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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張慶童 Unknown Date (has links)
企業的規模隨著業務成長而日益龐雜,企業所服務的功能與流程間關係也因而複雜化。而壽險業近年來經營上面臨金融環境的變化、金控競爭的壓力,積極尋求突破,除致力於開發特色商品以鞏固既有市場外,更積極開發多元化的行銷通路、提供多元化的創新服務。 然壽險業IT系統多僅以提高效率的自動化為考量,而非重視企業流程的優劣;再加上壽險業近年發展趨勢為保險與投資理財結合、金控或異業合作之跨通路的銷售,形成在商品、通路、服務等的新商業模式與企業流程,對於壽險業IT造成更多的影響。 另外,壽險系統為因應業務快速的改變,開發無數不同平台的系統,擁有許多不同平台的結果就是造成許多獨立的系統。導致IT系統維護上的困難與整合程度的不完整,而系統使用者操作上也因整合的限制,造成作業與流程的不便或效率不彰,最後影響企業的績效。 綜合以上,壽險業IT資訊系統正面臨一個重新思考與設計的迫切時刻,如何運用IT的能力,來創造新的差異化優勢,協助壽險業邁入商品、通路、服務多元化的時代?如何整合不同平台的系統,思考以流程為導向的系統運作模式?本研究期望能從「企業流程管理」(BPM)理論面與技術面的探討,瞭解BPM對壽險業IT發展的影響與幫助,並從實際個案的探討,提出個案公司系統再造的BPM系統架構藍圖與導入步驟之規劃。 / Enterprise model is more complicated as business expanded, so between the service functions and business processes are more complexity. Meanwhile, the insurance companies face the changes and competitions of outside financial environment. They try to make the break through to provide the diversified services and multiple channel strategy; they also try to maintain the position in existing market place. The old IT systems of insurance company consider the systematic automation only and do not emphasis the business processes. Recently the insurance company tendency is to develop products of combined investment and new distribution channels of cross industry. To form, include the products, the channels, the services, a new business model and business process, and to bring of IT systems more impacts. The IT systems of insurance company develop many different platforms in the way of business fast grow. This is the reason why that it is difficult to maintain and integrate the systems. The result causes the ineffectiveness of business process and performance. To make a summary, the IT systems of insurance company are facing a re-thinking critical point. Perform the IT abilities to bring up the difference superiority and to create the new ideal systems to help the insurance company for creating the products, approach and services. This research aims at implementing Business Process Management (BPM), from theory and practices, to understand the impacts and supports of IT development. Finally, try to by the actual cases to search and provide the architecture of system reengineering via implementation of BPM.


林芳綉 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球競爭的環境中,服務或產品品質是非常重要的。好的服務或產品品質將導致顧客的高度滿意和企業的持續利潤與永續經營。 目前兩階流程管理的觀念與方法只應用在製造業品質的管制上,而本研究將此觀念與方法推廣並應用在個案公司的採購與銷售作業流程管理上。經由收集個案公司的採購成本和銷售額的資料,再分別據以建立兩階流程的個別管制圖和選控圖以管制採購成本和利潤變異情形。分析結果顯示採購成本和利潤變異並不穩定,而造成的原因經由分析發現後,分別提出適當的改善策略。預期未來實施後應能達到有效的改善作業流程、降低成本並提昇市場之競爭力。

台灣地區企業資訊部門實施軟體流程管理之縱時性研究 / A Longitudinal Study of Software Process Management in MIS Departments of Taiwanese Business

何泰弘 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊技術的崛起與發展,無論是政府、企業組織乃至於個人對於資訊系統的依賴愈大,軟體的功能變的愈多,整體的複雜度也日漸提高,相對於軟體品質也就越受重視。對企業而言,軟體是昂貴的物品,但開發的過程卻又很難預測時間與成本。所以如何進行軟體流程管理,進而提昇軟體品質,也就成為學者所熱衷的研究議題。美國國防部遂委託卡內基美隆大學軟體工程學院進行一項研究,用以提供成熟的軟體組織之指引架構(能力成熟度模式,Capability Maturity Model),自1991年推出後,歷經多次增修,為統合其他各式標準再推出CMMI(Capability Maturity Model-Integrated,能力成熟度整合模式)。 本研究延續李有仁(2004)之研究,針對台灣地區的資訊部門之能力成熟度,透過歷史資料的分析,找出長期被追蹤之組織,進行深入研究與探討。在本研究裡,除對CMM至CMMI的演進做闡述外,也整理了國內外數年對軟體流程管理之研究。此外透過本研究,研究者可以觀察到對台灣地區中的資訊部門進行長期追蹤,有哪些組織是逐步的改善;有哪些組織在過程中反而退步了。再針對兩類型之公司進行歷史問卷資料與訪談資料的整理分析,發現成長的公司與退步的公司,其最主要的差異實務層面在於組織架構、技術管理、文件、資源與人力訓練。因為組織是企業的根本,也就是企業的體質,一個企業如果在體質上出了問題,後續訓練的投入也就無以為繼,於是整體的表現就會不佳。研究結果提供給欲投入軟體流程管理之公司及相關研究者參考。 / In the wake of information technology(IT), the government or business and even the individuals rely heavily on the information system. The more functions of software, the more complexity it has. The research about how to improve software quality through software process management has long been a hot topic. The U.S. Department of Defense commissioned Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University to develop a standard framework for software organization called Capability Maturity Model. Since it was announced in 1991 and revised many times, SEI released Capability Maturity Model Integrated that integrates other standards. This research extends Li’s 2004 study and examines the capability in MIS departments of Taiwanese top 1000 businesses. It discusses the evolution of CMM and CMMI, and reviews the literature about software process management. This research discovers improved and retrogressive organizations of software process management in Taiwan. It utilizes two sources of data, one is the historical questionnaire data and the other is the interview materials. It discovers that the most significant difference practices are in organizational structure, technology management, document, resource and training. Organization is the base of business, without the base, all the other work is meaningless.

以流程管理方法進行RFID導入之研究 : 以血袋處理流程為例

李耿賢, Lee,Keng hsien Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球性的激烈競爭,現代企業紛紛努力尋找新的資訊科技為企業武器,以求達到提昇作業績效,降低作業成本,縮短作業時間。而RFID是本世紀十大重要資訊科技之ㄧ,廣受企業青睞,舉凡門禁安全管理、貨物追蹤管理、醫療應用,甚至美軍在伊拉克戰爭中的後勤補給支援,都有其應用蹤影。 但些許企業廠商導入之後,其效果不彰,究其原因為企業在導入RFID技術往往忽略了流程整合的重要性,造成結果不如預期。這也代表,縱然導入RDID系統技術需要進行許多的IT 技術研究與規劃,但這不代表可以單純地用「IT 建置轉型」的角度來建置RFID系統,企業還是必須從商業營運的角度來思考RFID能夠創造什麼樣的營運模式。 本研究認為最重要的是企業需要一套具有系統的步驟,針對企業需求與導入RFID失敗之原因,提出以企業流程管理為基礎的RFID導入模式,期望借此一執行模式,幫助企業在導入RFID時,藉由審視目前作業流程,改善、改造作業流程,使RFID與應用流程更緊密結合,達到資訊科技與應用流程整合的最佳效益。 最後,歸納出本研究成果,有下列幾點: 1.以企業流程的觀點出發,建立一個以企業流程管理為基礎的RFID導入模式,詳細說明各步驟之作法以及與應用流程整合的重要性,以提供企業做為參考,降低企業在往後導入RFID的困難,以及獲得最佳效益。 2.採用BPMN為流程模式化標準以及BPMN/BPEL的模式化工具來進行本研究流程之模式化與分析。未來得以藉由BPMN與BPEL之規格對應描述以及使用Web Service的開發工具來建置符合SOA架構之資訊系統。 3.提供血袋處理流程前端之捐血中心未來在導入RFID技術時一個參考模式,以利進行導入。

設計與實作工作流程引擎之剖面導向擴充機制 / Enhancing Workflow Engines with Aspectual Processes

鍾政憲, Chung,Cheng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
根據應用系統的功能特性可將其劃分為功能性需求(Functional Requirements)及非功能性需求(Non-functional Requirements)。功能性需求定義了系統的核心功能,而非功能性需求為系統層面的需求,且為核心模組所共用,例如logging、 authorization。雖然物件導向程式設計是目前最常被用來管理核心功能的方法論,但其對於橫跨(crosscutting)的非功能性需求則缺乏適當的模組化機制。剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)是一種新興的程式語言方法論,能夠利用新的模組化單位—aspect—有效處理橫跨性需求的模組化問題,因此本研究將剖面導向程式設計的觀念與技術運用在工作流程(Workflow)的領域中,並且以JBoss jBPM(Java Business Process Management)為基礎,設計jPDL(jBPM Process Definition Language)的剖面導向擴充語言AO4JPDL(Aspect-Oriented for jPDL),並擴充jBPM工作流程引擎(jBPM Workflow Engine),使流程設計人員能利用AO4JPDL解決橫跨性需求的模組化問題。 / Software-system is composed of functional requirements and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements define core functions of software-system. Non-functional requirements are crosscutting concerns such as logging, authorization and other elements common to many of the core modules. While object-oriented programming (OOP) is the most common methodology employed today to manage core functions, it is not enough to manage crosscutting concerns. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a relative new methodology that specifically targeted the management of crosscutting concerns by introducing a new unit of modularization—an aspect—that realizes the concept of Separation of Concerns. Our research is to apply Aspect-Oriented Programming in the field of workflow. We implement Aspect-Oriented for jBPM Process Definition Language (AO4JPDL) and extend jBPM workflow Engine to support Aspect-Oriented Programming. AO4JPDL is a aspect-oriented extension to the jBPM Process Definition Language(jPDL). With AO4JPDL process designer can implement crosscutting concerns in aspects instead of fusing them in the core modules, resulting in a system that is easier to design, implement, and maintain.

企業策略校準與績效管理之研究-以某記憶體公司為例 / The research of enterprise strategic alignment and performance measurement – with a case company of dram module

范詠晟 Unknown Date (has links)
現今資訊化的快速發展與科技的進步,多數企業開始打造適合現況流程的資訊系統,以輔助企業的業務流程,藉此加強企業本身的核心競爭力。而在當前網路經濟中,人們把多數的精力放在策略制定方面,而忽略了實施策略的部份。 本研究以管理控制的概念試圖補足企業績效衡量的盲點,提升實施策略執行的效益,以記憶體模組產業為研究對象,透過內部與外部的資料收集分析該產業架構以了解企業內外之環境。藉由深度訪談的方式,先釐清個案公司整體策略與競爭策略之架構,並以IDEF0 (Integration Definition for Function Modeling)建模方法為企業建立流程模型,藉此深入探討企業績效衡量的方法。 最後,透過雙構面的作業基礎成本制(two-dimensional activity-based cost)與平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard)的四構面將企業各構面的目標進行連結,進而建議個案公司建立以流程為導向並能反映策略的管理控制系統。 研究結果發現企業績效衡量上無法以組織整體面向統一進行考核,各部門只能仰賴部門主管的經驗以建立對應的衡量指標,經由研究將策略、流程與指標透過平衡計分卡、流程管理與作業基礎成本制的結合,讓公司以流程為基礎所建立的績效指標,能夠反映出公司的事實面、策略面與平衡面。 / Because of the improvement of information and technology, most of the enterprises are going to build the information system which is fitted for their current business process to strengthen their core competition. Currently, in the internet economy, manager who spend their major time on formulating the strategy, but invest less time on how to implement the strategy. This study attempted to compensate the blind side of the enterprise performance measurement by the conception of management control to promote the benefit of strategy implementation. This study is mainly probed a company in DRAM module industry. According to the information from inside and outside, it analyze the structure in this industry. Then, figuring out the structure of strategy by deep interview, and using IDEF0 to build the process model for case company to probe how they measure the performance. Finally, it used the two-dimensional activity-based cost and four perspectives of balanced scorecard to link the goal, then suggesting the case company to build a management control system based on process that could reflect their strategy. The results show that the case company couldn’t measure their division by the viewpoint of entirely organization. Each division only could rely on their manager’s experience to construct the measuring indicator. Via this study, it integrated strategy, process and measuring indicator by balanced scorecard, process management and activity-based cost. Giving a suggestion for the case company which could build the measuring indicator, and that could reflect the fact, strategic and balanced view for the company.


許銘方 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技的進步,使得企業競爭的方式產生了根本性的改變,由過去單一企業的競爭,朝向跨組織整合的方向發展。企業間無論透過併購或策略聯盟的手段,皆希望整合上下游、提昇效率,以提高整體競爭力。而整體服務水準的提升,有賴於跨組織流程與資訊上的整合,使客戶的需求可以快速被滿足。工作流在跨組織流程中扮演極為關鍵性的角色,它結合企業邏輯、人員作業、組織資訊科技,主導企業流程,並直接影響到作業的品質與效率。   本研究採個案研究方式,選擇一國際海運物流集團,實地訪談各子公司,分析海運物流業者跨組織的整合運作。從企業流程與工作流的配合中,架構出資訊在跨組織企業中的傳遞,並描繪出資訊科技在工作流中所扮演的角色。結合企業流程、工作流、資訊架構此三個面向的觀點,探討企業工作流中的問題、資訊不連續的中斷點、跨組織工作流管理的困難點、以及資訊系統整合的問題。   經問題探討與流程分析,站在資訊整合、工作流資訊化、自動化的觀點,本研究針對個案集團提出新的工作流模式,為其規劃出與工作流整合之資訊系統,同時定義及強化資訊系統在可見性與自動追蹤、稽催上的角色。


李俊昌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討企業運用流程管理的情形。並從流程管理及組織學習的觀點探討企業考量與作法。   台灣產業在製程管理有長期成功的經驗。從外商在台灣設立加工廠開始,到進幾年來的OEM、ODM以及運籌創新的BTO,都是電腦硬體產品在流程管理上成功的代名詞。軟體產業是否有這種機會,運用流程管理得到和硬體產業一樣的成功?非科技產業是否也能運用流程管理,取得競爭優勢?   本研究以軟體公司及非科技公司的流程管理為研究對象,發現發現如下:   1 軟體產品的開發流程,可以用生產線的方式進行。   2 遊戲軟體的開發,除了程式設計外,還需要運用多種開發工具製作美術,方式比專案軟體的開發更多樣化。   3 軟體開發過程中,企劃書是知識儲存、傳播及運用的重要工具。   4 遊戲網路軟體代工業務需要具備程式製作、美術製作的能力、品質管制及精確的成本控制等多樣的條件。   5 有效的流程管理可以提昇作業速度,增加公司的競爭力。 / This thesis was intended to study the application of process management in companies. We further explored the possible response and consideration from the aspects of process management & organizational learning in companies. Taiwan's industry has a long-term success experience in process management. American, European and Japanese companies have been setting up the computer assembling factories in Taiwan since 1970. Currently, Taiwan's success in process management, especially at OEM, ODM & BTO has already been well known all over the world. The study is focused on the software companies and non-computer companies, and wishes to find out once if they establish the competitive advantage through process management, will they reach the same success as the computer companies did?   In this study, we found the following conclusions.   1. It is possible to develop software by a factory-like manufacturing process.   2. Sufficient art design tools are required, so as to complete a successful game software development process, compared to any regular software project.   3. A complete project plan plays a key role for storing, transferring & applying intrinsic knowledge in an organization during a software development process.   4. It needs various conditions, such as program design, art produce capability, quality control, and process management, to enter the OEM business of game software.   5. An effective process management can improve the operation speed and enhance competitive advantage for company.

商業流程管理的診斷工具之設計與實作 / The design and implementation of a diagnosis tool for business process management

陳怡如, Chen, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
因應資訊化作業,大型企業組織透過企業資源規劃系統來整合組織內部與外部的資訊,以促進各種不同的商業功能間資訊的流動與交換。企業資源規劃系統中的主要模組包括商業流程管理。傳統商業流程管理著重在商業處理的自動化。先進的商業流程管理整合了流程邏輯與商業邏輯的功能,以有助於商業策略的規劃。商業流程管理的生命週期包括流程設計、系統配置、流程啟動、診斷四個階段。現有的研究多集中在前三個階段,較少與診斷有關的研究。本篇論文針對商業流程管理系統,研發系統發生錯誤時的診斷工具。本論文提出了診斷模型。此模型由使用者反應的問題中,定義錯誤類別、歸納使用者外部資訊,由商業規則和資料庫綱要中參考整合限制,並對應到系統的內部資訊。我們也開發了追蹤工具,追蹤錯誤可能的發生點,並依不同類別進行問題偵錯。除了針對本身的工作流程中的活動,也對前後的活動進行搜尋,以縮小錯誤偵測的範圍,協助資訊人員有效率排除錯誤。本論文根據一家電子公司的商業流程管理系統的個案研究,顯示我們所提出的診斷模型與追蹤工具有助於問題的偵錯。 關鍵字: 商業流程管理、診斷工具、商業邏輯 / An Enterprise Resource Panning (ERP) system integrates internal and external information andfacilitates the flow of information between all business functions inside and outside an organization. One of the main components of an ERP is the Business Process Management (BPM). Traditional BPM focues on the automation of business processes while advanced BPM has been extended to integrate with process logics and business logics for business strategy. The life cycle of a BPM system consists of process design, system configuration process enactment and diagnosis phases.Much research has been done on the first three phases. Little attension has been paid to the diagnosis phase. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a diagnosis tool for BPM systems. We propose a diagnosis model to represent the external and internal view of an error event. This diagnosis model is helpful for the troibleshouting to capture the status of an error event. Moreover, a bug tracer system is devlopement based on the proposed diagnosis model to diagnose the problem of workflow activities, and also trace before and after activities in the workflow, narrow the scope of error detection. Case studies from an electronic company demonstrate that the proposed diagnosis model and the tracer tool are helpful for troubleshooting. Keywords: Business Process Management, Diagnosis Tool, Business Logic

企業電子商務平台流程創新方法研究-以某資產管理公司為例 / A Methodology for Business Process Innovation on E-commerce Platform

陳美杏, Chen, Mei Shing Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的發展及行動裝置的普及已將電子商務的發展帶往新的競爭環境,傳統企業除須體認技術不斷創新對企業發展的重要性外,舊有的服務必須透過加入更多的附加價值才能夠增加企業的競爭能力,隨著這股電子商務創新風潮演變並延燒到全球,不論是金融業、實體零售業,皆受到這股電子商務創新風潮的影響,而這股創新的風潮甚至可能導致產業革命。企業若要維持市場競爭能力,除了要盡量降低營運成本,提高生產與管理的效率外,還要能夠滿足客戶各種需求,並應隨時檢視傳統營運流程,充份利用科技技術與生產及服務流程整合,來維持企業管理及服務的優勢,然而,電子商務雖有效簡化企業的作業成本,但跨界整合的趨勢卻也對企業發展帶來新的挑戰,因此企業如何透過一套實用的方法來發展或改善及其電子商務流程,並藉由其獨特創新的服務來加強企業的競爭優勢,更是企業當今面臨的重要議題。 然而當今學術界對於流程管理以及電子商務的研究相當多,但把流程管理應用在電子商務流程創新的研究卻相對較少,故本研究探討有關電子商務理論、企業流程管理、企業流程再造、企業流程創新、企業系統規劃、服務品質、關鍵時刻等相關文獻做為基礎,由客戶需求及服務滿意度的觀點,藉由分析及整理相關流程改善的成功關鍵因素,建構一套電子商務流程創新的方法論,以個案來進行行動研究,依據這套方法論的步驟,發掘個案電子商務流程的問題及其可改善的機會,同時藉由內部探討及借鏡外部標竿企業的創新案例,找出個案公司電子商務流程可能的創新機會,並透過理論基礎檢視本方法論的可行性後,證實透過本研究所建構之電子商務流程創新的方法論確實有其參考價值,提供目前正在發展電子商務或即將投入電子商務發展的企業,做為設計其獨特電子商務平台的參考。 / The increasing use of internet and the growing popularity of mobile devices have created a new competitive environment on the Electronic Commerce (EC) platform. Businesses must develop add-on values in services to strengthen the competitiveness. Under the inevitable trend of global EC, not only the retail industry but also financial industry has been highly affected. This Innovative wave may even lead to an industrial revolution. In order to keep the market competitiveness with EC, enterprises would need to shift focus from cost, productivity and operating efficiency to customer needs. Enterprises nowadays are facing the challenges of modifying existing processes and integrated technology to provide customers with most suitable and innovative services. The research objective is to develop a practical methodology to evaluate and redesign the e-business processes of a firm and enhance their competitive advantage. This study investigated concepts and methodologies in e-commerce, business process management, business process reengineering, business process innovation, business systems planning, service quality, and moment of truth. Based on the perspectives of customers’ needs and service satisfaction, the study analyzed and integrated critical success factors of process improvement and process innovation to construct a methodology for e-business process innovation. With an action research process this study tested the proposed methodology on EC processes in a financial institution and discovered e-business process issues and innovation opportunities. The proposed methodology was validated and the feasibility of the methodology was verified by theoretical considerations, and proved to have reference value for enterprises in developing unique innovations in e-business services.

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