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コーパスを利用した複合動詞「―残す」の意味分析杉村, 泰, SUGIMURA, YASUSHI 28 October 2008 (has links)
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コーパスを利用した複合動詞「-残る」の意味分析杉村, 泰 30 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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明治期における国語国字問題と日本人の漢学観方, 光鋭 31 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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名古屋大学生と海外留学 : 全学教養科目「現代世界と学生生活」課題レポートから見えてきたものNOMIZU, Tsutomu, IWAKI, Nami, 野水, 勉, 岩城, 奈巳 07 September 2010 (has links)
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留学推進の取り組みが交換留学に与える影響についての実態調査IWAKI, Nami, 岩城, 奈巳 30 July 2012 (has links)
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帝國之眼:日本殖民者與它的「他者」台灣許光武, Hsu, Kuang-Wu Unknown Date (has links)
2004年2月9日,一則來自北鄰日本的新聞吸引了筆者的目光,報導中指出,日本東京高等法院針對台灣慰安婦要求日本政府國家賠償的訴訟案進行判決,短短數秒鐘,承審法官只留下「本案全部駁回,有關判決理由和事實會在判決書面說明,一切訴訟費用由原告負擔」等短短數語即退庭離去,連讓口譯員翻譯給原告瞭解判決內容的時間都沒有,留下了一臉愕然的台灣阿嬤和在場旁聽的支援者,台灣阿嬤飽經殖民者與歲月摧殘的表情,透過越洋傳送的電視畫面令人不忍卒睹……。 判決書中但見日本法院對台灣原告過去被害的歷史與事實完全不願承認,而留下了一團疑惑。
猶記得同樣是慰安婦事件風波,5年多前,2001年2月,當日本右翼作家小林善紀的一部《台灣論》漫畫,因引用蔡焜燦、許文龍先生那些關於慰安婦的談話, 一時之間,挑動了統、獨雙方人士不同史觀「民族認同」的敏感神經,激烈的言詞交鋒、論戰持續在台灣政壇及社會上掀起不少漣漪。
而殖民地出現這種「兩種評價」的分歧詮釋原因,似乎在於殖民情境中被殖民者特有「創造性矛盾」(creative ambivalence)的複雜情感,意即它同時體現了「本土化的顛覆、抵抗策略」,以及「與統治者同化相當的模仿」的兩種過程。 對此,法國的殖民心理學家梅米(Albert Memmi)亦曾作出類似分析,他認為被殖民者可能會陷入一種兩難困境,亦即不是試圖重建殖民化所奪走的一切,就是試圖把自己變成另一種人, 但這樣的解釋與分析是否充分呢?前蘇聯馬克思主義者普列漢諾夫(Georgy Valentinovieh Plekhanov, 1857-1918)曾說過:「在歷史與現實的一團疑惑面前,不哭,也不笑,而是去理解」,在此,本文也將本著去「理解」的精神,試圖在「真假難辨」與「百家爭鳴」之間,為解開這團疑惑做些個人的嘗試與努力。
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日據時期台灣的獄政 / A History of the Prison in Taiwan in the Japanese Colonial馬海倫, Murphy, Helen Louise Unknown Date (has links)
This paper examines the development of penal policy and practice in Taiwan in the early Japanese colonial era (1895-1908). The Japanese colonial government considered creation of a modern prison system in Taiwan as not only an essential part of establishing control over the island, but also in proving their colonial credentials. However the process of establishing a modern colonial penal system was a new challenge for Japanese rulers and penal policies underwent changes throughout the period of Japanese rule as they sought to adjust to the needs and realities of colonial governance. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: How did the Japanese colonial regime’s strategy of colonial governance (i.e. the new political rationality) affect the development of penal thought and techniques in Taiwan? What were the particular characteristics of the colonial prison in Taiwan and what comparisons can be made between penal systems in Qing Taiwan, Meiji Japan and colonial Taiwan? This paper will examine relevant penal philosophy, architecture and penal technologies in order to answer these questions. / This paper examines the development of penal policy and practice in Taiwan in the early Japanese colonial era (1895-1908). The Japanese colonial government considered creation of a modern prison system in Taiwan as not only an essential part of establishing control over the island, but also in proving their colonial credentials. However the process of establishing a modern colonial penal system was a new challenge for Japanese rulers and penal policies underwent changes throughout the period of Japanese rule as they sought to adjust to the needs and realities of colonial governance. This paper seeks to answer the following questions: How did the Japanese colonial regime’s strategy of colonial governance (i.e. the new political rationality) affect the development of penal thought and techniques in Taiwan? What were the particular characteristics of the colonial prison in Taiwan and what comparisons can be made between penal systems in Qing Taiwan, Meiji Japan and colonial Taiwan? This paper will examine relevant penal philosophy, architecture and penal technologies in order to answer these questions.
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コーパスを利用した複合動詞「V1-抜く」の意味分析SUGIMURA, YASUSHI, 杉村, 泰 28 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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日本語のアスペクト形式「テイル」の習得に関する横断研究 : 動詞の語彙的アスペクトによる影響について陳, 建瑋 25 February 2014 (has links)
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コーパスを利用した複合動詞「-戻す」の意味分析杉村, 泰, SUGIMURA, YASUSHI 15 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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