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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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無形資產移轉訂價之研究 / A Study on Transfer Pricing involving the Use or Transfer of Intangibles

楊珮吟, Yang, Pei Yin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著知識經濟之發展,無形資產對於企業價值之重要性因而提升。就跨國企業而言,其無形資產配置對利潤分配之影響遠遠超過有形資產之交易,故近年來無形資產已成為各國稅務機關查核跨國企業間移轉訂價之重點項目。 本研究以經濟合作暨發展組織 2013 年7 月30 日發布之「無形資產移轉訂價修訂討論稿」為根基,結合美國、中國及印度等國家之相關規範,分析我國目前對於無形資產移轉訂價規範之缺失,並以近三年來與無形資產移轉訂價相關之國內外訴訟案例為研究範疇,探討實務上徵納雙方常見爭議,進而提出個人建議,冀能做為我國無形資產移轉訂價規範修法方向及徵納實務之參考。 / The importance of intangibles for market capitalization of an enterprise has been rising with the development of knowledge economy. Distributions of intangibles have more impact on profit allocations than transactions of tangible assets for multinational enterprises. As a result, the transfer pricing of intangibles have become the focus of taxation for multinational enterprises. This study analyzes defects of the regulations of transfer pricing involving intangibles in Taiwan based on Revised Discussion Draft on Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles which issued by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on July 30, 2013 and based on the references of the related regulations in other countries, including United States, China and India. Furthermore, the study analyzes and classifies the controversies of transfer pricing of intangibles between taxpayers and tax authorities in practice for the past three years from the court cases.

兩岸租稅環境對台商經營決策之影響 / Taiwan companies in China with respective to investment structures and tax planning

游素環 Unknown Date (has links)
在兩岸投資所得規定對台商投資架構之影響與風險方面,台商因應中國大陸新企業所得稅法實施,統一稅率25%及非居民企業股息匯出10%稅率,及台灣對中華民國境外來源之股利所得併入營利事業所得稅課稅,台商為減少租稅負擔及延緩課稅,均將投資架構調整為間接投資方式,甚或透過租稅互抵國家採雙層或三層控股方式以延緩所得稅及降低稅負。 在兩岸企業所得稅租稅優惠對台商租稅規劃之影響方面,由於新稅法統一內、外資適用之稅收優惠,適用對象以產業優惠為主,區域優惠為輔為原則,另對於取消稅收優惠的老企業給予過渡期,台商面臨中國大陸租稅環境之改變,由於台商過去投資中國大陸大都藉助其勞力成本較低,因此未來較難符合其稅收優惠政策,租稅成本因而增加,台商為維持在中國大陸之競爭力,除將生產基地往外移勞力成本更低廉之印度或越南外,僅能西進其區域優惠為輔之地區,或調整在中國大陸企業之定位,藉以降低中國大陸企業之利潤。 在兩岸企業所得稅法反避稅規定對台商之影響與稅務風險方面,由於兩岸移轉訂價制度之實施,台商過去為減少納稅,透過營運規劃而將利潤保留在境外免稅天堂或低稅負區,若整體稅負低於兩岸法定稅率太多,在兩岸反避稅規定及實質課稅原則下,將面臨極高之稅務風險。 透過對在台灣或香港已上市之台商分析,兩岸租稅環境之改變,對台商經營決策在投資架構、投資方式、營運流程規劃及移轉訂價策略規劃等決策影響,並探討台商因應之道,建議應遵循稅法規定,包括帳務處理正確性及合規申報,回歸經濟實質之營運流程及交易模式,而非透過不合商業目的的安排減少稅負,正視稅為企業重要經營成本,強化企業體質提升營運效率,俾利永續經營。

智慧財產控股公司之研究 / On Intellectual Property Holding Company

詹聰哲 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代下,智慧財產作為企業乃至國家國家競爭力之根本,已成為定論。然而學界對於智慧財產之管理運用的研究,多集中於智慧財產本身之管理而鮮少觸及管理智慧財產之組織。管理智慧財產之組織可以內建於企業內部,也可以外置於企業外部,也就是智慧財產控股公司。藉由對智慧財產控股公司之組織架構進行研究,便可了解將智慧財產之所有權自原企業中分離,能為企業帶來何種管理上的效益,效益又有多大?智慧財產控股公司如何為企業帶來稅務上之效益,其所面臨之挑戰為何? 由於美國最早對於智慧財產控股公司所生之相關稅務問題進行規範,規範之內容也堪稱廣泛與細緻,故美國之稅制深具比較、對照、參考之價值。 此外,企業之稅賦除所得稅之外尚包括營業稅等稅目。但是本文就智慧財產控股公司相關稅賦問題之研究範圍,限於營利事業所得稅及所衍生之個人綜合所得稅。 在理清智慧財產控股公司之管理及稅務上效益後,本文便能為我國政府及企業提出建言,使政府能了解新型態的跨國企業智慧財產管理架構以確認合法節稅與違法的逃漏稅之界線,又能使我國企業得以藉由智慧財產控股公司架構來促進管理及稅務效益。 / In the knowledge economy era, intellectual properties, without doubt, are the foundation of competitiveness of enterprises and countries. However, studies regarding management of intellectual properties usually focus on intellectual properties themselves rather than the organizations managing intellectual properties. The managing organizations can be built in the enterprises or out of the enterprises, i.e., the intellectual property holding company (IPHC). By studying the organization structure of IPHCs, we can understand what and how huge the management benefits are to separate the ownership of intellectual properties from the enterprises, how IPHCs bring tax benefits for the enterprises, and what the challenges are in front of IPHCs. Since the United States of America is the first one who stipulates the relating tax issues of IPHCs and is probably the broadest and the finest, the tax system of USA is of great value for comparison and reference. This thesis will thus explore the USA tax system. In addition, beside income tax there are still other tax items such as business tax can be levied on enterprises. But this thesis only focuses on business income tax and thus derivated individual income tax. After clarifying the management and tax benefits of IPHCs, this thesis then is able to advice Taiwan Government and enterprises so that the government can realize the new intellectual properties managing organization structure of multinational enterprises to differ legitimate tax saving from illegal tax evasion while the enterprises can obtain the management and tax benefits through the IPHC management structure.

兩岸移轉訂價制度之探討-查核趨勢與台商因應之道 / Transfer Pricing in Cross-Strait Groups

潘美紅, Pan, Mei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
全球化趨勢使跨國經營成為當今世界經濟主流,跨國企業紛紛透過集團內部相互控制的關係,獲取所需的有形生產資源與無形技術或相關服務,以及利用各國稅制差異,以降低集團整體的經營成本,追求利潤最大化。然而,企業如何一方面善用全球專業分工來促進有效經營,一方面又選用適當的移轉訂價策略,以符合各地稅務機構的要求,已成為跨國企業不可忽視的重要稅務議題。 中國大陸以其勞動力資源豐富的比較優勢配合產業政策,吸引各國外商前往投資,由於語言、文化及地理位置的有利因素,台灣企業赴中國大陸投資相對投資於其他地區占有優勢,使得中國大陸成為台商企業開拓事業進行全球布局的主要地方。目前兩岸政府對移轉訂價規定日益周延,台商面臨兩岸間重複課稅問題日益嚴重,參考國際間作法,宜以洽簽租稅協議方式解決。 隨著兩岸反避稅的實施,台商除了要關注未來反避稅法規的發展外,更應重新檢視集團現有投資架構及交易安排,以避免落入國際反避稅合作行動的打擊範圍。 本研究除蒐集兩岸有關移轉訂價文獻進行探討外,並透過分析台商兩岸三地的交易模式,將台商所面臨的問題彙總整理,以達到下列目的: 1、探討目前中國大陸台商所面臨移轉訂價的問題,並就該些問題提出因應的建議,使台商可以了解相關問題及建立有效的因應改善對策,同時也給予將至中國大陸投資的企業作為參考,以利企業合理規劃兩岸三地的交易訂價策略。 2、期望政府深入探討台商企業的經營處境,盡早達成朝野共識,以加速兩岸租稅協議的簽訂,以降低台商的租稅成本,使得企業更具有全球競爭力。

兩岸移轉訂價查核與相關議題探討 / Transfer pricing audit in cross-strait and related issues

張詠勝, Chang,Yung Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸移轉訂價法規起步較晚,但近年來中國積極防堵並加大查核力度,在大部分操作方式都被阻絕的情況下,台商僅剩「保留合理利潤」一途。如何在這個前提下達到利潤最大化並降低稅務風險,是本研究探討的問題。依本研究之結論,獲得以下之結論: 一、透過集團組織重組,建立集中化管理模式,依照各公司功能及風險考量,分配合理利潤。 二、在考量風險下,透過預先訂價協議及成本分攤協議以降低稅務風險。 三、建立符合各國法規之集團訂價策略,掌握各國稽核重點,制定集團統一的溝通及防禦策略,事先做好同期資料及相關文據以供備查。 / The development of regulations with respect to transfer pricing was started late in China, however, China took positive actions to avoid transfer pricing and enforced the rules more strictly in recent years. Therefore, the Taiwanese investors only have the way of “remaining the reasonable profit” in the event of that most of the operating models have been prohibited. How to obtain the maximun benefit and lower the tax risk in such situation are the objectives and questions of this study. According to this research, the conclusion is as below: 1. To allocate the reasonable profit by group restructuring and setting the centralized management mode in accordance with consideration in function and risk of each corporation. 2. To lower the tax risk through advance pricing agreements and cost sharing agreements in consideration of the risk. 3. To build the group pricing strategy which is accordance with the regulations of each filed, controlling the inspection focus of each countries, setting the group strategy for communication and defense, and preparing the same period information and other related documents for future reference.

反租稅規避制度對利潤移轉之影響 -以台灣上市電子工業在境外設立子公司為例 / Impact of anti-tax avoidance regimes on the profit shifting-Evidence from the listed electronic industries in Taiwan investing on subsidiaries abroad

顏瀅庭 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢之下,國際分工不可避免地成為跨國公司運作的趨勢。2013年2月,OECD發布《處理稅基侵蝕及利潤移轉》的報告表示,跨國公司利潤移轉策略的採取被認為是稅基侵蝕的主要原因。基於BEPS已經成為各國非常重視的議題,世界各國也為了保全稅基及防杜利潤移出,紛紛訂出反制措施。這些反制措施是否能遏制利潤不當的移動,是一個值得重視議題。惟目前學術文獻上並未有一篇全面盤點這些反制措施及地主國租稅制度對利潤移轉的影響。 故本篇研究以2005年至2012年台灣電子工業作為研究對象,利用橫斷面及時間序列的追蹤資料 (panel data) 之隨機模型做估計,探討台灣跨國公司之電子業海外子公司的利潤移轉是否會受到租稅規避行為的影響。結果顯示,利潤移轉會受到以下四種國際租稅規避工具所影響,分別是地主國是否有移轉訂價的規範、是否有預先移轉訂價規範、是否有反資本弱化條款以及地主國是否為租稅天堂。

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