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應用方向距離函數估計台灣銀行業效率與生產力 / Estimation of efficiency and productivity change of Taiwanese banking industry by using directional distance function李宜謙 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用方向距離函數與Luenberger生產力指標,估計台灣銀行業2000年至2009年的無效率值與生產力變動情形,並利用Ray and Desli (1997)生產技術內部一致的分解法將Luenberger生產力分解為純技術效率變動、規模效率變動、技術變動三個部分,最後根據方向距離函數具備的可加性,將個別銀行的無效率值與生產力變動作一致性的整體銀行業加總。
主要的研究結果為:以2000-2009年投入產出樣本平均數為效率評估方向,全程樣本平均無效率值為0.0209,平均無效率值最高的銀行分別為台北富邦銀行、萬通銀行、新光銀行;平均生產力變動為0.2615,進步最多的銀行為國泰世華銀行,退步最多的銀行為華僑銀行,且台灣的生產力變動的來源最主要來自於技術變動,其次源自於規模效率變動。另外,金控子銀行在規模效率變動與技術變動方面顯著優於非金控子銀行;泛公股銀行在無效率值、規模效率變動、技術變動部分顯著優於民營銀行。 / In this study, we estimate inefficiency and productivity changes of Taiwanese banks for period 2000-2009 using directional distance function and Luenberger productivity indicator. In addition, we decompose the Luenberger productivity indicator into pure efficiency change, scale efficiency change and technical change utilizing internal consistency approach of Ray and Desli (1997). At the end, we make the consistent aggregation across firms to industry level according to additive structure of directional distance function.
Main results are as follows: setting the sample mean during 2000-2009 for the directional vector, the average inefficiency is 0.0209,and the most inefficient banks are Taipei Fubon Bank, Grand Commercial Bank and Shin Kong Commercial Bank; the average productivity change is 0.2615, the most progressive bank is Cathay United Bank, and the most regressive bank is OCBC Bank. Besides, the sources of productivity change are mainly attributed to technical change, then from the scale efficiency change. Moreover, financial holding banks are significantly better in scale efficiency change and technical change; pan-public banks are significantly better in inefficiency, scale efficiency change and technical change.
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資訊科技投資對企業生產力變動、生產效率與財務績效影響之研究吳昱璟 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的技術進步一日千里,資訊科技在企業營運的過程中扮演著越來越重要的角色,企業對資訊科技軟體、硬體的投資支出在近幾年內亦以驚人的速度成長。然而,資訊科技是否能為企業帶來實質的效益,過去的研究存在相當不一致的看法:部分研究的結果肯定資訊科技對組織的貢獻,但也有部分研究顯示資訊科技未能為企業的生產力或財務績效帶來正面的幫助,甚至還有負面的影響,因而有「資訊科技的生產力弔詭」(IT productivity paradox)之說出現。
此外,吾人在敏感性分析中以149家台灣的上櫃公司為研究對象,發現多數假說在上櫃公司群組中均未能獲得支持,與上市公司群組之實證結果存在極大的差異。其原因可能為資訊科技投資具有規模效應,必須達一定之規模方能發揮效果;亦有可能因為上櫃公司之組織成熟度、生產設備完備程度均相對不足,導致無法使資訊科技投資發揮其應有之功能。惟此現象真正的原因,仍有待未來研究者之深入探討。 / This study examines the impacts of information technology (IT) investment on firm's productivity growth, production efficiency and financial performances. Cobb-Douglas production function is used to examine whether IT has positive contribution on firm's productivity growth. The study uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to calculate firm's production efficiency. Then we use Tobit regression to test the relationship between IT investment and production efficiency. Finally, a set of financial performance indicators, which includes return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on sales (ROS), is chosen to examine the impact of IT investment on firm's financial performances. The sample includes 282 listed companies in Taiwan. The result shows that IT investment is positively related to firm's productivity growth, production efficiency and financial performance. The benefit can remain longer than one year.
The sensitivity analysis uses 149 OTC companies as samples to test the relationship between IT investment and business performances. It is found that most of the relationships existing in the listed companies group are not significant in the OTC companies group. Maybe there exists scale effect or learning effect in IT application field, which makes the result so different. It needs further studies to distinguish the real reason.
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行銷動態能力、行銷生產力、潛規則與績效之關係─以大陸台商為例 / The relationship among marketing dynamic capability, marketing productivity, hidden rules and firm performance - Taiwanese companies in China郭斯敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大陸台商為研究對象,欲了解行銷動態能力、行銷生產力以及地主國市場之潛規則對競爭優勢及績效之影響。本研究以行銷動態能力為出發點,探究企業欲創造競爭優勢及績效所應考量之中介變數,以及當企業在進行海外直接投資時,所面臨之環境所帶來之調節效果,來建立本研究整體架構。由於研究對象為大陸台商,為提升問卷回收效率及效果,本研究樣本架構採用便利抽樣及滾雪球之方式, 主要發放對象為大陸台商高階經理人,涵蓋國立政治大學台商班、EMBA班、校友會、研究人員相關人脈,整體回收對象擴及製造業及服務業,總回收份數為67份,扣除填答不完全者,有效問卷共63份。本研究以成對樣本t檢定及迴歸模型驗證假說,研究結果發現行銷生產力在研究架構中具有重要中介意義,行銷動態能力不僅被視為能耐,更能轉化為台商的行銷資產,並且透過行銷資產的投入,愈能有效運用其資產以產出有效果之行銷生產力,愈能提升其競爭優勢與績效,且潛規則的調節效果,更凸顯行銷生產力的重要性,台商應更重視政治利害關係人所帶來的影響並應加以管理,當台商同時能夠愈有效利用潛規則顯性管理工具管理社會-政治利害關係人時,愈能夠強化行銷生產力提升競爭優勢與績效的效果,且政治利害關係人對台商造成經營上的影響程度,顯著高於非政治利害關係人所造成之影響,因此台商應將管理工具資源投入較高比重上放在政治利害關係人之管理上。
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台商赴中國大陸投資經營績效的決定因素:海、內外整合所扮演的角色 / The Performance Determinants of Taiwan Manufacturing Industries Investing in China: the Role of Integration between Parent Company and Overseas Subsidiaries王小慈, Wang, Hsiao Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以經濟部2007年「製造業對外投資實況調查」問卷資料赴中國大陸地區投資採垂直整合及水平整合共計1, 194家廠商為研究對象,利用OLS多元計量模型進行實證分析,並以勞動生產力作為衡量經營績效的指標,首先欲探討「廠商特性」、「投資動機」與「整合模式」對勞動生產力的決定因素,進而分析不同整合模式下的「廠商特性」與「投資動機」對勞動生產力的影響。整體實證結果發現「垂直整合」對台商赴中國大陸投資勞動生產力具有顯著影響,「資本密集度」、「國際化程度」與「政策因素」之垂直整合廠商,亦均對勞動生產力具有顯著影響。就廠商特性而言,「廠商規模」、「研發密集度」、「資本密集度」是影響台商赴中國大陸投資勞動生產力的決定因素;當廠商不考慮「研發密集度」因素時,「資訊電子工業」及「國際化程度」方為影響勞動生產力的重要因素。而投資動機方面,僅「政策因素」是影響勞動生產力的決定因素。
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上市(櫃)建設公司財務結構與效率衡量之研究--土地持有與開發觀點檢視 / Listed Real Estate Companys’ Financial Structure and Efficiency Measurement: Aspects of Land Holding and Developing章定煊 Unknown Date (has links)
第二個實證研究為透過資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis;DEA)建構建設公司之績效指標,並利用Tobit迴歸分析比較績效指標與房地產投資開發變數之關連性。研究結果發現,建設公司有能力購入土地進行策略性等待,可以帶動績效指標上升;待售成屋存貨與在建工程存貨就如同預期,與績效指標呈現負相關。該部分實證結果顯示,分析建設公司之績效時,應考慮其存貨構成項目與其背後策略意涵,分析才會周延。至一般常用財務績效指標方面,結果不是完全無法掌握土地開發變數,就是在待售成屋存貨此項土地開發變數方面,與本文建構績效指標的符號方向相反,顯示有進一步探討空間。
綜合以上的結論,本文認為目前財務報表分析重點往往置於損益表之上,財務報表使用者非常關心當期損益,但是基於建設公司的營運特性與會計原則特性,透過當期損益根本難以掌握建設公司未來動態。所以,觀察重點應該重回資產負債表之上,尤其是房地產相關存貨的結構與土地持有策略。同時也必須留意景氣變化對建設公司造成的影響,並調整隨機性對其財務報表數字之表達。 / Construction companies (developers) play a key role in the housing market. However, one-case companies but good performing companies dominate the real estate market. Homebuyers and investors are not able to tell which companies have good quality from their financial reports. Consequently, capitals can not support good companies. The main purpose of this dissertation is to analyze construction companies’ operation, financial report, and economic senses. This dissertation employs four essays to figure out the relation between financial report and land holding and development and to propose some suggestions for solving some dilemmas about construction companies’ financial analysis.
The first essay tries to find out the relation between financial structure ratios and real estate related inventory ones. Empirically, we find that there is strong relation between these ratios in the long run. We also find there is a negative relation between land inventory ratio and gross profit rate. Finally, an option of buy-and-hold strategy for land will be exercised under a healthy financial structure.
Under considering risk control, the second essay employs Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to calculate the efficiency of the listed real estate development firms in Taiwan and to discriminate the factors which cause the inefficiency of those. The results show companies which exercise buy-and–hold-land strategy for land have better performance and it can conform to real option theory. The market beats the companies which own buildings or houses for sale as well as constructions in process. By comparing traditional performance indices and DEA indices, the land purchasing decision and the costs for construction in progress go in the same direction. However, the direction of houses for sale and that of land inventory are the opposite. Therefore, the conclusion is that more information is required when we evaluate the performance of real estate companies.
The third essay tries to use Malmquist productivity index combine some financial ratios and bootstrapping method to test productivity, efficiency, and technical change of listing real estate companies. At the beginning of a recession, there was no significant productivity change for both companies which hold long-term mass lands(LTML) or short-term ones(STML). For an extension of this period, efficiency improvement and productivity enhancement occur to LTML and technical regress to STML. When the economy hits the bottom, technical progress occurs to both but productivity enhancement occurs only to STML because of huge financial pressures upon LTML. At the period of a recovery, mass-production oriental policy causes technical regress for all companies.
Based on the highly stochastic attribute of construction companies operation, the fourth essay applies a three-stage DEA procedure to calculate pure managerial efficiency. We find that the pure managerial efficiency of companies which holding existing houses and construction in progress is at disadvantage. But there is no significant evidence that buy-and-hold-land strategy will lower pure managerial efficiency.
From the above four essays, we conclude that financial report analyst should pay more attention to real estate related inventory rather than income statement. We also suggest that more information for land holding, construction in progress, and existing houses should be required.
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台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究 / Study on the Scholarly Productivity of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Taiwan’s Universities詹二洋, Chan, Erh Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域發表於Web of Science之SSCI、A&HCI引文索引資料庫所收錄之文獻,以書目計量學探討台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究,並針對人文及社會科學領域不同學門其學術生產方式加以分析。
本研究結果為台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力提供一個概括呈現,並協助高等教育評鑑對於全臺灣各大學社會科學領域,學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,作為日後之評鑑參考。 / This study aims to investigate the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities by employing a bibliometric methodology. The research data are retrieved from SCI and A&HCI database via Web of Science. In addition, this study reveals the academic production regime in different disciplines under humanities and social sciences.
According to the academic classification by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan, this study is conducted to divide the humanities and social sciences into 21 disciplines, collect the statistical data, and analyze the output in all the disciplines as well. The findings are as follows. Manegement I, with an output of 6,876 articles, leads in quantity of academic papers. Furthermore, Manegement I is also the most highly productive discipline in the fields of humanities and social sciences by the research papers from 122 colleges. As for numbers of average output papers, the discipline Manegement I, again, indicates that it is currently the main department in social science fields; an average output of 56.36 papers is the highest productivity.
Compare the multi-author documents with the sole author articles in humanities and social science fields; it is statistically found that, the majority are multi-author papers among the disciplines. Only a small proportion of single-author articles in some areas, the ratio are higher than that of the multi-author documents. In the analysis of the average numbers of authors after rounding to the nearest integer, Chinese Literature and Philosophy, with the average number of author--1, are the only two disciplines which are close to single-author output in all 21 disciplines. The average numbers of authors in the 19 remaining fields are more than 1.5 persons.
The results of the study may draw an outline for the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities. This thesis, on the other hand, may suggest an overview for the further evaluation of the higher education in Taiwan, by building background knowledge for the disciplines under the humanities and social sciences in the universities.
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激勵條款合約與球員績效相關性-MLB為例 / The relation between incentive contract and performance吳琍穎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2004年到2013年新簽訂合約之美國大聯盟球員為研究對象。實證結果顯示簽約前一年度績效僅簽有激勵條款之非先發投手與無激勵條款之非先發投手間有顯著之差異,簽約後績效有激勵條款野手效率顯著優於無激勵條款之野手效率,而簽有激勵條款之選手簽約前後年度生產力皆有顯著之進步,然而進步幅度並無顯著優於無激勵條款之選手。本研究認為激勵條款為球團與球員談判簽約條件之工具,球團針對不同貢獻之球員,設計不同之合約,使球團可以兼顧激發選手之表現及轉移球員未達預期績效之風險。 / To investigate the relation between the incentive clauses and players’ performances, the research not only uses the method of Data envelopment analysis to evaluate performances in the contract year but measures the efficiency of improvement between two years with Malmquist Index. Further, to find out whether the incentive clauses indeed have stimulative effect. Otherwise, attempting to explore whether player fulfills the incentive conditions or not would affect his contract condition in the future.
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歐洲國家效率及生產力分析-資料包絡分析法之應用林秋琴 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖探討中東歐國家由中央集權計劃經濟轉型為市場經濟之後,對其效率及生產力之影響。本研究針對1980至2000年的歐洲國家,採用資料包絡分析法(DEA)與大邊界法(Grand Frontier)畫出所有樣本的單一效率邊界並計算其整體技術效率、純技術效率、規模效率值。
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亞洲金融風暴對東亞國家效率及生產力分析–資料包絡分析法之應用潘思翰, Pan, Zsu-han Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究發現中國大陸的生產力在金融風暴後有逐年衰退的趨勢,其主要原因是來自於規模變動的不利影響,意味著中國大陸在展現高度經濟成長的同時,似乎已產生供給過剩的現象,是否會為日後的經濟發展帶來隱憂,甚至成為二次亞洲金融風暴的起源,值得注意。 / Abstract
From the1980s to early 1990s, East Asia became one of the most important areas in developing the global economy. Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippine’s economy grew up fast and became the newly developing country following the Four little Dragons in Asia. However, since 1995, the economy of various countries in Southeast Asia began to decline. In July 1997 Thailand’s Thai Baht and exchange rate depreciated dramatically and crash of the Thai stock market. Then the Tai Baht currency depreciation rapidly spread to Philippine, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore; even South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong were involved in the crisis. As a result, the whole East Asia nearly all suffered this financial storm.
Today, most of Asian countries are recovered from the Asia crisis. In order to analyze how East Asian countries to overcome the Asian financial crisis and adjust their productivity and efficiency, this study uses a panel data of 15 East Asian countries through 1984 to 2002 to apply data envelopment analysis (DEA) to assess the effects of the Asia financial crisis and measure the Malmquist productivity index to analyze the sources of the change in efficiency.
The study breaks down the East Asian countries into two groups, Asian-crisis countries and non-Asian-crisis countries, depending on the extent to which they were affected by the Asian financial crisis. The major findings of this paper are as follows. The full samples denote that after crisis era the overall technical efficiency and the pure technical efficiency are higher than that of before crisis era. The further analysis demonstrates that such phenomenon only can be found in Asian-crisis group. This study constructs a two dimensions efficiency frontier curve graph by using gross fixed capital formation and gross domestic product as input and output proxy to analyze the efficiency change to help to explain the above phenomenon. The frontier efficiency curves find that the Asian-crisis countries indeed have over investment problem before the crisis, and the improvement of efficiencies after crisis is due to successful downsizing, such as reducing production scale and improper investments.
In addition, this study illustrates that the productivity change in China has a tendency of declining over the last couple of years. The main reason comes from the unfavorable change in scale efficiency. The high economic growth accompanies over supply in China which reveals the similar phenomenon in Asia-crisis countries before the crisis. Therefore, it is worth to take a notice that whether the growth phenomenon in China becomes the source of the second Asian financial crisis in the future.
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論中國國有電信分拆 對電信設備製造業生產力之影響 / The Influence on the Productivity of Telecommunication Equipment Industry After Deregulation in China何澤欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在檢視1999年及2001年,中國電信兩次拆分對於中國電信設備製造業生產力之影響。研究方法採用Levinsohn and Petrin (2003)之兩階段模型,利用中國國家統計局調查之「製造業規模以上企業年度調查」1996至2007年資料,將生產力之變化與中國電信服務業政策變化對比。結果發現,電信設備製造業之平均生產力於2000年下降,並在2001年回升,顯示中國電信服務業與中國電信設備製造業確實有連動關係。
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