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以守門機制觀點看國際發明競賽 / The study of the international invention competition - Gatekeeping perspective劉于瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 國際發明競賽之宗旨訂定,主要與競賽歷史背景發展有關。而不同競賽宗旨會與不同類型的展覽活動相結合。
2. 國際發明競賽之競賽邊界設定會影響參賽者及參賽作品的輪廓。良好的競賽規則設定會加以區分合適的邊界條件。
3. 國際發明競賽中的評選機制,由不同的甄選系統所組成。國際性的發明競賽以「專家選擇」作為主要甄選系統,並輔以「市場選擇」系統形成評選機制。
4. 良好的發明競賽設計為求評審流程的客觀與公正,在進入實地審查階段時,同類別的評審委員不會一同進行評分,避免相互討論影響評選結果。
5. 國際發明競賽之參賽作品呈現方式可分為片段書面審查與作品完整實地審查兩種。
6. 發明競賽流程中的加值效果,參賽者重視的標的不同,有的以「得獎」為考量、有的為尋求「海外代理商」、有的則重視是否能夠「獲取訂單」,但藉由和專業評審、廠商「互動」所獲得的「加值」,對各個參賽者而言是共同的想望、且更具附加價值。
7. 在國際發明競賽的獎勵設計上,為鼓勵創新與發明風氣,針對得獎者以頒發金銀銅獎牌的「非金錢獎勵」為主。而不同的國際發明競賽其主辦單位設計有不同屬性的「特別獎」。
8. 各國際發明競賽在競賽成果保護上,於競賽的前、中、後不同階段有不同的競賽成果保護機制。
9. 國際發明競賽中參賽者與守門人的權力距離及互動具有加值效果,守門人的工作除了把關,還具備有以下幾項特質:「實地審查前的周全準備」、「耐心」、「肯放下身段」、「能用參賽者聽得懂的語言」。
10. 國際發明競賽主辦單位的共同永續經營作為歸納有「手冊製作推廣」、「媒體宣傳」以及「海外國際發明展推廣」;而針對參賽/得獎作品後續追蹤則較少著墨。
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論化學發明之非顯而易知性—美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院案例分析 / Non-obviousness in chemical invention - an analysis of CAFC case study黃俊傑, Hwang, Jiunn-Jye Unknown Date (has links)
化學發明是專利申請領域別中另一個重要的領域,醫學藥品的龐大商機是重要的推手,因為大多數藥物的活性成份為有機小分子化合物,且研發一新藥,須費時10到15年,研發經費估計高達26億美金,各大專利藥廠當然積極申請專利,保護投資。另一方面,Hatch-Waxman Act鼓勵學名藥可以盡早上市,使一般民眾能以較便宜的價格取得所需藥品。在美國藥品市場數千億美元的商機吸引下,學名藥廠積極挑戰專利藥廠之專利權。其中非顯而易知性要件認定,為雙方訴訟爭點。
2007年,美國聯邦最高法院在KSR案,針對非顯而易知性,重申Graham 案建立的非顯而易知性判斷法則的重要性,與重新適用顯而易知的嘗試。KSR判決後,許多文章討論KSR判決將不只針對機械組合發明,同時也將會對醫藥化學發明非顯而易知性之認定標準,產生一定的影響。
本論文研究KSR判決後, CAFC使用顯而易知的嘗試、與先導化合物分析(lead compound analysis)判斷準則,於醫藥產業化學發明專利的非顯而易知性的判決。CAFC於涉及組合藥物或配方調配案件,使用顯而易知的嘗試審查基準;使用先導化合物分析,都涉及系爭藥物中「活性成份結構」的非顯而易知性認定,CAFC針對不同類型的化學發明案件,採用了不同的審查基準。
KSR判決雖然重新啟用「顯而易知的嘗試」判斷準則,且CAFC適用「顯而易知的嘗試」的案件,亦明顯的增加。唯,本論文研究發現,於醫藥產業化學發明專利的非顯而易知性的判決,仍明顯高於對非藥品相關案件。 / Chemical invention is one of key art in patent application driving from the huge market size of medicines, in which active ingredients are organic molecules. The average cost to research and develop each successful drug is estimated to be $2.6 billion US dollars, and took 10 to 15 years. In other word, whether pharmaceutical companies can recover their investment in drug development heavily depends on the patent protection of their drugs. On the other hand, the Hatch-Waxman Act introduced in 1984 created the generic drug pathway to the market, so general public can obtain the drugs at a affordable price. However, within this framework, the validity of drug patents are often challenged by generic manufactures, mainly the "non-obviousness" requirement in patent system.
During this lengthy and expensive drug discovery, chemist often entails making small modifications to lead compounds to establish structure-activity relationship (SAR) to speed up the process. Those modifications might be deemed “obvious to try”—and then studying the largely unpredictable, yet critical, resulting biological effects.
In 2007, the Supreme Court of the United States, in KSR decision, reasserted that a prima facie case of obviousness may be determined by the framework set forth in Graham and "obvious to try" test. Since then, there are predictions that KSR decision will have a substantial impact in pharmaceutical and life sciences arts.
This study, we examine the CAFC ruling in pharmaceutical arts regarding to "non-obviousness" issue by "obvious to try" and "lead compound analysis" test after the KSR decision. And found that the "non-obviousness" judgment of the chemical invention patent in the pharmaceutical industry was still significantly higher than that of the non-drug-related cases.
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台灣IC產業專利發明人的合作網絡機制 / Innovation Mechanisms of the Patent-Based Inventor Networks in Taiwan IC Industry官逸人, Guan, Yi Ren Unknown Date (has links)
IC(積體電路)產業是台灣過去三十多年來發展最完整、且在世界上最具有競爭力的創新型產業。研發與技術專利成長快速,也代表這個產業的技術創新成果。台灣IC 產業技術創新和專利的研究累積了一些成果,但較缺乏使用研發創新發明人網絡所做的分析。本研究使用IC 產業專利發明人網絡資料,從結構洞(structural holes)和地位訊號(status signal)這兩個過去西方半導體和生物科技等創新產業研究中,最能解釋創新行動者與網絡系統和創新表現理論機制的學術研究累積成果出發,並反省台灣特有IC 產業分工技術利基位置、流動型勞力市場,發展出專利發明人網絡對專利發明成果影響機制之模型。研究發現,分析結果支持發明人地位訊號、結構洞網絡理論機制有助於專利創新發明的假設。而比較特殊的例外是,上游的專利發明網絡,結構洞低的類型反而有比較好的專利創新。這是由於上游的IC設計產業技術特性,需仰賴同一團隊的人重複合作方能完成設計,所以大多與重疊的人合作,結構限制較高,因此呈現與結構洞理論不同的情況。此外,研究發現,流動並不一定帶來較佳的技術創新,台灣IC產業專利人才流動對於技術發展與創新的正面影響,較多是在上游的IC設計產業。 因此創新發明鑲嵌在台灣特有半導體的不同技術利基環境中,還必須考慮到不同產業位置的技術特性,與產業技術發展所在的階段,才能正確解釋台灣IC產業的創新發明機制。 / The IC (integrated circuit) industry has been the most complete, competitive and innovative industry in Taiwan over the past three decades. The rapid growth of patents in this field demonstrates the marvelous outcomes of technological innovations. A huge amount of patent-based research has been accumulated in this industry, but only a little is related to the inventor network. Structural holes and status signal are two competing perspectives in explaining the dynamic mechanisms between innovative actors and network systems of the most innovative industries, semiconductor and biotechnology, in advanced countries. We use these two theories and network data of patent-based inventors to discuss the specific niche of vertical disintegration and fluid labor market in Taiwan IC industry, and develop models on mechanisms of how inventors’ networks affect the outcome of inventors’ patents. The findings reveal that the hypothesis on the effects of status signals and structural holes in inventors’ collaboration networks on the citations of inventors’ patents was supported. However, the patent inventions of the upstream IC design firms, the collaborative invention teams seem to be small or high structural constraints. Most of the patents of these newly growing firms in IC design industry are specialized in consumption products. The structural constraints are high, but the impact of is large. Besides, inventors’ fluidity would not necessarily create more influential patents. The fluidity of patent-based inventors was positive impact to the patent inventions, more was found in the IC designs company. The IC industry has been vertically differentiated into three sectors: the IC designs, the IC foundry, the package and test. In principle, these three sectors demand different levels of technology. The maturity of technological niches will affect the impacts of the patents.
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專利核准後公眾審查制度之研究─以美國、歐洲及台灣相關法制比較為中心劉冠妤, Liu, Kuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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從作者與發明人的關係探討技術發展各階段論文與專利活動之關聯性──以電腦視覺領域之賈伯濾波器技術為例 / Discovering the Relationship between Publishing and Patenting Activities from the Relatedness of Authors and Inventors over the Life Cycles of Technological Development── Case Study of Gabor Filter in Computer Vision許舜棋, Hsu, Shun Chi Unknown Date (has links)
1. 不同類型的論文作者和專利發明人的科學研究/技術發明活動,與技術發展階段的關聯性為何?
2. 發明作者的技術發明/科學研究活動與一般發明人或作者的差異為何?
3. 發明作者的技術發明活動與科學研究活動關係為何?
1. 天才發明人是技術發展處於萌芽期時專利發明的要角,而關鍵發明人大多在技術發展進入成長期時才投入專利發明。至於頂尖作者,則在技術發展的萌芽期、成長期和成熟期都是論文發表的要角。
2. 關鍵發明人有很高的機會是頂尖作者,而發明作者如果不是關鍵發明人,則其專利發明的表現有略高的機會較其他發明人更差。
3. 大部份發明作者的專利發明活動在論文發表活動之後;但是關鍵發明人則較傾向先申請專利,再發表主題高度相關的論文。 / Mining information to improve corporate R&D decision making had been an important source of competitive advantage in the rapid changing technological environment. Recently, extracting relevant information quickly and automatically from massive amount of technological data (especially patent and scientific publications) with the aide of computer had become an active research area for both industrial and academic researchers due to ever-growing computing power.
Among the methods of retrieving technological information, bibliometrics and patent analysis are two of the most attractive ones. Bibliometrics and patent analysis provide a quick way to capture the dynamics of technological development, including the stage of technological development, active technological research area and important researchers/corporates, etc. Although bibliometrics and patent analysis are helpful to understand the landscape of technological development, there still lacks researches about the relationship between scientific invention and research activities as well as the dynamics between patent inventors and publication authors along different stages of technological development.
Hence, this research raises the following questions:
1. What is the relation between scientific research/invention activities and technological development stages for different categories of publication authors and patent inventors?
2. What is the difference of scientific research/invention activities between Inventor-Authors and other inventors/authors?
3. What is the relation between scientific research and invention activities of Inventor-Authors?
This research reviews related researches to define a research framework connecting authors, inventors and technological development stages. Then patent and publication data are collected and processed based on the research framework. This research conclusion is made after analysis and discussion.
Conclusion of the research includes the followings:
1. "Talent Inventors" play important role when the technological development is in "Emerging" stage, and "Key Inventors" starts patent inventions after the technological development enters "Growth" stage. "Top Authors" play important role across "Emerging", "Growth" and "Maturity" stages of technological development.
2. "Key Inventors" are more probable to be also "Top Author". "Inventor-Authors" who are not "Key Inventors" are more probably to perform worse than other inventors.
3. Most "Inventor-Authors" apply for patents after papers of highly related topics are published. But "Key Inventors" tend to apply for patents before papers of highly related topics are published.
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生物科技專利延展性申請專利範圍之研究 / Studies of Reach-Through Claims in Biotechnology Patents蕭偉文, Hsiao, Wei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
生物科技之專利對於生物科技產業之重要性更是不可言喻。由於生物科技發展之特性,例如:高度不確定性、研究週期長、投資成本高等因素,許多發明人在申請生物科技專利時,都試圖擬定較廣泛的申請專利範圍。「延展性申請專利範圍」(reach-through claims)為基於目前專利說明書揭露之內容來涵蓋所有「未來」可能衍生之產物;或是某特定化合物尚未被確認前,試圖藉由一個上游基礎研究「先驅型發明」之申請專利範圍擴大延展至下游後續發明之商業產品,這非但會箝制技術後續之發展,更可對已存在之先前技術主張侵權,影響範圍極廣。從2004年University of Rochester v. G.D. Searle案 和2010年Ariad v. Eli Lilly案 ,美國聯邦巡迴上訴法院皆認為「延展性申請專利範圍」無效,歸因於專利內容未清楚揭露而不符合美國專利法第112條第1段中所規定的「可據以實施性」和「書面說明要件」。2013年德國聯邦最高法院對同是屬於「延展性申請專利範圍」之Probiodrug案與前述兩件美國相關判例有分歧之見解和判決。有鑑於此,本文以比較法觀點分析國外相關判例及實踐標準,全面性針對生物科技領域「延展性申請專利範圍」問題進行探討,嘗試建立一最適的法律模式,並期許未來可作為我國對其相關法制與解決方案之參考依據。
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