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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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退休規劃之理財行為分析-以銀行客戶為例 / Financial Behavior Analysis for Retirement Planning–Banking Clients As Sample Group

楊聰明, Yang, Tsung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
老化海嘯狂襲全球,據美國人口資料局(PRB)估計,2014年年中全球65歲以上人口約占8%,日本、摩納哥、德國、義大利老年人口均達20%以上,為全球老化程度較高國家。台灣則為12%,惟總生育率一直低於人口替換水準「2.1」,據內政部統計至2014年為1.16,國發會更推估在10年後將進入負成長;預估2060年65歲以上的人口比率由目前的12%將增加為41%;對台灣而言,老年人口占總人口的比率從10%上升到20%所需的時間僅19年,遠較日本21年、德國57年、美國58年、英國80年與瑞典85年的速度為快。2060年台灣將成為全球人口老化名列前茅的國家。面對光速老化的未來我們準備好了嗎?將來的退休金夠用嗎? 尤其針對人口老化所導致社福支出增加排擠經建支出的問題,甚至造成四大退休基金面臨破產危機的困境;根據勞工保險財務精算報告,勞保的隱藏負債已達7.3 兆元,預計在107 年首次出現保費收入不敷支出,預估116 年將面臨嚴峻挑戰。另外,科技與醫學不斷進步,據內政部公佈102年我國平均餘命為79.12 歲,其中男性75.96 歲,女性82.47 歲。10 年內增加約2 歲,未來人類壽命還可能愈來愈長。因此近年來退休後經濟相關的議題,引人關注及廣泛的討論,多年來的調查數據也顯示民眾在『退休理財』方面的規劃,及退休後財務的準備普遍不足。 然而一般民眾存款及放款是透過銀行等金融機構進行,因金流及營業場所普及的關係,銀行成了一般民眾投資理財最主要的通路,為瞭解銀行客戶在退休理財所做的規劃內容是否與理論正常有相當大的差異?亦即其理財行為是否有需改善或調整之處?因此本研究的主要目的是透過找出其理財行為差異的原因,並尋求改善之道,讓一般民眾能透過更好的退休理財規劃,進而享有安心且財務不虞匱乏的退休生活。

銀行業激勵作用、人格特質對工作績效影響之研究 / The study of job performance effects of incentive functioning and personality traits in the bank industry

李鵬遠 Unknown Date (has links)
在競爭激烈的金融環境下,財富管理已成為銀行重要業務,然而金融商品同質性高,產品與價格差異相當有限,為使財富管理業務者力求表現,除銀行妥適的激勵措施之外,另方面當推理財專員的個人特質,因此,組織的激勵措施,以及理財專員之人格特質,對於工作績效具有何種影響力,此議題值得深究討。 本研究以立意抽樣,採質化半結構式深度訪談方式,訪談F銀行的理財專員10人,旨在探討理財專員人格特質、組織激勵作用對工作績效之影響。 本研究結果,敘述如下: 1.績效考核、主管印象作祟:獎勵的分配未能基於公平及透明化的原則,此種作法,有損於激勵作用之發揮。 2.專業熟練、良好業績之本:業務熟練程度有其重要性,因此銀行理財工作的年資越久,能為公司創造的績效也愈高。 3.積極任事、理財工作首要:理財專員本身個人積極任事,高度工作意願等,對工作績效有明顯影響。 4.主管關懷、影響業績甚巨:主管平日對理財專員要多加關心,主管對理財業務支持程度對工作績效有正面影響。 5.勤勉謹慎、導致高度業績:人格特質中屬於「勤勉審慎、成就動機」類型的理財人員,其工作績效越好。 6.社交長才、依舊有益理財:人際關係圓融,依舊有助於理財工作,人格特質屬於高度「外向社交」的理財人員,其工作績效越好。 7.獎勵措施、講求現世利益:在諸多的激勵措施中,理財專員認為金錢獎勵最具效用,其次是考核及升遷。 另方面,藉由私誼的人際互動,並無助於理財;再者無心理財,導致對獎勵措施無感者,以及覺得上司考核不公者,則有礙工作績效之提升。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 主管對員工的工作績效考核,宜多元、公平考慮;在選任理財專員時,應慎選有工作意願者;獎勵措施要得到受獎勵者認同,並講求考核的公平性;單位主管宜多關心員工,此舉有助工作績效提高;理財專員配置,應注重人格特質中「勤勉審慎性」及「外向性」;建立有效的激勵制度,吸引有心員工進入;績效的評估,務必公平。 / Under the financial environment of intense competition, wealth management has become an important business of the bank. However, the financial products are highly homogenous, so the difference of the products and prices are quite limited. To make the wealth management personnel get better performance, the bank should pay attention to the personality trait of the financial consultants besides appropriate incentives. Therefore, it deserves deeply exploration about what influence the incentives adopted by the bank and the personality traits of the financial consultants will bring to the work performance. Taking purposive sampling and qualitative semi-structured in-depth interview, this study interviewed 10 financial consultants from Bank F, with the aim to explore the influence of their personality traits and incentive effect on the work performance. The results of this study are illustrated as below: 1. Performance appraisal is affected by the impression of the supervisor: The bonus distribution is not based on the fair and public principle. It is unfavorable to the incentive effect. 2. Profession and experience are the key to good performance: The business experience is important, so the longer the financial consultant works, the higher performance he could create for the corporation. 3. Initiative is the primary requirement for wealth management: The initiative and high work willingness of the financial consultants show significant influence on the work performance. 4. The supervisor’s care shows great influence on the work performance: The supervisor should care for the financial consultants more, and their support to the wealth management business shows positive influence on the work performance. 5. Diligence and prudence will result in high performance: The financial consultants with personality traits of “diligence, prudence and achievement motivation” will get better work performance. 6. Excellent interpersonal ability is also helpful to wealth management: Good interpersonal relationship is helpful to the wealth management. Therefore, the financial consultants with personality traits of “extroversion and social ability” will get better work performance. 7. The incentives are inclined to material benefits: Among various incentives, the financial consultants think the monetary rewards are the most effective, followed by evaluation and promotion. On the other hand, the private interpersonal interaction is not helpful to the wealth management. Moreover, those who don’t concentrate on the wealth management, or don’t care the incentives, or think the evaluation of the supervisor is unfair, are unfavorable to improve the work performance improvement. Based on the study results, this study proposes the following suggestions: The work performance evaluation conducted by the supervisor should be diverse and fair. When recruiting the financial consultants, the supervisor should choose those with work willingness. The incentives should be recognized by the awardees, and the evaluation should be fair. The unit supervisor should care for the staff more, which will be helpful to the work performance improvement. As for the allocation of financial consultants, it should pay attention to “diligence and prudence” and “extroversion” of the personality traits. Moreover, it should establish effective incentive system to attract those who are willing to be engaged in this work. It also should conduct fair performance evaluation.

散戶可以向名人或是素人學理財嗎-給散戶的投資理財建議 / How to make money - The faithful suggestions to all individual investors.

夏韻芬, Hsia, Yun Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以2008年金融海嘯為分界點,由於在事前並沒有一個投資大師以及機構法人能夠精準的預測金融海嘯發生,海嘯發生之後幾乎使得市場上所有的投資人 都面臨虧損,不但金融權威一夕崩解,一向以報導「大師投資法」的媒體業也必須重新找尋新的出路,透過尋找神奇致富的素人取代失寵的名人與大師,報導其相關投資方法,來吸引一般投資大眾,以刺激其銷量。隨後,報章雜誌也相繼報導許多神奇致富故事,媒體一時之間變成「富翁製造機」,透過電視媒體加以延伸、渲染,閱聽大眾眼之所見、耳之所聞,都是唾手可得的賺錢妙方與密技,時下投資人紛紛起而效尤,期待自己能成為下一個大戶,投資市場上充滿了「樂透式」的投資氛圍。 本研究係作者本人長期的觀察與調查,發現很多名人或是素人,固然也有腳踏 實力,努力鑽研,創造財富的案例,也有不少案例在媒體的報導與引用上,因為採取「隱惡揚善」,甚至誇大賺錢、神奇致富的一面,對於賠錢部分卻是絕口不提,其次,大部分散戶投資人都希望能有捷徑或是透過學習、複製的方式,來進行投資理財,殊不知是用自己一知半解的想法進行投資,期待能於股市中發點小財,而且只看「結果」下的投資決策,會讓投資大眾產生錯覺,很容易失之偏頗。 所以,本研究的進行,期望達到下列目的: 1. 收集與整理相關媒體銷售的資料,了解目前散戶偏好的投資意見為何。 2. 針對受訪談的媒體從業人員所提供之意見進行歸納比較,進而探討名人與素人透過媒體管道所提供給散戶的投資建議,是否為一正確、可信之投資意見。 3. 最後,根據本研究之相關結論,並提出適當意見,做為媒體自律與散戶在投資理財上的建議。 / This study will investigate and analyze the changed role of the media industry as a 'rich making machine' since the financial crisis of 2008. The financial meltdown served as a turning point for the media since there were no investment gurus or corporate bodies that accurately had predicted the development. Virtually all investors in the market faced losses and many investment celebrities lost their credibility. Subsequently newspapers and magazines turned to rich and successful people to replace them and stimulating their sales by reporting miraculous rich stories. They are selling recipes how to make money to a willing audience, members of the investing public eager to become the next investment guru. Stimulated by this, the 'lottery' type of investment is in full swing on the market. Through long‐term observation and investigation we found that, first, many of the business celebrities actually based their success on a solid foundation, strove to study and then created wealth. Many of the media reports, however, tend to overly focus on the virtues and exaggerate the money making 'magic rich' side, while on the other hand neglecting or even covering up failures and bad deeds. Secondly, many investors are looking for a shortcut to create riches and try to copy others supposedly successful investment models without real understanding of market mechanisms and easily become misled by biased media reporting. This study is expected to achieve the following purposes: (1) Collect and collate information related to media sales, retail preferences in order to understand the preferences of all investors. (2) Conduct interviews with media practitioners, collect their opinions, summarize and compare them. Then discuss the advise given by investment celebrities given through the media pipeline and check if this advise is correct or credible. (3) Based on the findings of this study propose a self‐regulating body for the media and give recommendations for potential investors.

個人理財規劃之最適化研究 / The research of optimal individual financial planning

王琦樺, Wang,Chi-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國民所得水準及個人知識水準的提升,再加上人口結構的高齡化,國人財富管理的需求逐漸浮現,而如何依據個人的財務狀況,建構一套穩健成長的個人理財規劃,以實現家庭資產的經濟效益最大化,就成為當前財富管理市場面臨的重大議題。 然而,台灣的財富管理市場才剛萌芽,故綜觀現有文獻及實務上之論述,有關記載個人理財規劃服務的相關報導實為有限,且多屬片段,缺乏完整性之服務模式及可支援計算的理財軟體,因此,本研究之目的即針對個人理之需求建構一套理財服務模式及軟體,並透過此服務模式及軟體的實地操作,為投資人建立一套最適化的個人理財規劃。 本研究首先根據相關文獻,對個人理財規劃的理論架構進行完整的介紹,其次討論台灣目前財富管理事業的現況,接著以個人理財規劃的理論為基礎,建構一套理財規劃服務模式及軟體,驗證所提出的架構、流程、模式與方法的可行性與績效。最後,可以藉由本文研究,提供金融機構之財富管理部門在建置理財規劃服務模式及相關理財系統開發作為一個參考依據。


鄭琮寰 Unknown Date (has links)
在2002年後,隨著金控業態整併,財富管理業務也開創了新紀元,投資境外證券的共同基金成為財富管理業務發展主要的大宗。根據中央銀行統計,我國國際投資部位明細表中,關於海外證券投資部位,從2002年USD582億大幅增加到2015年USD5386億,大幅增加了超過九倍。其中,投資海外高收益債券型基佔國人基金投資比重將近五成,金額達NT1.14兆!甚或傳出特定該類基金,台灣受益人就占了總規模的八成!足見穩定收益產品是財管市場最主要的需求。 隨著金融科技風潮開展,機器人理財顧問(ROBO ADVISOR)進入財富管理市場在全球正逐步加溫。歸類國外理財機器人目前的發展,可彙總出三個核心服務:1)提出合適的投資組合 2)以大數據科技為基,進行風險控管 3)針對客戶風險屬性分析,提出適切理財方案;本研究以投資組合數據累積,進行計量風險控制,量化風險資產波動,尋找全球金融常態波動中擇時交易的機會。提供財富管理業投資後管理的範例。 另針對金融科技優化生態圈服務做法,客製化服務為重要元素。如:客戶生涯規劃、節稅等財務規劃,結合金融商品配置,恐也是財富管理業務更需配套提升的一環。理財商品動態管理結合客戶需求,讓生態圈更加鞏固進而擴大,應也是財富管理業逐步轉型的業態。 本研究針對財富管理中,客戶循環需求的彙總,以及透過計量模型投資管理的方式,達到財富管理業務在金融科技服務的新趨下結合運作,試圖勾勒財富管理業務可能的營運模式。


陳力新, Chen, Li-Shin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來金融科技快速竄起,人工智慧的投資也持續快速的成長,主因為自動駕駛以及Google開發的人工智慧圍棋程式AlphaGo,再者,2008年金融風暴造成經濟動盪,使投資人對傳統投資理財顧問喪失原有的信任感,而新的商業模式、自動化投資顧問服務與社群網路交易平台,顧客擁有更多的投資管理的控制權,更提供了比傳統投資理財顧問更低的成本、客製化與人性化的金融服務建議,使台灣與國外各金融機構皆致力朝向智能理財發展。 本研究探討金融科技(Fintech)對金融服務產業所帶來的影響,針對投資管理領域進行探討,比較台灣智能理財發展與國外智能理財發展趨勢的差異,不同的機器人顧問公司具有不同投資理念與策略,致使發展出多樣化的金融投資理財服務,因此,本研究進一步針對了全球前六大機器人顧問公司之機器人顧問(Robo-Advisor)進行分析,分別為Vanguard Personal Advisor、Schwab Intelligent Portfolios、Betterment、Wealthment、Personal Capital以及FutureAdvisor,並建議投資產業對於未來趨勢的轉變,應轉型為從旁協助財務計畫的服務,善用金融科技所帶來的優勢,不僅降低投資成本,也可大幅提升工作效率,提供客戶更高品質的客製化金融服務。

財富管理時代銀行信託業務行銷策略之研究 ─ 以共同基金為例

林義畔 Unknown Date (has links)
由於近年來國內金融環境丕變,「微利時代」來臨,在面對金融控股公司跨業平台整合行銷的競爭環境時,銀行組織也為此因應經營策略之改變而面臨調整,手續費收入也變成銀行獲利的另一項重要來源。也因為金融控股公司跨業銷售平台之建立,銀行貴賓理財服務便成為「財富管理」銀行極重要的一環,共同基金也躍居金融百貨化重要的金融商品,對於共同基金之商品屬性與各理財投資人行為之關聯性研究,則成為金融整合性行銷成功之關鍵要項。 本論文採用問卷調查法為工具,進行探索性研究。藉由對銀行貴賓理財客戶之問卷,瞭解其個人理財屬性及與商品屬性之關聯程度,用以對客戶之市場區隔、目標市場選擇,並提供業者制定行銷策略之參考。本研究透過問卷方式以理財投資人個人基本資料背景,了解每一不同理財投資人對購買共同基金的資訊來源、購買動機、選擇種類考慮要素與基金型態、及對理財專櫃認同度等看法與傾向。 經由本研究分析後發現以下主要結論: 1、影響購買共同基金的資訊來源,無論整體投資人或區分不同背景交叉 分析結果,主要以經由銀行行員介紹為主。 2、決定購買共同基金的動機,無論整體投資人或區分不同背景交叉分析 結果,主要為因存款利率太低,希望能有較高收益之替代性金融商 品。 3、選擇基金種類考慮因素,銀行顧客無論整體投資人或區分不同背景交 叉分析結果,主要多選擇風險較小的全球型基金,其次則為選擇以按 月固定配息的基金商品。 4、認為投資所得高低與經濟景氣同步關係程度,普遍多認為具有很大關 係,尤其教育程度愈高者愈能認同投資收益與景氣狀況具有關聯性。 5、購買共同基金投資型態優先順序,銀行之理財客戶,較多願選擇債券 型基金;女性投資人較偏重於債券型基金,男性投資人則略偏重於股 票型基金;年輕投資人有較高比率會選擇股票型基金外,隨著年齡增 加,購買債券型基金的比率相對提高。 6、銀行設立理財專櫃對個人理財投資影響性,多持有非常正面影響之看 法;年齡愈大的投資人,財富能力愈大,其愈需要理財專櫃的服務方 式;所得愈高者或家庭投資理財金額愈高者,對理財專櫃的需求亦愈 大。 7、購買理財商品時,可以討論及研究的對象,以銀行理財專員為最主要 諮詢對象;經由交叉分析結果,女性客戶多較願意與銀行理財專員保 持良好互動關係,做投資決策時會尋求銀行理財專員討論。

營運企劃書--老年人口理財教育行銷公司 / Business Plan–A company providing financial management education for aged population

陳禎祥, Chen, Johnson Unknown Date (has links)
The business plan is to establish a company organization in providing financial education training service to aged people to assist them in preparing their retirement (for pre-retired group), or improve the quality of the retirement life (for retired group). The main business scope is to develop a series of training courses with subjects from basic financial management concepts to advance topics, and introduce consultancy services (basic and premium) to customer. Besides that, regular forum and premium forum will be applied to as a tool to communicate with target audience. A SWOT analysis has been conducted to identify the macro and micro environment opportunities and constraints then. Base on the findings, a market research by performing 3-step screening process is carried with 3 parameters: demographic, education level, and geographic. The result shows that the pre-aged (55~64) group lives in Taipei city and New Taipei City is the most potential target market segment. Following the outcome of market research, a marketing mix in responding to the characteristics of the potential market is planned accordingly. Among items within the marketing mix, strategic alliances formed with financial institutes, mass medium, and other financial knowledge training centers are prioritized to be higher rankings due to the effectiveness and efficiency of resource leverage. A sensitivity analysis of financial plan by setting up three models of scenarios (pessimistic, expected, and optimistic) is performed next to determine the feasibility study of the financial outcome and break-even periods. To conclude the business plan, four requirements need to be achieved to reach the success:  More outside fund need to be introduced at start-up  Pay-off time of investments need to be shortened  Operation cost need to be minimized  Differentiation of services need to be created


謝明玲, XIE, MING-LING Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先介紹可轉換公司債的特質,概述資本結構理論,及與可轉換公司債的關係 。並且,敘述美日發展沿革背景及現況,及就我國債券市場所具功能予以評估,探討 是否有助於可轉換公司債的發行,如有不足之處,應如何配合。最後,並擬以台電公 司發行轉換公司債作個案研究,以瞭解可轉換公司債對企業理財、營運活動之影響。 本論文分為六章,第一章緒論;第二章發行可轉換公司債基本認識;第三章可轉換公 司債與資本結構、資金成本之關係;第四章美日發展可轉換公司債情形及我國債券市 場現況;第五章個案實證研究;第六章結論與建議。


陳儷月, Chen, Li Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會的進步、經濟的發展與個人化知識水準的提昇,再加上銀行定存利率趨低,個人理財的重要性愈顯重要。但是,現有文獻及實務上之理財服務功能仍屬片面,缺乏一套完整的流程模式可支援整體之個人理財規劃,如含個人保險組合、資產配置與投資組合等之規劃流程。因此,本研究之目的即在提出一個整合性的個人理財服務之流程模式,含理財流程中不同階段的服務功能與作業流程、理財決策模式及相關推論法則等,同時也將應用現有之系統發展法,建構一套完整的個人理財模式基底網路服務應用系統的架構,設計並建置一原型系統,驗證所提出的架構、流程、模式與方法的可行性與績效。 / Promote along with the development and personalization knowledge level of progress, economy of society, and the bank Certificate of Deposit interest rate tends low, the importance of personal financial planning shows the importance more. But, the existing cultural heritage and the financial planning on the actual situation service function are still unilateral, the process mode that lacks of a set of integrity can support whole of personal financial planning programs, if contain personal insurance planning, asset allocation and portfolio selection programming process of etc. Therefore, the purpose of this research is putting forward an integrated process model of personal financial planning service, the service function with financial planning process in different stage and the homework process, the financial planning decision model and the related reasoning rule etc., also will apply the existing system development method, personal financial planning model base network service that constructs a set of integrity applies the structure of the system, designing and building one prototype system, identifying the structure, process, model and the feasibility and the results of the method put forward.

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