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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林燕文, Lin, Yan-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:緒論。本章分三節,從馬列共產主義經濟發展的特色談起,說明中共經濟革 命的意義。中共經濟的演變主要可從制度因素及人為因素求得解答,本論文主要目的 是探討毛澤東對經濟問題的見解與主張,及其對中共經濟發展的影響。 第二章:毛澤東經濟理論的形成。本章分三節,包括毛澤東的哲學觀點與工作方法, 三個基礎理論(生產力與生產關係,基礎與上層建築,社會經濟形態論)和他的經濟 分析方法。 第三章:毛澤東的經濟建設理論。本章分四節,包括毛對經濟建設基礎的看法,工農 業建設理論,建設的動力與速度,建設的理想。 第四章:生產關係的革命。本章分四節,包括工商業的社會主義改造、農業合作化、 人民公社及簡評。 第五章:生產力的革命--大躍進。本章分三節,包括源起與毛澤東的看法,實施過 程與簡評。 第六章:結論。本章分二節,包括對中共經濟革命的檢討與對毛澤東經濟理論的評價 。

台灣地區學術生產力之研究:以12所大學為例 / A Study of Scholarly Productivity in Taiwan:Base on the Case of 12 Universities

王亦勤, Wang, Yi-Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討1975至2006年間,台灣地區12所大學學術生產力之概況,透過各校被WOS資料庫蒐錄的文獻數量,進一步觀察不同領域中學校、學門,以及個別系所學術生產力的分佈情形,並以書目計量學三大作者學術生產力定律,加以驗證機構學術生產力之可行性,最後利用文獻成長模式檢視12所大學文獻成長情形,進而呈現其研究主題之逐年變遷。 研究結果得知台灣地區學術生產力普遍存在不均現象,多集中於台灣大學;而在自然科學與社會科學領域學術生產力之表現,最多產學門分別為電子與電機工程學門,以及管理學門;研究結果亦顯示合作研究已成為當前學術生產力的主要模式。其次在定律驗證,得知本研究與三大作者學術生產力定律均不相符,究其原因在於高生產力機構數量遠多於低生產力機構,並呈現機構之間學術生產力的極端現象,而與定律不相吻合。最後以文獻成長模式印證台灣地區12所大學整體學術生產力成長情形,可知其融合線性成長、指數成長以及邏輯斯第成長等模式,且目前仍處於蓬勃發展的階段;而近30年來研究主題的變遷,是以電子與電機工程和管理主題為研究主流。 本研究結果在為台灣地區學術生產力提供一個概括呈現,並協助高等教育評鑑對於不同領域及學門的學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,以作為日後對於不同學科的評鑑參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to explore the scholarly productivity of 12 universities in Taiwan from 1975 to 2006 based on the theoretical perspectives of the bibliometrics, such as productivity of academic discipline, productivity of school, productivity of department, and the growth of literature. The distributions of institution productivity were examined using the Lotka’s, Price and 80/20 Laws. A total of 130018 bibliographic records were retrieved from the SCIE, SSCI, and A&HCI databases. The results of this study revealed that the productivity of institution in Taiwan existed uneven ordinarily, mostly concentrated in National Taiwan University. In scientific field, the most productive academic discipline was Electronics and Electrical Engineering. In social scientific field, the most productive academic discipline was Management. However, the results of this study also showed that coauthorship was major research model. Furthermore, the examination of Lotka’s law was found to be inapplicable. The KS Test is also utilized to test the invalidity of observed distributions. Price’s square root law and 80/20 law were found to be inapplicable to the distribution of institution productivity. The reason was the number of high productivity institutions was more then the number of low productivity institutions. Finally, the growth of literature in 12 universities had been identified. It was demonstrated that the growth of literature was fitted by linear, exponential, and logistic models. Moreover, the overall growth rate is in a vigorously up-growing trend. Nearly 30 years, the mainstream of research was electronics and electrical engineering and management. The results of this study may apply the overview of the scholarly productivity based on 12 universities in Taiwan from 1975 to 2006 and be the background knowledge for evaluation of high education, in order to understand what difference among different academic disciplines.

共生依存關係之協同服務系統設計方法研究 / iDesign : Collaborative Service System Design Methodology Underlying Symbiotic Interdependence Relationship

董惟鳳, Tung, Wei Feng Unknown Date (has links)
社會經濟隨著科技的發展而不斷的演變,服務業對於人類生活的重要性也逐漸提升,資訊科技(IT)的力量也大幅提升服務業的營運與績效。IBM提出 「服務科學管理與工程」(Service Science, Management and Engineering; SSME),目的是研究如何透過各領域的結合達到服務創新(Service innovation),包括如何建立新興服務概念設計、如何藉由科技建立量化、標準化、以及系統化的服務設計、服務流程、與服務品質管理協助提升服務生產力(Service productivity)以增進顧客滿意度等議題。由於「服務」相較於「產品」具有不同的特性與內涵,例如服務流程中顧客輸入(Customer input)對於服務程序(Service operation)與服務品質(Service quality)都有關鍵性的影響,且服務內容通常屬於「知識取向」(Knowledge-intensive)為主,服務業較為關注參與者之間的互動與服務交換。然而,服務的「異質性」(Heterogeneity)更存在難以標準化與量化的問題。「智慧型服務設計」(Intelligent Service Design; iDesign)旨在探討如何從服務流程(Service process)中,讓服務提供者(Service provider)與顧客/服務接受者(service receiver)之間的相互共同合作(co-production)來達成互利的服務傳遞(Service delivery)。今日大家期待服務科學這個新領域帶來產業發展機會,尚需要透過更多跨領域的產官學合作。本文將透過一個結合資訊科技、人及服務流程的服務系統範例,來帶領大家探索服務科學的新領域。服務業可以藉由此一參考架構來思考如何可以提供服務生產者與消費者透過科技化的共同生產機制達到共創價值(value co-creation)。本文中所提出的創新服務設計之參考架構與方法論中包含服務的分類、服務系統模式化、以及顧客體驗品質衡量,並彰顯服務業如何從服務科學角度出發,提升服務科技化與創新服務的競爭優勢。 / This study is to present an intelligent collaborative service system (CSS) design (iDesign) including the CSS classification, an analysis-design modeling method, and an experience quality evaluation model for systematic service innovation. State-of-the-art information technology can be used to develop the CSS according to three comprehensive procedures, enabling semi-automated value co-production and systematic service innovation that can meet the goals of service productivity and customer satisfaction for service providers and customers. In view of the preceding research purpose, the three major research questions are addressed in this study: What kind of collaborative service systems can be classified and identified based upon the prerequisites of value co-production? How the collaborative service systems can be modeling and automating its cognitive process and knowledge representations using an analysis-design method (i.e. intelligent service machine)? How an evaluation model can measure the experience quality of the service providers and the customers, and embed the model into the CSS in order to perform service quality management? Meanwhile, the evidences to effects of iDesign-based CSS applications that implemented by the three practical service systems of artwork design, for example, a transactional marketplace service system for mediating music content creation (DesignStorming), a collaborative alignment service system for assisting mobile phone design service (iMobileDesign), and a collaborative personalization service system for facilitating interior design service (iInteriorDesign). According to the research process of design science, this study adopts a single case study to refine the proposed artifact (i.e., iDesign). iInteriorDesign is one of iDesign-based CSS applications, which is analyzed and developed by simple service machine (SSM) and intelligent service machine (ISM) and with the embedded evaluation of E-QUAL based upon one category of classification framework of iDesign. This qualitative study draws the deductive consequence and further proposed a deductive model of theory a (Symbiotic Collaborative Service Model) built by means of the resource dependence theory (RDT) testing. iInteriorDesign envisions an entirely new interior design service experience enabling collaborative interior design provision; architects or interior designers can use the system to effectively communicate with customers based upon symbiotic interdependence relationship behavior to better identify their needs and wants and even attain new inspirations of concept styles from the interactions. The results of case study have conducted the deductive important behavior of symbiotic interdependence relationship within the CSS applications. The results of qualitative research also can further generalize the identical behavior to the adaptability and evolution of value co-production and mutual adaptability within iDesign.

國資委成立對國有企業生產力影響之研究 -以中國製造業為例 / The Impact of the Establishment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on Productivity of the State-owned enterprises in China

林珈誼, Lin,Chia I Unknown Date (has links)


孫松增 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,未來很有可能帶領台灣高科技產業向上突破的新英雄---薄晶電晶體液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD),已逐漸為人所重視,近來,TFT-LCD產業的更是利多頻傳,不但在股票成交量創下新高,股價更是一再突破新高。本文則是希望以資料包絡分析法(DEA)來比較分析台灣各家廠商(友達、華映、奇美電、廣輝、彩晶)的相對經營績效,研究範圍從2001年第四季一直到2004年的第一季,所採用的投入變數即為資產總額、營業成本、營業費用和員工人數,產出變數我們則採用營業收入和營業淨利。 總結來看,廠商在CCR和BCC模式下,雖然在平均排名上,兩個模式並不盡相同,但由時間趨勢來看,五家廠商在趨勢變動上,大致是一樣的;效率值表現較好的時期為2002Q1、和2002Q2和2004Q1,較差的則為2002Q4和2003Q1,推測其原因,一部分當然是和景氣的波動有關,但也和面板的價格波動有一定程度的相關。 藉由Tobit 迴歸分析,意味著廠商可藉由提高每人配備率、總資產週轉率、流動比率、研發費用率及經營年限等變數,可提昇廠商的整體技術效率,提供了一些政策方向供廠商參考。 以Malmquist生產力指數來看,總要素生產力的變動(Tfpch)大部分的因素,是來自於生產技術的變動(Tech);彩晶在總要素生產力的變動上,平均有16.8%的成長,是第1名,其他的廠商則呈現不大的差別;但若以時間趨勢來看,2001Q4到2002Q1和2003Q1到2003Q2兩各階段都有滿大的成長,但在2002Q2到2002Q3和2002Q3到2002Q4兩個階段卻呈現衰退的表現。 / In Taiwan, TFT-LCD, which is likely to lead high-tech to strive upward in the future, has been receiving more and more attention. Recently, TFT-LCD industry has come into great blossom. Not only does the stock transaction amount achieve a record-breaking peak, but the stock price also makes breakthroughs at all times. This research is to use Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to compare and analyze the relative operating efficiency of chief leaders in the high-tech industry, including AUO, CPT, CMO, QDI to HannStar. The research ranges from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2004. The researcher adopts input variables, which include total assets, business costs, business expenses and employees, and output variables, business revenues and business net profits, as well. On the whole, in spite of CCR and BCC model, the average order is different, but approximately similar. The quarters, which perform well, are the 1st quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2004; the bad quarters are the 4th quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2003. To speculate reasons, it has to do with the business cycle and panel board price fluctuation. Under the frame, by use of Tobit analysis, factories can strengthen total technology efficiency by raising equipment per employee, total asserts turnover, current ratio, R & D ratio, and the period of operating. It provides these factories a referential direction. In conclusion, according to Malmquist index analysis, the Tfpch is the better part from the tech. HannStar, with 16.8% average growth in Tfpch, is the top one. The other factories are nearly close. In the time period, from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2002, and from the 1st quarter in 2003 to the 2nd quarter in 2003, the other factories has a high growth, but from the 2nd quarter in 2002 to the 3rd quarter in 2002 and from the 3rd quarter in 2002 to the 4th quarter in 2002, there is a decline in growth.

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