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從商標法探討精品仿冒與企業對策梁雅娟 Unknown Date (has links)
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新產品擴散模式之探討-以時尚精品為例 / Exploring new product diffusion models — The case of luxury goods張筱祺, Chang, Hsiao Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由量化問卷調查與質化深度訪談之綜合分析,本研究發現:(1)精品新產品擴散模式屬於Bass模型,所有潛在的精品消費者皆可分為受到廣告影響的創新者或口碑影響模仿者兩類;(2)精品新產品擴散模式由客觀因素與主觀因素共同建構而成,除了將採用者依客觀時間分為早期與晚期,本研究另外提出客觀早期的模仿者(即主觀落後者)與客觀晚期的創新者(即主觀創新者);(3)精品知覺價值類型與客觀購買時間的先後並無顯著差異;(4)「撞包」顧慮是由於挑剔心態與跟隨心態並存的現象,對消費者的購買決策並無實際影響力。 / Before long, only blue blood has the right to possess luxury goods. Nowadays, middle class also starts to buy luxury goods, which increases the yearly consumption of luxury goods. By exporting high class garments, accessories, make-ups and so on, luxury good industry in France yields immeasurable foreign exchange income to French goverment. Besides, the strength of recovery in luxury goods industry is much stronger than other business-cycle industries. Therefore, with high-profit and strong recovery, luxury goods industry become the benchmark of other industries.
Among the existing literatures of luxury goods, few literatures discuss issues related to the innovation of luxury goods. And in the researches of luxury-goods consumer behaviors, in addition to exploring the consumer motivations and perceived values, the changes or not of consumer characteristics and motivations with time-spreading lacks further probes. Thus, based on the theory of diffusion of innovations that mostly applied to high-technology industry, this study tries to explore the new product diffusion model of luxury goods in the case of a leading luxury brand A. Moreover, owing to stronger social influencs that luxury goods characteristic of, this study not only discussing the real time periods, but also deeply look into peer sithations in order to understand the diffusion model in subjective time periods. At last, this study will explore the differences of perceived values between early adoptors and late adoptors.
Under comprehensively analysis from qnantative Questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews, findings are as followed. (1)The new product diffusion model of luxury goods is highly close to Bass model. All potential luxury-goods customers can be divided to advertisement-influenced innovators and word-of-mouth-influenced imitators. (2)New product diffusion model of luxury goods is constructed by objective factor and subjective factors. In addition to classifying adoptors into early and late according the real time period, this study proposes other classifications: objectively early imitators (subjective followers) and objectlvely late innovators (subjective innovators). (3)Perceived value of luxury goods would not significantly sway with the objective doption time. (4)The fear of having the same bag with others results from the coexisting of Snob effect and Bandwagon effect, which has no actual influences on consumption decisions.
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精品手錶O2O定製之創新經營模式 / An Innovative Model of High End Watch O2O Customization陳凱翔, Chen, Kaixiang Unknown Date (has links)
精品定製在中國漸成一種潮流。目前的精品定製服務大多只停留在線下,消費者會遇到一些問題,例如不了解自己的定製品是否為真,是否是真的限量,以及定製的進展。為解決這些的問題,本研究提出建立一個精品定製O2O(ONLINE TO OFFLINE)平台,透過將線上和線下服務整合,讓消費者能在網上看到自己定製品的稀缺性,掌握整個定製過程,獲得尊貴的體驗。由於篇幅有限,本研究首先圍繞定製手錶提出了一套創新的定製服務模式。手錶定製的模式未來也可以擴展到其他精品的定製中。
為了找出可行的商業模式,本專案透過競爭者分析、需求分析,梳理了目前定製市場的供求現況,參考了競爭品牌的定制產品,提出了先切入個人定製和系列錶定製系列市場,採用模塊化+自由化定製的解決方案。并通過次級資料分析和業者訪談的方式,找出了市場總體需求以及消費者需求特點。最後,在參考了專家意見后,本研究提出了O2O定製的服務模式,其中包括消費者的服務流程、平台基礎設施、IP交易製度以及獲利機制。 / High-end products customization is becoming a trend in China. Currently most of the customization service is offline. Customers will be confronted with some problems, such as the authenticity of customized products, exclusivity and the process of ongoing customization. This research proposed a high-end O2O(ONLINE TO OFFLINE) customization platform in order to solve these problems. By integrating online and offline service, customers can find out the exclusivity of their orders, follow the customization process and get honored experience. Due to the length limitation of this thesis, this research will theme on an innovative model for high-end customized watch. This model can be applied to other customized products afterwards.
In order to find out feasible business model, this research sorts out the present supply-demand situation, referring to competitors’ customized products, coming up with a direction of combining modularization and free customization. Moreover, by collecting and analyzing second hand data and interviewing, demand condition of the whole market and features of demand are found out. In the end, after referring to the opinions of industry experts, this research brings forward an O2O customization model, including service workflow, platform infrastructure, IP transaction institution and profiting mechanism.
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精品公關與媒體及名媛文化之研究 / Examining the interaction among luxury public relations practitioners, the media and socialites in Taiwan: An exploratory study林吳英, Lin, Wu- Ying Unknown Date (has links)
公關人員與媒體記者的互動過程如何與兩者如何影響軟性新聞議題建構?本研究發現,公關與媒體之間的往來,初期因交情不深,尚無人情因素介入,但經由長期合作,人情運用就會不著痕跡地在兩者互動過程中出現。即使如此,從兩者長遠關係的發展來看,「專業」還是公關與媒體互動時最重要的一環,人情則具有臨門一腳的催化功效。 / Socialite wave has been brought up by the PR and media, it not only constructed a subject of debate on women, but also lead the consumer to have the infinite immigration toward quality and fashion life style
There will be three focus discussions in this research: First, how did the printed media constructed the culture of socialite ? Second, what kind of strategy the PR people have used to develop and drive the socialite culture based on using them to be a brand’s spokesperson? Third, through the interaction of PR person and journalist, how do they both constructing the soft issue? What is the process?
This research had used the method of participating-observation, article analysis and in-depth interview. We started with an analysis based on the article from fashion page of “Apple daily” and “Liberty Times”, and then we interviewed three PR persons and four senior journalists. The results are as below:”
In media has constructed the image of socialite in primary three areas, first, good mum and good wife image; second, the media emphasis on upper class’s concept of inheritance; third, the media has helped to depict a perfect happy life that has made up with full-time mother and noble blood.
The question of how dose the PR constructed and push the culture of socialite, based on the interview result, socialite is only the tool of marketing strategy, that is, a way the PR used to deliver the concept or sprit of a brand through news. To invite the right socialite with right image and blood that can connect with the brand which is suitable and serve the brand which is suitable and serve for the need of brand communication and PR. As result, it has become beneficial for both the brand and “Renowned young woman” which in the end developed a connection and paragenesis relationship of interest exchange.
How does the process of interaction between PR person and reporter influence the soft issues building? This research has discovered that the friendship has not been developed in the early stage when the both side first met, but after a long period of working relationship, the friendship will began to developed and become the influence factor without a trace. Even that is always the case, but if we look at always the case, but if we look at the long term relation and development, “professionalism” is still the most important principle to follow for the PR to interact with the media, but friendship will always play a role as catalytic agent.
Key words: Luxury public relations, socialite wave, agenda building
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精品手錶之平面廣告訴求研究 / The study on advertising appeal of luxury watches print advertisements王國宇, Wang, Kuo Yu Unknown Date (has links)
要充分認識到概念,研究開發了兩個環節的研究過程中。第一步是了解和分析所收集的刺激,以檢查不同的內容,在每個廣告訴求廣告訴求的頻率。分析顯示,高檔手錶不僅僅只是高端商品,他們被轉移到不同的符號,嵌入的平面廣告,引起讀者的情緒刺激時,。第二個步驟是採訪的目標消費者是如何處理這些刺激,他們的回憶和態度的變化。所闡明的結果不一致的廣告訴求具有不同程度的召回,根據特定的目標群體。豪華的吸引力,最常用的廣告訴求,可能不一定有回憶度,因為視覺競爭激烈,類似的困難。此外,強大的回憶度,例如性感手法並不一定會導致積極的態度。每個廣告訴求有其長處和短處在回憶和態度的變化,根據不同類型的消費者,促進精品手錶,以達到最大的效果,使用合適的廣告訴求的重要性。 / This study investigated the different advertising appeals that are applied in luxury watch print ads. With the expanding market of luxury goods, the studies on this category have become significant. However, most prior studies investigated consumer behavior to luxury goods and few of them focused on aspect of content. In fact, advertising appeals are indispensible elements for composing print ads since luxury watch advertisers attempt to lead the readers to process messages via central or peripheral route, arousing positive feeling without concentrating the only price itself.
To fully understand the notion, the study has developed research process in terms of two aspects. The first step is to understand the frequency of advertising appeals and analyze collected stimuli to examine different contents in each advertising appeal. The analysis demonstrated luxury watches are just more than high- end commodities; instead, they are transferred into various symbols, which are embedded in the print ads to arouse readers’ emotions while exposed to stimuli. The second step is to interview how target consumers process those stimuli, their recall and attitude change. The result articulated discrepant advertising appeals possess different degrees of recall based on specific target groups. Luxurious appeal, the most frequently used advertising appeal may have difficulty in being recalled because of fierce, similar visual competition. Besides, the strong recall, e.g. sex appeal does not necessarily lead to positive attitude. Each advertising appeal has its strengths and weaknesses in recall and attitude change based on various types of consumers, which shows the importance of making use of suitable advertising appeal for promoting luxury watch to reach the greatest effect.
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商業智慧在精品級機車的銷售成效上之應用 / The Application of Business Intelligence on the Sales Effectiveness of Advanced Motorcycle簡偉哲 Unknown Date (has links)
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從精品飾品設計展覽活動看雲端行銷經營成效 / A Study of the Management Effectiveness of Cloud Marketing via Fine Jewelry Design Exhibition湯崇珠 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 藉由獵人頭公司找通路及經銷商為有效率且可提高經營績效之方法。
二、 主要選擇控股公司作為經銷商。
三、 投入雲端行銷,管理客戶關係。
四、 該公司自身所擁有的優勢為跨入此產業經營之利器。
五、 該公司針對其客戶(經銷商及通路)的教育訓練可使經營成效穩定且一致。
六、 透過參加或舉辦展覽會之相關經營成本費用較其他同業高。
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台灣精品養生會館之商業企劃書 / MassageLuxe Taiwan: A Spa Revolution林珍玉, Jennifer Lynn Biondo Unknown Date (has links)
MassageLuxe Taiwan (MLT) is a franchise of MassageLuxe International (MLI). MassageLuxe Taiwan plans to open its first location in Taipei in 2012. The first location will be the flagship salon and serve as a model to franchises to be sold throughout Taiwan. MassageLuxe Taiwan will acquire area developers in prominent cities such as Taichung, Tainan, and Kaohsiung. MassageLuxe Taiwan also has first rights to China and Singapore and plans to expand into these areas within the next 3 years.
Jennifer Biondo is the Master Franchisor of MassageLuxe Taiwan. This business plan outlines the strategy for entering the Taiwan market and acquiring investors for the flagship location.
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Casa de Piedra 精品旅館 / Casa de Piedra Boutique Hotel in San Salvador, El Salvador可茉莉, Colocho, Monica Unknown Date (has links)
The constant growth of hotels worldwide is due to the increase of tourists every year. The hospitality industry is one of the most stable industries. Boutique Hotels, however, are starting to emerge more and more in every country and is a somewhat new concept in developing countries. In El Salvador the hospitality industry has a steady economic growth. Therefore, service and hospitality companies are born every year. With the concept of “Boutique Hotel” relatively new in El Salvador and occupancy rates increasing every year, it is the right time to open a Boutique Hotel with personalized services and unique features to attract customers, locals and foreigners. This is how the idea of Casa de Piedra Boutique Hotel was born.
It is located in the capital of El Salvador, with a colonial style and offering a variety of services that will be relevant to our customers. It will rely on personalized customer services, unique features, décor and design, and trained personnel as key success factors. The target market will be mostly business people, conference and meeting attendees, and private companies outbound employees.
The owner’s knowledge of the hospitality industry in El Salvador and the know how to run a company will play key parts in the success of the company. The financial plans and a five year expansion plan demonstrates the venture’s profit potential.
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影響全球品牌成功推出副品牌之因素的探討-以精品業為例王詩晴, Wang, Shr-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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