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寵物殯葬服務 / Business Plan: Pet’s Funeral Services阮荷西, Jose Gabriel Ramos Unknown Date (has links)
Pet’s Heaven Funeral Services will be a local, dedicated to help through the process of saying goodbye to every family’s beloved pet. Offering the same grace and dignity of a human funeral home, our full-time licensed funeral directors give your pet the final arrangements that they deserve and the peace you need in knowing they are respectfully and lovingly cared for at the end of their life.
Pet’s Heaven Funeral Services will be located in a Plaza Mall in an Urban area in Panama City, targeting people with a medium to high level income. Target market is around 25% of total population.
The different services offered will be: pet’s pick up, cremation, burial and exhumation and ashes cremation. Prices will depend on the pet’s weight and size.
The initial investment to start the business will be $US 45,000, which will be funded from owner’s capital and a bank loan.
Pet’s Funeral Services has a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of 29,007.09 and the IRR of 21%, which indicate that the project is possible and can be profitable.
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生前殯葬服務契約之研究-以自用型契約之監督機制為中心 / A study on pre-need funeral service agreement: focus on the monitor of self-use contract胡詩英 Unknown Date (has links)
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殯葬文化對宗教意識與族群認同的影響-以台灣北部地區穆斯林為例 / Funeral culture influence on religious and ethnic identity-Taipei mulims馬孝棋, Haj. Ishag Ma Shiao-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本文就以當代台灣穆斯林做為觀察的對象,遷台後的大陸回民穆斯林基本上是延續了在大陸家鄉的回民傳統的生活形態,沒有出現太大的改變,由於遷台的穆斯林沒有足夠的穆斯林人口集中在一個地區,未能形成「哲瑪提」聚居的生活形態,所以在宗教生活像是飲食禁忌、婚喪喜慶、禮拜齋戒等等的實踐面臨困難,經過長期與左鄰右舍的漢民文化與習俗相處,逐漸失去穆斯林生活的色彩,就以台灣穆斯林的殯葬為例,不難發現穆斯林的殯葬當中所具有大陸回民地方特色的「念、整、洗、穿、站、送、埋、祈、搭救亡人」儀式之外,亡人家屬也受漢人殯葬習俗的影響,開始自我主張「回漢」混合殯葬的儀式 ,凸顯出台灣穆斯林的信仰已被漢文化快速滲透的事實。當今另有一部份的穆斯林以強烈的宗教訴求回歸伊斯蘭的經典,以「遵經革俗」的手法回到「從一而終論」 的殯葬方式,有許多傳統穆斯林無法適應的問題,使台灣穆斯林內部呈現不穩定的變革,筆者身為台灣穆斯林一份子,希望透過民族學(文化人類學)的研究視野與方法,藉由「殯葬問題」來觀察台灣穆斯林的宗教意識與族群認同變遷。
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台灣殯葬用地區位之研究--土地使用競租模型的新制度觀點 / A study of the location of funerary lands in Taiwan: review bid-rent models of land use from the new institutional perspective楊國柱 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:殯葬用地、區位、交易成本、新古典競租模型、新制度主義 / Neo-classicalism explores the decision of the location of the land use by mainly analyzing the human economic behavior through the factors of resources and techniques. However, the theory is not able to explain the formation of the location of funerary lands well because it neglects people are restricted by the factors of bounded rationality in the economic activities and the transaction costs when the institutions is functioning. The paper tries to amend the Neoclassical Bid-Rent Model of Alonso by defining the factor of resisting transaction costs as the independent variable of the urban land rent theory, and establishes the suitable Bid-Rent theory for firnerary facilities. Furthermore, the paper analyzes if enhancing the ability of affording the rent of the firnerary Land will invade the nonfunerary land, the relationship between the degree of resisting obstruction and the distance from the firnerary land to the CBD.
Through the identification, the funerary land won't invade the nonfunerary land due to the high resisting transaction cost even increasing the demand and the ability of affording the rent of the funerary land, thus, it will force the developer to establish the funerary facilities far away CBD. High resisting transaction costs imply the lack of system supply and hinder the reasonable and efficient allocation of the land resource use simultaneously. This expose the defect of the public policy for location decision only considering the site distance but neglect the factor of the transaction cost. The above analysis will not only deeply elaborate the Neo-Classical Urban Land Theory, but will also be helpful to understand the issue of sitting NIMBY facilities and to provide the basis of the theory to improve the public policies of NIMBY conflicts.
Exploring the administrative policy of location selection through the transaction costs theory,The paper find out that in order to preserve public health and prevent disorder of living environment, the law regulates the site and distance from populous or water conservation areas without considering the transaction costs. In addition, the zoning system concerning the construction of funerary facilities puts more emphasis on prohibition than permission, which needs to be improved. Owing to the policy limitations, the paper proposes the improvement of the policies as follows. First, leave more spaces for negotiation between resistance parties and developers. Second, design the funerary facilities to meet human and cultural needs. Third, reform the culture of funeral rites. Fourth, choose the suitable site and plan special zones to provide the suitable areas for construction and management of funerary facilities. The relevant laws have to be amended or to be established so that the policies suggestion will be put to practice.
Keywords : Funerary Lands, Location, Transaction Costs, Neoclassical Bid-Rent Model, Neoinstitutionalism
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臺北市政府實施殯葬禮儀服務業評鑑之研究 / Research on the Implementation of the Funeral Service Evaluation of Taipei City Government ,Taiwan何姍靜, Ho,Shan Ching Unknown Date (has links)
目前國內生死意識抬頭、且生死教育正在起步,惟國內外均無殯葬評鑑之相關研究,期望本研究之濫觴,促使政府及民眾對殯葬評鑑之重視。 / The living standard has risen dramatically together with its consumers’ rights consciousness due to the rapid economic growth and the raising income in recent twenty years in Taiwan. In addition, the customer orientation of new public management has become a tendency and the reconciliation of its value and the concept of accountability are highly valued at the same time. Therefore, it is an effective way to decide the result or the quality by the evaluation. In view of the information of funeral markets is closed in the past and customers cannot know the advantage, disadvantage, service, charge and grievance system of morticians under the situation with incomplete information. Moreover, customers have new demand for the funeral ceremonies and the quality of services. Hence, the government should implement the funeral evaluation immediately in order to provide more information to customers and reinforce the business ethics as well as social responsibility of undertakers.
The research aims at exploring the situation of implementing the funeral service evaluation of Taipei city government since 1990. This paper researched qualitatively and analyzed the literature by interviewing different scale of undertakers, people who are responsible for the evaluation and customers with multi-source assessment model in order to understand if morticians enhance their quality and services according to the demand of the evaluation. On the other hand, whether the evaluation’s results influence customers’ choice of a particular funeral service provider and their satisfactoriness become the important issues which the government and the public concern a lot at present. Furthermore, they are also the main focuses that this paper discusses about.
It is found that both morticians and customers show their acceptance or approval of the funeral service evaluation. In addition, the funeral service evaluation indeed raises the quality and services of undertakers. Next, the education of the funeral service evaluation is not enough. Last, the funeral service evaluation does not achieve its effect of rewarding and punishing. Furthermore, seven suggestions are presented according to the research. First, make appropriate evaluation form in accordance with the scale of morticians. Second, the arrangement of evaluation committee members should be composed of scholars and experts in different fields. Third, the evaluation reward can be diversified. Fourth, provide various ways to reinforce the instruction of the funeral service evaluation information. Fifth, the prices and details of funeral services should come into the open. Sixth, reward the good and punish the bad undertakers reasonably. Finally, reinforce the education of morticians and the public.
The public pay more attention to the consciousness of life and death at present and the education of life and death is beginning but there is no related research about the funeral service evaluation in Taiwan or abroad. The researcher hopes the source of this study will promote the government and the public value the funeral service evaluation.
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