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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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瀧本, 征佑 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第24667号 / 農博第2550号 / 新制||農||1099(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R5||N5448(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 宮川 恒, 教授 森 直樹, 教授 山口 信次郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Discovery of Non-Cysteine-Targeting Covalent Inhibitors by Activity-Based Proteomic Screening with a Cysteine-Reactive Probe / システイン反応性プローブを用いたプロテオミクススクリーニングによる非システイン標的共有結合阻害剤の発見

Jung, Yejin 23 May 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医科学) / 甲第24092号 / 医科博第140号 / 新制||医科||9(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医科学専攻 / (主査)教授 寺田 智祐, 教授 岩田 想, 教授 萩原 正敏 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM


金坂, 侑紀 25 March 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第25449号 / 生博第520号 / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科統合生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 荒木 崇, 教授 河内 孝之, 教授 中野 雄司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

自我建構與主觀幸福感:自尊與相融和諧的角色 / Self-construals and Subjective Well-being: The Roles of Self-esteem and Fitting Harmony

簡晉龍 Unknown Date (has links)
人生在世,無不期望幸福,而目標的達成是一個人幸福的來源。從文化與自我相互建構的觀點,不同文化下的人擁有不同自我建構(獨立自我vs.相依自我),而追求不同的目標,因此其幸福感的來源基礎應當有所不同。過去的文獻都指出,華人社會是一個集體主義的社會(相對於北美的個人主義),華人的自我是一種相依式的自我;與他人的相融和諧應當是華人重要的幸福感來源。然而,筆者假設:在文化交流頻繁的情況下,當代華人應當同時具有兩種自我建構的特色,一方面,獨立自我可能透過整體自尊而獲得其幸福感,相依自我則以與他人的相融和諧為其幸福感來源。筆者也對自尊的概念作一初步的釐清,認為相融和諧也可以成為個人整體自尊來源,進而影響個人主觀幸福。筆者讓425位參與者接受自我建構(包括獨立自我與相依自我)、整體自尊、相融和諧、以及主觀幸福感(包括生活滿意、正向情緒、負向情緒)等量表的施測,結果發現:當代以台灣為代表的華人,確實兼有相依自我與獨立自我建構的特色,而徑路分析的結果也支持了前述的假設。本研究也發現:自我建構量表的因素分析結果,獨立自我的部分可以抽成兩個因素,一為自我表達,一為追求獨立;進行階層迴歸分析後,發現除了相依自我外,善於自我表達也是有助於與人相融和諧的因素。最後,筆者除了對本研究的反省與限制作一討論外,也提出一些未來可能的研究方向。 / Subjective well-being (SWB) or happiness, which is acquired from achieving one’s goals, is the ultimate motivator for all humans. The theory of self-construals states that people from different cultures have different self-construls (independent vs. interdependent), and pursue different cultural imperatives or everyday life tasks (goals). It has been pointed out that Chinese people have interdependent self-construl, which emphasizes fitting in and maintaining harmonious relationships with important others. However, the author hypothesized that the two views of the self might coexist in Chinese people in Taiwan in the face of the vast-scale cultural invasion from the West. The independent self was proposed to be the predictor of SWB, acting through the mediating variable of global self-esteem, whereas the interdependent self to be predictor of SWB, acting through the mediating variable of fitting-harmony (which means fitting in and maintaining harmonious relationships with important others). It was also hypothesized that fitting-harmony might be an important domain on which self-esteem is contingent; therefore, self-esteem is expected to mediate the effect on SWB for those higher in fitting-harmony. 425 participants completed the self-construl scale, self-esteem scale, fitting-harmony scale, and SWB scale. It was found that the two self-views coexist in Chinese people in Taiwan and the results of path analyses supported the hypotheses described above. Moreover, the result of exploratory factor analysis of self-construal scale showed that the items for independent self could be divided into two factors: self-expression and independence-pursuit. In addition to interdependent self, self-expression was also a significant predictor of fitting-harmony. The results, limitations, and future directions were discussed.

遠期生效信用擔保憑證之評價─跨期因子相關性結構模型之運用 / Intertemporal Loss Dependence in Factor Models--Pricing of Forward-Starting CDO

鄭如恬, Cheng, Ju-tien Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,信用衍生性金融商品蓬勃發展,市場上陸續出現不同特色的信用擔保憑證。過去評價信用衍生性金融商品多採用Hull & White (2004)年所發表的因子相關結構型模型(factor copula approach)。由於因子相關模型在描述違約事件,可降低處理維度,使得計算更容易處理,更方便建立出損失分配,讓評價工作更順利進行。但是,降低維度的便利,卻犧牲了違約時點的動態描述,在因子模型中,我們無法掌握損失分配的期間結構,所以只能處理單一到期日的信用衍生性金融商品。 但市場上逐漸出現具有時間相關性的信用金融商品,例如:遠期生效型信用擔保憑證(Forward-starting CDO)、信用擔保憑證分券選擇權(Option on CDO tranches)、重設型信用擔保憑證等。其中遠期生效契約的特色在於,在生效日之前,標的資產若違約,並不構成損失的發生,只會將此商品從投資標的中剔除。故投資人在生效日之前,受到一層信用保護,所以相較於同天到期的信用擔保憑證,會使遠期契約的信用價差會比較低,可降低發行商的成本。在加上近年來,信用曲線出現越來越陡峭的情形,代表到期日相差越長,報酬差異越大,所以投資較長天期的商品,相對報酬提高較多。而次順位分券信用價差近年來下降許多,不少投資人為了達到報酬目標,轉而投資較長天期的信用投資產品。而且信用曲線過於陡峭,投資人預期未來違約環境會呈現平緩或變佳的趨勢,可以透過購買遠期契約,來獲得投資利潤。 由於我們不想放棄因子相關性結構模型在使用上簡便的優勢,所以試圖將跨期相關因子引入因子模型,將期間之間的相關性考慮進去,讓遠期生效信用擔保憑證的評價工作得以運行。除此之外,我們分析各分券對參數的敏感性,並加以探討其中的經濟意涵,最後以討論遠期信用擔保憑證避險的策略作結。


黃俊格 Unknown Date (has links)
內生經濟成長認為政府支出結構與收入結構均會影響恆定狀態成長率之觀點和事實是否一致呢?許多先前相關之研究需被修正,因為這些研究在政府預算限制式的設定並不完全,導致實證之結果產生偏誤。本文除了將討論忽略這些偏誤所會導致之影響外,進一步將以One-Way與TwO-Way的固定效果與隨機效果模型來進行估計,並修正先前研究所發生之問題,然後找出強力的證據來支持Barro模型(1990)所做的預測。本文的樣本資料取自東亞經濟前瞻與亞洲開發銀行,以亞洲新、舊四小龍,加上申國,共九個國家的17年時間序列資料所形成的揉合資料(pooling data)為實證對象。分析結果發現在考慮異質性與同期相關性下,若採用似無相關迴歸技巧來對One-Way固定效果模型進行估計,則:(1)不論政府是以租稅收入或是非租稅收入作為融通財源,資本性支出的增加均會提高經濟成長率,經常性支出的增加則均會對經濟成長率造成負面影響;(2)在政府以租稅收入為融通來源下,非租稅收入增加將會降低經濟成長率;若政府以非租稅收入作為融通之財源,則此時租稅收入之增加將會降低經濟成長。 〔關鍵字〕資本支出、經常支出、同期相關性(Contemporaneous correlation)、異質性(HetereSkedaStiCity)、One-Way fixed(random)effect model、Two-way fixed(random)effect model、似無相關迴歸(Seemingly unrelated regression)


陳俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以不動產估價技術規則第19條第7項與第20條之規定,引用相似無關迴歸模式、多變量迴歸模式與典型相關分析等計量模式,對金融機構所做的擔保品估價進行驗證、預測及控制分析。 擔保品估價中會產生兩價,即擔保品的評估市場價格與評估擔保值(價),大部分的人都認為兩價存在一個比率關係。傳統的迴歸分析估價模式係由一組價格影響因素影響一個不動產價格,上述情形是否可能由同一組價格影響因素影響兩個不動產價格?本研究實證結果顯示,在95%統計信賴水準下,有兩個不動產價格受同一組價格因素影響的結果。既然驗證存在同一組價格影響因素影響兩個不動產價格,是否有更具效率的計量估價模式呢?典型相關分析係透過兩組變項之相關關係建構計量模式,除可再度驗證同一組價格影響因素影響兩個不動產價格,並可如同因素分析或主成份分析的功能,對兩組變項各做變項縮減的工作,達到對變項去蕪存菁的效果。 / This thesis is based on Article 19 No 7 and Article 20 of the Real Estate Appraisal Regulation. Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model, Multivariate Regression Model and Econometric Model and so on econometric model are applied. In addition, collateral valuations done by financial institutions are verified, predicted and analyzed. In collateral valuations, there are two-value references: assessed market value and assessed accommodation value. Majority believe that there is a ratio between these two values. The traditional regression analysis of the valuation model is having one set of pricing factors to have impact on the real estate price. However, is it possible that one set of pricing factors will affect two real estate prices? The findings approve that, under statistical confidence level with 95%, more than two real estate prices can be influenced by one set of pricing factors. Further more, this thesis also examines if there are other econometric valuation models to be applied? The canonical correlation analysis is to build a calculation model to analyze correlation between two variables. Other than examining one set of pricing factors can influence two real estate prices, this analysis also provides a similar function of the factor analysis or principal analysis to reduce variables caused by two sets of variable.

臺灣地區紡織業上市公司轉投資活動之研究 / Research for long-term investment--Empirical Study of Textile Industry in Taiwan

蔡文怡, Tsai,Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
鑒於轉投資收益占公司收益比重日形增加,且紡織業為一成熟期產業 ,頻頻地從事於轉投資活動,遂引起本研究的研究動機。 本研究的目 的是希望能對紡織業上市公司轉投資活動作一全面瞭解,並試圖找出會系 統化地影響轉投資活動的一些公司特質。 本研究結果發現公司屬於第 一類上市公司或第二類上市公司、公司屬於前兩百大企業集團或不屬於集 團、公司負債比率的高低、總經理持股比率的高低、公司近年來本業是否 曾虧損,都是會系統化影響公司轉投資活動的因子。 另外,從事轉投 資的動機方面最主要是因本業衰退,再者是希望能進入高報酬行業;而轉 投資又分三大類:垂直整合型、相關多角化型、非相關多角化型,從事這 三類型的轉投資其在實務上的考量因素都大致與理論所言符合;而在垂直 整合型轉投資與相關多角化型轉投資上,公司傾向於持有較高的股份。在 非相關多角化上,多數的公司都想跨入營建業、投資業、證券業、商銀、 創業投資業、資訊電子業等。至於選擇轉投資的對象時,首重被投資公司 的產品的市場可行性分析與投資的回收期間,而在事後的績效評估上,則 重投資報酬率與被投資公司的成長潛力;又當被投資公司獲利情形大好或 大壞時,或被投資公司的股票將要上市或上櫃時,投資公司都可能突然大 幅的增加或減少持股。

以相關係數探討題組型試題之鑑別度 / An exploratory study of discrimination index of testlet by using correlation coefficient

李昕儀 Unknown Date (has links)
題組題是依據所提供之新情境和資料作答的試題類型,它能測量到學生的理解、應用、分析或評鑑能力,一般來說,同一題組內各子題有某種程度的關聯性。由於題組題是近幾年國民中學基本學力測驗常見的試題類型,且目前各種鑑別度定義僅針對單一試題作鑑別度分析,若將其應用在分析題組型試題鑑別度時,除了無法計算題組本身的鑑別度之外,甚至會忽略題組內各子題之間的關聯性。此外,目前題組鑑別度的相關研究並不多,故本論文以複相關係數的觀點探討其鑑別度,提供新的研究方向。本文先分析獨立型試題鑑別度,並將其研究結果拓展至題組型試題。對於獨立型試題,本文驗證了以點二系列相關為定義的鑑別度是以相關係數為定義的鑑別度之特例。對於題組型試題,在蒐集測驗結果資料後,本文運用迴歸分析的技巧計算「題組本身」鑑別度,同時,為了探求在排除同一題組內前面各子題影響力後的子題鑑別度對於該題組鑑別度的貢獻程度,故本文提出「淨得分」與「淨鑑別度」的新概念,並發現題組鑑別度與各子題淨鑑別度之間有密切的關聯性;再者,本文亦提供了檢定各子題淨鑑別度是否顯著的統計方法。最後,以99年第一次國中基測英語科試題為例,利用本文研究結果計算其獨立型試題鑑別度以及題組試題之題組鑑別度、各子題鑑別度與各子題淨鑑別度,並與其它有關試題鑑別度的研究作比較與分析。 / For testlet, it is answered by the provided new situation and information, can measure the student’s understanding, application, analysis and judging ability. Generally speaking, a relation exists in each item within testlet. In the recent years, testlet is an usual type in the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School. Moreover, current all definitions of discrimination index are only focusing on the single item. When these definitions are applied to analyze the discrimination index of testlet directly, not only the discrimination index of testlet can not be calculated but the relation between items within testlet will be neglected. Furthermore, due to the lack of the discrimination index study on testlet, this thesis investigates the discrimination index of testlet by regression analysis with the view point of multiple correlation coefficient and provides a new direction for the following study. This thesis is investigating the discrimination index of independent items, and this result is applied to testlet. For individual items, this study proves that point-biserial correlation is a special case of correlation coefficient. For testlet, after data collection, this study calculates the discrimination index of testlet itself by regression analysis. In the meantime, for investigating the contribution of the discrimination index of testlet of item within testlet which is getting rid of the influence of the previous items in the same testlet, this study proposes a new concept of “net score” and “net discrimination”. First, this study finds the close relation between the discrimination index of testlet and item within testlet. Second, this study states how to find the “net” discrimination index of item within testlet is remarkable or not by statistics. Finally, this study takes the English test items of the First Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students in 2010 as example to calculate their discrimination index of individual item, testlet, item with testlet, and the net discrimination index of item within testlet, separately, by the deduced formula. A comparison and analysis between this and related study also have been taken into process in this study.

模糊資料之相關係數研究及其應用 / Evaluating Correlation Coefficient with Fuzzy Data and Its Applications

楊志清, Yang, Chih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於人類對自然現象、社會現象或經濟現象的認知意識逐漸產生多元化的研判與詮釋,也因此致使人類思維數據化的概念已逐漸廣泛的被應用,對數據分析已從傳統以單一數值或平均值的分析作法,演變為考量多元化數值的分析作為。有鑑於此,在數據資料具備「模糊性」特質的現今,藉由模糊區間的演算方法,進一步探討之間的關係。 傳統的統計分析,對於兩變數間線性關係的強度判斷,一般是藉由皮爾森相關係數(Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient)的方法予以衡量,同時也可以經由係數的正、負符號判斷變數間的關係方向。然而,在現實生活中無論是環境資料或社會經濟資料等,均可能以模糊的資料型態被蒐集,如果當資料型態係屬於模糊性質時,將無法透過皮爾森相關係數的方法計算。 因此,本研究欲研擬一個較簡而易懂的方法,計算模糊區間資料的相關係數,據以呈現兩組模糊區間資料的相互影響程度。此外,若時間性之模糊區間資料被蒐集之際,我們亦提出利用中心點與長度之模糊自相關係數(ACF with the Fuzzy Data of Center and Length;簡稱CLACF)及模糊區間資料之自相關函數(ACF with Fuzzy Interval Data;簡稱FIACF)的方法,探討時間性模糊資料的自相關係數予以衡量。 / The classical Pearson’s correlation coefficient has been widely adopted in various fields of application. However, when the data are composed of fuzzy interval values, it is not feasible to use such a traditional approach to evaluate the correlation coefficient. In this study, we propose the specific calculation of fuzzy interval correlation coefficient with fuzzy interval data to measure the relationship between various stocks. In addition, in time series analysis, the auto-correlation function (ACF) can evaluate the effect of stationary for time series data. However, as the fuzzy interval data could be occurred, then the classical time series analysis will be not applied. In this paper, we proposed two approaches, ACF with the fuzzy data of center and length (CLACF) and ACF with fuzzy interval data (FIACF), to calculate the auto-correlation coefficient for fuzzy interval data, and use the scheme of Mote Carlo simulation to illustrate the effect of evaluation methods. Finally, we offer empirical study to indentify the performance of CLACF and FIACF which may measure the effect of lagged period of fuzzy interval data for daily price (low, high) of the Centralized Securities Trading Market and the result show that the effect of evaluation lagged period via CLACF and FIACF may response the effect more easily than classical evaluation of ACF for the close price of Centralized Securities Trading Market.

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