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高雄市 埕區都市更新可行性分析之研究謝俊傑, XIE,JUN-JIE Unknown Date (has links)
高雄市 埕區曾長期據有中心商業區之地位,然近年來本區的商業機能大幅衰退沒落
※第參章進入實證研究之部分,先自 埕區之沿革探討其變遷過程,後檢討各法定計
※第肆章則以整體性觀點對 埕區之未來進行評估,在這一章中以高雄市的發展趨勢
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整建住宅住戶社會網絡結構與影響更新因素之研究─以臺北市整建住宅社區個案為例 / A study on social network of reconstruction and the impacts of renewal─Take the resettled tenement community of Taipei as a case許德和 Unknown Date (has links)
三、建立風險管控機制 / The Taipei Resettled Tenement Communities were formed in the early years, However; Resettled projects are stalled mostly by reasons of - over usage, increasing buildings and buildings constructed without licenses. Those reasons make resettled tenement communities become to be a new issue to a lot of researchers and scholars. Renewal and /or reconstruction are urgent needed in these communities nowadays.
According to academic researches of renewal issue, there are thinking points from public and private interests and bonus regulation, but there is no taking point from the social network of reconstruction. Not only the renewal elements of resettled tenement, but also the residents are the focus of my research. Through those elements deliberate the impacts of renewal.
The research takes 21 resettled tenement communities of Taipei city as a population. During the communities the second period of the resettled tenement community in Wu-Xing St as a research sample carries out a census. From those residential backgrounds, interaction of social network in communities and the impacts of renewal as the questionnaire and makes an in-depth interview from people of industry, economy and academy. The key of the questionnaire consists of residential background, interaction of social network in communities, the impacts of renewal and the interview of specialists in industry, economy and academy. Finally, we can understand the bottleneck of renewal and the strategy for solution.
It concluded in seven points: (1) the dilemma of collective actor. (2) the crisis from key actor. (3) the weak mechanism to uncertainly risk. (4) the unsatisfied willing of chosen house. (5) the debt in reconstructed finance. (6) the overtaking interests. (7) the passive attitude from government. It provided several suggestions that one is government should exclude irrational against in forced and positively to participate the process of renewal. The other is to build up connection in community, to purify the work of renewal, and to strive for support and identification in community. Thirdly is to build up mechanism to carry on risk.
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開發型不動產證券化之研究 / The study on development-oriented real estate securitization胥博懷, Hsu, Po Huai Unknown Date (has links)
資信託基金得投資於一般開發型不動產。另外,針對都市更新及BOT等開發案適用不動產證券化條例之議題,本研究採取否定見解,認為應於各該法律另行立法規範此種特別法上之開發型不動產證券化,而不應以不動產證券化條例規範之。故本研究尚針對現行不動產證券化條例、都市更新條例、促進民間參與公共建設法等法律規範提出修正建議。期能提供開發型不動產證券化制度將來修法及運作上之參考。 / The “development-oriented real estate securitization” could be defined as an arrangement that subdivides and standardizes the right of real estate which is undeveloped or under development, into separate shares through a special purpose vehicle and the bankruptcy-remoteness structure, and the public offering or private placement of the real estate securities representing ownership of such shares. Under the Real Estate Securitization Act of Taiwan, R.O.C. (the “Act”), so called development-oriented real estate securitization could also be construed as either 1) fund investment of REIT into real estate(s) under development, or 2) entrusting real estate(s) under development or to be developed to a REAT. Securitization is a favorable way to finance the development project, also it provides opportunities for investors with limited fund to invest in and profit from the same. Generally, development projects have the strongest needs for securitization financing. However, due to the risks accompanied with development, there are opinions from researchers and legislators for the restriction of their securitization.
Upon the Act’s promulgation in 2003, the Legislative Yuan also resolved the guidelines for future amendment that the real estate under development or to be developed shall be included upon the maturity of real estate securitization operation. However, due to legislators’ concerns on moral hazard, risk control and investor protection, the amendment promulgated in 2009 formally adapting the development-oriented real estate securitization was still quite restricted. It is held by this thesis that risk control and investor protection are not the only or supreme purposes of the Act. Meanwhile, the restriction shall be deemed the last resort of investor protection, it is to say, if the monitoring and supervision of competent authority is operable, we shall use them to protect investors instead of legislative restriction. Or some objectives of the Act would be therefore hindered.
Based on the analysis of the nature, advantages, disadvantages, comparative law study of development-oriented real estate securitization, and also referring to the customs and capital market structure of Taiwan, this thesis has provided some thoughts and suggestions for other researchers and legislators’ reference. Firstly, it is held that the restriction on publicly offered REIT’s investment in development project shall be removed. Also, the urban renewal and BOT project shall not be applicable under the Act as which shall be exceptional types respectively legislated in Urban Renewal Act and the Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. It is expected that the issues, thoughts and opinions raised or provided by this thesis could encourage further discussions toward the subject to ensure the sound and stable development of real estate securitization in Taiwan.
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