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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻探討章節之語步分析 / Move structure of literature review in Ma theses by Taiwanese TEFL Graduates

蕭政華, Hsiao, Cheng Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在學術論文寫作眾多章節中,文獻回顧章節是讀寫過程中困難度較高的一章節,因此研究生普遍視為畏途。文獻回顧的語步分析在過去文獻中尚未受到重視。因此本論文旨在分析臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節之語步結構。本論文提出兩個研究問題: (1)臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節之語步結構為何?(2)評選高分與評選低分的文獻回顧差異為何?本論文選出三十篇臺灣英語教學碩士論文中文獻回顧章節做為文本分析並將其評選高分群與評選低分群。本研究以四個主要語步來分析文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這四個主要語步分別為:(1)領域知識觀念介紹,(2)用主題方式整合過去之文獻,(3)聯結過去文獻與將進行之研究之關係,及(4)宣布將進行研究。每一主要語步都有數個次要語步。本論文討論語步出現的頻率,語步發展,語步組合結構及語步循環。 本論文顯示第一語步使用的最為廣泛佔56.96%,第二語步佔22.39%,第三語步與第四語步各為11.74%與8.91%。收集之文獻回顧分為四組,分別為(1)表現最差,(2)表現較差,(3)表現稱職,及(4)表現最好。 結果發現表現最差的一組沒有任何主題發展,表現較差的一組有主題發展但是僅限於整合,表現稱職的一組有運用到四個主要語步,而表現最好的一組發現有數個全部語步的循環。本論文呈現臺灣英語教學碩士論文文獻回顧章節的語步結構。這些結果與討論提供英語教學領域研究生更加了解學術論文文獻回顧之寫作架構。 / Reviewing literature for a research study is a highly complicated reading and writing process, which has been assumed a rather formidable task for many graduate students. In the field of English for Specific Purposes, many scholars have devoted their studies into certain types of genre analysis, particularly research genres. However, the concept of “literature review” (LR) as a distinct type of genre has been constantly overlooked and the move structure of literature reviews unexplored. The move structure of LRs in master theses written by Taiwanese TEFL program graduates was studied. This proposed study included two research questions: (1) What are the move structures of the LR chapters in the master theses of TEFL programs? (2) Do the move structures differ between the low-rated and high-rated LRs? In this study, thirty theses were randomly chosen. Thirty theses were rated and grouped into high-rated and low-rated categories. Based on Kwan’s framework (2006) and the results of pilot study, a new move structure with the four major moves was formulated for this study. The statistical results showed that “conceptualizing themes in a field (Move 1)” takes the largest proportion among the total occurrences, followed by “integrating previous works on the themes (Move 2),” “relating previous works to the current study (Move 3)” and “advancing to one’s own study (Move 4).” It is concluded that LRs composed by these graduates fundamentally serves to present relevant field knowledge. Further, no topic expansion is found in the deficient group. Most of the LRs in the poor group halt at the synthesis though there is some topic development. The competent group has a complete occurrence of the four major moves. Multiple cycles are found per LR in the distinctive group. This study provides insights into the move structure of Taiwanese students’ literature review chapters of master theses.

政治關係與所有權結構對公司價值的影響 / The Impacts of Political Connections and Ownership Structure on Firm Value

王佑鈞, Wang, Yu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
This dissertation discusses three issues. First, we provide a thorough survey of political connections in the essay “A Survey of Political Connection Literature.” Then two empirical studies on political connections are presented in the following two essays, “Do Political Preferences Affect Investor Trading Behavior and Market Reaction?” and “The Relationship between Ownership Structure and the Value of Political Connections: Evidence from the Taiwanese Presidential Election and Global Financial Crisis of 2008,” respectively. Last, we present the conclusions in the final chapter. From the survey in the first essay, the impacts of political connections on firm value and corporate finance issues are discussed. A number of recent studies have found that political connections create value for firms when these connections are considered beneficial. Thus, in the second essay, we are motivated to investigate what kind of stock market investors would take such advantages that increase the value of their portfolio. We are also motivated by the argument in the literature that the officials’ rent-seeking behavior to establish political connections may bear some costs for the firms. Then, in the third essay, we address the question whether the value of political connections is associated with the firms’ managerial ownership structure. We organize our three essays into Chapters 2 to 4, respectively, and we briefly describe these issues below. Chapter 2 provides the theoretical and empirical background of this dissertation. We survey extant research on political connections, with special attention to its importance on corporate finance. First we discuss whether and how political connections affect firm value. Then we turn to the channel through which political connections affect firm value. For instance, political connections help firms obtain more external funds with lower costs, which results in a decline in the required rate of return and an increase in the market value. Studies that discuss the characteristics of politically connected firms are also surveyed in this essay. In Chapter 3, the essay discusses whether or not political preferences bring value to a firm. We approach the issue by checking the share trading and stock returns of politically connected firms during the 2008 Taiwanese Presidential Election. In particular, we classify investors into sophisticated and non-sophisticated investors. The political preference hypothesis is proposed to explore whether the trading behavior of the two types of investors shifts when their favorite political party loses or wins during a Presidential Election. First, a sophisticated investor holds more shares in the firm connected with the winning political party, but has fewer shares in the losing party. However, this may not hold for non-sophisticated investors. Second, firms connected with the winning party exhibit positive stock returns, whereas firms connected with the losing party do not experience the same success. Finally, the increment shares of sophisticated investors in firms connected with the winning party are positively correlated with the stock returns around the time of the election. Specifically, sophisticated investors invest more on firms connected with the winning party, thus obtaining more abnormal returns. However, the results may not hold for non-sophisticated investors. Consequently, foreign investors are found to be sophisticated investors and political preference brings market value to this kind of investors. In Chapter 4, the essay examines the relationship between ownership structure and the value of political connections. We address this issue with the data of Taiwanese publicly-traded firms during the 2008 Taiwanese Presidential Election and the 2008 global financial crisis. First, following the literature, the value of political connections is examined through the positive abnormal stock returns of the winning-party-connected firms during the election. Then we find a negative relationship between the value of political connections and the deviation of management group’s control rights from cash flow rights. Second, using the collapse of Lehman Brothers as an exogenous shock to control for the overall decline in investment opportunity, we find that politically connected firms with managers possessing more excess control rights underperformed in stock returns than firms without such potentially entrenched managers. Thus, studies that do not consider the inverse impacts of potential expropriation tend to present an incomplete picture of the value of political connections.


劉維俊 Unknown Date (has links)
不衡量,就無法論成敗(If you don't measure results,you can't tell success from failure),Osborne與Gaebler(1992)一語道出政府再造關鍵所在,在此一新局勢下,各國政府積極引進民間企業「策略管理」與「績效管理」機制,而我國也不例外,行政院自2001年起根據以往績效評核成果,並參考美國之政府績效成果法(Government performance and Results Act,簡稱GPRA)相關報告,融入「顧客導向 」觀念,訂定「施政績效評估計畫」要求所屬各部、會辦理,正式開啟另一波我國「績效管理」導向的政府治理局面。 本研究以國防部為例,藉平衡計分卡(Balance Scorecard,簡稱BSC)及有關績效評估理論作為理論基礎,設計一套有系統研究架構,運用深入訪談法,經訪談結果,計有:缺乏組織願景、缺乏「策略管理」理念、策略目標無法與個人職掌相結合、策略目標無法轉化各部門可用指標 、「績效評估」法制位階不足、與原研考制度待整合、強化「顧客面」之對話評估指標、各面向指標連結不足、指標挑戰不足、衡量標準不明確、指標建立觀念不足、不重視外部因素、評估指標缺乏彈性、特別迎合指標現象、計畫與評估脫節、本位主義心態、教育訓練不足、評估產出結果重視「效率」而不重視「效能」、未獲得主官支持、作業能力不足、績效無法與績效獎金制度相結合等20項,待檢討改進。 本研究將BSC原有財務、顧客、內部流程、學習與成長等四個構面,轉化為合適國防部績效指標的四個構面:利益關係人:我國人民、總統、行政院、立法院等均為國防部利益關係人;內部流程:如何執行各項計畫及作業流程,達成上層利益關係人所關心使命,並為支援策略,應建立或改善那些流程;學習與成長:為支援我們的策略,我們應如何投資人才、技術、基礎建設及照顧官生活起居;資源管理:確保資源源源不絕,是策略地圖的根本。當運用策略性水平與垂直診斷過程中,發覺現有指標構圖中有很多策略性目標不足之缺口,造成各業管單位各自為正,彼此間缺乏縱向及橫向聯繫,資源無法有效整合。因此,本研究調整各構面關係位置並描繪國防部及下轄各部會(國軍醫院為例)層級之策略地圖。但除制度與機制本身的設計必須要周延外,相關的配套措施亦不可或缺,另提出研究建議:「策略管理」理念應納入中程施政計畫、績效評估法制化、強化中程施政及年度施政計畫與年度績效評估計畫之連動、建立層次性個別指標體系、確立金字塔績效目標、施政計畫與預算編列相連結、建立適當績效評估指標數量、建立「顧客面」之衡量指標、高階主管的支持及參與、運用「績效標竿」,將英、美軍列為學習對象、訂定年度績效評估重點、建立國防部各面向重要監控指標、精進委外民意調查功能、績效制度須與激勵制度相結合,以為因應。 關鍵詞︰策略管理、績效評估、平衡計分卡、策略地圖、績效標竿


梁碧霞 Unknown Date (has links)

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