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強制汽車責任保險特別補償基金之研究陳鼎鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 主要國家強制汽車責任保險制度
第三章 我國強制汽車責任保險
第四章 強制汽車責任保險特別補償基金制度之原則
第五章 各國補償基金制度之概述
第六章 強制汽車責任保險特別補償基金
第七章 我國強制汽車責任保險特別補償基金制度之檢討
第八章 結論與建議
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汽車交通事故特別補償基金相關法律問題之研究彭凱璐 Unknown Date (has links)
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從風險社會論汽車交通事故保險理賠與紛爭處理~以強制汽車責任保險法為中心~薛郁蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
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韓國強制汽車責任保險制度之研究 / A study on the system of compulsory automobile liability insuran- ce in korea權赫俊, Kwon,Hyuk Jun Unknown Date (has links)
為保護汽車意外事故受害者,韓國於1963年制定「汽車損害賠償保障法」(Automobile liability security law),即為「強制汽車損害賠償責任保險」(Compulsory automobile liability insurance)的法律基礎,本法對於汽車意外事故所因起之損害賠償責任,在民法上優先適用,成為民法(不法行為)之特別法,而規定強制投保汽車責任險為取得牌照之前提要件,並採用接近無過失責任主義及認定受害者直接請求權。韓國強制汽車責任保險法制施行以來經過數次之修正然而仍然存有許多缺失,如保險金額過低等,而社會大眾對其服務品質依然不滿,因此無法滿足充分保障之需求。在此種情況下,韓國強制汽車責任保險應何去何從?如何加以改進?則為一個值得關心的問題,也就是本論文研究之動機。本論文之研究範圍為著重於改革韓國強制汽車責任保險制度,本文先擬以汽車事故損害賠償制度為始,進而說明韓國之汽車損害賠償保障法及強制汽車損害賠償責任保險制度之內容,最後提出筆者管見,強調欲期改革韓國強制汽車責任保險制度,達建立健全完善之制度及保護受害人之目的,作為結論。本文若對中韓兩國車禍賠償問題之合理解決果能有所助益,則甚幸矣!
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汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權之探討林新裕, Lin Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
汽車為現代人不可或缺之交通工具,汽車責任保險關乎社會大眾權益甚巨,不僅僅是保險人與被保險人兩者之間保險契約之關係,尚且關乎汽車意外事故受害第三人之權利,而每個人都有可能成為汽車意外事故之受害第三人。故保障受害第三人之權益即是保障多數人之權益。為使受害第三人之權益能獲得充分周全之保障,於汽車責任保險之中,創立受害第三人直接請求權制度,實不失為一良法。然而於我國無論是強制汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度抑或是任意汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度,均存有若干疑義及缺失,因而引發筆者研究動機。本文之研究方法為(1)、比較法研究及(2)、邏輯架構分析法。將全文分成七章予以論述,主要之研究內容為,以責任保險之意義、思潮及功能為開端,進而論述責任被保險人之保險給付請求權及受害第三人之直接請求權並闡述責任被保險人、責任保險人與受害第三人三者彼此之關係及保險給付請求權與直接請求權競合之處理,並進一步檢視我國現行關於受害第三人直接請求權法令規範之缺失,參酌外國立法例及學說,提出改進建議,期能使我國之受害第三人直接請求權制度,邏輯趨於圓滿一致,以杜絕適用疑義,廣增大眾福祉。 / Abstract:
An automobile has become a necessary transportation vehicle for modern people. The automobile liability insurance plays an important role on everyone’s rights in our society. The insurance contract doesn’t only signify the relationship between an insurer and the insured , but also refers to the injured third party’s rights during the automobile accident. Because everyone may become a possible automobile accident injured third party, to protect the injured third party’s right means to protect everybody’s citizenship. In order to preserve the injured third party’s right exactly and sufficiently, it is a good method to establish the legislation system empowering the injured third party possessing the authority to exert the automobile liability. However, as far as the injured third party’s action is concerned, there are flaws and imperfection in the system of compulsory automobile liability insurance and optional automobile liability insurance in our country. That is the motivation of this study and the reason why the author draws this paper. The research methods of this paper are the comparative method and the logic framework analysis method. This paper is consisted of seven chapters. The major content of this paper begins with the significance, development and function of the liability insurance. Then, this paper will discuss the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action, analyze the relationship among the liability insurer, the liability insured and the injured third party, and exposit how to handle the conflict between the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action. Furthermore, it is important to inspect the imperfection of the current laws and regulations of the injured third party’s direct action in Taiwan. After considering the spirits of the foreign country’s laws, the researcher will pose and recommend the improving methods for the law system of the injured third party’ direct action in our country. The suggestions try to make the law system more coherent and more logical, to eradicate the mess situation in practice, and to fortify the public welfare.
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強制汽車責任保險資訊不對稱問題探討 / The Information Asymmetry of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance徐敏珍, Hsu, Ming-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
一、 建立強制汽車責任保險專屬網站,強化資訊揭露;
二、 交通監理作業投保查詢應整合保險查詢,減少代理成本;
三、 落實保險人內部稽核,建立承保及理賠標準流程;
四、 建立保險輔助人評等制度,維護市場公平競爭;
五、 車種分類及費率精算宜朝簡化為原則,避免道德風險。 / The Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Law has been enforced since January 1, 1998, the spirit of the law and the goodwill lay behind it were highly praised by the general public. However, as the social security system continuously has developed and evolved, the law was deemed insufficient and inadequate. Therefore, experts and scholars proceeded to review the law and finally in February 5, 2005, a revision of the law was announced to the public and officially enforced in 1st March the same year.
Since the risk classification of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance directly reflects on rate calculation, information asymmetries can easily cause moral hazard. As the insured and insurers have significant information gap, insurers cannot categorize reasonably the characteristics of insured's risks, the premium calculation therefore can be affected by external noises that leads to serious moral hazard. To reduce the cost of information asymmetry, insurance brokers or agents becomes the insured and insurers' important intermediary for transmitting information. How to build sound operating norms, share the work, position insurance brokers or agents and reduce the negative impact on information asymmetry have turned out to be very important supervisory topics of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance.
This study is mainly examining the existing Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance system; regulating insurance brokers or agents effectively; strengthening insurance and traffic supervision operations to decrease the cost for information asymmetry; discussing specific measures such as the establishment of premium check center so as to ensure the accuracy of claim information, the transparency of financial information; in addition, implementing the differentiation management strategies of the insurers. The specific recommendations are summarized as following five points:
1. Establish official website for Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance and strengthen the disclosed information;
2. The insurance check in traffic supervisory operations shall be integrated with premium check center so that agency costs can be lowered;
3. Put into effect the insurers' internal audit to build up the standard of processes of underwriting and claims;
4. Establish the rating system for insurance brokers or agents so as to maintain fair market competitions;
5. Simplify the classification of type of vehicles and rate calculation to avoid moral hazard.
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我國產險公司經營強制汽車責任保險之研究--影響損失之分類因素的實證分析張可珊 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:強制汽車責任保險、從人從車因素、損失頻率、損失幅度 / According to the“The Law of Compulsory Auto Liability Insurance”, the ratemaking should take both human factors and vehicle factors into account. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which affect the loss occurrence, loss frequency and loss severity of compulsory auto liability insurance. Besides these legal factors, this paper also tries to find out other influential factors and compare the outcomes before 1998 with that after 1998. The analysis of the changes on the relevant factors helps the government and insurers to make rating and underwriting decisions.
The methodology of this study is chi-square test and the empirical findings are as follows:
1.Age is not a significant risk factor.
2.Gender, marriage status and vehicle category should be considered as significant risk factors.
3. Both driving record and category has less effect on loss and thus should not be treated as important risk factors.
4.Neither vehicle-age nor exhaust volume should be considered as significant risk factors.
5.The factor of purchasing voluntary auto third party liability insurance has an important impact on loss.
6.After the new law of compulsory auto liability insurance has been practiced, it shows that human factors are more significant than vehicle factors in affecting insurance claims.
Keywords: compulsory auto liability insurance, human factors and vehicle factors, loss frequency, loss severity
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強制汽車責任保險法基本架構與定位之研究周盟翔 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第二章 汽車交通事故侵權行為與強制汽車責任保險
第三章 補償制度制系
第四章 無過失保險制度
第五章 強制汽車責任保險法之基本架構與定位
第六章 本法基本架構重要條文之修正建議—代結論
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紐西蘭意外補償制度與我國相關意外傷害補償制度之研究顏佳瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
紐西蘭意外補償制度自1974年開始實行,是世界上第一個針對人身傷害採行全面無過失補償制度的國家。全體國民強制加入意外傷害的社會保險體系,由官方的意外補償公司(Accident Compensation Corporation,通稱ACC)負責制度之運作,全民不論在任何場合發生之意外傷害,亦不論意外事故之發生有無過失,均可獲得補償。我國則於民國68年修正勞工保險條例,明訂職業災害保險,並於民國73年制訂勞動基準法第59條,規定雇主之無過失補償責任,建立職業災害補償制度;民國85年亦針對汽車交通事故造成之人身傷亡,制訂強制汽車責任保險法,建立強制汽車責任保險制度。
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強制汽車責任保險保險詐欺防制之研究 / Compulsory automobile liability insurance-research on fraud prevention for general insurance陳添壽 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究有鑒於美國、英國、德國、挪威、日本及中國大陸等國家對於保險詐欺之防制不遺餘力,同時參考各國有關保險詐欺之法律規定與防制概況,保險詐欺資訊之提供及為對抗保險詐欺之教育宣導,這對於保險詐欺防制工作剛起步之我國,當有許多值得學習之處。當然保險詐欺之防制需要社會大眾、保險業者及政府檢警消相關單位正視保險詐欺問題之嚴重性,大家共同聯手一起來防制,才能有效遏阻保險詐欺之歪風。 / Compulsory automobile liability insurance in Taiwan has been implementing more than ten years since January 1, 1998. Its law-making intention is to ensure prompt and basic coverage for the injured parties in the automobile traffic accident and maintain the safety and rights for the public so it is adopted the system of no-fault basis. It means any injured party who is injured or lost of life in the automobile traffic accident can require the reimbursement regardless of who’s fault. Many injured parties and their families have received the prompt reimbursement from compulsory automobile liability insurance, so there are almost ninety percentage of the public in Taiwan giving the highly positive feedback to the implementation of compulsory automobile liability insurance.
Within recent years, the compulsory automobile liability insurance which becomes a crime means and target of organized crimes of insurance fraud. The case of Insurance Fraud has the tendency in growth and the trick of insurance fraud become organized and professionalized, which has seriously affected the law-making purpose and normal developments of compulsory automobile liability insurance. This research, through the various organized criminal fraud cases of compulsory automobile liability insurance provided by non-life insurance companies. In order to prevent the fraud case from being on compulsory automobile liability insurance, this research collects and provides various types of fraud cases containing different means and characteristics. By the research, we hope to provide an effective measure to prevent fraud case from being on compulsory automobile liability insurance.
The research is on the basis of the fact that many countries, for example, United States of American, England, Germany, Norway, Japan and China, have left on stone unturned to prevent insurance fraud and also on the basic of their laws and situations about insurance fraud, to furnish information about insurance fraud, and to educate the public about how to fight against insurance fraud, which is very beneficial to promote the development of insurance anti-fraud in Taiwan. There is no doubt that the prevention of insurance fraud needs the public, the insurer and authority cooperate closely. Only by doing so, we can prevent efficiently insurance fraud from spread.
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