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年輕成人與老年人之資源流失、控制策略使用對其憂鬱之影響劉僥斐, Liu,Chiao-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
一、 物質資源流失不論在年輕成人或老年人,對於憂鬱均不具顯著預測力。
二、 在年輕成人組,家庭支持資源流失對憂鬱具最強的預測力,且透過直接的路徑影響憂鬱;能量資源流失則透過積極因應策略間接影響憂鬱,即能量資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應的策略,而增加了個人的憂鬱程度。
三、 在老人組,家庭支持資源流失會透過直接與間接兩種路徑影響憂鬱,即家庭支持資源流失越多者越少使用積極因應與降低要求兩種策略,進而影響個人的憂鬱程度;能量資源流失則是對憂鬱具直接的預測力。
四、 在控制策略對憂鬱的影響部分,積極因應策略不論在年輕成人與老人組均對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,使用越多積極因應策略則憂鬱程度越低;但降低要求策略僅在老人組才對憂鬱具顯著的預測力,且使用越多降低要求策略的老年人,憂鬱程度越高。
本文最後根據研究結果進行討論,並根據研究結果對年輕成人與老年人之心理衛生工作以及未來之研究方向提出建議。 / The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the influence of lost resources and control strategies for depression in young adult and old adult. Furthermore, to explore that the relation between lost resources and depression was direct or mediated by control strategies. (2) to find out whether the way that different kinds of lost resources and control strategies influence depression will be varied from different developmental stages or not.
Subjects of 260 Adults in Taiwan (132 young adults and 128 old adults) were evaluated by the instruments, including resources evaluation scale, control strategy scale, and Beck Depression Items (BDI). The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and path analysis.
The main findings were as follows:
1. Losses of material resources could not predict depression in both age groups.
2. In young adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly; but the relation between energy resources and depression was mediated by active coping strategy, which means the more energy resources lose, the less active coping strategies were used, and the more depression were reported.
3. In old adults, losses of family support resources predict depression directly and indirectly, which means the more family support resources lose, the less active coping and lowering aspiration strategies were used, and the more depression were reported.
4. As to the relation between control strategies and depression, active coping strategies could predict depression in both age groups, which means the subjects using more active coping strategies had less depression. Lowering aspiration strategies could predict depression only in old adults. In other words, the old adults using more lowering aspiration strategies had more depression.
According to the findings, some suggestions for the mental health of young adults and old adults, as well as for further study were provided.
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探討九二一地震後資源流失與因應行為對居民災後身心症狀的影響 / The effects of resources loss and coping behavior on psychological / physical symptoms after the 921 earthquake謝孟晃 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:921地震、資源流失、因應行為、組合屋、原住民 / This study used the Conservation of Resources stress model to examine the effects of resources loss and coping behavior on psychological/physical symptoms after the 921 earthquake. And compared with the differences of resources loss, coping behavior and psychological/physical symptoms in different community organizations and races. This study was conducted by questionnaire investigation. 354 participants living in Pu-Li Town completed the questionnaires. The design of samples was distinguished between living in Temporal houses and living in own houses, and aborigines and non-aborigines. The measurements applied in this study included "Posttraumatic Stress Reaction Index Questionnaire", "Resources Loss Inventory" and "Coping Scale". The obtained data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, path analysis, hierarchical multiple regression analysis and one-way ANCOVA. The results of this study included: (1) resources loss and avoidant coping could predict psychological/physical symptoms, but
resource loss predicted psychological symptoms better than avoidant coping. Personal resources were the strongest predictor among four kinds of resources. (2) In different community organizations. Temporal house's residents reported more resources loss and psychological/physical symptoms. And personal resources and avoidant coping were the strongest predictors. (3) In different races, the level of resources loss and psychological/physical symptoms were no significant differences between aborigines and non-aborigines. But aborigines revealed more avoidant coping and avoidant coping was the strongest predictor. Based on the results, some suggestions to post-earthquake rehabilitation were included: (1) Acting to limit resources loss after disaster and increase resources gain. (2) Considering the intervention of community organization. (3) Enhancing aborigine's coping behavior.
Keywords: 921 earthquake, resource loss, coping behavior. Temporal houses, aborigines
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沈默螺旋論初探王婷玉, WANG, TING-YU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在引介並評析德國社會學家諾爾紐曼(Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann)的「沉默
螺旋論」(the Theory of the Spiral of Silence )。全文凡五萬餘字,共分六章
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初診斷乳癌患者的心理沮喪發展軌跡與資源變化、因應風格之關係探討 / The developmental trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles涂珮瓊, Tu, Pei Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
方法: 本研究採用貫時性的研究設計,共收錄200名初診斷乳癌患者。患者於診斷後的手術前一天進行評估,並於術後一個月、術後四個月、術後七個月及術後一年進行後續的追蹤。每一點的心理沮喪分數採用中文的醫院版焦慮與憂鬱量表(HADS)來測量,追蹤時間點的資源變化與癌症因應風格之分數,分別是以修編的資源改變量表(資源流失與資源獲得)與台灣版癌症心理調適量表(Mini-MAC)進行評估。
結論:本研究支持罹癌後的壓力反應具有個別差異性,並且指出乳癌患者的心理沮喪反應具有四種不同的發展型態。本研究也強調於連續變化的向度中考量不同的心理沮喪發展軌跡及其相關的壓力調適因子亦具有時序變化之重要性。有關的理論與實務意涵將於後作進一步地討論。 / Objectives: This study assumed the psychological distress of newly-diagnosed breast cancer (BC) patients existed the entities of the individual difference, so this study examined distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst BC patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles, and adopted a dynamic stress-coping perspective to shed light on the factors that contribute to the diversity of inter-individual development and intra-individual change. The three major purposes were (1) to determine if there are distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosis BC patients; (2) to test whether time-varying resource changes and coping styles can distinguish the trajectory groups; (3) to explore whether the effect of time-varying resource changes and coping styles on psychological distress differ within each trajectories group.
Methods: A longitudinal reasarch study of 200 newly-diagnosed BC patients was recruited and participants were assessed at the day before surgery, and again at the 1-month, 4-month, 7-month and 1-year post-surgery follow-ups. Psychological distress was measured at the five time-points using the Chinese version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Resource changes and cancer-specific coping were assessed at all follow-ups using the revised Resource Change Scale and the the Chinese version of Mini-MAC Scale, respectively.
Results: Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA) identified four latent classes of BC patients with distinct developmental trajectories of psychological distress - resilience, recovery, late onset and chronic dysfunction. Latent Growth Curve Model (LGM) revealed that the stress-coping properties of the resilience group featured a stabilized lower level of resource loss after diagnosis, a lower level of initial AP-coping and a lower growth rate of CA-coping when compared with the others. The recovery group was more likely to have a lower decrease of FS-coping than the resilience group. Moreover, the late onset group and the chronic dysfunction group were more likely to have a higher level of initial HH-coping and a higher increase in AP-coping, and the chronic dysfunction group was characterized by the highest level of initial resource loss and HH-coping, and the lowest level of initial FS-coping compared with the other groups. The Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) indicated that resource loss and use of coping styles could significantly predict levels of psychological distress in each trajectory group. The major differences that appeared were in the positive effect of resource gain and use of CA-coping on decreasing distress symptoms amongst people in the chronic dysfunction group, as well as in the different predictors that were found in each trajectory group.
Conclusions: The present study shows that there are individual differences in cancer-specific stress responses and outlines four different developmental patterns of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed Taiwanese BC patients. This study also stressed the importance of considering time-serial continuity of distinct developmental trajectories with regards to psychological distress as well as the related stress-coping factors which also varies with time. Further theoretical and practical implications are discussed in depth in the content of the study.
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資源跨界謀略:培生教育集團如何策畫複合商業模式 / Maneuvering Resource Crossover: How Pearson Education Strategizes Hybrid Business Models譚雪屏, Tan, Hsueh Ping (Jennifer) Unknown Date (has links)
在環境變遷劇烈的時代,改善流程、發展新商品、研發新技術已經無法讓企業在穩操勝算。近年來,企業開始關注商業模式之價值。但是,過往的商業模式創新多為組合式,但是對於複合商業模式卻所知有限。本論文分析出版業商業模式的複合創新過程,了解傳統產業如何藉由商業模式而轉型。本文以全球最大的出版公司培生為研究對象,分析培生是如何策劃其複合商業模式,於2000年到2013年間啟動四種商業模式之創新。本文發現,商業模式必須透過資源不斷的流動,引導其實驗性交換方能產生複合的效應。觀念上,本論文提出如何以資源流的方式來分析商業模式的複合效應。實務上,本研究指出複合商業模式的形成原來不是以混合或組合不同的商業模式進行;而是必須創造資源的綜效,才能有效的讓新與舊的商業模式產生「複合」的效果,提供創新的解決方案,完成企業轉型的任務。 / In this rapid changing environment, improving work processes, developing new products, innovate new technologies may not secure firms’ success. In recent years, firms begin to pay attention to the value of business model. However, our understanding of business model innovation is limited to the combinational form and the hybrid form of business model is less known. This thesis examines the innovation process of hybrid business model within publishing industry, and understands how a traditional industry could undertake transformation via business model renewal. This study examines Pearson Publishing, which is the world’s largest publisher at the time, and analyzes how Pearson strategized its hybrid business model while launching four types of business model innovation during 2000-2013. The findings indicate that business model must initiate constant flow of resources, guiding its experimental exchange so as to create hybrid effects. Conceptually, this thesis suggests how to examine business models’ hybrid effects through patterns of resource flow. Practically, this research warns that the shaping of hybrid business model may not simply blend or combine two different business models. It requires us to create some sort of synergy among resources so as to generate some kind of ‘hybrid’ effect between the old business model and the new business model, resulting in innovative solutions and achieving the mission of corporate transformation.
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彝族的源流史詩 / Epics of Yi’s Origin黃季平, Huang, Chi Ping Unknown Date (has links)
一、Approche: 文獻大彙整與地圖套疊
源流史詩展現民族的歷史觀,足以反映及代表民族的思維,因此源流史詩可以說是文學史與民族史交集下的結晶。因此,筆者將「源流史詩」做為檢驗「彝族」的一種標準。經過這麼多層的討論後,證據是傾向「彝族」是「由多民族組成的一個民族集團」而非「擁有眾多支系的一個民族」。這一個結論,可以讓我們重新拿來檢驗現有的關於「彝族」的「民族史」與「文學史」,同時可以用來檢驗「彝族民族識別」之後的「彝族認同」過程。 / The focus of the thesis is on the “epics of Yi’s origin” By studying them, we may have a closer examination of whether the Yi can be categorized as one “ethnos.”
A. The approach: Compiling documents and putting maps together
The contents of an ethnos’ epics of origin are mainly legends, heroes, ethnic origin, immigration and ancestor veneration, which are not entertaining. The occasions to chant the epics, such as seasonal worshiping and funerals, make the epics solemn. That lets a group of people identify themselves with their own epics. The thesis observes and explains Yi via its epics of origin since people of a same ethnos are supposed to have the same texts which make them feel the same. The texts include the philosophy view of “creation,” identification with the history of one’s “ethnic origin,” and religious experience of “ancestor veneration.”
First, I reorganized 108 epics out of scattered documents and systemize them. Both for ethnological or anthropologic field observations and for the overall description of an ethnos’ history of literature or ethnohistory, the systemization is of broader consolidation. Second, the thesis produces 21 maps and puts them together in three map overlay modes. That adds the concept of “space” to the presentation of the epics and creates the “space” in which Yi’s “language varieties” and “branches” can meet, letting us able to search for the meanings of the relationships among the three – epics, language varieties, and branches – in the space. These are what the forerunners on the study haven’t given any definition for.
The three map overlay modes are “Yi’s branches vs six language varieties vs distribution of Yi’s epics of creation,” “Yi’s branches vs six language varieties vs distribution of three main narrative systems of Yi’s epics of creation,” and “Yi’s epics of ethnic origin vs six language varieties vs distribution of the branches from the six forefathers.” We can see the distributions of the epics, language varieties and branches of Northern Yi and Eastern Yi match. But in Yunnan, the result of map overlay appears in a state of disarray. The main cause may be Yi’s branches in Yunnan are complicated, which underlines the belonging issues in the epics and language varieties. Actually, these issues are something the thesis wants to explore to find out if Yi is “an ethnos with many branches” or “an ethnic group made up of several ethnos.”
B. The values of the epics of Yi’s origin and history:
The epics of Yi’s origin and history can be categorized into epics of creation, epics of ethnic origin, and epics for ancestor veneration. All of them reflect Yi’s religion based on worshiping ancestral spirits and also connect closely with the history of Yi. The thesis tries to study 108 epics of Yi’s origin systematically.
(a) Yi’s epics of creation can be divided into three narrative systems.
With the self-made “scenario plates” units, I analyze 39 epics of creation and categorize them into three narrative systems – the Lewo Teyi System in Sichuan, the System of the Birth and Changes of the Universe in Guezhou, and the System of Changing Human Races in Yunnan. In Yi’s multi narrative systems, we can see many different styles and features. It’s very rare for an ethnos to have all of the characteristics. Thus, we can conclude that Yi can at least be divided into three different ethnos.
(b) Yi’s epics of ethnic origin are centered on family histories.
Yi’s epics of ethnic origin which are based on Yi’s family pedigrees built on the patronymic linkage naming system are recorded and edited by bimos. There are 21 well-organized epics of ethnic origin which mainly distribute in Bijie, Guezhou and Wuding, Yunnan. The core of the epics is the branching story of the six ancestries. In Yunnan, the story is not complete and also in a state of disarray. It might be caused by the communication factor. In terms of centralized development, the story of Dumu and the branching of the six ancestries is exclusive in the Eastern Yi region. The thesis explores seven contemporary works on Yi’s history and finds out that “Dumu and Yi’s six forefathers” has departed from Yi’s “legendry” and transformed into part of Yi’s “history.”
(c) Long poetry for ancestor veneration sufficiently presents Yi’s beliefs of ancestral spirits.
A big chunk of Yi’s ancient religious books are those for remembering the dead whose contents are mainly expressing veneration in the form of long poetry. After reorganization, there are 64 long poems for expressing veneration and most of them (36 in total) are the chi lu ching, scripture of leading the road. The thesis tries to find the differences among the groups of Yi’s language varieties in the aspects of the “concept of ancestral spirits,” “funerary and burial customs,” and “ancestor veneration.” I think that the concept of the immortal soul is prevailing among the Yi. The idea of returning to the ancestry is particularly obvious in the Northern Yi region and can be found in part of the Eastern Yi region. The idea is hardly found in other Yi regions but the traces of the idea are left in part of the rites there.
C. Yi is more like an “ethnic group” made up of “several ethnos.”
The three sets of overlaid maps of Yi’s epics of creation prove the relationships among Yi’s branches and language varieties are in a state of disarray, causing the epics not really match with the branches. The most complicated area is Yunnan. On the other hand, the epics and branches have some sort of correlation in Sichuan of Northern Yi and Guezhou of Eastern Yi.
As for Yi’s epics of ethnic origin, the three sets of overlaid maps show that the epics, branches, and language varieties are related. The situation can be seen in Nori and Nasu groups of Eastern Yi. However, there isn’t any epic of ethnic origin in other language variety regions. Thus I assume Nori and Nasu groups have become main groups of Yi and their family histories have thus become important parts of Yi’s ethnohistory.
Long poetry for ancestor veneration aims to clarify the common historical memories of the Yi in terms of the concept of time. Via the linking of the patronymic linkage naming system and the chi lu ching, based on the religious concept of ancestral spirits, and with the help of bimos, Yi’s branches seem to connect together under the influence of “religion.”
An ethnos’ epics of origin demonstrate the historical view of the ethnos and represent the thoughts of the ethnos. Therefore, epics of origin of an ethnos can be regarded as something bred by the ethnos’ history of literature and its ethnohistory. Thus, I use “epics of ethnic origin and history” as a criterion to explore “Yi.” Through multi analyses, it is obvious that Yi is “an ethnic group made up of several ethnos” rather than “an ethnos with many branches.” This conclusion can be used to re-examine the existing issues on Yi’s ethnohistory and its history of literature and to review the ethnic identification process of the Yi after Yi was certified as an ethnos.
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