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低成就學生的情緒調節對學業情緒與偏差行為的影響文永沁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解低成就學生的情緒調節對學業情緒與偏差行為之影響,並探討青少年學業情緒、情緒調節與外顯偏差行為及自傷行為之間的關係。本研究使用「學業情緒量表」、「情緒調節困難量表」、「偏差行為量表」與「自傷行為量表」作為研究工具,並以國中一年級作為研究對象(有效樣本141人,男生81人,女生60人)進行調查。以學生國一入學時智力測驗所得的智力成績,預測學生學業成就分數。實際學業成就分數:利用學生95學年度上學期的總成績,經過標準化得到一學業成就的標準化T分數來代表學生的學業成就值。當學生實際成就值低於預測成就值1/2個估計標準誤時稱為「低成就」。以此方式將受試者分為「一般成就」與「低成就」兩組。調查結果分別採用描述統計、t 考驗、共變數分析、積差相關、與階層迴歸等統計方法加以分析,研究結果如下:
一、 低成就學生有較多的負向學業情緒及較少的正向學業情緒。
二、 「使用有限的情緒調節策略」與「缺少情緒覺察能力」越多的低成就學生,越容易有負向學業情緒產生。
三、 低成就學生較不覺察自己的情緒,但卻容易表達自己心中的想法。
四、 排除控制性別因素後,低成就學生並未有更多的偏差行為。
五、 學業成就與自傷行為的關聯並未顯著。
六、 學生的正向學業情緒越多偏差行為就越少,情緒覺察能力越高的低成就學生偏差行為就越多。
七、 低成就學生的自傷行為與有限的情緒調節策略關係密切。
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自傷與自殺的階層預測模式 / Hierarchical Predictor Model of Non-suicidal self-injury and Suicide謝光桓, Hsieh, Kuang Huan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結合Clark與Watson(1991)的三角模式(Tripartite Model)以及Brown、Chorpita和Barlow(1998)提出的階層性概念,結構正向情感、負向情感、焦慮、憂鬱、無望感、自傷、自殺的關係,建立自傷與自殺的階層預測模式,說明自傷與自殺的同異處。研究對象為487位大學生,325位女性與162位男性,採取自陳式問卷的方式施測,包含自我傷害行為量表、自殺危險程度量表、貝克無望感量表、正負向情感量表、症狀檢核表-90-修正版(摘錄測量焦慮與憂鬱的題目)、相關背景變項的測量,並以描述性統計、相關性考驗、階層迴歸分析、結構方程模式等統計方式對資料進行處理。主要的研究結果為:(1)負向情感能預測與解釋焦慮和憂鬱,且能透過焦慮預測自傷與自殺,唯焦慮對自傷的解釋力較高;負向情感亦能透過憂鬱預測自殺,但無法透過憂鬱預測自傷。(2)正向情感能預測與解釋憂鬱,且能透過憂鬱預測自殺。(3)加入無望感分析後,發現憂鬱能透過無望感預測自殺,憂鬱也能直接預測自殺,顯示無望感為憂鬱與自殺的部分中介變項。最後,結果發現有15.81%的自傷比例、24.64%的自殺意念比例、8.01%的自殺企圖比例。 / This study combined Clark & Watson’s (1991) tripartite model with Brown, Chorpita, and Barlow’s (1998) hierarchical model to structure the relationship of positive affect (PA), negative affect (NA), anxiety, depression, hopelessness, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), and suicide. This study attempted to establish hierarchical predictor model of NSSI and suicide, and explain the relationship of NSSI and suicide. The participants were 487 university students, 325 females and 162 males, who were participating in a study of test of deliberate self-harm inventory, suicide risk inventory, Beck hopelessness scale, positive and negative affect schedule, symptom checklist-90-R, and background variables. The data were examined by descriptive statistics, correlation, hierarchical analysis, and structural equation modeling. The main results were : (1) NA could predict anxiety and depression ; anxiety could not only mediate the relationship of NSSI and NA, but also mediate the relationship of NA and suicide ; anxiety accounted for more of the variance in NSSI than in suicide ; depression could mediate the relationship of NA and suicide, but could not mediate the relationship of NSSI and NA. (2) PA could predict depression, and depression could mediate the relationship of PA and suicide. (3) the role of hopelessness was partial mediator of depression and suicide. Finally, the result found 15.81% NSSI, 24.64% suicidal ideation, and 8.01% suicidal attempt.
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自我傷害動機、負向情緒、經驗迴避、情緒調節與青少年自我傷害行為之關係探索 / Exploring the Relation of the Motivation of Deliberate Self-harm, Negative Affect, Experiential Avoidance, Emotion Regulation and Adolescents’ Deliberate Self-harm Behaviors呂孟真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要結果如下:首先支持自傷行為具有負向情緒調節的功能,而經驗迴避對於自傷行為的影響有限。其次,將自傷動機進行因素分析的結果發現可以將其分為四類:人際影響、負向感受的因應、避免失控和負向自我評價。在區分是否有自傷行為部分,情緒調節困難的不接納與無助能夠有效解釋自傷行為的有無;在影響自傷行為的頻率部分,自傷動機的強度與情緒調節困難的衝動失控能夠有效解釋自傷頻率的多寡。此外,本研究發現不同的自傷方式與不同的動機、所處的自傷前情緒有關,且不同的自我傷害動機在情緒強度特質、情緒調節困難、負向情緒和自傷方式上會呈現出不同的樣貌。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the motivations, the phenomenon, and the function of deliberate self-harm behaviors(DSH), and based on these, to clarify emotional contents behind DSH, including positive affect intensity, negative affect intensity, serenity, experiential avoidance and the emotional regulation ability. Besides, the study investigated the classification of the motivations of DSH by exploratory factor analysis, and accordingly discussed whether the affect categories and the affect intensity resulted from the motivations of DSH were different, and whether the motivations of DSH resulted in significantly different using of methods and frequencies, moreover, the emotional dysregulation. The study was based on questionnaires, and the participants were 839 students from a private senior high school , including vocational schools. Data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, t-test, factor analysis (FA), logistic regression, and hierarchical regression analysis.
The main results were as follows: First, the results supported that DSH has regulative function on negative affect, and experiential avoidance influenced DSH limitedly. Second, according to factor analysis, the motivations of DSH were classified into four categories: interpersonal influence, negative affect modulation, control, and negative self-evaluation. Moreover, nonacceptance of the emotion dysregulation could successfully distinguish students with DSH from students with no history of DSH in the past 1 year. Both intensity of motivations and impulse of the emotion dysregulation could reliably predict DSH’s frequency. Finally, different methods of DSH correlated to different motivations and different emotions before DSH, and there were various representations of affect intensity, emotion dysregulation, and methods depends on different motivations.
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