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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

超大規模集成電路研究所在印度的情況訓練 / VLSI Training Institute in Indian Context

巴堅卓, Gajendra Bahadur Singh Unknown Date (has links)
超大規模集成電路研究所在印度的情況訓練 / Today India is a big power house when we consider software industry and Knowledge process outsourcing and paints a very bright picture of Indian education in general. But there is one technology field where we cannot be so sure about Indian dominance. And that field is hardware engineering and VLSI design. Indian education system has inherently has one problem of being tightly governed by government policies and any changes in the course curriculum needs to be approved by lengthy government process. This eventually leads to outdates technical courses and fresh graduates without any actual sense of requirements in Industry most of the times. This gap in quality of fresh graduates and industry demands lead us to start going into VLSI training business. Our ambition is to bridge the gap of demand and supply in terms of quality of fresh Indian graduates in hardware and VLSI domain. “HINIQ” the VLSI training institute in Coimbatore will be our first training institute and once we establish it successfully we will branch out to other cities replicating its success.

當代中國學在臺灣:政治大學東亞研究所的肇基與嬗遞(1968-2015) / Contemporary China Studies in Taiwan: the Development and Change of Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies of National Chengchi University1968-2015

褚填正 Unknown Date (has links)


劉江抱, Liu, Jiang-Bao Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討我國會計研究所碩士教育現況及其畢業生工作滿足情形其結構摘要如 下: 第一章說明研究目的、研究問題與假設、研究限制及研究架構。 第二章敘述我國會計研究所碩士教育概況, 強調會計研究所在會計學術研究及會計專 業發展上之領導地位, 包括其成立背景、教育目標、課程、師資、教學方法與態度及 歷屆之碩士論文內容分類等。 第三章探討有關工作滿足之文獻, 就工作滿足之起源、發展、意義、衡量量表、理論 基礎及其相關因素, 分別加以介紹, 以明其義, 俾作為嗣後分析之依據。 第四章敘述本論文之研究方法, 包括研究對象、問卷設計、施測程序、衡量工具及分 析方法等。 第五章為結果與討論, 乃將實際調查所得資料, 依前述方法予以分析, 列述其結果 , 並討論之。主要分教育評價與工作滿足兩部份。 第六章檢討與建議

日治時期臺灣防疫體制下的預防接種與人事變遷 / The Vaccination and Fluctuation of the Epidemic Preventive Infrastructure in Japan-ruled Taiwan

沈佳姍, Shen chia san Unknown Date (has links)
本論文運用史學、統計與GIS繪圖法,自表至裏,自應用至體制,再至緣由,論述1895~1945年50年間臺灣預防接種史之開展、歷程與引發原因。論證臺灣人用疫苗發展歷史超過百年;日治時期臺灣住民已廣泛接種多量疫苗;臺灣諸免疫界變革不可忽視日本人事體制。 全文首先以法定之傳染病為例,論證疫苗在臺灣民間應用之普遍。首先論述最早在臺灣實施,作為全民接種開始,且採皮上切種之天花種痘,其官方制度演變、於民間推展方法、技術變革與臺日差距(少),以及從統計面所見之臺灣高接種率(社會高免疫力)、低天花感染率和死亡率,和1900年代一遇疫情風聲,即立刻實行臨時接種或擴大定期接種之防疫定制。其次論述血清型疾病預防注射。如1900年鼠疫接種,是臺灣最早由官方執行較大規模針式\侵入性皮下預防注射之始。但1904年後因花費金額高、人體副作用大而少在臺灣實施。再如霍亂,1902年臺灣已應用霍亂血清,1916年較大規模實施\實驗,1919~1920年國際霍亂大流行更極力推廣,兩年間,每年各有百餘萬人接種,是各地臺灣人普遍認識和接種預防注射針之始。1918~1920年流行性感冒,確切菌種和傳染原因等等均未知;但當第二波疫情較集中且嚴重時,官方已鼓勵配合副致死病因如肺炎球菌等,實施預防注射,與今日流感疫苗類似。其後,對霍亂或流感使用預防接種之防疫法,終日治結束均為常例。又如流行性腦脊髓膜炎,自1917年臺灣出現購買疫苗案例後,該疫苗自1920年代起即大量應用,1930年代後之接種人數更屢以十萬或百萬為單位。而臺灣1935年前所謂流行性腦炎或腦炎,常是指流行性腦脊髓膜炎;流行性腦炎或腦炎預防接種,實際指流行性腦脊髓膜炎接種。以上各種疫苗大量應用,至約1920年代已形成官方一遇疫情即立刻接種地積極、強力防疫定制,亦影響臺灣該等傳染病感染率和患者死亡率,以及官民對上述傳染病恐懼態度轉變。 繼應用面,本文次論人事、體制之制度面發展。首先,臺灣在1902~1905年,先後出現在臺灣設置血清藥院聲音、鼓勵細菌血清學研究、設置牛疫血清作業所、起議在臺實施全新生兒種痘和創設中央科學研究所。1916年開始製販血清疫苗,擇製本島常見菌種、強調「賣捌」非「販賣」,此後製品種類陸續增加。臺製疫苗亦供應沖繩和中國等等臺灣以外地區。1922年起,臺灣不再製造牛疫血清,改由朝鮮提供防疫之常備用品;1939年士林廠房完工,臺灣開始製造乾燥和精緻血清疫苗。另就中央衛生部人事和業績比較,細菌血清類研究和專任人力常多居各研究單位之首,1920年代達高峰;1930年代研究比重雖看似降低,然其負責人員數量、製劑內容和販賣數量,卻更深刻且快速進展,故臺灣中央一直重視免疫醫學或細菌學研究。而使臺灣於各階段發生細菌學興起、開始製販血清疫苗、研製機構體制和製品製程改變原因,首先,使細菌學、免疫學和血清研製機構在臺展開,首須歸因後藤新平和高木友枝等臺灣首長個人意識,以及其背後穩固之內務省衛生局(行政)、傳染病研究所(技術)和眾議會(審議)等人事資源和總體意向,並因人際網絡使臺灣得參酌美國作法。1916年臺灣開始製販血清疫苗,源自1914年傳研移管;擇製某類型製劑且限定專賣,則為前期人事派系延續和檢定制度便宜之計。傳承人事脈絡與社會局勢,再配合新發地政治社會需求,使1920年代後期起中央研究所人事漸變化,來自地方者再回歸地方,中央日益學術、大學化。最極致表現是1936~1939年中央研究所成為臺北帝大附屬和東大傳研化。此外,臺灣與海外各血清疫苗單位有連絡互通;臺灣是日本諸外地中最早大量製販各種血清疫苗者;也是日本國境內,極少數可以帝大附屬研究所之姿製販血清疫苗者。 / The dissertation aims to use historical data a long with GIS methods to explore the vaccination prevention to certain infectious diseases in colonial Taiwan (1895 – 1945). The smallpox vaccination was the earliest vaccination has been practiced in Taiwan. The change of polices and influstructure in cowpox manufacture revealed how the vaccination adminstration transformed and shaped local society. With the cowpox vaccine popularized, the immunity was gained as well as the low infection and mortality rate after 1910s implied its effectiveness. Secondly, the plague vaccination in 1900~1904 was the first big-scale preventive injection by the Taiwan official, but rarely injected after 1904 due to the high cost and side effects. following that, the cholera serum was often used in scale in 1916 which 3 million people received injecttion during 1919~1920, a period of cholera pandemic. One effective that cholera imunizationleft was that Taiwanese strated to accept needle injection a way of vaccinated prevention. The pandemic influenza invaded Taiwan in 1918~1921but the etiology was unknown currently. As the second wave of the epidemic occurred, the authorities began to pay attention and encouraged people to take injection from indirect causes of death such as pneumococcal. This injection strategy was applied in the whole Japanese ruled era. The epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, since its vaccination reported in 1917, was larger implemented in the 1920s, then greatly practiced after the 1930s. Furthermore, the epidemic encephalitis or encephalitis named after Taiwan before 1935 usually referred to the epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Therefore, the epidemic encephalitis or encephalitis vaccination actually meant the meningococcal meningitis vaccination. In general, most implementation of vaccination appeared around 1916 progressed in 1920s and prevalently practiced after the 1930s. The police of vaccination brought down the infection and mortality rate in Taiwan a long withthe attitude of acceptance to immunization injection among people. Furthermore, Taiwan set up a professional animal serum factory and established the Central Science Institute of Taiwan Governor in 1903. In 1916, Taiwan started to make and sell serums and vaccines to the public which indicated the vaccination were already prevalent among Taiwanese. The govenemnt monopolized the sale of vaccines and the products could however offer to China and other places. In 1939, Taiwan went a step further to manufacture the dried vaccine, toxoid, and anatoxin. The phenomenon above implied various meanings. First, the promotion of bacteriology, immunology and serum in Taiwan were based on personal commitment by Gotou Shinpei (1857-1929) and Takagi Tomoe (1858-1943). With their connection to the Bureau of Sanitation of the Ministry of Interior, the Institute of Infectious Diseases (Kitazato Shibasaburou, 1853-1931), and House of Representatives, their works might link to the Rockefeller Institute which brought strong trust to the developing of bacteriology. In 1916 the attempt to produce and sell vaccine was a side-effect deriving from the domentic friction of the Institute of Infectious Diseases in 1914. It caused by the struggle of the administrative and resources, the dispute of practical and academic, and maturates of the bacteriology; lead to the essentially open to the serums and vaccines market in Japan and its foreign lands, included Taiwan. Taiwan closed to the faction of Kitazato. Soon after, the great spread of infectious diseases in 1918-1921 bright the emergency to apply and manufacture of biologics in 1920s in Japan and all of its territories. Taken the impact, the Central Research Institute of Taiwan Governor changed its infrastructure and products in the 1930s. It is worth noting that the Central Research Institute of Taiwan Governor and the Taiwan Medical Specialized School became branches of the (Taipei and Tokyo) Imperial University in 1936-1939, for the necessity of dried vaccine, toxoid, and anatoxin.

英語教學在職碩士班對高中英文老師影響之研究 / A Study on the Influence of In-svice English Teaching Graduate Programs on Senior High School English Teachers

黃素端, Huang,Su Duan Unknown Date (has links)
教師的專業發展是提昇教師品質的關鍵,它包含職前的師資教育以及在職的教師進修。在臺灣,為了倡導英文教師的終身學習,在職英語教學碩士專班在民國八十八年成立。 本研究旨在探討在職英語教學碩士班對高中英文老師的影響。研究方法包含問卷,訪談及教室觀察。問卷調查部分,所使用的問卷是研究者根據文獻及三所在職英語教學碩士專班課程內容所編製的,目的在於瞭解進修教師對於在職英語教學碩士專班對他們的專業態度,專業知能及教室實務影響的自我認知。問卷調查採全國普查,有九十八所學校回函,有效問卷為一百零九份。教室觀察的部分則對兩組教師的教學進行觀察、錄影、分析及比較。這兩組教師來自同一所高中,第一組的兩位教師有在職英語教學碩士班進修的經驗,另一組的兩位教師則無。 本研究的重要發現為: 1. 在專業態度方面,在職英語教學碩士班增強了進修教師嚐試新教學法的動機,  提高了他們的專業自信及教學熱忱,並增強了他們參與進修活動的動機。 2. 在專業知能方面,進修教師在本身的讀寫能力及語法、構詞及言談分析等語言  知識獲益最多。 3. 在教室實務方面,專業知能的充實非常有助於進修教師應用新的教學技巧於字  彙、語法、閱讀和寫作的教學,並有助於他們採用更多樣的教學資源及材料。 4. 運用進修所得知識於教學中讓具有在職英語教學碩士班進修經驗的教師在教 學上和不具此經驗的教師有所不同。 此研究結果對進修在職英語教學碩士班與改進英文教學方式之間的關係具有豐富啟示,是值得投注更多關注與研究的領域。 關鍵字: 在職進修  研究所  高中英文老師  專業態度  專業知能     教室實務 / Teachers’ professional development is the key to teacher quality. It encompasses pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher training. In Taiwan, in an effort to promote English teachers’ continual learning, in-service English teaching graduate programs were started in 1999 in place of what was called "Forty-Credit Program". This study aims to investigate the influence of the in-service English teaching graduate programs on senior high school English teachers. Three methods, questionnaire survey, interview, and classroom observation, were used. In the part of questionnaire survey, a questionnaire was designed to elicit participants’ self-perceptions of the influence the in-service English teaching graduate programs have on their professional attitudes, professional knowledge and classroom practice. Then, a general survey was conducted island-wide. Ninety-eight schools responded with 109 valid questionnaires. Follow-up phone interviews were conducted with seven willing respondents to further explore how they apply their new knowledge to their teaching. Regarding the classroom observation, two groups of English teachers from the same school participated in this part of study. In the first group were two teachers with the in-service English teaching graduate program experience while in the second group were two teachers without the experience. The teaching of one lesson conducted by the four teachers were observed, video-taped, analyzed, and compared. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with each teacher after the observational data were collected. The purpose of the interview was to know the reasons why they adopted current ways of teaching. This study has the following important findings. Firstly, in terms of professional attitudes, the in-service programs affect participants most in their motivation to try out new teaching methods, professional confidence, enthusiasm for English teaching and motivation to partake in in-service training activities. Secondly, in the aspect of knowledge about the English language, participants benefit from the programs the most in their own reading and writing ability as well as in knowledge of syntax, morphology, and discourse analysis. Thirdly, with regard to classroom practice, the enrichment of professional knowledge helps a lot in participants' application of new techniques to their instruction of vocabulary, grammatical structure, reading and writing. It also contributes to participants’ use of varieties of learning resources and materials. Lastly, the application of the new knowledge leads to the differences between teachers who have the in-service English teaching graduate program experience and those who do not. These findings have rich implications for the relationship between in-service English teaching graduate programs and the improvement of English teaching practice of senior high school English teachers, an area well worth more attention and research. Key words: in-service graduate programs senior high school English teachers professional attitudes professional knowledge classroom practice


馬戴西, Syarifah Deti Mashitah Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源發展研究所(IHRD)是由亞齊政府委託負責管理獎學金計劃的機構。該計劃的目的是為提高人力資源技能以及提高生活水平。 IHRD與台灣精英來台留學計劃辦公室(ESIT)建立了合作關係,以便計劃的順利進行。 ESIT是隸屬台灣教育部且具有代表性機構。其成立的主要是為台灣與包括印度尼西亞在內的其他東南亞國家之間提供更多必要的服務。教育在個人發展中起著重要作用。此外,教育是每個人的基本權利,是任何國家未來的關鍵。教育投資除了可以使人們擁有良好的健康,激勵自主和提供更好的就業選擇,教育資源的投資亦可以幫助建立更和諧的社會。教育不足在公共支出、犯罪、健康和經濟成長等方面產生高昂社會成本。作者主要的研究主題為這種高等教育合作關係是否可能成為讓亞齊與台灣的雙邊關係更為緊密的一個方式。在這麼做同時,作者使用了一些輔助工具,包含檢查工作績效、政策實施、IHRD與ESIT一起運行此獎學金計劃的管理系統。此外,還進行了專家案例研究,為本研究提供了深入和實務分析。該研究發現,目前獎學金計劃不僅透過給予獲獎者體驗海外留學生活機會有效增加亞齊的教育標準,還通過這個高等教育合作對亞齊和台灣之間的雙邊關係帶來了很多好處。 / Institute of Human Resource Development (IHRD) is an institution commissioned right under the Governor of Aceh to manage the scholarship program. The aim of this program is to improve the human resource skill as well as to increase the living standard. IHRD has established the cooperation with Elite Study In Taiwan (ESIT) in order to run this program well. ESIT is a representative institution under the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Its purpose is to provide necessary services for the higher cooperation which exists between Taiwan and other Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia. Education plays an importance role in one’s development. Also, education is a fundamental right for everyone and key to the future of any country. Investment in education can put people on a path towards good health, empowerment and employment as well as it can help to build more peaceful societies. Inadequate education produces high costs for society in terms of public spending, crime, health, and economic growth. The author is particularly interested to study whether or not more on this higher education cooperation may become a mean in order to tighten the bilateral relations between Aceh and Taiwan. In doing so, a secondary approach has been utilized by examining work performances, implemented policies, and administrative system of IHRD in running this scholarship program together with ESIT. In addition, an expert case study has been conducted to show case an in depth and practical analysis for this research. The study finds out that current scholarship program is not only effective to increase the education standard of Aceh by giving the awardees chance to experience to study overseas, but also bring a number of benefits toward the bilateral relationship between Aceh and Taiwan through this higher education cooperation.

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