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社會秩序維護法草案之政策分析陳世寬, CHEN, SHI-KUAN Unknown Date (has links)
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消費社會中時尚的拜物教性質 / Fashion and its property of fetishism in the consumer society鄭智維, Cheng, Chih Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的具體分析目標有三:第一,釐清Simmel、Bourdieu、Bauman時尚社會學的理論意涵以便確立分析框架,並進而指出三者錯失的社會場景。第二,將時尚社會學常用的「階級性」和「個體性」這兩個分析概念操作化,並從社會歷史到個人心理的經驗現象層面漸次闡明消費社會中「拚行頭」和「風格穿搭」的時尚實作。第三,重新梳理「原始社會拜物教」、「商品拜物教」與「精神分析戀物癖」的概念歷史,並將此概念組應用到時尚現象中進行拜物教性質的詮釋。承上述,研究結果發現,消費社會的秩序已脫離社會契約論與社會互動論等觀點,改以物神誘惑時尚主體的新形式進行社會整合。換句話說,消費者在時尚遊戲中同時扮演主人與奴隸的矛盾角色;不過,本研究最終又提問拜物教作為政治策略的可能性,以便為將來的研究提供方向。 / In the film Confessions of a Shopaholic, Rebecca is addicted to the overconsumption of fashionable clothes and shoes. Her singular case reveals an universal phenomenon of the consumer society in which consumers pursue fashion as an expression of self-identity. In counter to the conventional sociological dismissal of fashion to individual anomic behaviors, this thesis seeks to explore the logic of practice of fashion in the consumer society with an aim to rethink the classical question of social order. After being initiated into Benjamin's enchanting world of fashion, the thesis hypothesizes a theoretical model of the new social order which may be formulated as "Consumer society = Fashion + Property of Fetishism". Based on this hypothesis, the thesis puts forward two lines of arguments. Above all, practices of fashion in the consumer society are an integral part of cybernetic control in the maintenance of social order. Subsequently, the notion of fetish should be severed from conceptions of substance or subject prevalent in commonsense as well as scientific understanding, and reconceived as playing a medating role in the structuring and restructuring of society.
The thesis is organized around three objects of analysis. First,we clarify dominant sociological accounts of fashion in the works of Simmel, Bourdieu and Bauman to outline an analytical framework whilst questioning the social-historical scenes those theoretical perspectives have possibly missed. Second, we operationalize the analytical notions of "social class" and "individuality" within social settings of fashion known as "dress to compete" and "dress in style", and then expound these widespread empirical phenomena of fashion by means of social history as well as individual psychology. Third, we review the conceptual development of "primitive fetishism ", "commodity fetishism" and "sexual fetishism" in relevant intellectual histories, and then apply the conceptual triad to the reinterpretation of fashion as a social phenomenon imbued with the practical property of fetishism. As a result, the thesis finds that the question of order in the consumer society is radically different from what the proponents of social contract and symbolic interaction have usually conceived. Instead, contemporary society mobilizes various mechanisms of fetishism to seduce consumer subjects so that they can actively contribute to social integration. In other words, a consumer is both master and slave in the game of fashion; nevertheless, this thesis ponders on the final possibility of fetishism as a political strategy, a heuristic question which might lead to future research.
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我國性交易管制政策之研究-以臺北市警察取締為例 / The research of the Sex-Trade Regulation Police-A case study of law enforcement of Taipei City Police Department林俊燁 Unknown Date (has links)
從事性交易之性工作者,大多數為面臨龐大經濟壓力的弱勢婦女,法令的禁止只會迫使她們淪為制度性剝削的受害者。我國政府針對性交易行為,應擬定適宜的管制政策,以有效的管理政策替代執法取締,如此一來,才能體現我國憲法保障人權之基本精神。 / Our regulations on sexual trade is based on Social Order Maintenance Act (abbreviated to SOMA), which adopts the principle of what in main provisions are prohibited yet the exceptional causes are permitted. Regarding the Constitution of R.O.C on citizen rights , such as work, sexual autonomy, and privacy, however, such ideas above are all referred to whether the permission of sexual trade is OK or NOT. We will look into some regulations of sexual trade, via bits of Grand justice interpretations, to determine if SOMA would be appropriate now days and if it would defy the principle of proportionality and human rights, from the aspect of the Constitution that ought to secure Human rights.
Besides collecting related materials, we will further explain the No.666 Grand justice interpretation by combining some scholars’ researches and opinions and some Concurring opinions, and that would be demonstrated on Chapter 2. Secondly, we’ll analyze whether the legalization of sexual trade would be against the social convention, or whether the definition of public order and good morals is permanent. On chapter 3, we’ll establish the main structure and distinguish those who necessarily receive our interview in line up with the cause, problems and ethics of researching. On Chapter 4, we’ll interview the police officers and sexual traders in person to absorb their opinions on by-then regulations, clampdown, human rights of sexual trade and their recommendations. In the final part of the essay, in addition to proposing our discoveries, we will put forward our suggestions on the revision of by-then sexual trade regulations and evaluate the possibilities of validation of sexual trade.
Those who feed on sexual trade mostly are afflicted from enormous economic pressure and the ban on sexual trade of regulations make them institutionally deprived. In order to exert the spirit of the Constitution that ought to secure human rights, we advise the government need to enact appropriate laws and rules focusing on sexual trade behavior to effectively replace the clampdown.
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中央地方立法權限衝突與法規競合-從司法院大法官釋字第666號解釋談起 / 無(null)楊秦岳 Unknown Date (has links)
地方自治是近代憲政的有機組成部分。無論對任何一種憲法體制來說,都需要把地方自治和地方分權問題作為民主國家不可或缺的內容,予以明確定位。 與此同時,很多國家和國際組織重申地方自治原則。1985年通過的多國條約《歐洲地方自治憲章》,1985年通過、1993年再次通過的《世界地方自治宣言》加重了對地方自治的關注,這意味著在今天,地方自治和地方分權的積極意義在世界開始得到討論,並逐步得到明確。與地方自治和地方分權相伴隨的是地方公共團體事務優先原則的確立,即市鎮村最優先、然後是省市縣優先的事務分配原則,而中央政府只負責全國民、全國家性質的事務。地方自治可定義為,國家特定區域的人民,由於國家授權或依據國家法令,在國家監督下自行組織法人團體,用地方的人力財力物力自行處理自己的事務的政治制度。
在中央地方立法權限上,以我國憲法為例,憲法第171條規定:「法律與憲法牴觸者無效。」第172條規定:「命令與憲法或法律牴觸者無效。」另外,中央法規標準法第11條:「法律不得牴觸憲法,命令不得牴觸憲法或法律,下級機關訂定之命令不得牴觸上級機關之命令。」在中央法制範圍內建構憲法、法律、命令的三層的上下位階關係。論及地方法規與中央法規之位階關係,由於地方自治團體所制定之地方法規,屬國家法律體系內之一部分,為求國家法律體系之完整及統一地方法規自應受法律位階理論之拘束。 故我國憲法第116條規定:「省法規與國家法律牴觸者無效。」、第125條規定:「縣單行規章與國家法律或省法規牴觸者無效。」。
在司法院大法官釋字第666號解釋中,我國社會秩序維護法第80條禁止性交易,究竟限制人民何種憲法上權利,主要有二種見解:其一主張涉及性自主權,其二主張涉及工作權。 後者最重要理由是提供性服務以收取對價應認為是一種職業而應納入憲法職業自由之討論。憲法第15條職業自由所稱之職業,原則上只要是人民用以謀生的經濟活動即足當之,毋庸沾染太多道德或價值判斷的色彩,至於該職業應否管制或如何管制始為正當,則是後續的問題。 性如果可能作為一種謀生的工具,人民有沒有以性作為謀生工具的自由?性販售行為可否受到憲法對職業自由的保障? 如果立法者不是採取全面禁止的手段,而是合目的性地鑑於政策需要,對從事性工作之方法、時間、地點等執行職業之自由,予以適當限制,則由於「根據職業自由的三階理論」此類管制手段性質上屬寬鬆之合理審查的範疇,立法者反而能獲取更大的政策形成空間。
爰上所述,本論文提出主要研究問題如下:宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例對於性販售行為僅僅有所管制,而非全面禁止,是否與社會秩序維護法第80條牴觸?宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例規範位階為何?是否為法律?宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例與與社會秩序維護法效力關係又為何?中央地方權限劃分對宜蘭縣娼妓管理自治條例效力影響為何?是否可直接逕依中央法律,亦即依據社會秩序維護法處行政罰?有無侵犯宜蘭縣政府地方自治權限空間疑慮?處罰之理由或相關理論基礎為何?中央地方法規衝突對憲法上性工作者之工作權保障程度及影響為何?地方政府的自治權限有無憲法保障且不容中央恣意侵犯領域?中央或地方法規其中之ㄧ經司法院大法官解釋宣告定期失效或立即失效時有何種影響? 兩者法律關係影響為何?究為取代關係或遞補關係?
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