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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王韻齡 Unknown Date (has links)

無望感與未來思考及情緒困擾間的關係 / The Relationship among Hopelessness, Future Thinking, and Emotional Disturbances: A Preliminary Study

謝文傑, Hsieh, Wen-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
目的 本研究嚐試探討無望感與未來思考及情緒困擾間的關係,旨在驗證MacLeod的未來思考研究,以及區分病例組與對照組的敏感性。 研究對象 非病人樣本,主要為大學生以及部分社會人士,共123名;病人樣本則為台北巿立萬芳醫院的門診病患,共49名。 研究方法 非病人樣本採用隨機取樣,病人樣本採用隨機立意取樣之病例對照研究設計。 研究材料 包括「貝克無望感量表」、「貝克焦慮量表」、「貝克憂鬱量表第二版」、「語意歷程作業」、「語文流暢作業」、與「未來思考作業」共六項。 研究結果 本研究結果符合MacLeod先前的研究結果為,即(1)無望感與正向未來思考的減少有關;與(2)憂鬱與正向未來思考的減少,及負向未來思考的增加有關。不符合MacLeod的研究果為:焦慮與未來思考的關係不顯著。另外,以「正向未來思考」及「負向未來思考」來區分病人與非病人就目前的樣本而言,是不具有敏感性的。 結論 對於臨床工作而言,須注意正向未來思考減少對個案的影響,並進一步的給予適宜的處置,以預防疾病的再發。 關鍵字 無望感、正向未來思考、負向未來思考、情緒困擾

自傷與自殺的階層預測模式 / Hierarchical Predictor Model of Non-suicidal self-injury and Suicide

謝光桓, Hsieh, Kuang Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合Clark與Watson(1991)的三角模式(Tripartite Model)以及Brown、Chorpita和Barlow(1998)提出的階層性概念,結構正向情感、負向情感、焦慮、憂鬱、無望感、自傷、自殺的關係,建立自傷與自殺的階層預測模式,說明自傷與自殺的同異處。研究對象為487位大學生,325位女性與162位男性,採取自陳式問卷的方式施測,包含自我傷害行為量表、自殺危險程度量表、貝克無望感量表、正負向情感量表、症狀檢核表-90-修正版(摘錄測量焦慮與憂鬱的題目)、相關背景變項的測量,並以描述性統計、相關性考驗、階層迴歸分析、結構方程模式等統計方式對資料進行處理。主要的研究結果為:(1)負向情感能預測與解釋焦慮和憂鬱,且能透過焦慮預測自傷與自殺,唯焦慮對自傷的解釋力較高;負向情感亦能透過憂鬱預測自殺,但無法透過憂鬱預測自傷。(2)正向情感能預測與解釋憂鬱,且能透過憂鬱預測自殺。(3)加入無望感分析後,發現憂鬱能透過無望感預測自殺,憂鬱也能直接預測自殺,顯示無望感為憂鬱與自殺的部分中介變項。最後,結果發現有15.81%的自傷比例、24.64%的自殺意念比例、8.01%的自殺企圖比例。 / This study combined Clark & Watson’s (1991) tripartite model with Brown, Chorpita, and Barlow’s (1998) hierarchical model to structure the relationship of positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), anxiety, depression, hopelessness, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), and suicide. This study attempted to establish hierarchical predictor model of NSSI and suicide, and explain the relationship of NSSI and suicide. The participants were 487 university students, 325 females and 162 males, who were participating in a study of test of deliberate self-harm inventory, suicide risk inventory, Beck hopelessness scale, positive and negative affect schedule, symptom checklist-90-R, and background variables. The data were examined by descriptive statistics, correlation, hierarchical analysis, and structural equation modeling. The main results were : (1) NA could predict anxiety and depression ; anxiety could not only mediate the relationship of NSSI and NA, but also mediate the relationship of NA and suicide ; anxiety accounted for more of the variance in NSSI than in suicide ; depression could mediate the relationship of NA and suicide, but could not mediate the relationship of NSSI and NA. (2) PA could predict depression, and depression could mediate the relationship of PA and suicide. (3) the role of hopelessness was partial mediator of depression and suicide. Finally, the result found 15.81% NSSI, 24.64% suicidal ideation, and 8.01% suicidal attempt.

憂鬱理論的整合研究-認知取向 / Integration of Depression Theory - Cognitive Approach

楊順南, Yang, Shun Nan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在整合現今較受重視的認知取向憂鬱理論,探討其因果機制及重要變項,以架構出較折衷的認知性憂鬱因果模式,並以結構方程式模式技術予以驗証。   文中共探討了Abramson的無望感理論、Bandura的自我規範論、Beck的自我基模論、Becker的自我貶低論、Ingram自我焦注論、Rehm的自我控制論、Seligman的無助感理論,共歸納出負向事件知覺、因應信念、負向自我基模、自我評估知覺、逆境歸因、個人歸因、無望感、自尊感、認知性憂鬱等九個潛在變項。   研究過程中首先分析了不同性別及憂鬱程度的受試者在各個測量變項上的差異情形,並以兩階段的方式進行了理論模式的適配性考驗,再針對考驗結果進行討論,形成進一步的假設,並提出理論架構、研究方法、實際應用上的建議,最後說明本研究面臨之限制,以及後續研究可改進方向。   下面是本研究主要的研究結論:   一、女性大學生較男性大學生的憂鬱程度為高,且具有憂鬱現象的人數也較多;男性則在個人自我意識上較女性強。   二、高憂鬱組在偏差態度、過度類化、完美主義、特質歸因、無望感上都較低憂鬱來得高;在問題解決信念、成功預期、自我概念、自尊感上都較低憂鬱組來得低。   三、因果模式中被支持的因果關係如下:    (一)負向事件知覺對負向自我基模具有正向的因果關係。    (二)自我評估知覺對因應信念具有正向的因果關係。    (三)因應信念對負向自我基模具有負向的因果關係。    (四)負向自我基模對逆境歸因其有正向的因果關係。    (五)負向自我基模對個人歸因具有正向的因果關係。    (六)因應信念對逆境歸因具有負向的因果關係。    (七)因應信念對個人歸因具有正向的因果關係。    (八)逆境歸因對無望感具有正向的因果關係。    (九)無望感對自尊感具有負向的因果關係。    (十)負向自我基模對認知性憂鬱具有正向的因果關係。   四、以八個潛在變項對高低憂鬱組對行區別函數分析,結果正確率達89.61%,其中以無望感、自尊感、逆境歸因、個人歸因等四個變項最有區辨力。   五、以探索性因素分析發現,負向歸因風格可區分為三個向度:內在(影響內在歸因、特質歸因、控制歸因)、穩定歸因(影響穩定歸因及控制歸因)、概括歸因;在穩定歸因與概括歸因之間存有正相關。 / Purpose of this thesis was to integrate several depression theories which are mainly focusing on cognitive approach, to argue for the causes-result mechanism of depression and to find the improtant varibles related to depression develepment. the author also wanted to construct prosper frame of cognitive depression. There are seven theories including Abramson's hopelessness theory, Bandura's self-regulation theory, Beck's self-schema Becker's self-degorate theory, Ingram's self-focusing theory, Rehm's self-control theory, and Seligman's helplessness theory was discussed in this thesis, and nine important varibles including depression, negative event perception, coping belief, self-appraival perception, negative self-schema, personal attributional style, aversive attributional style, low

正負向未來思考、行為激發/抑制系統與憂鬱症狀間模式之初探 / The Exploratory Model of Positive and Negative Future Thinking, Behavioral Activation/Inhibition Systems, and Depressive Symptons

胡肇勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文根據無望感的相關理論,以三種方式探討貝氏無望感量表內的正負向期待為一個概念的兩面,或是表徵兩種不同的概念。首先,本論文進行探索性與驗證性因素分析,以考驗一與二因素模式的模式適合度。再者,MacLeod與Byrne(1996)認為兩類未來思考對憂鬱症狀的影響是相互獨立運作,但可能有過於簡化的限制,故本論文提出四種的可能模式並加以檢驗。最後,根據Trew(2011)所提出的整合性模式,提出行為抑制與激發系統導致憂鬱症狀之兩種競爭模式,檢驗無望感或正負向未來思考在此模式中所扮演的中介角色,以及兩個系統之機制間有互動的可能性。主要的研究結果如下:(1)探索性與驗證性因素結果均支持貝氏無望感量表的二因素結構,並以正負向未來思考加以命名;(2)支持模式二的假設,負向未來思考為正向未來思考與憂鬱症狀間的部分中介變項,但正向未來思考並非是負向未來思考與憂鬱症狀間的部分中介變項;(3)競爭模式二具備較佳的模式適合度,支持Trew(2011)認為憂鬱症時須同時注意BAS與BIS各自不同影響途徑的觀點,亦彰顯正向未來思考的保護因子角色;(4)更重要的是,支持無望感量表中正負向期待內容應被視為兩種不同且各自存在的概念。最後並提出本論文研究限制與對憂鬱症的臨床理論與實務上之建議。 / This study investigated the relation between the positive and negative expectations assessed in Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) by three ways. First, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to test the goodness of fit of one-factor and two-factor models. Besides, MacLeod and Byrne (1996) stated that two kinds of future thinkings influenced the depressive symptoms independently, but this statement had some limitations. Therefore, this study proposed four models to test the hypotheses. Based on Trew ‘s (2011) integrated model, two competing models illustrating the relations among BAS, BIS and depression were proposed to examine the mediation effect of hopelessness or future thinkings. The main results were: (1) the two-factor model of BHS was supported in exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses; (2) the second model was supported that negative future thinking was the partial mediator between depression and positive future thinking; (3) the competing model 2 had the better goodness of fit, supporting that BAS and BIS had important but different pathways to influence the development of depression, and positive future thinking played the protective role in this process; (4) Most importantly, the perspective that the positive and negative expectations assessed in BHS should be treated as two different kinds of constructs respectively was supported. Finally, the limitations of this study and the suggestions for the theories and clinical treatment of depression were discussed.

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