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碳稅、所得及要素價格關係之實證研究 / Carbon tax, income and factor price傅清源, Fu, Ching-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
以經濟計量迴歸模式討論二氧化碳減量與經濟之間關係時,若就單一影響變數加以探討,容易忽略了其他經濟變數的影響,可能造成所檢定或估計之長期關係有所偏誤。在解釋現實或政策分析上,這種偏誤的估計往往導致混淆與誤導。本文的目的即是根據經濟理論,使用 Johansen 方法建立向量自我迴歸模型,再利用最大概似函數檢定 CO2 排放、所得、能源及其他要素價格變數之間的共整合關係,並得出具有經濟意義的彈性係數,最後並利用此長期關係模擬碳稅之效果。主要結論如下:
(1)所得為 CO2 排放成長最主要之因素,且 CO2 排放成長率將大於 GDP 的成長率。
(2)能源價格係數值偏低,顯示能源價格變動對 CO2 排放的影響不大。
(5)二氧化碳排放將隨經濟成長之下降而隨之減緩,但因預估我國經濟成長仍在 5%以上, CO2排放成長減緩之幅度不大,因此政府必須採用政策工具來干預。
因此本文建議:除了碳稅有其效率性仍應在可能範圍內加以課徵之外,應同時採取其他減量工具配合,就短期而言,直接管制、低利貸款、加速折舊以及獎勵廠商研究減少 CO2 排放之技術是可行之做法;長期而言,制定出一套規劃完整之排放權交易制度,可說是政府未來努力之目標。
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企業導入碳管理之個案研究 / The study of implementing carbon management into the enterprise陳兆琦 Unknown Date (has links)
國際間溫室氣體管理的已從組織型盤查擴展至產品供應鏈盤查,產品碳足跡成為各界期望揭露之資訊。企業可藉由透過產品碳足跡盤查導入碳管理,除了可取得第三方單位的產品查證聲明書外,因在盤查過程中利用生命週期評估技術及溫室氣體暖化指標,更可促使供應鏈一起落實節能減碳而降低成本的要求。本研究從輔導單位的角度,輔導一家台灣的紡織企業進行產品碳足跡盤查導入碳管理,以幫助企業藉推動碳管理而落實節能減碳目標。 / Internationally, the greenhouse gases management has extended the verification from organization to product supply chain. The product carbon footprint has already become the information expected to be disclosed by people in different social communities. Enterprise could import the carbon management through implementing the verification of the product carbon footprint. Not only could the enterprise get the statement of the product, verified by third-party units, but also urge the whole supply chain to implement the requirements of energy saving and carbon reducing for cost saving, due to adopting the life cycle assessment technology and greenhouse gas warming indicators during the verification process. In this study, from the perspective of counseling units, we counsel a textile enterprise in Taiwan to import the verification of product carbon footprint into the carbon management, in order to help this enterprise implement the target of carbon reduction by promoting carbon management.
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能源價格對於碳權價格之影響 / The Effects of Energy Prices on the Price of EU Allowances蕭伊婷 Unknown Date (has links)
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碳價波動影響因素之探討─以歐洲能源交易所碳交易為例 / Driving factors of carbon price volatility-example of european energy exchange AG宋建緯 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來世人注目的焦點已從金融風暴議題,轉向了地球暖化、氣候劇變等問題,世界環境變遷造成人類巨大的傷害,已是國際組織與各國政府施政重點。在1997年12月於日本召開UNFCCC COP3,通過旨在限制溫室氣體排放的京都議定書,其中排放交易是指已開發國家間的合作,普遍被認為最具有成本效率性。
研究結果顯示,歐洲地區如北歐、東歐及南歐夏日氣候差異大,以及歐洲地區處於溫帶氣候因素使得極熱變數對碳價波動影響不顯著,但不保證其它地區有相同結論;能源價格對碳權價格有重大之影響,尤其原油最為明顯;由於匯率會影響能源價格,因此連帶影響碳價;極寒氣候對碳價有顯著影響,其先影響能源之供需,間接影響碳價之波動;SP之落後期在phase 2有縮短之趨勢,即天然氣與煤炭間之價差對碳價影響越來越大;進行碳價格之實證分析必須區分第一階段及第二階段,否則會造成估計上之不準確。不僅能源價格本身對碳價會有直接之影響,影響能源價格之變數亦間接影響碳價之波動,如氣候以及匯率,先經由透過能源價格變動再傳導至碳權價格。
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企業減碳投資對經營績效之影響 -以亞洲地區為例 / The association between carbon reduction investment and operating performance: the case of the Asian industry陳映秀 Unknown Date (has links)
氣候暖化之議題已成為全球矚目的焦點之一,它是一種全球公共之惡(global public bad),影響層面殃及全球,其惡果將由全球共同承擔。為了不讓碳排放繼續造成氣候暖化,各國政府已開始商討對策並制定政策等相關措施,各國企業為因應此潮流而進行各種減碳投資。
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企業減碳投資對於經營績效之影響-以歐洲為例 / The Association between Carbon Reduction Investment and Operating Performance:The Case of the European Industry林璟儒 Unknown Date (has links)
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由企業角度研究碳足跡標籤的導入:以宏碁與泰山為例 / Implementing carbon footprint labelling scheme from a business perspective: company Acer and Taisun, Taiwan-based companies as examples吳思頤, Wu, Szu-I (Sandy) Unknown Date (has links)
碳足跡標籤已在全球成為一個越來越普遍的行為,而台灣也正開始推動碳足跡標籤方案.此論文深入研究已發展國家包括英國,美國,法國,日本以及跨國公司包括Walkers,Walmart和Casion Group如何導入碳足跡標籤方案.
在台灣企業的部分,宏碁以及泰山為研究對象,由於這兩家企業都是在碳足跡標籤方案的先驅者,並且為不同的產業背景,因此挑選了這兩家深入研究,並探討不同產業導入碳標籤方案的作法. / As consumers become conscious of the impacts of their purchase decision on the environment, environmental friendly products become increasingly popular. By indicating the amount of carbon dioxide produced and emitted throughout a product’s life cycle, from material acquisition to manufacturing to consumption, carbon footprint label give consumers the information to make earth-friendly purchase decisions. Carbon footprint label also makes consumers the driver of a more sustainable future by incentivizing businesses to make lower GHG-content products to increase the competitiveness of products.
Carbon footprint label is becoming a popular practice around the world. Taiwan is also learning and doing carbon footprint labelling. This dissertation investigates how carbon footprint labelling is done in advanced countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and Japan and multinational companies including Walkers, Walmart and Casino Group. Then it investigates how carbon footprint labelling is done in Taiwan and how Taiwan businesses approach carbon footprint labelling.
Two companies of different industry were interviewed to gain an in-depth understanding of how and why Taiwan businesses implement carbon footprint labelling. From the interviews, insights of the motivation, project planning, execution and questions encountered during the implementation of carbon footprint labelling were revealed. The dissertation then concludes by discussing the limitations that happened during the research and the suggestions for the development of Taiwan’s carbon footprint label.
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低碳都市評估及其空間結構之分析 / Evaluating the Efficiency of Low-Carbon City and Analyzing the Effects of Spatial Structure on Carbon Emissions沈育生, Shen, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
而在「縣市低碳發展效率評估及低碳政策影響效果之探討」主題上,以台灣各縣市作為實證案例,在考量非意欲產出下(碳排放威脅、環境污染衝擊),透過DEA中的不良產出模型(Bad Outputs Model)評估縣市低碳發展效率,並藉由Tobit模型,釐清低碳政策對縣市低碳發展效率之影響效果。依據不良產出模型之效率評估結果,顯示臺北市、新竹市、臺東縣、花蓮縣在低碳發展效率上相對具有效率,且已達最適規模水準;而高雄縣是目前亟待改善的首要縣市。此外,藉由Tobit模式的實證分析,其結果顯示工廠家數、資源回收量、市區公車系統路線總長、具綠建築標章的建物數、綠地面積等變數,對縣市低碳發展效率有顯著影響,其中,除工廠家數對縣市低碳發展效率有負向影響外,其餘變數皆呈正向影響效果。而由此亦得知產業結構、資源循環利用、低碳運輸、低碳建築、碳匯規劃等低碳政策,對於縣市低碳發展效率是顯著有效的。
綜合上述,本研究之研究成果包括:「釐清低碳都市模糊且紛雜的概念及內涵」、「建構適宜台灣本土的低碳都市衡量指標系統」、「評估台灣各縣市低碳發展之整體狀態」、「評估台灣各縣市之低碳發展效率」、「檢視台灣現行低碳政策對於縣市低碳發展效率之影響效果」及「找出低碳都市發展中關鍵的空間規劃要素」,期待此些成果,能作為地方政府或規劃單位於低碳目標下,進行低碳都市發展及規劃開發時之參考。 / Excessive CO2 emission is one of the main causes of causing global warming and climate change. Therefore, low-carbon urban development is currently the core issue in sustainable development, and it is also the key to curb climate warming. The concept of the low-carbon city includes spatial dimension and non-spatial dimension. The former contains the issues of urban form, transportation system, and land use planning, the latter contains the issues of economy, energy consuming, and energy saving product. The spatial dimension plays the important role in the construction and development of the low-carbon city, but only the few studies focused on. Therefore, this paper takes the spatial dimension of the low-carbon city as the main scope, and discusses the topics of “research on low-carbon city indicator system”, “evaluating the low-carbon efficiency of city and analyzing its influential policies”, and “the effects of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions”.
In the topics of “research on low-carbon city indicator system”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and uses factor analysis to establish the appropriate low-carbon city indicator system for Taiwan. Furthermore, this paper evaluates the cities'/counties' status of low-carbon developments by this low-carbon city indicator system. According to the empirical results, there are four evaluating aspects of the low-carbon city: 1) environmental quality and resource consumption, 2) economy and construction, 3) finance and resource recycling and 4) social status. Based on the comprehensive performance of the low-carbon city indicator system, Taipei City shows the best performance, whereas Changhua County shows the worst performance.
In the topics of “evaluating the low-carbon efficiency of the city and analyzing its influential policies”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and assesses low-carbon efficiency of the city by Bad Outputs Model. Moreover, this paper uses Tobit Model to analyze the influence of low-carbon policies on the low-carbon efficiency of the city. According to the result of Bad Outputs Model, Taipei City, Hsinchu City, Taitung County, and Hualien County are efficiency, and achieve the optimal scale level. Moreover, Kaohsiung County is the county in the most urgent need of improvement. Another result of Tobit model indicates that the industrial unit has the negative impact on the low-carbon efficiency of the city. Moreover, resource recovery, the total length of the urban bus route, the number of green buildings, and green area all have the positive impact on the low-carbon efficiency of the city.
In the topics of “the effects of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions”, this paper takes cities and counties of Taiwan as the empirical cases, and uses partial least squares method (PLS) to identify the impact of urban development and spatial structure on carbon emissions. The empirical results show that the mixed land use, urban intensity and density, and urban greening all have the negative impact on carbon emissions. Moreover, industrial function and urban transportation all have a positive impact on carbon emissions.
Finally, these results can be used as reference for future low-carbon urban planning and policy.
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碳交易市場之法律研究 / A Critical Legal Study on Linking Emission Trading Systems陳韻竹, Chen, Yun Chu Unknown Date (has links)
在面臨亞洲地區一個大型的區域性碳交易市場即將崛起之際,亞洲地區的國家若要發展下一步的連結碳交易機制,在法規制度內須對於對外連結有明確的法律授權,其碳交易機制才有望可發展後續的對外連結。 / In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, every country should not only construct the international environmental law and country law, but also use economic strategies as assistant. The emission increases sharply because of rapid economic growth in developing countries in Asia. Therefore, major Asian countries including China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan, promote the emission trading system. The emissions trading system is a key tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Linking the emission trading systems is an organized way to create a global carbon market. When the global climate change negotiation is deadlocked, a growing number of countries in Asia are integrating cap-and-trade systems into their national climate policies, so that the probability of developing the carbon market in Asia becomes the main issue. This study summarizes and refers to the scholars’ reference materials, the law and regulation of the EU, California and Quebec emission trading systems. The aim of the study is to: (1) generalize the legal and institutional requirements for linking emissions trading systems by analyzing the experiences from the EU, California and Quebec; (2) discuss whether emission trading systems in Asia could be linked.
The study concludes that only South Korea has the relevant legislation that authorizes linking with other emissions trading systems in Asia. It is more likely that South Korea emission trading system will establish link to other countries. By viewing and comparing the legal requirements for linking emissions trading system in this study, however, it seems like that there are still some legal challenges for South Korea to be fully prepared for linking with other emissions trading systems in the short term.
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企業推動減碳投資與經營績效之關聯性-以美國為例 / The association between carbon reduction investment and operating performance: the case of the US industry楊雅菱 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示企業推動減碳投資與其減碳績效,環境敏感產業投資金額與其減碳量呈現顯著的倒U型之非線性關係,亦即投資金額越多其減碳績效越好,但投資到一定金額減碳績效則會降低。不論環境敏感性或非敏感性產業流動性強,規模大的企業經營績效較佳,但是投資程度與經營績效無顯著關聯,另外本研究首創將減碳的數量依國際平均碳交易價格轉換成企業之機會成本(視為企業收入或成本降低),發現減碳投資與經營績效仍無顯著關聯,而非環境敏感性企業如果公司對氣候變遷有相關激勵政策,經營績效較高,而環境敏感性企業如果公司,經營績效反而較低。因此本研究認為美國制訂之相關法案,在減碳績效上雖尚屬有效,但仍未使企業可因減碳投資創造出營運績效。 / Corporations invest a great deal of money in equipment and process improvement in order to comply with environmental regulations and enhance environmental performance. To understand the effects on the performance of carbon reduction and operating performance by these investments, this paper examines and compares the relationship between the corporation investment in carbon reduction and performance of carbon reduction, and also operating performance in the U.S., using the content analysis method and the multiple regression analysis method.
The empirical results are summarized as follows. Investments in carbon reduction and performance of carbon reduction in corporations in the environmental sensitivity industry have a significant nonlinear relationship, in the form of an inverted-U shape relationship. The more dollars invested, the better the performance of carbon reduction. However, the performance of carbon reduction will reduce when invested to a certain amount.
No matter environmental sensitivity industry or non-environmental sensitivity industry with a strong current ratio and large size business has a better operating performance, and the degree of emission reduction investment does not associate with operating performance. The paper applies CO2 market price to emission reduction amount to construct an emission reduction opportunity cost (regarding as business's income or cost reduction), and finds that the emission reduction investment still does not associate with revised operating performance. However, the non-environmental sensitivity industry with climate change incentive policy has a better revised operating performance than that of environmental sensitivity industry. Therefore , the study concludes that although the USA's climate change related Acts have some positive influence on emission reduction, the Acts do not make the business's emission reduction investment to create some operating performance.
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