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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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實作可設定式之行動感測平台 / Design and Implementation of a Configurable Service Platform for Mobile Sensing

黃建烽, Huang, Chien Feng Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,學者專家為進行各種與人們行為有關的實驗,使用了多種方法進行數據的收集,卻存在著一些缺點或是成本過高,不易大規模推行。近年來,隨著行動科技的高速發展,智慧型手機已經相當普及。由於智慧型手機內建眾多的感測器(Sensors)及裝置(Devices),透過撰寫及執行特定的手機應用程式(APP),即可蒐集手機所偵測到的使用者行為相關之資訊,並加以分析處理。行動感測(Mobile Sensing)遂成為新型態的數據收集方式。但是,僅就特定之感測實驗所需數據項目,開發數據蒐集的行動應用程式,亦或是不管實驗需求,讓程式蒐集全部項目的感測數據,都不是理想的作法:不是欠缺彈性考量就是未能考慮手機使用者的隱私關切。 本研究實作一個通用於所有行動作業系統上之可設定式之行動感測服務平台,它可以協助研究者根據其需求自行設定感測實驗項目及其條件規範。之後,透過建立於伺服器端與客戶端之間特定的資料交換機制,進行實驗的發布及兩端的互動溝通。整體運作過程中,客戶端的參與者只需簡易地安裝一套行動應用程式,便能夠輕鬆參與進行各種感測實驗、貢獻實驗數據。最後,我們模擬幾項實驗,用以驗證平台之實際運作效能。 / Experimental data obtained in scientific research is extremely important. For a long time, people use a variety of methods for data collection, but most of them are either restricted or expensive. In recent years, with the rapid development of mobile technology, smart phones are becoming very popular. With many built-in sensors and devices, smart phones can be used as a new tool of data collection, hence the emergence of mobile sensing. By installing a mobile application (APP) on a user’s smart phone, researchers can collect those required sensor data from the user and analyze it for their study. This research presents a configurable service platform for mobile sensing which aims to reconcile the flexibility needed by researchers and privacy concerns of smart phone users. In particular, our platform allows researchers to use our GUI tool to easily set up an experiment by composing an experiment configuration file (ECF) which specifies the sensor types to collect and the filtering rules for data selection. Users of smart phones can join any experiments by installing a single piece of logger APP developed according to our ECF specification. Besides, users will be fully informed of the data to collect before agreeing to participate a specific experiment. In such a manner, we achieve a proper balance between flexibility and privacy. Finally, we conducted several experiments to validate the feasibility of our service platform with users of Android smart phones.

「小地主大佃農」農地政策的探討-農會角色的省思 / Study on farmland policy of "Small Landlords and Big Tenant-farmers" - Rethinking of the roles of farmers' associations

蕭雁文 Unknown Date (has links)
農地係為國家之綠色資產,也是國家不可或缺的經濟基礎產業。由於台灣地狹人稠,農地分割細小、勞動密集度高,且耕作者年齡老化,在面對參與WTO後,對國外大規模經營的衝擊,讓管理農地的相關政策更形重要。而在這樣的社會、經濟環境下,政府提出「小地主大佃農」的政策,希望能以一次付租、分期償還的方式,鼓勵以租賃的方式,來擴大農場經營規模並引進優質人力,進而改善農業結構。 而在小地主大佃農政策中,農會扮演著非常重要的角色。農會是台灣特有的非營利組織,在台灣的農地政策中,農會一直擔任著政府與農民間的中介者,而在此次政策中,農會除了擔任大佃農事業主體的角色外,更進一步以執行者的角色參與農地政策。因此,本文將從治理的理論框架,來探討政府的權力移轉,並以公私協力理論的水平互補、互動模式來了解政府與非營利組織間的互動。除此之外,本研究將透過深度訪談,依據本研究所擬定的三個問題:農會參與意願、農會組織內部執行資源分析、農會與土地所有權人信賴關係,來對研究的個案-苗栗縣後龍鎮農會進行探討。 本研究結論提出,農會對於推動政策係有意願並具備相當能力,且由於農會於當地深耕多年,容易與農民溝通進而向農民承租土地進行大規模耕作。但,由於小地主大佃農政策尚在起步階段,相關政策的變動與添附讓農會無所適從,或由於農民對於租賃制度的心態尚未扭轉等,而使政策無法順利推廣。俾希望藉由本研究能在政策初期提供第一手的資訊,以供未來政策之參考。

私募基金入主本國銀行案例研究─以SAC入主萬泰銀行為例 / Case study on private equity's acquisition of local banks.

蔡玉如 Unknown Date (has links)
「西風東漸」,指的是東方文化在吸收西方文明後所產生的「質變」,過去常適用在文化與科技領域的論述,但從2006年起,這股風潮已逐漸吹向台灣金融業,才剛完成金控轉型的台灣金融業,因遭逢雙卡風暴導致虧損擴大、淨值下降,最後給予國際私募基金揮軍來台的極佳機會。 在這波「金融業西風東漸」的浪潮中,萬泰銀行無疑是最受矚目的一家金融機構,原因包括:一、非常單純的小銀行,無金控財團奧援;二、私募基金SAC入主過程一波三折,最後還牽涉到銀行團「由債轉股」的爭議;三、SAC入主後隨即面臨全球金融風暴洗禮,導致裁員、關閉分行、專業經理人出走等跡象出現。 在台灣特殊的政經文化與金融環境下,SAC入主萬泰銀後績效之所以會被外界賦予高度重視,是因為萬泰銀行算是台灣金融業「過度競爭與切割化」的縮影,私募基金讓金融業起死回生的例子在日本可以被成功塑造,但來到台灣是否行得通?以目前SAC入主跡象看來,還有待繼續觀察。 基本上,私募基金「藉由營運效率讓企業在短期內獲得轉機機會」,但是短時間內獲利了結並退場,在民風「相對保守」的台灣容易受到非難。因此,正確的認識私募基金之運作模式,並進而了解私募基金對台灣未來經濟發展之可能影響,實為台灣企業界及政府部門均不能忽視之重要課題。 現在,博智欲入主南山人壽的適格性與否,正鬧得沸沸揚揚,顯示國際私募基金的手已由銀行業伸向壽險業,看到南山人壽工會的極力抗爭,在在都凸顯金融業身為百年大業,是否適合以「短線投資利益」為主要考量的私募基金來振衰起弊,尤其是政經環境都複雜許多的台灣金融市場,都會增加私募基金運作的難度,萬泰銀行即是一例。 但無論如何,本研究欲從諸多面相探討SAC入主萬泰銀的利弊得失,也希望能提供外界觀察私募基金在運作台灣金融業更多的參考意義。

應募人關連與異常報酬、公司治理和績效之探討 / The impact of relationship investor on abnormal return, corporate governance and performance

林峻霆 Unknown Date (has links)
應募人關連性指應募人與私募發行公司之關係。本研究將應募人關連性分為私募前關連性和私募後新關連。私募前關連性分為雇傭關連、合夥關連及治理關連,而私募後新關連則分為新雇傭關連、新合夥關連及新治理關連。本研究探討私募發行公司與應募人間的關連性,以及該關係對於異常報酬、公司治理與績效的影響。應募人與私募發行公司在私募前大都具有關連性,並且在私募完成後形成新的關連性,而新關連大部分為治理關連,即應募人成為新的董事及大股東。 本研究實證結果發現:第一、關連性應募人及新關連在私募宣告日會帶來正的異常報酬;第二、新的非董事關連較容易於私募後取得董事席次,進而改善公司治理;第三、關連性應募人可帶來私募後較佳的績效,但新關連改善績效的效果並不顯著。整體而言,本研究結果與過去私募文獻所探討的一致,即私募可增加對公司的監督,帶來較好的公司治理,因而替公司創造價值。 / This study classifies investor relationship into pre-placement relationships and new relationships. Pre-placement relationships are further classified into three categories: employment agreements, business arrangements, and governance-related relationships. New relationships include new employment agreements, new business arrangements, and new governance-related relationships. This study examines relationships between investors and issuers, and their impact on abnormal return, corporate governance and performance in private placement transactions. Most investors have a relationship with the issuer pre-placement and many new relationships are formed through the placement transactions, which are largely governance-related (board seats and/or 5% or greater blocks). We have three main findings. First, relationship investors and new relationships drive the positive stock price response at announcement. Second, investors with new non-director relationship ties to the issuer are more likely to gain directorships as part of the placement, and therefore improve corporate governance. Third, relationship investors are associated with stronger post-placement profitability, while new relationships are not. Overall, our findings are consistent with private placements creating value when they are associated with increased monitoring and strong governance.

私募折溢價與私募後經營績效及市場反應之關聯性 / Price discount (premium), performance and market reaction in private placement

王光世 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國91年至民國96年期間辦理私募案之上(市)櫃公司為研究對象,探究私募折溢價與私募後經營績效及市場反應之關聯性。 本研究將私募樣本區分為溢價組與折價組,溢價組於私募前後之營運績效均如預期般表現比折價組好,且溢價組與折價組於私募後之營運績效表現有更顯著的差異。同時,溢價組於私募後展現正向的市場反應,折價組於私募後則呈現負向的市場反應。 企業價值與成長機會高度相關,而溢價發行企業之成長機會對企業價值之影響程度較折價發行企業高。折(溢)價幅度與私募後營運績效、累計異常報酬間呈負(正)相關,顯示折溢價幅度可能反映出私募企業未來成長與風險之訊息。 / This study examines the effects of price discount (premium) on performance and market reaction in private placement. Three main findings are as follows. After classifying the sample into two categories, premium and discount, this study finds that the operating performance of the premium group is better than that of the discount group both before and after the private placement. The difference is especially significant after the private placement. Furthermore, the premium group shows positive market reaction after private placement while the discount group negative. Firm value is highly related to growth opportunity, and the influence of growth opportunity on firm value of premium group is significantly higher than that of discount group. The results also show that the magnitude of price discount (premium) is negatively (positively) related to operating performance and cumulative abnormal return after private placement. This may indicate that the price discount (premium) reflects the signal of future growth and risk of the firm in private placement.

探究我國所得不均度對私人慈善捐贈的影響 / The relationship between charitable giving and income inequality

鍾穎 Unknown Date (has links)
Warr(1983)提出中立性的說法,即所得重分配不會影響私人的捐贈數量。Bergstorm, Blume and Varian(1986)在其文中提出,當個人在所得移轉前後身分由捐贈者改變為受贈者時,捐贈的數量會隨著社會上所得不均度的上升而增加。至於Andreoni(1989)改變捐贈的動機,提出部分利他動機,結果中立性不存在。 本研究利用「家庭收支調查報告」,探討當所得不均度提高時是否會影響私人慈善捐贈。其中用來衡量所得不均度的指標分為各縣市的吉尼係數與所得差距倍數,由於各縣市生活水準與文化皆有所不同,考量地區別之間的差異,故在模型中加入各縣市的固定效果,控制各縣市的差異後,得到的迴歸估計係數皆為正且很顯著,從實證結果來看,本文不支持Warr(1983)提出的中立性假說且與Bergstorm, Blume and Varian(1986)提出當所得不均度提高時,捐贈的數量會增加的理論結果一致。 另外本文的主要迴歸式得到的所得彈性與價格彈性為0.59與-1.76,符合過去相關文獻的結果。另外相關影響捐贈的特徵變數,由實證的結果可以看出,不論年齡和婚姻狀況對慈善捐贈都有顯著的關係,而且兩者皆與捐贈呈正相關。然而在性別方面,不論是戶長性別還是家戶平均性別,實證結果皆不顯著。在教育程度方面,實證結果得到戶長的教育程度不影響捐贈行為,至於家戶的平均教育程度與慈善捐贈則呈現負向的關係。

公司財務特性對私募折價幅度之影響 / The effects of financial characteristics on price discounts in private placement

藍亦敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2002年至2010年4底前辦理私募增資之上市(櫃)公司為研究對象,探討公司財務特性對私募折價幅度之影響。研究結果顯示, 私募金額占公司市值比例與無形資產價值愈高,象徵公司價值的衡量愈複雜,私募應募人在衡量私募公司價值時需付出的較高成本,折價幅度將較高。再者,當私募目的指出私募公司有新的投資機會時,私募之折價幅度將較小;另外,私募公司股東權益報酬率愈高,代表私募公司利用現有資源效率較高,折價幅度愈低;而私募公司負債對股東權益比愈大,其長期償債能力較差,營運風險也會提升,所以應募人會要求較高折價幅度以補償此風險;當私募公司有發生財務危機可能時,應募人也會要求較高折價補償其所承受之風險。因此,私募折價幅度與公司資訊成本、投資機會及營運風險程度有密切關聯。 / This study examines the effects of financial characteristics on price discounts in private placement. Based on the Market Observation Post System, the sample includes private placements of all listed and OTC firms in Taiwan during 2002 to April of 2010. The empirical evidence shows that discounts will be larger when private placement size is large relative to firm size. Intangible assets are difficult to value and therefore private placement investors will require larger discounts as compensation. If the issuer’s purposes of private placement indicate the availability of positive NPV investment opportunity to the firm then the discount will be smaller. In addition, the ROE variable has significant and negative association with discounts. This is consistent with the expectation that investors will assess the quality of the firm’s existing assets to form an opinion on risk and expected return of their private equity investment. On the other hand, high debt levels as measured by debt to equity result in higher discounts. Moreover, the existence of financial crisis is positively associated with discounts. In a word, the size of the discount to current market price is strongly related to proxies for the quality of the firm’s financial characteristics, future prospects and risk.

基於耐延遲網路之移動式信任者與獎勵機制設計 / Mobile trusted bank and incentive strategy design in delay tolerant networks

林昶瑞, Lin, Chan Juei Unknown Date (has links)
DTN(Delay Tolerant Networks)是一種缺乏網路基礎設備的網路架構,在這類的網路架構下,無線節點之間的通訊連線並非同時存在,而是間歇式建立的。因為節點的移動、或是裝置省電模式運作與環境因素的影響,造成連線可能不定時的失效。有不保證連線特性的網路,在DTN網路中節點間相遇的機會很少,節點間利用 Store-Carry-Forward 的方式傳遞訊息,且有相當長的傳遞延遲(Propagation Delay)。在這樣的網路特性下,傳統的文獻中,都是假設所有節點都會幫忙傳遞。但不幸的,在現實生活中有自私節點(Selfish Nodes)的存在,因自己本身設備資源有限,如電力資源、網路資源...等,節點不願意幫忙傳送訊息,這些自私節點的存在,會對DTN網路架構造成破壞,導致無法傳送訊息到目的地。為了解決自私節點的問題,我們提出了MTBIS(Mobile Trusted Bank of Incentive Strategies),當發送節點(Source Node)要求傳送訊息時,給予回饋給幫忙轉傳訊息的節點,來鼓勵節點間互相幫忙傳送訊息,我們稱這些回饋為Incentive Credit。而節點也可利用Incentive Credit來要求別的節點幫忙轉傳訊息。另外也加入SI(Social Incentive)機制,與DGT(Dynamic Grudger Threshold) ,吸引自私節點願意幫忙轉傳訊息,改進了 MTBIS 在自私節點環境下的不足, 利用經濟學的角度來解決節點運用Credit的問題,借此提高訊息的傳遞率(Delivery Ratio)。 本篇研究也注重於自私節點的模擬,利用四種不同特性的節點: Sucker(傻瓜)、Cheater (騙子)、Grudger(小氣鬼)、Ecci(投機者), 這些自私節點會照成DTN在設計上無法使用,甚至降低訊息的傳達率,因此我們模擬了這些自私節點的行為,並且使用我們所提出的獎勵機制,來解決這些自私節點的問題,實驗結果也證明,Grudger可以有效的抑制自私節點對效能大幅降低的問題,與傳統的演算法相較,效能高出34%。 / DTN (Delay Tolerant Networks) is a network structure without need to use any infrastructure. In DTNs, wireless connections between nodes do not always exist, i.e., nodes are connected intermittently. Due to the mobility, power issues, or surrounding environment of nodes, connections between nodes may be disruptive occasionally or randomly. In a DTN, nodes usually transfer the message to the encountering nodes. By this way, the messages are stored, carried, and forwarded to the next nodes, possibly the destination. However, in reality, nodes may not be willing to help each other for the message forwarding. More specifically, there are “Selfish nodes” which refuse to forward messages due to issues such as energy and network bandwidth. Thus it will prevent messages from being forwarded to its destination. In order to solve the problem of message forwarding failure caused by selfish nodes, we proposed an Incentive Strategy called “MTBIS (Mobile Trusted Bank and Incentive Strategies)”. We construct a rewarding scheme called “Incentive Credit” for nodes who forward the messages for the source node. In addition, to increase the intention of the selfish nodes for forwarding messages, we add two more mechanism called SI(Social Incentive) and DGT(Dynamic Grudger Threshold). The DGT uses credits to solve selfish node problems from an economics point of view to enhance MTBIS to work with existence of selfish nodes. In this thesis, we emphasis on the simulation of the behaviors of selfish nodes, using four different types of nodes: the “Sucker”, the “Cheater”, the “Grudger”, and the “Ecci”. These selfish nodes will decrease the success rate of message forwarding, and even make the DTN unusable. We simulated the behaviors of these selfish nodes, using the rewarding scheme we proposed. From the results of our experiment, we see that the Grudger can effectively deal with performance issues caused by selfish nodes, and the system can gain 34% in performance compared to the traditional algorithms.


山下, 文 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第18707号 / 文博第665号 / 新制||文||611(附属図書館) / 31658 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 大谷 雅夫, 准教授 大槻 信, 准教授 金光 桂子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DFAM

自我体験の心理学的研究 -ライフサイクルの観点からみた<私>との出会いの体験の意味-

高石, 恭子 23 May 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(教育学) / 乙第13187号 / 論教博第161号 / 新制||教||180(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育方法学専攻 / (主査)教授 桑原 知子, 教授 河合 俊雄, 准教授 田中 康裕 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM

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