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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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考慮韋伯分配下兩個相依製程之管制 / Process Control for Two Dependent Subprocess under Weibull Shock Model

陳延宗, Chen, Yen-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
Today, most products are produced by several dependent subprocesses. This paper considers the economic-statistical process control for two dependent subprocesses with two assignable causes following Weibull shock distributions. We construct the individual X control chart to monitor the in-coming quality produced by previous process, and use the cause-selecting control chart to monitor the specific quality produced by current process. By using the charts, we can effectively and economically distinguish which subprocess is out of control. The renewal theorem approach is extended to construct the cost model for our proposed control charts, and the successive quadratic programming algorithm and a finite difference gradient method in the Fortran IMSL subroutine (dnconf) is used to determine the optimal design parameters of the proposed control charts. Finally, we give an example to show how to construct and apply the proposed control charts. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis illustrates the effects of cost and process parameters on the optimal design parameters and the minimal expected cost per unit time for the proposed control charts.


郭又升, Kuo, Yu-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟不斷的發展,企業間的競爭也愈趨激烈,因此在以利潤最大、付出成本最小的前提下,一些可能造成成本增加的因素就不能不重視。在量測產品的特性所使用的量測機器,可能因為量測設備的不精確造成誤差,進而影響測量產品品質特性的實際值。是以量測儀器測量產品特性時的誤差對於管制圖的設計參數的影響及使用管制圖監控製程的能力是我們所關切的課題。 本文探討量測誤差對 — 管制圖的效應。運用George Tagaras非對稱管制圖的概念,及同時考慮Taguchi的損失函數和測量誤差下,以更新理論方法建立 — 管制圖,並推導出目標函數,再透過最佳化的技巧以決定 — 管制圖的最佳經濟設計參數值。另外討論管制圖在統計層面的表現,並與經濟設計的結果作比較。 在資料分析方面,本研究考慮32組製程和成本參數組合,透過最佳化技巧找出 — 經濟及經濟統計管制圖之最小單位時間平均成本及最佳設計參數組合。再利用敏感度分析,觀察量測誤差對設計參數的影響,另外得知重要的製程和成本參數為何。這些可作為製程工程師決策參考之用。


林鎧文, Lin, Kai-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
證券市場中長期存在著資訊不對稱的情形,企業的內部人往往擁有絕對的資訊優勢,而由於公司之所有權與經營權的不分,造成公司的大股東即為實際的經營者,另外台灣股市中散戶投資者的比率較高及內線交易法的執行不夠嚴格,寬鬆的外在環境和鉅額的交易利益誘使企業的內部人利用同時身兼財務預測資訊的編製和發布者之便,透過財務預測的內容、更新幅度、更新頻率、釋放時點、釋放工具等的選擇,並使用信用交易工具,進行不法的內線交易。 本研究主要利用內線交易的實務觀察探討,強制性財務預測負向更新、股價報酬行為、與異常融資融券餘額的互動關係。並進一步區分樣本為股市多空、更新幅度大小四個族群,分別加以探討負向更新事件的個別影響及在不同的環境下影響的程度是否存在差異性。 本研究的主要實證結果為: 1. 強制性財務預測負向更新公告日前,在股市多空年及不同的負向更新幅度下,異常融資餘額除於更新幅度小的情形呈現負向增加反應外,其餘皆不符合預期的反應。而異常融券餘額的反應皆如研究預期般,有提前呈現正向增加的情形,並且其反應相當顯著。 2. 強制性財務預測負向更新公告日前,累積異常融資餘額在股市多空頭年和不同的負向更新幅度下均具有差異。而累積異常融券餘額在股市多空頭年間的差異極大,但對於更新幅度的大小則影響不大。 3. 強制性財務預測負向更新公告日前後,在股市多空年及不同的負向更新幅度下,公告日前的第7天開始有負向的股價異常報酬發生。另外在股市空頭年及負向更新幅度大的情形下,不但累積股價負向異常報酬明顯的大過股市多頭年及負向更新幅度小的累積值很多,而且股價的負向異常報酬仍然會持續到負向更新公告日之後。 4. 強制性財務預測負向更新公告日前,不管在股市多頭或空頭年,異常融資融券餘額的變化皆會早於股價的異常報酬,兩者間似乎存有一種聯動性關係。但是對於此種結果的理論意義,尚待更進一步的研究探討。此外,股價異常報酬和異常融資融券餘額的聯動關係以發生在融資融券餘額發生變化後的第3天機率最高,而且在股市空頭年觀察到的結果中,似乎比股市多頭年時反應較快,另外融券樣本又比融資樣本反應較快。 5. 在強制性財務預測負向更新公告日前,融資融券餘額的變化和內線交易間似乎存有極微妙的關係,本研究大膽推論融資融券餘額的鉅額變化在公告日前,可以作為內線交易的替代變數。不過其正確性仍待將來更進一步的研究。


林煜棠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於探討我國上市(櫃)公司強制性財務預測正向更新與外資決策(買賣超)之間的關係。我國股市引進外資專業法人的主要目的與外資的專業知識有關。由於國內股市對外資的重視,所以公司派大股東或市場派可能會利用外資作為工具,逐行自利行為,故本論文結果有助於瞭解利用財務預測更新與外資行為之間的關係,是否外資的行為具備某種程度的內部資訊,或全然為外資專業研究的結果。本研究首先要瞭解的是強制性財務預測正向更新與外資決策(買賣超)之關係,其次探討外資法人對於稅前盈餘更新幅度與每股盈餘達成率不同時,是否決策行為會有顯著差異。以上問題均以Wilcoxon Test及Mann-Whitney Test來說明。 本研究是以民國八十六年一月一日至民國八十八年十二月三十一日為樣本期間,結論如下: 1.就財務預測強制性正向更新日前之窗期而言,外資法人會有顯著買超行為;且會隨著稅前盈餘更新幅度、每股盈餘達成率的大小有顯著之差異。 2.就財務預測強制性正向更新日後之窗期而言,外資法人便無較為顯著之賣超行為,雖然仍有多數天數呈現賣超(方向與假說一致),然呈顯著天數太少,無法強烈支持假說。

損失函數在■管制圖設計上的應用 / The application of loss function in ■ control chart design

施乃萍, Shin, Nai Ping Unknown Date (has links)
最近三十年來,最佳經濟設計管制圖已被考慮用來維持製程的穩定.由於在 實務上■管制圖被廣泛使用,是以大多數管制圖經濟模型的發展,都以單一 非機遇因素下的■管制圖為研究對象,但在實務上製程常會受二個或二個 以上非機遇因素的干擾.是以本研究利用更新理論方法建立二個非機遇因 素成本模式.又為使成本模式包含顧客的聲音以顯示品質的重要,本研究提 出以產品出廠後對社會的損失替代傳統上的成本考量.當推導出能反應顧 客滿意度的二個非機遇因素製程成本模式後,藉著最佳化技巧可決定■管 制圖的最佳設計參數值,並由例子的分析說明模式參數對最佳設計參數值 的影響 .另外,■經濟管制圖與Shewhart■管制圖間的成本比較顯現前者 能有顯著改善.最後,在考慮損失函數下■管制圖的建立與應用將被舉例說 明.

壽命分佈函數族與更新過程 / Classes of life distributions and renewal counting process

程毅豪, Chen, Yi-Hau Unknown Date (has links)
在本文中,我們證明了:若對應於壽命分佈函數F之更新函數為凸( 凹 )族,因此解決了Shaked和Zhu(1992)所提出的兩個問題。 蝻う漫宒銵A 我們進一步得到了於某些特定之壽命分佈函數族中, / We prove that if the renewal function M(t) corresponding to a life distribution F is convex(resp. concave) then F is NBU(resp. NWU), and hence answer two questions posed by Shaked and Zhu(1992). Moreover, based on the renewal function, some characterizations of the exponential distribution within certain classes of life distributions are given. Key words and phrases:exponential distribution;renewal counting process; DFR;NBU;NWU;NBUE;NWUE.

國有不動產參與都市更新權利變換權益分配之研究 / The Study of National Real Estate Participation in Urban Renewal Rights Transformation Benefit Distribution.

林櫻櫻, Lin, Ying Ying Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣在以往的半個世紀,歷經工商業快速地成長,當時都市計畫與建築未能跟上其腳步,爰於都市計畫法以「舊市區更新」因應改善。然政府機關採「徵收」或「區段徵收」方式實施,受限於財力、人力之不足,及未透過協商機制取得私有土地,引起民眾反抗心理,以致成效不彰。部分地方政府為解決此一困境,開始制訂獎勵民間辦理都市更新,藉以引入民間資源,推動都市更新。 1998年「都市更新條例」公布施行,強制規範公有土地及建築物,依核定版都市更新事業計畫處理,而民間實施更新事業計畫重建方式,主要為協議合建及權利變換,然公有土地尚無法與實施者以協議合建方式進行更新事業,因此,公有土地參與都市更新方式,係以權利變換方式為主軸。 本研究於國有不動產參與都市更新權利變換權益分配個案中發現: 1.適時挹注國有土地參與都市更新事業,得以達到更新事業門檻,進而促成更新事業產權整合。 2.都市更新審議委員會負責審議都市更新事業計畫及權利變換計畫,包括核定共同負擔,為把關國有土地權益最重要防線。 3.權利變換範圍內國有土地面積與共同負擔費用呈現正向比例,國有土地面積愈大,樓地板愈大,則營建成本相對愈高,而權利變換之共同負擔費用,原則提列上限,得否調整,需由審議會議決通過。 建議: 1.審議會所列機關代表,應包括公產管理機關,以求公正客觀維護公產權益。 2.更新事業計畫擬定階段,規劃可供公務、公共使用性質房地,以利於相關機關視業務需要依法辦理撥用,並預估公產管理期間需負擔管(處)理成本,列為共同負擔費用,由參與者共同負擔。 3.公有土地參與都市更新,係為實現公共利益配合政策而執行,無論其參與更新事業目的,應考量維護全民財產權益。 / Taiwan, in the past half of century, has experienced the period of industry and commerce rapid expanding, but the urban plan and architecture couldn’t keep pace with them at that time. Therefore, “old town urban area renewal” came out and improved. However, limited to insufficiency of financial, human resources, and acquirement of private land without negotiation, the government agencies conducted “expropriation” or “zone expropriation” and the result was ineffective. In order to solve this dilemma, some local governments established the system of incentive of the private participation of urban renewal, introduced private power effectively, and promoted urban renewal fast. Urban Renewal Act was promulgated and conducted on 1998. It forces all the public lands and constructions should deal with the approved urban renewal business plan area. The ways of reconstruction dealing with the urban renewal business plan of non-governmental organizations are joint construction and rights transformation. However, the public lands can’t be proceeded urban renewal business plan by using the wayof reconstruction with implementers. Therefore, the main way of public lands participation in urban renewal is rights transformation. We realize on the case of national real estateparticipation in urban renewal rights transformationbenefit distribution on this study: 1.By pouring national real estate into the participation of urban renewal business plan, we are able to surpass threshold of urban renewal business plan, and promote the integration of property rights of renewal business plan. 2.The committee of urban renewal is in charge of reviewing renewal business plan and rights transformation, including approved common expense sharing. 3.There is a positive correlation between national land area within the area rights transformation and common expense sharing. If the common expense sharing which takes into upper limit is able to adjust, it should be passed a resolution by the committee. In summary, the study proposes suggestions as below: 1.The committee which lists governmental agencies should consist of public owned property managing authority, so that it is able to protect the rights of public property. 2.In the stage of renewal business plan, it should planfor office and public use real estate in order to help relative governmental agencies appropriate it, evaluates the management cost within the period of public management, and takes common expense sharing which should be shared by participators into account. 3.The aim of public land participation in urban renewal is to bring about public rights coordinating public policy. No matter what thepurposes of participation in urban renewal are, it should protect the all citizens’ rights.
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日下, 彰宏 24 September 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第18580号 / 工博第3941号 / 新制||工||1606(附属図書館) / 31480 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 中島 正愛, 教授 竹脇 出, 教授 吹田 啓一郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

都市更新不參與者對協商交易成本影響之研究 / The Influence of Negotiated Transaction Cost on Urban Renewal Non-Participants

楊博仁 Unknown Date (has links)
都市更新不參與者影響都市更新事業推動甚鉅,本研究分析土地改良物拆除及遷移完成前,實施者與土地及合法建築物所有權人協商可分為五個階段進行,並依不參與者區位能否劃出更新單元而分為兩個子賽局,透過參賽者「自然」可連結兩個子賽局後建構出都市更新協商賽局模型以六個階段進行。 依分析各階段報酬及成本包含交易成本,推導出賽局均衡解呈「囚犯困境」並與社會最適解不一致,且當第三及第五階段協商交易成本總和小於實施者預期報酬扣除拿翹或補償價格時,兩個子賽局實施者皆將採推動策略;另不參與者區位可劃出更新單元時,其可被實施者接受之拿翹或補償價格將小於不可劃出時。 實際探討「文林苑」、「永春社區」、「正義國宅」、「龍腦」及「昇立建設」等五個更新案決策路徑,僅「文林苑」及「龍腦」更新案與本研究賽局均衡解相符;應用集體行動、反公地悲劇、交易成本及賽局理論,實施者可利用重複賽局、加強建立信任感、懲罰與獎勵方式,避免都市更新推動困境,進而降低協商交易成本。

老屋健檢之政策分析 / The Policy Analysis of the Old Building Inspection Plan

廖珮君, Liao, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
健康檢查有益於疾病預防及促進健康,同理而言,透過老屋健檢檢視居住安全,有助於居民選擇合適的療法防止建物持續劣化。2016年2月6日高雄美濃地震引發大眾對於建物安全的關注,根據統計顯示臺北市住宅屋齡超過20年占總量78.51%,總樓層數5層以下占總量54.36%,顯示臺北市建物以老舊公寓為主,潛藏公共安全的風險,對老舊建物進行健檢顯得迫切且必要。2013年臺北市以人體健康檢查概念首創老屋健檢計畫,健檢對居民後續行動的影響及其政策成效乃本文焦點。 本文以2013和2014年臺北市老屋健檢申請案件及屋齡20年以上之公寓大廈社區為調查樣本,從個體面探討老屋健檢對居民改善環境意願的影響以及健檢與否導致後續行動之機率差異,並就總體面估計政策之成本效益。研究結果顯示,曾參與健檢者有意改善環境之機率較高,居民在建物設備及外牆安全健檢結果越差時,將增加改造環境的可能性;就總體面來說,現行政策投入少量成本即獲得可觀效益,顯示老屋健檢政策應持續執行。 / Physical examination is beneficial to disease prevention and health promotion. By the old building inspection plan, residents can inspect building environment, prevent the deterioration of the building, and cure disease in an appropriate way. 0206 earthquake caused many deaths, which has aroused the widespread social concern on building safety. According to the official statistics, there are 885,340 housing units in Taipei, about 78.51% of which are over 20 years old, about 54.36% of which are five-storey building or below. It is indicated that older building threaten public safety in Taipei. Hence, it is necessary and urgent to inspect ageing building. The old building inspection plan was held in 2013, which are a Taiwan's first policy. The objectives of this paper are to inspect whether the old building inspection can influence the aspiration of residents improve the building environment, and to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan. The samples of the study include: (1) the ageing buildings which have been involved in the old building inspection plan from 2013 to 2014;(2) the condominiums of 20 years old or above. At first, this paper aims to examine the effects of the old building inspection plan on residents' willingness, then discuss the probability on environment improving before and after joining the program. Finally, we calculate the effectiveness of policy. Empirical results demonstrate that residents who have been involved the plan are more willing to improve the environment. Building equipment and exterior walls performance are worse, residents are more willing to transform the environment. Finally, tremendous effect could be obtained by adding little cost under the support of current policy. It clearly showed that the old building inspection plan should be consistently carried on.
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