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我國光電產業經營效率之研究—資料包絡分析法的應用陳俊銘 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣產業的發展一向與國際市場的脈動相連,光電產業也不例外,近幾年來在國際的夾擊之下依然發展得極為出色,與其他部分高科技產業共同支撐起台灣科技產業的命脈。所以本研究藉著資料包絡分析法 (data envelopment analysis, DEA) 的應用,透過計算整體技術效率、純粹技術效率、規模效率與 Malmquist 生產力指數,具體衡量出各廠商的生產效率值與跨期變化情形以供廠商參考。另外將光電產業依產品特性分成幾個次產業,為各次產業提出客觀的經營建議。最後由 Tobit 迴歸分析影響效率的重要因素,提供提升效率的參考,希望能對我國的光電產業有所幫助,而繼續為台灣科技產業的成長努力。
本研究以國內 30 家光電產業廠商於 2000 年至 2003 年之資料為研究範圍,選取的投入變數為:員工人數、固定資產、營業成本與營業費用四項,產出變數為營業收入淨額與稅前淨利。另外迴歸分析中使用的解釋變數為董監員工紅利率、存貨週轉率、負債比率、研發費用率、 TCRI 信用評等與董監持股比率。
研究結果顯示,整個光電產業整體無效率的原因較多是技術無效率導致,小部份是規模無效率造成的;而就每個次產業而言,以其四年平均值來看亦是受技術無效率影響較多。而在 Malmquist 生產力指數分析中發現,整個光電產業只有在 2000 年至 2001 年間,因技術退步的影響大於綜合技術效率進步的影響,而使得生產力衰退,往後的期間皆呈現進步的態勢。而在次產業方面,綜合技術效率的退步導致光通訊產業在 2001 年至 2002 年間的生產力衰退;技術的退步使得 2002 年至 2003 年間的光輸出入產業產生生產力的衰退。
最後,在迴歸分析中的結果為存貨週轉率對於整體技術效率有著顯著的正向影響;研發費用率是顯著的負向影響。而在純粹技術效率部份,存貨週轉率有顯著正向影響;TCRI評等越佳,TCRI 值越低,純粹技術效率越好。 / Taiwan's industries are always connected closely with international market, and optoelectronic industry is no exception. Through keenly competence these years, it is still brilliant and boosts the lifeline of Taiwan's Technology industry with other Hi-tech industries. So this research uses data envelopment analysis as objective references to enhance production efficiency. First we divide the whole optoelectronic industry into several sub-industries according to the characteristics of their products, and calculate every firm and sub-industry’s values of technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and Malmquist index definitely. Then we analyze the key factors influencing production efficiency and offer references for helping optoelectronic industry better.
This research is based on the data of 30 optoelectronic firms in Taiwan during the 2000-2003 periods. We use the number of employee, fixed assets, operating costs and operating expenses as input variables; net sales revenue and net income before taxes as output variables. Besides, the explanatory variables in regression analysis are the percentage of bonus accounting for operating net amount, inventory turns, debt ratio, the percentage of R&D expenses accounting for operating net amount, TCRI, share holding on directors.
The result shows that inefficiency in the whole industry and sub-industries mainly comes from technical inefficiency. MPI demonstrates that productivity of the whole industry is declined only during 2000-2001 period and it is because of declined technology. And declined technical efficiency results in the declined productivity of fiber-communication industry between 2001-2002; declined technology results in the declined productivity of optical input/output devices industry between 2002-2003.
Under regression analysis, the result shows that inventory turnovers have a significant positive effect on efficiency; the percentage of R&D expenses accounting for operating net amount has a significant negative effect on efficiency. And about pure technical efficiency, inventory turn has a significant positive effect; TCRI has a significant negative effect.
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台灣金融控股公司之效率及多角化經濟分析葉偉民 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用非參數邊界法,以及Ferrier et al.(1993)所提出的多角化經濟程度指標,來評估2002與2003年包含銀行、證券及保險營收三項產出的6家多角化金融控股公司之相對效率,並分析其無效率之來源,以及衡量其是否存在多角化經濟。另外,本文以投入導向的MPI評估台灣金融控股公司2002至2003年生產力變動的情形。
實証結果發現,6家包含銀行、證券及保險營收三項產出的多角化金融控股公司,都存在有多角化經濟的現象,表示金融控股公司多角化的發展與跨業經營確有其成本上的效益。另外,比較生產力變動的各項數值,多角化金融控股公司均低於非多角化金融控股公司,顯示多角化的效益並未反應在效率以及生產力的成長上。 / This paper adopts a nonparametric frontier method and the measure define by Ferrier et al. (1993) to evaluate efficiency and economies of diversification of 6 diversification financial holding companies which contain banking, security and insurance in Taiwan in 2002 and 2003. In addition, we use input-oriented Malmquist productivity index to study the productivity change of financial holding companies in Taiwan during 2002-2003.
Empirical results indicate that 6 diversification financial holding companies all exhibit economies of diversification. Product diversification of financial holding company indeed has its effect on cost. In addition, compare every component of productivity change, we find non-diversification financial holding companies have better performance than diversification financial holding companies. The effect of diversification has not exhibit on the growth of efficiency and productivity.
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全球IC設計產業生產力與效率分析楊夏青 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的IC設計產業總產值全球僅次於美國,自從九零年代中期成為我國極受矚目的產業。因此本研究所探討的主題為全球IC設計產業的生產效率分析,以2003年全球營收前卅大IC設計廠商為樣本。透過資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA),針對不同地區與個別廠商進行2000年至2002年的效率分析,最後進行Tobit迴歸分析,求得影響廠商生產績效的因子,提供本國廠商改善效率的參考,實證結果為:
1.DEA跨國比較的結果顯示,在2000年至2002年整體技術效率值最高的地區為美國,在2000年與2001年為台灣整體技術效率值僅次於美國,但在2002年卻落居第三。觀察個別廠商績效,Qualcomm、MediaTek、Marvell、ICS、Lattice、Pmc-Sierra與DSP Group等廠商績效最好,其整體技術效率值為1。
3.Tobit迴歸分析的結論為:存貨週轉率inventory turnover對整體技術效率有顯著的正向影響;負債比率與平均收帳期間均對整體技術效率有顯著的負面影響。研發費用率、經營年限與整體技術效率呈現正向關係,至於每人配備率則呈現負相關。 / The total output value of Taiwanese IC design industry is the globally second following United States. It had become the domestic gazed industry since mid 90s. Therefore, this research studies the production efficiency of global IC design industry and chooses the firms which sales globally ranked top 30 as samples. Through DEA, this thesis analyzes the efficiency focused on different regions and individual firms from 2000 to 2002. And finally, the Tobit regression model is proposed to find out the factors that influenced performances of firms and it could be reference for the domestic firms to improve their production efficiency and productivity. The results display:
1. By comparison with regions, the DEA results display that U.S.A. United States has the highest overall technical efficiency(TE) value during 2000 to 2002. Taiwan ranked behind U.S. both in 2000 and 2001 but dropped to the 3rd position in 2003. Observing performances of individual firms, Qualcomm, MediaTek, Marvell, ICS, Lattice, Pmc-Sierra and DSP Group performed as the best and their efficiency value is 1.
2. By comparison with regions, Malmquist Productivity Index(MPI) results display that the U.S.., Taiwan and Canada showed their Total Factors Productivity (TFP) to degenerate from 2000 to 2001. However, Taiwan and Canada showed their progressive TFP, progress in TFP but U.S.A. had a regressive TFP from 2001 to 2002. For one individual firm, there were only 4 firms’ TFP being aggressive from 2000 to 2001 and there are 15 firms’ TFP aggressive from 2001 to 2002.
3. The result from running Tobit regression models display that Inventory Turnover has significant positive effect to TE; Debate Ratio and Average Collection Period have significant negative effect to TE; R&D Ratio and Incorporated Period have direct relation with TFE and Equipment Per Employee has negative relation with TE.
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台灣財富管理業務現況與發展之研究-以T銀行為例吳愛華 Unknown Date (has links)
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正、負向團隊情感氛圍交互作用對團隊創造力與人際反生產力行為的影響:團隊信任的干擾效果馮斯琪 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究在理論上與實證上,大多聚焦在正向團隊情感氛圍 (positive group affective tone)與團隊創造力關係的探討,但亦有學者認為,在某些情況下,團隊的負向團隊情感氛圍也能促進團隊創造力的產生 (如:George & King, 2007);然而,負向團隊情感氛圍雖可能提升團隊創造力、但同時也可能增加團隊內人際間反生產力行為。對於企業而言,是否能創造一個良好的團隊情境,以提升負向團隊情感氛圍對團隊創造力的正面影響、並同時降低其造成反生產力行為的可能性,實為一重要的研究問題。
本研究假設:若團隊成員在一段時間內可以經歷到正向與負向的團隊情感氛圍時,能藉由雙重調諧效果而增強團隊創造力,並降低人際間反生產力行為的產生;此外,本研究亦認為團隊信任此一情境變數扮演重要的干擾角色,若團隊處於高信任的狀況下,更可以加強正、負向團隊情感氛圍交互作用對團隊創造力的正向影響、及對人際間反生產力行為的負向影響。本研究樣本收集自高科技產業的68個研發團隊 (包含270位團隊成員),階層迴歸顯示,高正向與高負向團隊情感氛圍確實可以降低反生產力行為的發生,而高團隊信任可加強此一效果;此外本研究意外發現高正向團隊情感氛圍和高團隊信任,反而會降低團隊創造力的產生,而高團隊信任、低正團隊情感氛圍的情況下,負向團隊情感氛圍與團隊創造力呈正相關。 / Past studies have focused on the relationship between positive group affective tone (PGAT) and team creativity. However, George & King (2007) indicated that under some situations, negative group affective tone (NGAT) can enhance the formation of team creativity. Furthermore, NGAT may also increase interpersonal counterproductive working behavior (CWB) within teams. Thus, the present study is designed to find out the situation under which the positive effects of NGAT on team creativity will be strengthened, whereas the effects of NGAT on CWB will be weakened.
This study proposed that PGAT and NGAT would interact to increase team creativity and decrease CWB through the dual-tuning effects. Moreover, higher levels of team trust can enhance this interaction effects. The sample is composed of 68 R&D teams (including 270 members) and the results of hierarchical regression analyses showed that PGAT and NGAT interacted to decrease CWB, and this interaction effect was enhanced by team trust. Moreover, it is surprising that PGAT and team trust interacted to decrease team creativity. Finally, under the situation of high team trust and low PGAT, NGAT can increase team creativity.
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台灣、香港、大陸地區之學術合作研究─以工程類為例 / Research collaboration in Taiwan,Hong Kong and China: A Case of engineering study郭政遠, Kuo,Cheng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果在為兩岸三地工程學門文獻之作者生產力提供一個概括呈現,以了解不同的工程學門間之差異,並協助高等教育評鑑對於工程領域的學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,作為日後之評鑑參考。 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the degree of collaboration among engineering literature authors within Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China from 1989 to 2008. We use the quantity of literatures that are collected from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China by the SCIE database to further observe the number of authors in fourteen engineering subjects, the people with whom the authors collaborate, the high production organizations and the people with whom they collaborate, and the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited.
The findings are as follows. Biomedical engineering has the highest average number of author collaboration in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Environmental engineering also has high average number of author collaboration in relation to other subjects in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Therefore, we can see that immunity biomedical engineering and environmental engineering are the subjects that require more scholars to collaborate. The percentage of multi-author literature is approximately 90% in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. There are fewer sole-author literature. For high-production organization, the majority of author collaboration has higher concentration in National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Chaio Tung University in Taiwan. In addition, the researchers from National Taiwan University collaborate mostly with the researchers from the same university.
In addition, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China has the most international collaboration with the United States of America. Finally, we discuss the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited. The finding is that the sole-author literature in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China has lower frequency of being cited in general, but we cannot find the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited.
The findings of this research is to provide a general representation of literature author productivity in engineering subjects in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China, to understand the differences in different engineering subjects ,and to assist higher education institute with background understanding in evaluating the academic productivity of engineering areas in the future.
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台灣銀行業生產力與效率分析 / The Productivity and Efficiency Analysis of Banking Industry in Taiwan洪琬婷 Unknown Date (has links)
3、以營運績效管理矩陣來分析銀行廠商的表現可知,最多銀行廠商落在象限Ⅵ(TFPC<1,0.75<TE<0.9),佔所有廠商家數的比率為26.3%,而落於第Ⅰ象限(TFPC>1,TE>0.9)的銀行所佔的比率為14.3%。我們可以看到以縱軸為劃分基準來看,分佈於跨期生產力變動表現不佳的第ⅡⅣ及Ⅵ象限(TFPC<1)的銀行數目佔銀行總家數高達71.5%,顯示對大部分的銀行來說,都不具長期的發展潛力。 / In accordance with the policy of economic liberalization and internationalization, the Taiwan government released the banking industry from lots of financial regulations since 1970. The deregulation has exerted significant structural changes of financial institutions and imposed competitive pressure on the operation of banking industry. It follows that promoting efficiency and productivity of banking are the key factors for the banks to survive in the keen competitive environment.
This study investigated the productivity and efficiency issues and decomposed total factor productivity change (TFPC) into technical change (TC), pure technical efficiency change (PTE), scale efficiency change (SEC) and output mix effect (OME) following Balk (2001). Then we proceeded to apply DEA method to estimate and analyze the productivity growth of the 53 sample banks in 1997-2005. The study also constructed an operational performance management matrix to classify and discuss the banks’ competitive advantage and the strategy of future development.
The major empirical results were as follows:
1.Operational efficiency of whole banking industry showed a decline tendency in the anterior half of observation period, but the posterior half presented the reverse direction change. The SEC and the OME were declining. The TC presented an increase tendency in the anterior half of observation period, but the posterior half presented the reverse direction change. Therefore, it indicates there are a lot of spaces for the industry to improve its performance.
2.The banks with a higher proportion of foreign shareholdings didn’t have higher TFPC compared to those with lower proportion of foreign shareholdings. The TFPC of the publicly-owned banks was higher than the private banks. We also found that there were no difference in the operation efficiency before and after banks become the subsidiary banks of financial holding corporations.
3.Using operational performance management matrix to classify and discuss banks’ performance, we found that 26.3% of the total banks belong to quadrant Ⅵ (TFPC<1,0.75<TE<0.9). 14.3% of banks belong to quadrantⅠ(TFPC>1,TE>0.9). The banks which located on quadrants Ⅱ, Ⅳ and Ⅵ (TFPC<1) account for 71.5%, which indicates that most of banks lose their long-run competitiveness.
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以六標準差方法提升組裝線生產力之研究 / Research of increasing productivity of the assemble line with six sigma way林志宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以六標準差改善手法的DMAIC步驟,來進行個案公司衛星廣播產品線UPA-ST組裝線的生產力提升。而在使用此方法之前,本研究則運用限制理論的思維來思考如何找出影響組裝線生產力的主要因素,因此本研究在界定的階段就發現了影響UPA-ST組裝線的生產力的關鍵因素主要有三項,第一項為瓶頸工站,第二項為工時變異大的工站,第三項則為組裝線未平衡的作業。針對各項關鍵因素,本研究透過數據的蒐集與分析來瞭解這三項關鍵因素如何影響組裝線的生產力,最後則透過了作業拆解與同步作業來提升了瓶頸工作站的生產力、透過了工站順序調動與合併來使組裝線能夠平衡、瞭解變異的來源與建立自主品檢流程來降低變異性大的工作站之變異,藉由減少這三項關鍵因素對組裝線生產力的影響,因此也使此條組裝線最後能增加產出與減少人力資源的投入,因而提升了生產力。 / Motorola used six-sigma way to shorten the quality difference in the middle of 1980s. Also, it became more competitive via six-sigma way. Then, the president of GE, Jack Welch, made much effort to popularize this way and implemented into this way to the daily process of GE. As a result, besides the meaning of statistics, current six-sigma also represents the set of systematic way to improve process. Further, some companies use it as strategies and operation ways. These cause the application of six-sigma way become more and more broad.
This research use DMAIC steps of six-sigma way to increase the productivity of UPA-ST ‘s satellite broadcast product line. Before using this way, this research use limitation theory to think how to find the major factors which would influence the productivity of the assemble line. Consequently, this research finds there are three major factors to influence the productivity of UPA-ST’s assemble line: the first is the bottleneck station, the second is the station which exists big variance of working time, the third is the unbalance operation of the assemble line. For each major factors, this research uses data collection and analysis to understand how these three major factors affect the productivity of assemble line. Finally, it increases the productivity via taking apart the operation and synchronous way; it makes assemble line balance via adjust the order of work station and combination; it reduces the variance of the working station which exists big variance via understanding the source of variance and building the autonomous quality-control process. Through reducing the productivity influence of these three major factors, it consequently make the assemble line increase the output and reduce the input of manpower to increase the productivity.
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都市競爭力與製造業生產力關係之研究黃文櫻, Haung, Wen-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
三、製造業生產力為都市競爭力的正面影響因素,都市競爭力亦為製造業生產力之影響因素,但民國85年兩者關係出現轉變,即都市競爭力對製造業生產有負面影響。 / The past study of competitiveness has been focus on the competitiveness of nations, industry or firms. In recent years, because of the economic globalization and the booming trend of free trading, the local economy has been the concern of many governments and scholars. In Taiwan, local autonomy is the future direction recorded in constitution. Local governments will improve the living and working environment to attract persons and capital. The competitiveness between cities will be clearer. In this study, I will study urban competitiveness and compute the urban competitiveness in Taiwan. In addition, manufacturing is the base industry of urban, so this study will also discuss the relationship of urban competitiveness and manufacturing.
According to the result of this study, I have several solutions:
1. Urban competitiveness is the ability to attract persons, firms and economic activity and will be affected by productivity of manufacturing, infrastructure, location and urban amenity.
2. Manufacturing is affected by urbanization diseconomies and specialization will improve the productivity of manufacturing.
3. Productivity of manufacturing will improve urban competitiveness and urban competitiveness will improve productivity of manufacturing. But the relationship between urban competitiveness and productivity of manufacturing has changed at 1996.
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都市規模與都市生產力關係之研究林佳慧, Lin, Jia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
3.面對處於遞增規模報酬狀態的都市,應避免外部不經濟的產生。 / The advantages of large urban areas, such as high degree agglomeration economy、high production, attract the entrance of population and industries. Thar will result in the disadvantage of the small city. How does the goverment play? The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship between urban size and urban area production. Further more, I would like to give some suggestions about urban development policy.
In this study, I uses Alonso's and Mills's urban model to discuss what kind of factor will effect urban size and production. Next, I judge urban production through the returns of scale of different urban hierarchy, and use the translog production and the share functions of capital and labour to discuss the income distribution offactors.
According to the result of this study, we have several solutions:
1.External factor will effect the change of urban size and urban production.
2.According to the continuous hierarchy, there is a positive relationship between urban size and urban production.
3.Because of data, we can't discuss the income distribution of factor in Taiwan.
4.Regarding urban development policies:
(1) when urban area exhibits DRS, it is necessary to move up the hierarchy for continuing urban growth.
(2) when urban area exhibits CRS, goverment should not interrept urban development.
(3) when urban area exhibits IRS, goverment should not generate external diseconomy.
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