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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

歐巴馬政府時期對臺政策之分析 (2009-2016) / Obama government's Taiwan Policy (2009-2016)

謝佳瑩 Unknown Date (has links)

歐巴馬政府亞太戰略之研究 / Asia-Pacific Strategic Study of the Barack Obama Administration

徐潤武 Unknown Date (has links)
美國在兩次波灣戰爭後使國家深陷反恐戰爭的泥沼,加上經濟風暴國力因此而衰退。在這樣的情況下,歐巴馬政府以結束反恐戰爭為由,在國際戰略上進行收束,以節約國家資源耗費。但美國在亞太地區陷入兩難:中國的快速崛起以及在區域內影響力的提升,使美國產生濃厚的不安全感,感到必須提早加以遏阻,以免威脅美國優勢地位與亞太地區利益。 美國的亞太戰略當然是美國全球戰略與整體外交安全政策設計的一環,顯示中美已從「建設性戰略夥伴關係」轉向「應對共同挑戰的夥伴關係」。歐巴馬認為,地緣經濟時代來臨,美國不能單打獨鬥,在21世紀亞太地區將引領世界前進,美國不能與亞太共同體脫鉤,「亞太再平衡政策」已成美國外交最緊迫之關切。 冷戰結束初期,亞太各國原本期待此一區域因東西兩極意識形態對抗格局的不復存在,以及多數區內國家均以經濟發展為首要任務下,能使得亞太區域安全情勢相對呈現穩定的格局。初期雖能保有部份樂觀的發展,但至1990年代中期,在中共快速崛起,區域的軍事實力與經濟實力發展愈形失調之後,此區的安全情勢也隨之變化。 歐巴馬政府基於亞太地區政經地位的提升,企圖轉向強化對該地區在政治、外交、經濟及軍事等方面的優先地位,扮演更積極的角色以維持區域長期的安全與穩定,確保美國的重要利益及領導地位。

美國對北韓政策之研究(2001-2011年):以行動戰略理論分析 / U.S. Policy toward North Korea(2001-2011): Analysis of Andre Beaufre's Strategy of Action

黃柏愷, Huang, Bo Kai Unknown Date (has links)
北韓問題是二十世紀延續至今卻始終未能解決的複雜議題,這是因為牽涉的因素眾多:南北韓、周邊國家以及國際的考量使「維持現狀」與「模糊」政策成為處理北韓問題可以接受的模式。但事實上,吾人必須認知到在此議題上,最重要的主角仍是北韓與美國,但顯然雙方各有盤算而不能或不願直接解決。因此本文旨在探討2001至2011年美國對北韓之政策,且嘗試在現今相關領域的多數美國立場中,盡可能尋求以相對公允、同理心的角度分析問題,而非美國觀點的一言堂。本文以法國戰略學家薄富爾(André Beaufre)之「行動戰略」(Strategy of Action) 理論作為研究途徑,輔以大量相關數據資料及專著,用意在於平衡地討論美國戰略並批判其中好壞。 本文認為,小布希與歐巴馬政府對北韓政策目標一致,但戰略有所不同。受制於北韓核報復攻擊、中東戰事、經濟與他國因素,美國難以動武直取北韓,因此必須從軍事外的選項著手。筆者從軍事、政治、經濟與外交面向,以政治診斷(political diagnosis)及戰略診斷(strategic diagnosis)探討兩屆政府對北韓之行動方案。小布希和歐巴馬政府在戰略應用上符合薄富爾的觀點,但在架構面上卻有缺失,最終由於無法促使中國相助,以及自身立場的謬誤,導致兩屆政府北韓政策之失誤。 / The North Korea issue remains unresolved, and the only acceptable options for the neighbor countries are the status quo policy and the policy of deliberate ambiguity. However, it has to be acknowledged that the most important roles are North Korea and the U.S., and it is obvious they have different plans in their minds. The main idea of this thesis is to study the U.S. Policy toward North Korea (2001-2011), and present unbiased points of view instead of only the U.S. aspect. This thesis uses the Strategy of Action of André Beaufre, a French Strategist, as the research method, to analyze data and studies to fairly find out the pros and cons of the U.S. Policy toward North Korea. This thesis shows that the George W. Bush administration and the Obama administration share the same goals but different strategies toward North Korea. The U.S. have difficulty in using military action since it tries to avoid North Korea taking nuclear retaliation, and the war in the middle east and the sinking economy also limit the ability of the U.S. government. This thesis analyzes the U.S. policy toward North Korea from the aspects of military power, politics, economy and diplomacy, and it uses political diagnosis and strategic diagnosis as the approaches to examine the action plans of both Bush and Obama administrations. The research shows that the actions plans match the point of view of André Beaufre strategically, but the flaws of the plan structure, the failure to have China take a stance against North Korea and the illogicalness of the government position finally led the U.S. policy toward North Korea to a frustrated end.

美國小布希與歐巴馬政府對伊拉克政策之比較(2003年-2011年) / Comparison of U.S. President Bush and President Obama 's Iraqi policy (From 2003 to 2011)

侯竺宏 Unknown Date (has links)
中東地處歐亞非交界,是地緣戰略不可忽略的地方,亦是全球的能源生產重地,世界強權皆欲在此佔有一席之地,其中伊拉克含括兩河流域,為中東地區中心位置,石油儲量全球第二,戰略地點更顯重要,但宗教派系紛爭及強權覬覦的影響,伊拉克經常呈現紛亂狀態。 911事件後,美國將伊拉克列為邪惡軸心國家之一,認定其與恐怖組織掛勾,危害國際社會,決定再次出兵撻伐,並計劃以「美式民主」將伊拉克改造成中東的民主表率,期能在該地區推動民主風潮,但事實與結果卻是美國深陷伊拉克戰爭泥沼,為此付出極大代價,並被國際社會批判。 美國對伊拉克發動戰爭共經歷小布希總統及歐巴馬總統共3個任期,兩人政黨背景不同,執政理念存在差異,執政期間亦經歷各種國內外不同事件之影響,繼而產生不同的伊拉克政策;分析比較兩位總統在對伊拉克戰爭期間的做法,有助探討美國在不同政黨及總統外交政策的延續情況。 經過探討小布希總統與歐巴馬總統採取的伊拉克政策、對極端分子的態度及國內外重大事件等對美國伊拉克政策的影響,顯示美國不會因政黨及總統改變而轉變其外交政策,其政策是延續性的,政策的最高原則仍是將國家利益與安全放在第一位。 / The Middle East which is located at the junction of the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, is important for both geography and energy. That is the reason why all powerful countries wanted to occupy it. Iraq which includes Mesopotamia is in the central location of Middle East and takes the second leading in the world’s oil output. However, Iraq is usually in a unstable situation because of religious tribal disputes and keen competition of many powerful countries. After the 911attacks, the United States identified Iraq as the key of the evil countries and also a terrorist organization. The U.S. sent troops to attack Iraq and planned to transform Iraq into a democratic example of the Middle East with "American democracy". However, the U.S. paid a great price, and faced lots of criticism from the international community. The United States launched a war against Iraq across the term of office from President George W. Bush to President Barack Obama. Because the two presidents of different political parties and leading styles were influenced with various internal and external events, they also held different policies to Iraq. To analyze and compare the measures took by these two presidents in the Iraq war will help us to explore the situation of the U. S. foreign policies during the two political parties. After analyzing the foreign policies of President George W. Bush and President Obama towards Iraq and terrorist, we can know that the U.S. did not change its foreign policy through the two presidents of different political parties. The policy practiced by U.S. is continuous and consistent. The U.S. always put the nation’s interests and safety in the first place.

美國《病人保護暨可負擔醫療法》之研究 / A study on American “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”

李照華, Li, Jhao Hua Unknown Date (has links)
美國前總統歐巴馬於2010年簽署之法案「病人保護暨可負擔醫療法」(Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, PPACA)又稱「歐巴馬醫療法」(Obamacare),主要目的之一在於提升對人民醫療照顧的保障,擴大人民的醫療照顧覆蓋面,並讓醫療保險成為可負擔的,具體改革面向主要在公共醫療照顧的範圍擴大、對人民強制納保規定,與對於商業醫療保險之各種規制,而從歐巴馬醫療法內容中,得以探討美國如何在維持既有醫療照顧體系架構、商業醫療保險為主導的模式中,透過對商業醫療保險的規制來成就相當於社會保險所實現的社會安全,並與我國作比較,雖然主要採取之醫療照顧模式不同,但同樣在促成全民納保的社會國目的之達成,兩國背後的立法背景、操作上有何異同,以及會遇到之爭議與困境何在,並且進一步思考是否有讓我國在處理目前制度問題的值得參考之處。 本文先論述美國傳統對於醫療照顧的心態與背景,並介紹美國的醫療照顧制度與衍生的問題,並從中了解醫療照顧之相關權利、全民納保觀念在美國的發展狀況,接著介紹歐巴馬醫療法的發展過程與實際內容,聚焦在擴大醫療照顧覆蓋面與令醫療保險成為可負擔之相關規定,並了解幾個重要的聯邦最高法院對歐巴馬醫療法之違憲審查判決中對爭議的處理,之後觀察歐巴馬醫療法如何透過對商業醫療保險的規制來讓其能成就社會安全功能,並追蹤後續歐巴馬醫療法實施後之成效與未來可能變化。對照我國,在介紹我國全民健康保險之發展與內容後,比較兩國在促成全民納保的背景、立法與釋憲過程中的爭議為何且如何處理、全民納保的操作內容,以及醫療照顧相關權利的承認與否、商業醫療保險的角色等,也從中討論是否有我國在解決現今全民健保之問題上可參考之面向。

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