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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

北京方言的中古入聲音韻層次研究──以官話方言比較為主 / Phonological Strata of the Middle Chinese Ru Tone in the Beijing Dialect: A Comparative Study of the Mandarin Dialects

權榮俊, Youngjun Kwon Unknown Date (has links)
本文以探討北京方言的中古入聲音韻層次為目標,經由個別官話方言的比較對應,建立次方言各自的韻調系統,並統整各區的韻調特徵,做為北京方言若干韻母來源的方言地理影響趨向走勢,再綰結文獻語料加以確認發展的時代上限。 首先,比較中古入聲在北京官話、中原官話、江淮官話(安徽)的韻調表現,重建各官話方言的中古入聲演變模式。比較的範圍為北京方言裡文白異讀大量存在的中古宕江攝開口入聲字、中古曾梗攝開口一二等字、通攝合口三等字的讀音。通過各方言區內部方言語料的比較,找出各個方言之間的語音對應規律,建立共同形式,再進行官話方言裡幾種共同形式之間的比較,推定各個共同形式發展的方言區。判斷一個方言區固有形式的根據有兩個:一是語音演變的通則,即一旦確定演變方向,不再回到古音來源再以不同方式演變;另一是中古入聲韻的兩條不同演變方向,即複元音化和喉塞音化。由此得知,中古入聲在各官話方言區發展的方式各自不同。 其次,觀察與北京方言有關文獻語料,推論北京方言的中古入聲字讀音的歷史音韻層次形成的途徑。考察的文獻材料為《韻鏡》、《七音略》、《皇極經世書‧聲音唱和圖》、《蒙古字韻》、《四聲等子》、《中原音韻》、《合併字學篇韻便覽》等中古以後紀錄漢語語音的韻書及韻圖。從方言比較的結果和文獻語料所反映的中古入聲字讀音的變遷看,北京方言的中古入聲音韻層次形成過程大體上可以分為以下三個階段:獨立發展期、中原官話接觸期、江淮官話接觸期。由此得知,北京方言的中古入聲字讀音並不是單純從中古音到北京方言演化而來,而是一面從中古音演變下來,一面透過與其他方言交融,吸收經過不同演化模式的語音。 漢語方言比較研究使得我們能夠看出生動的語言變化動態面貌,提供重新看待文獻材料的慧眼。

語素為基礎的詞彙教學--以《新版實用視聽華語》、《新實用漢語課本》為例 / Morpheme-based Vocabulary Teaching: Textbook Analysis and Teaching Application

王美玲, Wang, Mei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本文的研究問題有三:一是了解現今華語綜合性教材語素教學的內容與編排方式;二是提出關於本文分析之華語綜合性教材以語素為基礎的詞彙教學建議;三是教師面對不同教材時,應該如何因應與落實以語素為基礎的詞彙教學。 本文首先從海峽兩岸的專家、學者們對於詞彙教學領域的相關研究和詞彙教學的現狀著手,發現詞彙教學理論研究成果與教學應用脫節,因此如何有效利用漢語詞彙語義特徵和結構特徵進行詞彙教學,值得深入研究。本文將焦點集中於語素教學的理論與教學實施原則,分析在臺灣與中國使用率極高的兩套華語綜合性教材---《新版實用視聽華語》和《新實用漢語課本》,以了解目前教材中語素教學內容的現況。 分析結果發現,兩套教材皆呈現語素教學設計,但是《新版實用視聽華語》的語素分析出現瑕疵,且缺乏詞彙結構分析;而《新實用漢語課本》不論是語素分析或詞彙結構分析,都能以學習者已知的詞彙為基礎而設計。本文參考前人的研究和教材的分析,提出對於這兩套教材中以語素為基礎的詞彙教學建議。最後,本文綜合語素教學研究、教材分析和教學應用,提出一套更完整的語素教學實施原則,以利於教師面對不同教材時得以參考依循。 關鍵字:語素、語素教學、詞彙教學、新版實用視聽華語、新實用漢語課本 / There are three research aspects in this paper: (1) To understand the content and structure of two main current Mandarin pedagogical materials in the context of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching. (2) To provide some teaching suggestions for the design of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching of those two materials. (3) To propose vocabulary teaching strategies on employing morpheme-based vocabulary teaching when teachers are facing different textbooks. In vocabulary teaching, this paper makes an overview of research literature by cross strait scholars, and finds that there is a missing link between theory study and teaching application. It’s promising to explore semantic and morphology of Chinese vocabulary to facilitate vocabulary teaching; thus, morpheme-based vocabulary teaching is proposed. We evaluate two most popular textbooks Practical Audio-visual Chinese 2nd edition and New Practical Chinese Reader to get a picture of how morpheme-based vocabulary teaching is presented. Both textbooks do have morpheme-based vocabulary teaching design. Practical Audio-visual Chinese 2nd edition is faulty in morpheme analysis, and short of analysis of morphology of Chinese vocabulary. New Practical Chinese Reader deserves praising by editing the content of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching at the basis of learned vocabulary, and it excels in the analysis of both morpheme and morphology. Referring to previous studies in this area, we propose recommendations for morpheme-based vocabulary teaching with these two materials. To assist teachers in dealing with various textbooks, we provide practical teaching operation principles, through a comprehensive study of morpheme-based vocabulary teaching, textbook analysis, and teaching application research. Wish this study will help Mandarin teachers teach vocabulary more efficiently. Keywords: morpheme, morpheme teaching, vocabulary teaching, Practical Audio-visual Chinese 2nd Edition, New Practical Chinese Reader

台灣漢語饒舌歌之節奏類型 / The Rhythmic Types of Chinese Raps in Taiwan

熊芮華, Hsiung,Jui hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文以優選理論的觀點分析台灣漢語饒舌歌的節奏類型。主要論點包括三個部份:節拍對應、音節對應與韻句分析。本研究建立一個漢語饒舌歌語料庫,提出數據佐證分析,認為漢語饒舌歌的節奏類型不只一種,不同的節奏類型可透過並存音韻理論(Cophonology Theory)來解釋,另外,本文也提出浮動制約(Floating Constraints)來預測漢語饒舌歌中不同節奏型態出現的比例。在節拍對應方面,透過虛詞左向附著與其他制約的排序變化,可以篩選出音節與節拍不同的對應方式。在音節對應方面,當一韻句需要滿足簡單律時,就會產生音節跨越現象。而在韻句分析方面,透過左界對整(U,x)與其他制約的排序變化,可以預測兩韻句間之間隔1/2拍或1/4拍的例子。整體而言,本篇研究就漢語饒舌歌中豐富的節奏類型提出語料以及理論上的分析基準。 / This thesis analyzes the rhythmic structure of Chinese raps in Taiwan from the perspective of Optimality theory. Three factors are in order: the demibeats mapping, the syllable mapping and the utterance phrasing. The thesis adopts the corpus-based analysis. This thesis proposes that rhythmic variants can be accounted for through the constraint re-ranking in terms of the Cophonology Theory. The positing of floating constraints can then predict the percentages of the rhythmic variants. In demibeat mapping, the interaction between F-share-L(the left-adjunction of functors) and other constraints results in different ways of demibeat-syllable correspondence; in syllable mapping, Simplicity decides the syllable-straddling phenomenon. Finally, in utterance phrasing, the interaction between Align-L(U,x) and other constraints predicts different lengthens of the utterance breaks. To conclude, this thesis provided a corpus and theoretical basis for the rhythmic structures of Chinese raps.

「意」的多義現象研究:以語料庫為本 / A Corpus-based Semantic Analysis of Mandarin Polysemy /Yi4/

莊舜雯, Chuang, Shun Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「意」的雙字詞彙為主要研究範圍,由詞彙內部結構及上下文切入以釐清「意」的多義現象。前人關於「意」的多義現象討論不多,僅有歷時的探源研究、與內在身體部位「心」的比較以及心理學認識活動的相關論述,至今尚未有關於「意」之共時性語料庫研究。於彙整《中文詞彙網路2.0》與《教育部重編國語辭典修訂本》中「意」的義項,並清楚制定「認知」、「情感」、「意志」三個語意類別後,本研究分析了《中央研究院現代漢語平衡語料庫4.0》一千萬詞條版本中的相關語料。研究結果包含了兩個面向的討論:「意」的詞彙內部結構和語意分佈之間的關係以及「意」的意象圖式。 首先,研究發現「意」在構詞上屬於名詞性黏著詞根詞素,可同時作為詞在句子中自由移動的情形不多;「意」在語意上則屬於「心理集合名詞」,而心理集合名詞為一多義詞素,詞彙語意的完整有賴其共現成分。其次,「*意」結構的詞類包含了名詞、狀態動詞、動作動詞、副詞四種詞類,而「意*」結構僅包含名詞、狀態動詞、動作動詞三種。其中,「*意」的構詞能力較「意*」強,語意分佈上則皆以「意志」類為主。 最後,從雙音詞的上下文中發掘了「意」的三條刺激反應路徑,統整出「意」的意象圖式,得知「意」的雙字詞多用於「報導」方面。若刺激類別為「文章/話語」或「外在景色」通常由「當局經驗者」報導概念內涵或刺激為其帶來之感覺,若刺激類別為「人際客體」則通常由「旁觀經驗者」報導當局經驗者理解概念之過程、心理狀態或意志狀態。華語教師在講解「意」之詞彙時,可透過解釋其共現成分之詞意為學生建立語意類別的概念,亦可運用刺激類別及報導的方式讓學生知道「意」的雙音詞使用上的差別。 關鍵字: 「意」、多義名詞、詞彙內部結構、意象圖式、中研院現代漢語平衡語料庫 / Key word: Yi4,polysemy, word component structure, image schema, Mandarin Corpus This thesis reports the polysemous usage of the disyllabic words containing Yi4 ‘meaning’ with the emphasis on their internal structure and co-text. Previous studies on Mandarin polysemy Yi4 mostly focused on the classic manuscripts, the comparison between Xin1 ‘heart’ and Yi4 ‘meaning’, or the philosophical system of knowing. However, none of them was based on real texts from the corpus. Based on the senses taken from the Chinese Wordnet 2.0 and the Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary, we categorized the usage of Yi4 as FEELING, COGNITION and INTENTION. Using these as the criteria, we analyzed the data from the Sinica Corpus 4.0. The results were discussed based on two aspects, the interrelationship between the internal structures and meaning distribution, and the image schema of Yi4. For the internal structures, we discovered that Yi4 serves not only as a bound-root morpheme at the syntactical level but also as a semantically polysemous psycho-collection morpheme which needs the co-occurred morpheme to fulfill its word meaning. We also found that most instances in both ‘X+Yi4’ and ‘Yi4+X’ structures belong to INTENTION, and these include nouns, action verbs, and stative verbs. However, only the ‘X+Yi4’ structure, with its stronger word-forming ability, contains adverbial use. In addition to internal structures, for the analysis of co-texts, we came up with the image schema of Yi4 which contains three stimulus-response routes. If the stimulus is article/speech/scenery, Yi4 tends to have a direct experiencer conducting a first-hand report about his/her feeling. If the stimulus comes from a human body, Yi4 prefers having an indirect experiencer conducting a second-hand report about the direct experiencer’s emotion, cognitive process or willing. Finally, this thesis also offers some pedagogical suggestions and application based on the findings.

寧波方言的名詞性結構 =The nominal structures in the Ningbo Wu dialect / Nominal structures in the Ningbo Wu dialect

楊巧靈 January 2017 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / Department of Chinese

澳門初一學生英語學習態度研究 / Study of Macao Form One students' English learning attitude

陳秀定 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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