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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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東正教在蘇聯解體前後政教關係之探討(一九八五年至一九九七年) / The exploration of the relationship between Russian politics and the Russian Orthodox Church ,before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union,1985-1997

黃雅芳, Huang, Ya-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討俄羅斯東正教政教關係之演變。在研究方法上,主要依據”政教關係”的理論以及相關的文獻分析來進行之。本文的架構以教會過去的歷史、俄羅斯官方的意識型態以及政府的宗教政策之演變為主軸,據此來探討一九九一年底之後,俄羅斯政教關係之變化。 本論文共分五章。第一章說明本文之研究方法與架構。第二章則將帝俄時期至一九八五年以前的俄羅斯政教關係的歷史背景作一簡單的敘述。一九一七年以前,東正教一直是俄羅斯的國教。與其他的教派相比,東正教會享有許多特權,例如,它得以免除稅務以及公民應盡之義務。在蘇聯時期,東正教會喪失原來獨享之特權並且遭受到殘酷之宗教迫害;不過這種情況到戈巴契夫上台以後有了轉變。 本文第三章首先題到戈巴契夫在蘇聯境內實行政治與經濟領域之革新,這些政策伴隨官方意識型態之轉變,導致政府宗教政策的大幅修正,政教關係也因此有所突破。此時俄羅斯東正教會再度受到重視,並且可以進行它的復興工作。在蘇聯解體之後,東正教在俄羅斯的政治上依然扮演著重要的角色。在第四章裏我們將探討教會與俄羅斯政府之間如何相互影響。第五章將對本文作一個總結,並討論俄羅斯政教關係可能的發展方向,以及俄羅斯東正教之未來前景。 / This dissertation focuses on the changes in the relationship between the Russian government and the Russian Orthodox Church. The methodology for this thesis is based on the “Politics-Religion Mutuality”Theory and the analysis of documents pertaining to the two related parties. The framework of this study is based upon three essential topics: the history of the church, the evolution of Russian ideology and the religious policies of Russian government.Analyzing these three topics we may find out how the Russia politics-religion relationship changes after the end of 1991. There are five parts to this thesis. Each part has a chapter devoted specifically to it. In chapter one the methodology and the framework of this dissertation will be expounded. In chapter two the author gives an outline of the history of the relationship between the state and the church. Before 1917 the Russian Orthodox Church was the state church of Russia. Being the official church, the Russian Orthodox Church had many privileges as compared with other denominations, for example, it was exempt from assessments and civic obligations. In the Soviet Union the Russian Orthodox Church lost its monopolistic power and suffered brutal religious persecution. This, however changed when M. Gorbachev headed the government. Chapter three, the turning point, shows the new policies in political and economic domains within the USSR enacted enforced by Gorbachev. These changes to the official ideology also led to large-scale changed in religious policy. At this time the Russian Orthodox Church became highly regarded again in the USSR and could proceed with its own revival. After the disintegration of the USSR, the Russian Orthodox Church was still highly regarded and played an important role in Russia's politics. In chapter four we investigate how the church and the government influenced each other. In chapter five we conclude with a summery, the possible development of mutuality between the Russian Orthodox Church and the prospects of the Russian Orthodox Church.

「原住民神學」、傳道人與異文化-以泰雅族長老教會為例 / The "Aboriginal Theology" Movement of Tayal Presbyterian Church

謝欣育, Shieh, Shin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主要議題就在於尋找「原住民神學」的著眼點以及它形成的契機。並試圖去理解「原住民神學」這個兼具探討信仰和文化兩方面議題的思潮現象。 一般傳統的神學並不將文化問題納入考量的主體,至今,原住民教會所提出的朝著「原住民神學」的思考方向,這個行動就呈現出一個非常有意義的社會文化現象,尤其是我們回顧早期原住民教會接受基督教信仰的歷程,其中就有各種相異文化的因素參雜其中,使人將此與今日「原住民神學」思潮的出現相互聯想;因此本文即從「異文化」觀點出發、透過探討原住民神學的來源,進行一連串假設作為方法的架構,從傳道人與異文化闡述彼此的關係,引證二者交互後產生傳道人文化立場的轉變,導致原住民神學產生的契機;進一步指出所謂的「原住民神學」具有很強烈的文化認同色彩,也因此他 顯示出了不尋常的社會意義與脈絡,在最後,本文將對它做一評估,指出它未來的前瞻性與將要面臨文化與信仰上的困境,以及這樣的討論將對現在學界認識的原住民信仰做一補充和調整。 因此,本文的第一章就先指出從傳道人的研究出發,來探討「原住民神學」這個代表思潮,他們與異文化觀點的學術關懷有著及密切的相關性。 在第二章中,討論傳道人與異文化彼此的交互關係,筆者以長老會的三大系統:宣教、教育和社會關懷來呈現二者的關係,從這種大範圍的、目前教會對於原住民教會歷史的觀點概述中,發現明顯地呈現異文化因素對這些工作的影響力,但是奇怪的是原住民接受新信仰以及新文化竟幾乎沒有出現衝突抵抗,導致我們看教會歷史的第一印象即是相當平順的過程。然後,真正的宣教歷程是否出於敘述的太過簡化,而掩埋了一些文化問題的蛛絲馬跡? 第三章,筆者進一步以大歷東和行更多的傳道人文本來建立宣教歷程的民族志,以這個宣教過程的民族志,企圖分析出當時各種族籍傳道人的文化觀點與行動,我們從中發現當時宣教的理念和方式的確影響了原住民社會,尤其是展現在社會行為上,看到這些改變的社會行為有的直接影響舊有的部落生活、而制度上本土化基本上則與當時政策令相衝突,甚至也引發國家干預傳教工作的現象、教勢發展受挫、傳道人權威下降等現象已經潛藏。 第四章乃由於歷史的限制,泰雅族本族傳道人相當遲才開始廣泛使用文字、傳播媒體表達其立場;在這個部份,筆者仍以文本分析來探究原住民傳道人的文化理念,藉此與前面不同族籍傳道人相對照,並試圖解釋彼此之間以及大環境的影響如何改變了傳道人的文化態度。由於文化態度的改變,使得「原住民神學」的呼聲也伴隨在本土化運動的實踐中浮現。 第五章前以現象來說明「原住民神學」的出現,就是傳道人文化態度改變的表徵之一;然後傳道人原本歧異的文化態度展現在信仰與神學領堿時,卻引起各種爭議,這些文化行動的展現,都是傳道人從神學的角度來試著探求本族人對於本族文化認同的程度。在這樣嘗試的過程中,目前這股思潮內也有另一種聲音的衝擊,在泰雅族教會內、基於在本色化中持守福音本質的考量,則展現出這股思潮的另一種面貌,這種彼此相互拉扯的力量使得「原住民神學」議題的思潮進行有著極為多變的空間繼續演繹。 在最後一章中,我們回顧長老會歷來的文化行動,可以用Victor Tumer所提出的「社會事件」(social drama)架構,來觀察與解懌。看「原住民神學」生成的整個社會環境,以「社會事件」─破壞、危機、救濟過程和解決再整合,四個主體概念嘗試著理解「原住民社學」在整個社會中展現的意義。我們歸納長老會的本土化歷程為兩次本土化運動,這兩次運動最主要的差異點在於第二次本土化運動開始試圖將本色化議題深化進入神學思考的企圖,藉著行動的實踐之後以及教會內部信仰思考的衝擊,而使得「原住民神學」議題的建構充滿多變的發展性。而這個理念架構也帶領我們發現傳道人自己逐漸形成的信仰與文化概念、他們與當代的大社會相連結的情況,甚至也受到世界性的原住民議題啟發的同時,原住民傳道人不斷與異文化、大社會的互動事件,正是一種社會的過程。

論基督宗教神聖感之體現—以長老教會內在醫治為例 / The Embodiment of Christian Understanding of Sacredness—the Inner Healing of Presbyterian Churches in Taiwan

曾如芳, Tseng ,Ju-fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖從實際的例子觀察基督宗教的神聖感在組織中如何形成。以靈恩運動當中的神聖感現象為例,首先了解整體靈恩運動的發源以及區域的發展,再縮小到台灣的靈恩運動;本研究選擇由長老教會牧師組成的台灣教會更新協會,及其訓練單位頌泉內在醫治學校作為田野觀察對象。 一開始先由兩個層面了解內在醫治,首先是內在醫治的抽象概念以及發生的原則,它強調基本的認知符合基督教聖經教義,並相信靈界的存在,以及在靈界中有聖靈與邪靈的正邪力量存在。其次是內在醫治的身體實踐,它將人分成靈魂體三個部分因為靈會影響人的身心,因此身體的疾病和心理的困擾都和靈相關,其中聖靈帶來正面的影響,邪靈則帶來負面影響;所以內在醫治便以一些得到恩賜能力的信徒,本文稱為服事者,在儀式語言中驅逐邪靈或以及與其他靈之間不合宜的連結。 本研究一方面以韋伯的宗教社會學分析靈恩卡里斯瑪力量在宗教組織產生的身分分化,以及靈恩運動組織受到全球化以及本地化的影響;另一方面以現象學分析內在醫治的實際做法,藉由實際田野的觀察,將信徒在內在醫治當中的感知分成身體的感知以及意象的感知,並且引用Csordas對他者意識形成的分析,以及梅絡龐蒂對習慣形成的分析,解釋內在醫治當中信徒神聖感的形成,自我的神聖感與醫治的關係。 / This study tries to observe how the understanding of sacredness is formed in Charismatic Christian organizations. Therefore, this study starts the investigation from the development of Charismatic movement in North America and how it spread to Taiwan. To involve more and provide reliable observation, a charismatic organization Taiwan Church Renewal Ministry and its training partner organization Singing Waters Ministries thus are chosen as study cases. These two organizations stress on a specific Charismatic activity called inner healings. The investigation of inner healing can be divided to two dimensions, the understanding of the concepts and principles of inner healing which always stress its teaching that have matched Christian faith, and the body practice of inner healing. Human beings are divided into three parts—body, soul, and spirits in inner healing teachings. For that the spirits will affect bodies and souls of human beings, there could be both positive and negative influences. Holy spirits bring positive effects such as the feeling of heats and peace, while evil spirits bring negative effects such as illnesses and disturbance on emotions. There will be some gifted disciples designated “servers” are able to help the participants to chase away evil spirits or cut the inappropriate connection among human souls, “soul-ties.” Inner healing phenomenon could be analyzed through sociology of religion of Max Weber by charismatic domination and its influences on religious organizations. Besides, it could be set in a globalization context as well. On the other hand, it could be analyzed by phenomenological approaches. Through the approaches such as the sacred self and alterity theory of Csordas Thomas and the habitus theory of Merleau Ponty can not only explain how the understanding of sacredness is developed among the participants in inner healing activities but elaborate the relation between self secredness and healings.

俄羅斯東正教聖樂之調式分析與表現規範-以「符號歌唱音樂」與「多聲部合唱音樂」為例 / Analysis of tonal structure, musical form and manners of performance in Russian Orthodox sacred music – with examples of znamenny and partesny singing

蔣易耘, Chiang, Yih Yun Unknown Date (has links)
音樂,不僅是一種藝術,更是各種情感,甚至是思想的反映與表現。它存在於整個大自然中,超越人類甚至是先於人類;但人類發現了它,豐富了它,讓它滋潤了我們的生命,可以透過它來表達,也能被它所感動。而宗教音樂,更可視為人類音樂中的最菁華,它能撫慰、感動與昇華我們的心靈,還提供了沉靜思緒,讚頌上主以及與上主溝通的功能,尤其是內涵豐富深廣的基督宗教音樂,它的誕生,就等於西方音樂的誕生;它的歷史,幾乎就等於整部西方音樂史。   本論文共分為六章:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的、研究途徑、方法及限制、文獻評論,以及研究架構。第二章介紹基督宗教音樂中,從古猶太音樂、古希臘音樂到羅馬天主教聖樂的發展。內容首先釐清聖樂(sacred music/духновная музыка)的觀念,對相關名詞做清楚的闡釋與分類,然後介紹古猶太音樂中對基督宗教聖樂影響較深的部分、對後世音樂理論影響至深且廣的希臘音樂調式、天主教最重要的葛利果聖歌,以及重要記譜法的演進過程等。第三章集中討論東正教聖樂的歷史,從拜占庭到羅斯 ,包含了拜占庭聖樂中最重要的「拜占庭八調式」(осмогласие или октоих)之理論內容以及實際應用、羅斯的「符號歌唱音樂」(знаменное пение)與「多聲部合唱音樂」(партесное пение)兩大重要聖樂形式的起源發展與結構性質,同時,也會提及「符號歌唱音樂」中的「神聖詩文」(духовные стихи),以及羅斯最早的複音音樂「領唱歌唱音樂」(демественное пение)。第四章從「聲學」以及「曲式學」的角度研究俄羅斯東正教聖樂的內部結構;將畢達格拉斯的「純律」、教會調式、希臘調式、拜占庭的音程單位「莫里亞」、計算音程的單位「音分」等交相使用,分析與證明俄羅斯東正教聖樂的調式,並以曲式學分析其曲式。同時本論文將使用柯爾蒂希《俄國音樂史》(Келдыш, Ю.К., «История русской музыки»)中提供之譜例做為具體分析研究之對象。第五章剖析俄羅斯東正教聖樂形於外部的表現規範,包含作曲者的身分、演唱者的性別是否有限制、純人聲無伴奏演唱法(a cappella)的發展及使用、歌唱與教堂建築間的關係、合唱團在教堂中的位置等層面。第六章為全文之結論部分,除對各章節的研究作一個總結,亦包含本論文所預期之學術貢獻。

論西歐婚姻法法制化起源—以第1至12世紀之世俗婚姻法(Secular Marriage Law)與教會婚姻法(The Marriage of Canon Law)之沿革及相互影響為探討中心 / The research of the origin of the West European marriage legislation—emphasized on the development and the interaction of the Secular Marriage Law and The Marriage of Canon Law

葉光洲, Chou, Yeh-Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
本文係為探討婚姻法學研究對西歐於文藝復興、宗教改革以及婚姻還俗運動前之婚姻法沿空白所撰。並以「世俗」及「教會」兩個角度切入,依照「羅馬帝國」(西元1-476年)、「初代教會」(1-500年)、「中世紀初期」(500-1000年)、復興改革時期(1000-1200年)之歷史沿革,探討今日婚姻法中諸如婚姻之本質、婚姻之成立、婚姻障礙、婚姻成立後之權利義務及婚姻之解消等制度之由來與發展。 首先,在羅馬帝國方面。按此時期之羅馬婚姻法對「嫁妝」著墨最多,似可顯示羅馬婚姻之重點乃在婚姻締結後對男方家族財產之重新分配,而非單純身分關係之新設、連結與延伸。在此同時,亦可察見自西元一世紀起,源自聖經之教會婚姻觀,強調婚姻之本質係「丈夫與妻子連合,兩人成為一體」之「兩人一體」關係,婚姻之成立係儀式婚,成立後,丈夫與妻子需秉持「愛與順服」彼此相待,且因婚姻為「神所結合,所以人不能分開」而衍生出婚姻不可解消之基本信念。 進入中世紀初期,「神本」之婚姻觀雖藉由散落各地之教會而廣為傳播,然而,對上層王公貴族,即使有如法蘭西之卡洛琳王朝般,與教會關係良好之政權,但一般上層階級,為維護其家族利益,繼承財產與個人私慾,對「兩人一體」之婚姻觀與「婚姻不解消」主義,仍是敬謝不敏,至多於犯罪後前住教會懺悔認罪,或在晚年進入修道院度此餘生。故中世紀初期之聖俗婚姻觀影響結果,係呈現「下聖上俗」之光景。 經歷過千禧年後,整個西歐來說似可稱為進入一個「復興改革時期」。在婚姻規範方面,或因教會改革奏效,民心歸向,且部分國王亦完全服膺教會婚姻規範,故上層階級之婚姻亦逐漸展現「由俗入聖」之趨。在婚姻法制方面,則在1140年左右由格拉濟亞,藉由教會法制史首見之科學分析方式,交出名為「不和諧教會法之調合」(Concordia discordantium canonum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons)之法令集(Decretum),其內之婚姻法案例堪稱教會婚姻法一千多年來之結晶,堪稱為西歐婚姻法制化之源頭。 綜上,本研究發現今日婚姻法之法制起源,並非僅源自於十六世紀之法國民法,而係早在十二世紀之教會婚姻法中便可窺見其萌芽之蹤影,而今日婚姻法中受教會婚姻法影響者,亦非如一般教科書所稱僅「婚姻不解消」一端,而係包括「意思婚」、「一夫一妻制」及「異性婚」,並且禁止「重婚」、「內婚」均直接或間接受十二世紀教會婚姻法之影響。 / Abstract The study was to explore the vacant development of marriage legal history before Renaissance, Religious Reformation and marriage returned to secular(movement de la sécularization du marriage) in Western Europe. Based on the four periods of history including “Roman Empire”(A.D1~A.D476),“the early church” (A.D1~A.D500), “Middle Age(A.D500~A.D1000)”, “the period of renew and reform (A.D1000~A.D1200)”, the study explored the origin and the development of today’s marriage law such as the essence, establishment, obstacle of the marriage, the right and obligation after getting marriage, and the dissolution of marriage, etc. At first, the law of marriage in Roman Empire was established on “Dos’’(dowry) a lot. It showed that the main focus of Roman marriage was on re-allotting the properties of the male’s family instead of simply reconstituting connecting and extending two persons’ relationship after getting marriage. Meanwhile from the first century, the law of marriage in the Church derived from Holy Bible emphasized the essence of marriage on the relationship of “two will became one flesh” in “A man will be united to his wife and they will become on flesh”. And through a ceremony, the marriage was established. After the ceremony, husband and wife should treat each other with love and obedience. Moreover ,the basic conviction of no dissolution after of the marriage was derived from that the marriage was established on the belief “what God has joined together ,let man not separate”. During Middle Age (A.D 500~ A.D 1000), although the churches which spread over everyplace disseminated extensively the concept of “marriage rooted in God”, the upper class of society still didn’t approve the marriage concept of “two will become one flesh” and the conviction of no dissolution of the marriage, since they wanted to safeguard their family benefits, inherit properties, and satisfy their personal desire. Even like Carolingain dynasty in France which maintained good relationship with the Church was also in the same position. The upper class most went to the church and confessed their sin after committing crime, or spent the rest of their elder life in the abbey. As a result , the marriage of the lower class was holy and the upper class was secular showed during Middle Age. To Western Europe, after millennium seemed to be called the period of renew and reformation. (A.D 1000~ A.D 1200). Since reformation in the Church showed results , the public attitude was for the Church, and some kings completely obeyed the marriage regulations of the Church, the marriage in the upper class also gradually displayed from secular to holy tendency. On the marriage legal system, Gratian composed a Decretum named “Concordia discordantium canonnum, A Harmony of Conflicting Canons” in A.D.1140 . The Causae of Decretum was recognized as the excellent piece of Church one thousand years age and the origin of marriage legal system in Western Europe. The study found that the origin of today’s marriage legal system was not only derived from French Civil Law in the sixteenth century, but from marriage law in the Church in the twelfth century, And marriage law of the church in the twelfth century impacted today’s marriage law in many aspects. The influence was not only limited on the conviction of no dissolution action of the marriage as the common textbooks declared so, but directly or indirectly on the conviction of “ consensual marriage” ,“monogamy”, and on forbidding “ plural bigamy marriage” and “consanguine marriage.

論明清時期澳門詩詞中的天主教描寫 =The representations of Catholicism in Macau-themed poetry of the Ming and Qing dynasties / Representations of Catholicism in Macau-themed poetry of the Ming and Qing dynasties

曾瑋彤 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Department of Chinese

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