidemic. In chapter two, I intend to discuss about how biomedical discourse of HIV/AIDS fosters a Focauldian apparatus of panoptical surveillance and self-discipline in relation to gay sex. With the advent of HIV virus, the once subversive lifestyle of gay sex becomes more problematic. In chapter three, I attempt to employ Joseph Cady’s definition of AIDS writings as either immersive or counter-immersive, and argue that Edmund White’s The Married Man should be viewed as an immersive AIDS writing wherein the ugliness of the grotesque body is used as a literary weapon to engender its readers a sense of shock. In chapter four, I contend Austin’s HIV asymptomatic/closet body in The Married Man should be viewed as an ambiguous symbol by which a dialect between hope (future) and despair (no future) is discussed. To conclude, Edmund White’s The Married Man, a subversive text as it is, thus stands as a masterpiece of AIDS writing not only explicitly depicts the history of HIV/AIDS of the 1990s but that promises its gay readers a potentiality of hope for the misty future.
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降低對肥胖者與愛滋感染者的偏見方案:以可控制性切入 / Prejudice reduction interventions toward people with obesity and people with HIV/AIDS:The role of controllability郭育培, Kuo, Yu Pei Unknown Date (has links)
偏見不只影響遭受者的身心健康,也違背社會正義,為了改善這樣的狀況,研究者們致力於發展降低偏見的方案。不過這些降低偏見的方案通常針對種族或性別群體,卻甚少關心肥胖者與愛滋感染者。肥胖者、愛滋感染者不僅受研究社群忽視,他們在生活中亦不受重視(如醫療體系),因此本論文著眼降低人們對肥胖者、愛滋感染者的偏見。研究一發展降低偏見方案,透過撰寫支持肥胖者或愛滋感染者的短文,引發人們言行不一的認知失調感,可能進而改變其原本對肥胖者或愛滋感染者的偏見。研究一的結果顯示,只有撰寫愛滋主題的參與者其愛滋偏見分數低於其他組別,也就是說他們的行為違反本身對愛滋感染者的既有態度而產生認知失調,透過降低愛滋偏見來化解認知失調之不適感。不過,撰寫肥胖主題的參與者,其肥胖偏見分數則與各組無異,也就是說這種降低偏見的方案對肥胖者的偏見無影響。預試二發現,相對於愛滋感染者,肥胖者通常被視為較可控制自己身屬於該社會群體的命運(可控制性),且其較需為自己的遭遇負責。為了檢視人們認為肥胖者與愛滋感染者可控制性的差異,是否影響偏見方案的效果,研究二除了改良研究一的降低偏見方案外,更操弄可控制性的高低。研究二發現可控制性會調節降低偏見方案的效果-當人們認為成為愛滋感染者是自己可以控制時,降低偏見方案的效果較弱;反之,若人們認為成為愛滋感染者是自己不能控制的,則降低偏見的效果較強。不過,撰寫肥胖主題文章的參與者則無此效果。這樣的差異或許是因為人們對肥胖者與愛滋感染者的熟悉程度有所不同。相較於愛滋感染者,人們對肥胖者較為熟悉,對其態度不容易改變,不論是接受高可控或低可控的訊息操弄,都無法改變人們對肥胖者的想法。根據本論文結果,認知失調適合降低人們較不熟悉與視其較為不可控的社會群體,如愛滋感染者,不適合應用在人們較熟悉的社會群體,如肥胖者。本論文進一步討論降低偏見方案執行困難的原因,並提出可能的建議與後續的研究方向。 / Prejudice and discrimination may have negative consequences on subordinate group members’ physical and mental health, and prejudice and discrimination also violate social justice. To deal with these problems, researchers have dedicated to develop various interventions to counter prejudice and discrimination. However, most of these interventions focus on racial and gender minorities, and researchers largely ignore people with obesity and people with HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an intervention that could reduce prejudice against people with obesity, as well as to reduce prejudice against people with HIV/AIDS. According to cognitive dissonance theory, when people’s attitudes and behavior are inconsistent, they feel uncomfortable and in turn change their attitudes to eliminate the inconsistency (Festinger, 1957). Following the basic ideas in cognitive dissonance theory, in Study 1, I randomly assigned participants to write presumably counter-attitudinal essays, in which they write about people with obesity or people with HIV/AIDS (to advocate allocating more resources to them), or school policy change (a control group). The results showed that after writing about people with HIV/AIDS, participants displayed significantly lower prejudice against people with HIV/AIDS than participants in other conditions. However, after writing about people with obesity, participants’ prejudice against people with obesity remained at similar levels as participants in other conditions. According to findings in the second pilot study, the diverging findings in Study 1 may be due to that people with obesity were considered having more controllability and responsibility than people with HIV/AIDS. To further explore the effects of levels of controllability on intervention, I revised Study 1’s intervention and added a manipulation of controllability on people with obesity or on people with HIV/AIDS. The findings showed that controllability manipulation moderated the intervention effect on people with HIV/AIDS, but had no effect on people with obesity. Because participants were more familiar with people with obesity than with people with HIV/AIDS, it is possible that attitudes toward a familiar social group are more difficult to be changed than the attitudes toward an unfamiliar social group, The results suggested that interventions based on cognitive dissonance principle have effects on unfamiliar social groups, such as people with HIV/AIDS. Obstacles with prejudice reduction interventions were further discussed; suggestions and future research directions were offered.
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論人壽保險人之免責事由張筱筠 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,對於前述之問題,本文建議除了從我國保險法第一百零九條、一百二十一條、第三十二條之內容加以修正之外,亦可從保險犯罪防制中心之成立,進行危險控制之工作。 / Defrauding death benefits of life insurance has become more and more serious recently, so the government and insurers must keep their eyes open about the liability exception of life insurers. This is also the inspiration source of this essay.
This essay tries to describe the definition and contexts of the liability exception of life insurers from the insurance law and insurance theories points of view. After bringing the cases and laws in different countries forward, the writer will proceed to the next step: to investigate into the statutory liability exception of life insurers; and then, to center on Model Provisions of Life Insurance Policy, studying the related regulations about the exceptions or exclusions of life policy.
The main issues of the liability exception of the life insurers arise from Sections 109 and 121 of the Insurance Law of R. O. C.. Although the Model Provisions of Life Insurance Policy S.14 also came from these rules, the main issues still remain unsolved. Moreover, this essay will also discuss about whether or not the insurers should be liable for the insurance events caused by the wars, civil strifes, other armed forces and nuclear reaction.
Finally, this essay suggests amending the Insurance Law of R.O.C., S.109, 121, and 32 to solve the issues mentioned above as well as establishing the Crime Prevention Center of Insurance Institute to carry out the work of risk control.
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