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購物網站個人化設計的眼動分析 / Personalized Shopping Websites:An Eye Tracking Analysis邱靖婷, Chiu, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用眼動儀器與神經科學的分析方式,探討網站設計時運用虛擬替身與個人化推薦而設計出不同的個人化購物網站,是否會影響使用者對網站親密度與產品購買意願上有不同感受。研究問題共有三個:1.網站個人化設計對網站親密度的影響程度。2.網站個人化設計對於產品購買意願的影響程度。3.使用者是否會注意到網站的個人化設計。研究結果發現個人化推薦會對網站親密度及購買意願產生正向影響,而虛擬替身則只會對親密感產生正面的影響。虛擬替身及個人化推薦都會提高消費者的對該區域的首次瀏覽時間。 / The purpose of this study is to use eye tracking analysis to investigate whether different designs of shopping websites using personalization and avatar will influence users’ website intimacy and product buying attention. First, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and website intimacy. Second, we want to know the relationship between personalized design and product buying attention. The last one is whether users pay attention to personalized designs on websites. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of personalized recommendation and avatar. The results indicate that personalization had positive impacts on users’ perceived intimacy, and users’ total gaze duration has positive effects on both website intimacy and product buying attention.
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電子商務網頁版面配置與瀏覽動線之關係研究─以Yahoo!奇摩購物中心、PChome線上購物、GOHAPPY線上快樂購網站為例 / The study on the relationship between the E-commerce web page layout and eye movement- Cases of the Yahoo! Kimo Shopping Center、PChome Online Store and Gohappy eStore黃毓芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國內三大電子商務網站之商品展示頁面的版面配置與瀏覽動線之間的關係,藉由眼動追蹤儀器實驗(Eye Movement Tracking)及專家訪談的結果,歸納出最後的結論與建議方向,並作為未來實務界在設計與規劃電子商務網站時的參考依據。
而實驗二的部份,則是測試商品的版面配置情形。主要是操弄三家網站之不同的商品配置特性,測試不同的商品配置特性對使用者的視覺焦點(Fixation Count)與停留時間(Fixation Time)所產生的變化,試圖瞭解何種商品配置最吸引使用者的目光,讓使用者停留更多的瀏覽時間。
並透過專家訪談法,瞭解業界資深的網頁設計師及網站規劃者他們對於電子商務網站之商品展示頁的版面配置與使用者瀏覽動線的看法與建議,以及在規劃及設計自家電子商務網站時的構思想法,最後將訪談資料以內容分析法予以歸納分析,供業界在執行電子商務網站實務設計時之參考依據。 / This study aims to investigate the relationship between the layout and browsing routes for merchandise display pages on Taiwan’s three major e-commerce websites, as ascertained by results from eye tracking experiments and expert interviews. The study offers some overall conclusions and suggestions which may serve as a reference for future practices in designing and implementing e-commence websites.
The experiment was divided into two stages, and included 23 participants whose viewing behavior was recorded; the effective sample pool was 20. The objective of the first test was to examine the merchandise viewing efficacy rendered by these three e-commerce websites. Through this experiment, the website with the merchandise page setup and browsing routes which enabled users to locate their desired merchandise in the shortest time was determined, as well as the samples’ visual fixation distributions and durations.
In the second experiment, merchandise page layouts were tested. Different arrangement schemes of merchandise displayed by these same three websites were manipulated to test the effects they have on user eye fixation count and fixation time, in an attempt to understand what type of merchandise display arrangement scheme draws the most attention from viewers and encourages them to spend more viewing time.
Expert interviews provided insights and suggestions from skilled web page designers and website builders regarding their perspectives on merchandise display page arrangement and user browsing routes, and in particular, the concepts employed when building their own e-commerce websites. Finally, interview data is introduced and analyzed using content analysis methodology, which may serve as a reference for e-commerce website design practices.
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聽其所見,觀其所聞:以眼動探討口語與場景互動的跨感官理解歷程 / Look while listeng : using eye movements to investigate the interaction between spoken language and visual scene during cross-modal comprehension游婉雲, Yu, Wan-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本論文的實驗證據支持互動取徑觀點。換言之,在跨感官理解的過程中,人類認知運作可透過協調語言、視覺和記憶等次系統,快速整合口語和場景所提供的物理和語義表徵,並依據當下情境動態地改變人類對外在世界的感官經驗。 / In human communication and language use, both speech and scene constitute the cross-modal comprehension process. However, how these two elements combine to affect human comprehension process has not yet been fully resolved. Four research questions will be examined. First, two approaches can account for the comprehension process: the hierarchical approach asserts speech plays the main part whereas the visual feature has only a supporting role, while the interactive approach states that
both speech and visual feature combine to determine the comprehension process. Second, despite the speech can cause the spoken reference effect on having more fixations on its visual referent, the nature of this effect is still unclear. Third, most past studies adopted simple object array as visual context, little is known about the impact of real world scenes on the comprehension process. Fourth, whether the preview time could alter the influence of speech and scene on comprehension will be tested.
A series of visual world paradigm experiments were conducted. Factors of task demand (speech comprehension vs. scene comprehension) and preview time (1-second vs. none) were orthogonally manipulated in four experiments. In each trial, participants listened to a spoken sentence in Chinese while viewing a picture with two critical objects: one is the mentioned target object (e.g., tiger), which was embedded in either a consistent, inconsistent or blank background; the other is an unmentioned non-target object (e.g., eagle) that was always consistent with its background.
Several findings were found. First, the reliable spoken reference effect were shown regardless of the task demand was given. Second, the visual complexity and scene consistency not only can individually guide fixations on objects, but can work together with the speech to determine the visual attention during comprehension. Third, task demand could differently modulate the spoken reference and scene consistency effect, respectively. Fourth, preview time significantly enhances the spoken reference effect in the speech comprehension task, whereas no impact was observed in the scene comprehension task. These evidence supported the view of interactive approach. In conclusion, human’s different cognitive systems, including language, vision and memory, can interact with each other and cause the moment to moment experience of how we understand the complex world around us.
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從眼動控制探討中文閱讀的訊息處理歷程:應用眼動誘發呈現技術之系列研究 / The reading processing of eye movements in Chinese: Serial studies with eye movement contingent display technique.蔡介立, Jie-Li Tsai Unknown Date (has links)
在閱讀文句的過程中,隨著文字內容的不同語言特性,眼睛凝視位置與時間也會有所不同;而使用眼動儀(eye tracker)可以精確記錄眼睛凝視的位置和停留時間,研究者可藉此瞭解閱讀歷程中不同的訊息處理機制。此外,眼動誘發呈現(eye movement contingent display)技術精確且快速的刺激呈現控制,能根據眼球凝視的位置,在特定時間與特定位置立即更換螢幕呈現的文字,如此對於閱讀歷程中訊息處理的動態運作,能夠提供更準確的掌握。實驗一以移動視窗的方式,測量中文閱讀的知覺廣度,發現眼睛每次凝視能知覺並處理的文字範圍,包括凝視點及右側四個中文字。實驗二亦採用移動視窗的方式,並操弄視窗週邊文字遮蔽的時間,發現週邊文字在凝視開始的90毫秒內即被提取;週邊文字遮蔽時間的長短不會影響凝視時間,而是影響在下個凝視點訊息整合之凝視時間。實驗三以邊界技術的方式,探討週邊文字被提取的特性,操弄預視字與目標字在字形與字音的相似或相異;結果顯示在一定的條件下,能獲得字音訊息在早期階段被提取之證據,而字形訊息在整合不同訊息的階段產生明顯的影響。實驗四則以快速促發作業的方式,探討凝視位置促發字的文字特性對目標字訊息整合的影響;結果顯示促發字呈現時間較短的情況下,字音效果只在形異的情況下產生,同樣獲得字音訊息在早期階段被提取之證據。本論文應用所發展的眼動誘發呈現技術進行一系列實驗,分別就中文閱讀的知覺廣度、凝視點對於週邊訊息之處理時序、以及週邊與凝視點位置對文字提取之特性和訊息整合機制加以探討,藉此推論中文閱讀時眼動所引發的動態文字處理歷程。
第一章 眼球運動與閱讀歷程的關係 I
第二章 閱讀的眼動控制之運作與影響因素 10
第三章 中文閱讀的眼動研究回顧 20
研究目的 30
第四章 眼動誘發呈現技術的發展 31
第五章 中文閱讀的知覺廣度與呈現改變的影響 34
實驗一 39
第六章 凝視點對週邊訊息的提取時間 45
實驗二 48
第七章 凝視點對週邊文字提取的特性 54
實驗三 55
第八章 凝視點上文字的語音提取 62
實驗四A 64
實驗四B 65
綜合討論 68
參考文獻 76
附錄一:實驗一與實驗二使用的文章材料 109
附錄二:實驗三與實驗四的句子與操弄單字 113 / In the process of reading, the location and duration of eye fixations varied accroding the language properties of the text. Using the eye tracker nowdays, it precisely records the location and fixation duration of eye movements. That gives an opportunity to understand the cognitive operations of reading. Furthermore, the eye movement contingent display technique is capable to change the display with both the speed and precision. It changes the text on the computer screen at specific location and time, according the location where the eyes are fixating. This advanced technique provides the possibility to explore the nature of dynamic processing of reading. Experiment One uses the moving window paradigm to measure the perceptual span of Chinese reading. It showed that the range of perceived characters in reading includes four characters to the right of fixations. Experiment Two also uses the moving window paradigm but the time of showing "window" is varied. It showed that the characters in peripheral were perceived within 90 msec in the beginning of fixations. The time to mask the peripheral text did not affect the fixation duration of display change, but the time of next fixation. Experiment Three uses the boundary paradigm to show the type of character information can be retrieved in peripheral and integrated with the information on the next fixation. It showed the phonological code can be retrieved in peripheral, but the orthographic code is dominated when integrating information across fixations. Experiment Four uses the fast priming paradigm to show the type of information can be retrieved on fixations. It showed the same pattern for both the third and forth experiment. The phonological effect can be obtained under certain circumstances, when the availability or validity of orthographic information is reduced. The dynamic processing of eye movements in reading and a general model for cognitive operation are discussed.
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語境預測力對中文一詞多義處理歷程的影響:文句閱讀的眼動研究 / The influence of contextual predictability on processing Chinese polysemy: Eye movement experiments of sentence reading高佩如, Kao, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本論文進行兩個眼動實驗,探討語境及多義特性在一詞多義處理歷程中扮演的角色。Frazier與Rayner(1990)認為一詞多義由於詞義間有重疊的語義屬性(sense overlap),因此處理詞義之初,會先以部分語義(partial specification)來理解,不需立即進行完整詞義的解讀,支持部分語義解讀假設(Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis)。在Frisson 與Pickering(2001)所提出詞義未定模型(Underspecification Model)中,進一步說明語境在一詞多義中扮演的角色,認為一詞多義的語義提取會先以未定意義(underspecified meaning)解釋,在語義提取完畢後,語境才會介入詞義的選擇。本論文操弄語境導引和詞義重疊性,來探討一詞多義的詞義提取與選擇歷程。實驗一操弄句子中目標詞的語境預測力(可預測語境vs.不可預測語境)與詞義數量(單詞義vs.多詞義),記錄並分析目標詞與目標詞後區域的凝視時間。結果顯示:目標詞上的凝視時間多詞義顯著短於單詞義,支持部分語義解讀假設。然而,實驗一在目標詞後區域並未看到多詞義因延遲語義解讀(delayed semantic commitments)而造成抑制或競爭效果。實驗二就此現象與「一詞多義本身的詞義重疊程度」與「語境對一詞多義有無發生語義解讀的必要性」進行進一步探討。實驗二(同實驗一)操弄目標詞的語境預測力,與詞義的重疊程度(單義詞vs.中度詞義重疊vs.高度詞義重疊),並控制語境偏向次要詞義的情形。結果顯示:目標詞上的晚期眼動指標在中度詞義重疊(中vs.單)與高度詞義重疊(高vs.單)皆看到與語境預測力發生交互作用,顯示語境預測力的影響在晚期階段發生;目標詞後區域觀察到中度與高度詞義重疊(中vs.單;高vs.單)皆在不可預測語境下發生詞義抑制效果,符合詞義未定模型預期之延遲語義解讀效果,並在目標詞晚期眼動指標看到中度詞義重疊效果與高度詞義重疊效果(單-中 vs. 單-高)受語境影響有不同的效果,顯示詞義重疊會影響詞義選擇的必要性。總結本論文的結果:首先,一詞多義的語義提取符合部分語義解讀的假設,而語境介入的影響支持詞義未定模型的看法,即語境在語義提取之初並未介入影響,在語義未定的情況下,若語境內容有進行語義解讀之必要時,則會發生延遲語義解讀。其次,詞義的促進效果與一詞多義的詞義數量多寡有關,詞義數量減少時,詞義促進效果也隨之消失。最後,當語境偏向一詞多義的次要詞義時,延遲語義效果才會發生。 / This thesis conducted two eye movement experiments with the aim to investigate the role of context and multi-sense feature in processing polysemy. Frazier and Rayner (1990) suggested that, at the beginning of semantic processing, polysemy is comprehended with partial specification. There is no immediate need to process the complete word sense due to the sense overlap between senses. This viewpoint supports the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis. In Frisson and Pickering’s (2001) Underspecification Model, further elaboration were made on the role of context in the process of retrieving and selecting one of the word senses of a polysemy. The sense that is first retrieved from a polysemy is considered to be an underspecified meaning. It is after the semantic retrieval is finished that context is involved in selecting a word sense. This thesis manipulated context guidance and sense overlap, to further research on processing polysemy in terms of word sense retrieval and selection.
Experiment One manipulated contextual predictability (predictable context vs. unpredictable context) and number of senses (one-sense, monosemy vs. many-sense, polysemy) of the target words in sentences. Fixation times of the target words and post-target areas were recorded and analyzed. Results showed that the fixation times on target words were significantly shorter for polysemy than for monosemy, supporting the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis. However, in Experiment One, there is no inhibitory or competitive effect on the post-target area, indicating that there is no effect of delayed semantic commitments while comprehending polysemy. In Experiment Two, we further investigated how this phenomenon is connected with the degree of sense overlap and whether context is necessary to activate semantic commitment for polysemy. Contextual predictability of target words and the degree of sense overlap (monosemy vs. moderate-sense-overlap vs. high-sense-overlap) were manipulated, with the former designed as in Experiment One. Specifically, the context was controlled to bias toward the subordinate sense. The results showed that there were interactions of sense overlap degree (both moderate-sense-overlap vs. monosemy and high-sense-overlap vs. monosemy) and contextual predictability on target words for later-stage indices. This suggests that contextual predictability effects at later stages. On the post-target areas, there were inhibitory effects found for moderate-sense-overlap vs. monosemy and for high-sense-overlap when the context is unpredictable. This finding supports the delayed effect of semantic commitments in the Underspecification Model. Moreover, effects of sense overlap (polysemy-moderate vs. polysemy-high) were modulated by contextual predictability on target words for later-stage processing, showing that sense overlap affects the necessity of semantic commitments.
In conclusion, the semantic retrieval of polysemy can be best explained by the Immediate Partial Interpretation Hypothesis and the involvement of contextual constraint supports the Underspecification Model. That is, context does not affect the beginning phase of semantic retrieval. Since the senses are underspecified, delayed semantic commitment occurs if it is necessary to make semantic commitment in the context. Furthermore, the facilitation of senses is related to the number of a polysemy’s senses. As number of senses decreases, facilitation of senses wanes and disappears. Finally, delayed semantic commitment occurs only when the context biases towards a subordinate sense of the polysemy.
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教學影片講解順序對初學者網球正拍動作偵測錯誤能力的影響 / The Effect of Instructive Content Sequence of Tennis Forehand Teaching Videos on Error Detection Performance陳仲殊, Chen Chung-Su January 1900 (has links)
資訊的進步讓學習者可透過多媒體進行動作學習,有偵測錯誤能力才能在無指導者的狀況下進行自我調整。本研究目的為探討多媒體教學影片講解順序對於學習者錯誤偵測能力的影響。研究對象為四年制大專學生,且無網球或其他持拍類運動背景60名 (男:33位;女:27位;年齡:22.0±1.0)。研究中預先設計A、B兩段網球正拍教學影片,A.先講解身體重心後講解球拍軌跡,以及B.先講解球拍軌跡後講解身體重心,實驗進行前參與者隨機觀看教學影片,建立認知基模,進行實驗時使用SMI 公司的RED遠距測量眼動儀,捕捉參與者偵測初學者網球正拍動作時的凝視軌跡,並以手機錄音的方式紀錄參與者口述偵測的錯誤,所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定處理分析 (α=.05)。結果顯示:1. 觀看不同順序的參與者凝視初學者正拍動作的視覺分配不同,其中手臂、軀幹的AOI達顯著差異;2. 分期階段的拉拍期手臂與軀幹的AOI達顯著差異;3. 擊球期與完成期則皆只有手臂AOI達顯著差異;4. 偵測錯誤結果上觀看A教學影片的參與者偵測較多錯誤,結果也達顯著差異。本研究結果發現不同順序教學影片對參與者偵測錯誤的視覺軌跡或能力皆有影響,建議未來網球正拍教學過程先給予身體重心的重點,將有利於學習者偵測錯誤能力提昇。 / The advent of information technology made learning motor skill through multimedia possible and error-detection ability is essential to self-regulate learning under no instructor condition. In order to study the effect of multimedia instructional video content sequence to the learner’s error-detection ability, this research used sixty (male:33; female:27; age: 22.0±1.0 yrs old) four-years university students with no tennis or racket sports experience as subjects. Two demonstration videos were designed: A: explain body Center of Gravity (CG) first follow by racket trajectory; B: explain racket trajectory first follow by body CG. Participants were randomly assigned to watch the videos to build-up their cognitive schema. The SMI RED remote eye tracker is used to capture participant’s gaze trajectory when watching the beginner’s Tennis forehand drive motion. A cellphone is used to record the participant’s dictation of detection of errors. Data gathered were analysed with independent t-test (α=.05). The results indicate that: 1. participants watching different video content sequence allocate their visual distribution differently, with the arm and truck AOI significantly different; 2. The AOI of arm and truck in backswing stage were significantly different; 3. In waving and follow through stage only the arm AOI exhibit significant difference. 4. In error-detection, watching the A instructional video group exhibit significant error-detection results. The results indicate instructional video content sequence affect the learner’s error-detection visual trajectory and ability. The author suggests that emphasize on body CG in tennis forehand drive instruction process can be favourable to the error-detection ability. / 第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍與限制 2
第四節 操作性定義 3
第貳章 文獻探討 6
第一節 多媒體與學習理論 7
第二節 動作學習理論 14
第三節 眼動與運動相關研究 22
第四節 網球正拍動作 25
第五節 本章總結 27
第參章 研究方法 28
第一節 研究架構 28
第二節 研究對象 29
第三節 實驗時間與地點 29
第四節 教學影片與實驗素材 30
第五節 實驗儀器 32
第六節 場地布置 33
第七節 實驗步驟 34
第八節 收集資料與處理方法 40
第九節 統計分析方法 42
第十節 預備實驗 43
第肆章 結果與討論 45
第一節 凝視AOI區域分佈 46
第二節 偵測錯誤語音資料 51
第三節 偵測錯誤凝視順序 54
第四節 綜合討論 55
第伍章 結論與建議 58
第一節 結論 58
第二節 建議 58
參考文獻 60
附件一 正拍動作技術檢核表 67
附件二 人體研究倫理委員會通過證明 68
附件三 受試者同意書 69
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再探語意預視效應:中文雙字詞處理 / Revisiting Semantic Preview Benefit: Evidence from Processing of Chinese Two-Character Words李孟璋, Li, Bing Tsiong Unknown Date (has links)
實驗一旨在檢視雙字詞的語意資訊是否能和單字一樣,在被凝視之前即被提取。本實驗採用邊界典範(Boundary paradigm, Rayner, 1975),除了目標詞預視(identical preview)之外,本實驗亦包含語意相關預視(semantic-related preview)、語意無關預視(semantic-unrelated preview)及非詞預視(nonword preview)。實驗發現語意相關預視能促進目標詞的處理。然而和預視空間(preview space)及預視時間(preview time)的交互作用則顯示語意預視效益(benefit)在預視空間較大的時候會隨著預視時間拉長而增加,在預視空間較小的時候,則會隨著預視時間漸減。
在實驗一中,語意關聯性的高低和該詞合理性(plausibility)的高低是共變的,因此這兩個要素構成一個混淆的因子。語意相關預視和語意無關預視之間的效果有可能來自語意關聯性的差異,或是來自在句中合理性的差異。合理性同時也能解釋在為何在實驗一中,不合理的語意無關預視在目標前詞(pretarget)上造成較短的閱讀時間。為了解決這項混淆的因子,實驗二因此採用對目標詞預視、語意相關預視、及語意無關預視都合理的句子。結果發現,語意預視的主要效果消失。然而交互作用的模式則顯示出,語意預視效益在較長的預視時間、較大的預視空間下仍會存在。但在較小的預視空間下,會隨著較長的預視時間而轉為耗損(cost)。實驗二的結果因此提供證據支持在沒有合理性的交互作用下,中文雙字詞的語意預視效應仍會發生。最後,兩個實驗的差異顯示在中文閱讀中存在合理性的預視效益,此結論和之前中文閱讀的研究結果一致。 / The present study investigates the early semantic processing of Chinese two-character words by Chinese readers. Specifically, whether Chinese readers are able to extract semantic information of an up-coming two-character compound as a whole when the word is yet being fixated. In Chinese, it has been demonstrated that semantic information can be extracted from a single character, whether it is a word or part of a word, before the character is being fixated. There is also evidence for whole word processing of foveally presented two-character compounds/words. Since two-character words actually constitute the majority of word type and are used most frequently in total, the time course of processing the meaning of such combination of characters during reading is then the goal of this study.
The first experiment aimed to examine whether semantic information of a two-character word can be extracted before it is fixated, as what have been found for single characters. Boundary paradigm (Rayner, 1975) was used, with identical, semantic-related, and semantic-unrelated words, as well as nonwords as preview. Semantic-related preview did facilitate target word processing. The interaction pattern of the effects with preview space and preview time, however, showed that semantic preview benefit could increase with preview time with small preview space, but decrease with preview time under large preview space.
A possible confounding factor in the first experiment was the overlap between semantic relatedness and plausibility. The effect between semantic-related and semantic-unrelated previews could be of semantic or plausibility nature. Plausibility may also explain the shortened fixation duration found in Experiment 1 when implausible semantic-unrelated preview was presented parafoveally. Experiment 2 then solved this confounding by using sentence frames which are plausible for identical, semantic-related, and semantic-unrelated previews. In Experiment 2, main effect of semantic preview benefit disappeared, while the interaction patterns showed that such benefit existed for large preview space with long preview time, but became cost for small preview space with long preview time. The results of Experiment 2 thus provide evidence for semantic preview effect of Chinese two-character words without the interaction with plausibility. Finally, the discrepancies between the two experiments indicate the existence of plausibility preview benefit, which previous studies have suggested to exist in Chinese.
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對於閱讀的感興趣程度與眼動特徵關係之研究 / The Research on the Relationship between Interesting Degree of Reading and Eye Movement Features王加元, Wang, Jia Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
現在有許多對於眼動軌跡與人在認知方面的研究,包括理解狀態以及感興趣的程度;其中,閱讀文章時的眼動軌跡是最常被討論及研究的題材。而本研究的目的就是希望探討讀者在閱讀時的眼動軌跡,與其感興趣程度之間是否存在關係。 / 本研究的特色在於,我們不用一般分析眼動時關心每個AOI(area of interest)上的眼動資料,而是希望將眼動資料以序列的方式分析,並且運用資料探勘的方法,找出眼動序列中區分感興趣程度的眼動軌跡特徵的片段。 / 透過對於眼動軌跡的分析,我們希望研究的結果,在未來可以運用在資訊檢索的領域上,成為一種有效的「隱含式回饋(implicit feedback)」的方式,以改善現有資訊檢索效能。 / Much research has been performed on the relationship between eye movements and human cognition, including comprehension and interesting degree. The purpose of our research is to find out if there are relationships between eye movements of reading and interesting degree. / Instead of analyzing the eye movements on each area of interest, the characteristic of our research is to transform eye movements to sequence data, and to determine the eye movement patterns which discriminate whether user is interesting or not by using the method of data mining. / Through the analysis of the eye movements, our research result can be used as one way of implicit feedback of information retrieval to improve the effectiveness of the search engine.
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電視功能選單圖形介面呈現形式之探討游鳳怡 Unknown Date (has links)
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語意在句法處理中的角色:中文關係子句的眼動閱讀研究 / The role of semantics in syntactic processing: eye-tracking experiments of reading chinese relative clauses呂翠屏, Lu, Tsui Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文以兩個眼動閱讀實驗探討語意訊息 (semantic cues) 和句法訊息 (syntactic cues) 如何在中文關係子句的處理中運作及交互作用。實驗一旨在研究兩種動詞與論元之間的合理性關係 (plausibility) 是否會影響讀者理解不同結構的關係子句。結果顯示,當兩個論元都是合理施事者 (agent) 時,論旨角色的指派 (thematic roles) 有歧義,較難理解;而當只有一個論元是合理的施事者時,讀者趨向指派正確的論旨角色,且較快整合句法上的困難。此外,因中文句法結構特殊,讀者在關係詞之前就處理主語關係子句 (subject relative clauses) 的歧義,在主要動詞上則會遇到賓語關係子句 (object relative clauses) 的理解困難。此發現解決了Hsiao & Gibson (2003) 和 Lin (2006) 的歧見,證明中文讀者在不同位置會遇到不一樣的困難。實驗二所關注的語意訊息為論元的生命性 (animacy),關係子句中的兩個論元分屬有生命的 (animate) 及無生命的 (inanimate) 名詞。結果發現論旨角色的指派和生命性相互關聯,有生命性的論元較傾向當施事者,而無生命的論元傾向當受事者。讀者仍在關係詞之前遇到主語關係子句的理解困難,但在主要動詞,讀者主要依循生命性的引導來指派論旨角色,句法訊息的影響並不顯著。因此語意訊息在中文的語句處理扮演重要的角色,結果大致上與Traxler (2002)的研究相符。讀者同時受到當下的句法訊息以及語意訊息影響,在不同的位置會遇到不一樣的歧義性,而產生花園路徑效果 (garden-path effect)。 / Two eye movement experiments were conducted to investigate how semantic cues and syntactic structural cues function and interact in Mandarin Chinese relative clause (RC) processing. Mandarin Chinese is unique in combining head-final RCs with a VO basic order (Dryer, 1992, 2003) and also in relying solely on word order as structural cues, without case marking or agreement. However, Mandarin Chinese still preserves flexibility in word order that is motivated by pragmatics. Semantic cues, including the plausibility of the argument-verb relation and argument animacy within RCs, may be crucial to sentence processing in Mandarin Chinese.
Experiment 1 aims to examine whether the meaning of the verb allowing only one of the two animate arguments to be a plausible agent may lead to reduction of ORC difficulty (cf. Traxler, 2002). The results showed that the plausibility effects were robust at the head noun and the main verb. A bias of thematic role assignment in the irreversible relation leads readers to correct interpretations, while the reversible relation does not elicit such a bias. The results also solved the discrepancy between the two previous studies (Hsiao and Gibson, 2003 & Lin, 2006) by unveiling a dynamic process in which readers encounter diverse ambiguities at different positions for different structures. Chinese readers disambiguate SRCs earlier due to their non-canonical word order and have trouble integrating the main verb in ORCs owing to perspective shifting. The interaction between plausibility and RC type on re-reading rate suggested that plausibility cues were used to solve syntactic ambiguity.
Experiment 2 manipulated contrastive argument animacy in order to investigate whether thematic role assignment correlates with animacy. The results confirmed the hypothesis that while animate entities bias towards agent roles, inanimate ones incline towards patient roles (c.f., Valin & LaPolla, 1997). Besides, inanimate entities are conceptually less accessible than animate ones. Contrastive animacy shows its impact on syntactic processing with robust interactions at different positions.
The findings of interactions between semantic cues and RC types in two experiments suggest that semantic cues play an important role in Chinese relative clause processing. Semantic plausibility and argument animacy can influence the process of thematic role assignment. The semantic cues that accord with the biases of thematic role assignment then would ease the syntactic ambiguities. Not only syntactic cues but also semantic cues are utilized by readers in sentence comprehension. In this thesis, the eye movement data provide clear evidence indicating that readers solve various temporary ambiguities syntactically and semantically at different positions of the sentence with relative clauses.
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