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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李文芬, Lee,Wen-fen Unknown Date (has links)
公司因應「企業全球化」趨勢,追求全球資源最佳配置下,交易大多在集團內部進行。透過移轉訂價政策,作為集團企業間關係人交易價格的制定依據。 此趨勢之下,我國集團企業間關係人交易採用移轉訂價政策的情況為何?本研究以我國上市櫃公司之集團企業為研究對象,探討分析移轉訂價查核準則實施對我國集團企業間移轉訂價制定因素之影響,並彙整我國集團企業對移轉訂價查核準則規範內容的意見。 一、我國集團企業移轉訂價政策之運用現況及考量因素: 1、目前僅有五成的集團企業有建立明確移轉訂價政策作為關係人交易訂價的依據:公司規模愈大、對外投資期間愈長、關係人交易總額愈多、而關係企業家數在5家以下的集團企業,採用比例也愈高。 2、以移轉訂價查核準則規範之「可比較未受控價格法」及「成本加價法」之傳統交易基礎法採用為多。整體租稅負擔並非主要考量因素,各國移轉訂價法令規定及我國財務會計準則公報第六號規定為最主要的因素。規模越大、關係企業家數越多、越重視法令規定的企業,採用交易基礎移轉訂價法的機率愈高。惟,綜合集團整體內外經濟因素加以考量時,則偏向利潤基礎法。 二、我國集團企業受移轉訂價查核準則影響及意見: 1、透過組織管理架構的調整,將關係人交易價格的重心轉為事前規劃,進而考量移轉訂價稽查之因應。 2、目前我國集團企業多數認為準則並無不合理且頗具可行性。 / With the trend of globalization, companies use global resources to pursue best interest of the group enterprises as a whole within related party transactions. Through the transfer pricing policy, conglomerates can determine the prices for transactions between related parties. This study uses the conglomerate enterprises of Listed and OTC companies in Taiwan as questionnaire samples. The study analyses the impact of implement action of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations on conglomerate enterprises and the factors of transfer pricing among the conglomerates in Taiwan. The results of the research are as follows: 1.Nowadays, only 50% of the conglomerates in Taiwan establish a stated transfer pricing policy in determining the prices for transactions between related parties. We also focus that the larger size, the longer time of investment and the great investment amount, the higher proportion to adopt the transfer pricing policy. 2.The conglomerates in Taiwan tend to “The Comparable Uncontrolled Price Method” and “The Cost Plus Method” . The groups do not regard world-wide tax burden as an important factor, rather they emphasize more on the other countries’ transfer pricing regulations and financial accounting standards No.6 as the main factors. 3.The larger size, the more related companies, and paying more attention to regulations, the higher probability of transaction-based transfer pricing method. When the comprehensive internal and external economic factors are considered, the conglomerate companies tend to adopt profit-based transfer pricing method. 4.Through the adjustment of the organizational structure, and planning the price for transactions between related parties in advance, the conglomerate enterprises take tax audit into account. 5.Most of conglomerates in Taiwan regard the criteria of Taiwan transfer pricing regulations as rational and feasible at present.

租稅規劃策略與營運績效之關聯性研究-以台灣上市櫃電子業為例 / The relationship between tax planning strategies and operating performance: evidence from Taiwan Listed Company in Electronic industry.

林怡均, Lin, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
因應全球化,企業跨國交易日趨頻繁,降低企業租稅成本並提升投資資金成 為管理階層經營首要考量。因此,跨國租稅規劃議題乃成為企業不容忽視的議題, 本研究主要探討企業投入研究發展的程度、於租稅天堂設立公司密集程度及關係 人交易移轉訂價偏離常規交易程度與公司營運績效的關聯性。 企業投入之研究發展支出可以作為費用及一定程度內適用政府提供之投資 租稅抵減達到稅盾效果;透過於境外低稅率或免稅國家成立公司,可能會透過控 股關係移轉所得達到降低稅負的效果 ; 透過關係人交易將利潤移轉至低稅負國 家的公司以降低整體企業稅負。此三種租稅規劃策略對企業營運績效之影響乃本 研究重點。 本研究以 2010 年至 2014 年共計 1,636 筆台灣上市櫃電子業之資料,相關的 實證結果顯示如下: 一、研究發展投入程度與企業營運績效關聯性方面:研究發展與企業營運績效呈顯著正相關。 二、租稅天堂稠密程度與企業營運績效關聯性方面:租稅天堂稠密程度與企業營運績效呈負相關,但是關聯性並不顯著。 三、關係人偏離常規移轉訂價與企業營運績效關聯性方面:關係人偏離常規移轉訂價與企業營運績效呈顯著正相關。 綜合此三種租稅規劃策略中以研究發展活動對企業營運績效最具顯著影響 力,因此,本研究推斷企業投入研究發展有助於提升企業長期的生產力、突破或 創新等,並進一步促進企業營運績效成長。 但將子公司設置於租稅天堂對企業營運績效則較不具影響力,認為是因為近 年來,各國政府與國際組織紛紛加強查緝與建立完善的租稅制度以防止企業透過 紙上公司規避稅負的政策關係,而且此一租稅規劃並無為關聯企業創造任何實質價值。因此,在全球打擊租稅規避風潮逐漸盛行下,企業於租稅天堂佈局子公司可能亦會使企業暴露額外的稅務風險。 企業透過關係人偏離常規交易對企業營運績效雖呈現正相關,但顯著性較研 究發展活動低,推斷為該租稅規劃策略目的僅以稅負極小化作為首要考量,未助於直接提升企業長期營運績效。 / In response to globalization, corporations increase cross-border transactions year by year. Reducing tax costs and increasing capital investment are managements’ primary consideration. Therefore, multinational corporations’ tax planning becomes a noticeable issue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of the extent of corporations’ research and development, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance. Research and development investment can be expenses when filing tax return and applies for investment tax credit in certain degree to reduce corporate tax cost; through setting up offshore companies in low-tax or tax-free countries, holding companies may transfer or shift income to reduce the corporate tax burden; through related party transactions, holding companies can transfer profits to low-tax countries to reduce the company's overall corporate tax burden. This study focus on how do these three kinds of tax planning strategies affect corporate operating performance. The data of this study is from year 2010 to 2014 a total of 1,636 Taiwan-listed corporations in electronic industry. The relevant empirical results are shown below: First, the relationship between the degree of investment in research and development and corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation. Second, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven and corporate operating performance: They are negatively correlated, but the correlation is not significant. Third, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation. Among these three comprehensive tax-planning strategies, research and development activities influence most significantly on the corporate operating performance. Therefore, this study concluded that investments in research and development help corporations to improve long-term productivity of the enterprise, or breakthrough innovation, and further promote business operations performance growth. But set up affiliates in tax haven influencing less on corporate operating performance. Infer that governments and international organizations gradually reinforce investigating and establish a sound tax system in order to prevent tax avoidance through the paper companies. Besides, the tax planning doesn’t create any real value to affiliates. As the trend of fighting against tax avoidance increasingly popular around the world, setting up companies in tax haven may also make additional corporate tax risk exposure. Transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance has positively correlated, but relatively less significant than the impact of research and development activities. Infer that this strategy only takes tax minimization as primary consideration, and not directly help to enhance long-term corporate operating performance.


許錦龍 Unknown Date (has links)
台商前往中國大陸投資方興未艾,然台商跨海投資中國大陸,不慎觸法,鎩羽而歸,卻仍時有所聞。由於當前中國大陸租稅環境相較於20年前已截然不同,租稅優惠措施為配合其階段性的經濟政策而不時修正,稅制法規亦不斷推陳出新,稽徵管理亦逐步朝電子資訊化發展,此時台商投資中國大陸宜按步就班,不可貿進,經營管理未臻成熟者,不但無法與當前中國租稅環境接軌,一旦管理稍有不當或過度輕忽租稅風險,則有可能血本無歸甚至身陷囹圄。 事前瞭解兩岸投資相關法令與議題,對有意前往投資的企業,將有助於集團企業之投資規劃,而事前企業功能自我檢視,可以釐清兩岸三地關係企業的各自定位,並為商業模式進行合理之安排,以減少觸法之機會;對已經前往投資的企業,則可以重新檢視法令遵循之程度,並再次就現有商業模式進行自我評估,以察覺租稅風險之所在,進而可以修正當前商業模式,俾使企業達到永續經營之目標。 本研究透過實際個案分析,發現其中國大陸子公司在經營結果上出現連年虧損但營業規模卻逐年擴張之不合理現象,再加上該公司係屬上櫃公司,財務資訊相當透明,集團企業整體獲利的結果,對映子公司的虧損,更益增其大陸子公司的移轉訂價風險,而其主要癥結則在於投資規劃之初未以企業功能與風險承擔的角度制訂內部價格訂定機制,另外,對於長駐中國大陸的台籍幹部的個人稅負問題,亦因未依循現有法令規定,而平添個人之租稅風險。 藉由兩岸法令與移轉訂價等相關文獻的探討,在瞭解個案公司營運目標及現有商業模式後,本研究透過企業內部價值鏈功能與風險分析,為個案公司釐清該集團中各企業定位,在經過產品特性、商業模式與成本型態評估後,本研究認為在本個案中成本加價法是可以合理分配內部利潤並為兩岸政府移轉訂價所接受的計價方法,故建議個案公司以此發展常態性內部訂價機制,另外也建議個案公司降低第三地公司之成本加價率,以合理反應交易之實質狀況,再者個案公司可運用中國海關所提供之保稅物流中心的視同出口之功能,以節省運送成本,最後建議個案公司協助長駐大陸台籍幹部依法申報納稅,以降低個人在中國大陸所承擔之租稅風險。

台商全球化的思維兼論國際移轉訂價租稅問題- 以個案公司探討

徐永堅, Atlan Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
全球化是二十一世紀以來,最被廣汎討論的議題。無論在政治、經濟、企業、生產要素都無可避免地往“全球化”的洪流推進。這股全球化的力量將是所有人無法抗拒及置身事外的。當然,台灣企業亦無法迴避這股全球化的趨勢。 為因應這股全球化的浪潮,本論文引個案公司為例,探討其全球化的演進歷程,包含全球化的組織分工與佈局及其因應國際移轉計價租稅問題。根據以上的探討結論,本研究提出下列建議: 一、對台商企業因應全球化的建議: 1.台商組織文化的塑造及溝通模式的建立 全球化競爭時代,快速、彈性、效率、反應成為企業彼此競爭和成為全球運籌公司的關鍵。全球化公司在發展過程中,內部共識的形成、企業文化的形成、組織體系的扁平化和分工、領導溝通和策略決斷等等,是首要必須調整的課題。爰以個案的討論,提出台商朝向全球企業方向的組織管理建議。 2.組織架構的調整及功能的定位之建議 全球化的企業,主要係透過全球製造基地設立、全球市場(銷售據點)規劃、支援服務集中化等來修正改變其營運架構,此營運架構須跳脫法人組織架構的藩籬,同時配合國際移轉訂價策略,提出組織架構的調整及功能的定位之建議。 3.銷貨及製造交易模式引發租稅問題的對策 針對台商進行全球化常見的銷貨及製造交易模式所引發租稅問題,提出相關的建議。 4.移轉訂價政策的制定及後續管理 為因應全球化的國際移轉訂價租稅問題,建議企業內部應成立移轉訂價委員會,制訂集團移轉訂價策略,並管理後續相關事宜。 二、對政府協助台商企業全球化佈局的建議: 1.落實產業升級與轉型,以知識經濟取代產業政策 建議政府以整體產業的升級與轉型之知識經濟政策,取代僅強調某些產業之發展政策。 2.建構全球化效能政府與基礎建設 不僅企業要全球化,政府亦同時要進行全球化的改造。全球化強調彈性及效率,政府組織及政策亦因以此為準繩,才不致於成為企業全球化的絆腳石。此外,政府更應積極進行因應全球化的基礎建設,吸引全球資金以台灣為轉介中心,同時確保企業能根留台灣。 3.建立全球化產業資料庫,協助企業解決因應全球化所面臨的問題 成立世界各國投資資訊資料庫,舉凡各國政治、經濟、產業、租稅、人文及基礎設施等,供企業查詢,並定期更新。責成本國及當地專家針對企業對外全球所面臨問題深入輔導。 三、對政府國際移轉訂價的租稅政策建議: 1.立法院應儘速通過所得稅法第四十三條之一之修正草案,即移轉訂價立法草案,該草案係對移轉訂價的適用方法、稽核的對象、預先訂價協議機制作一通則性的規定,使得移轉訂價的稽核有明確的法律依據。 2.移轉訂價稽核立法後,應進行國際租稅人員的培訓,以熟悉移轉訂價的概念與稽核的技巧,並派員至美國IRS吸取稽核的經驗。此外,亦應同時對國內外企業進行教育宣導,讓企業能提早因應移轉訂價的稽核準備。 3.建立國際移轉訂價參考公司資料庫及全球化組織最佳實務準則,供企業國際移轉訂價的參考。鼓勵企業自行覆核公司移轉計價的策略,檢視是否符合常規交易;並制訂預先訂價協議機制細則,提供多國籍企業制訂移轉訂價策略的選擇。 關鍵詞:全球化、移轉訂價、國際租稅、個案研究 / Using case study method, this thesis studies a Taiwanese company in the evolution track of globalization may confront with arduous external and internal problems. The thesis stresses that the international transfer pricing topic is particularly important for globalized companies. Furthermore, the function segment for a globalized organization will affect both company’s competition capability and transfer pricing policy. In summary, this thesis recommend multinational companies should consider to adjust his organization structures and fix his organization functions to conquer the possible crises of continuous operation, and to establish reasonable international transfer pricing policy to defense possible challenges coming from tax authorities in the varied jurisdictions. Further, this thesis also recommend the Legislative Yuan of R.O.C. can approve the transfer pricing proposed law of Taiwan jurisdiction as soon as possible and our government can be assistance of the companies to overcome the international transfer pricing issues in the globalization. Keywords: Globalization, Transfer pricing, International tax planning, Case study.

智慧財產移轉訂價之探索性研究 / Exploratory Research on Transfer Pricing of Intellectual Property

張雅雯, Chang,Ya Wen Unknown Date (has links)
移轉訂價係指關係企業間進行交易時,價格之訂定過程。由於各國稅制、稅率均存在差異,使跨國集團常透過移轉訂價之方式,不當安排其利潤以規避稅負。各國稅捐主管機關本其財政收入考量,並捍衛其課稅主權,紛紛建立移轉訂價稅制,要求關係企業間移轉訂價必須符合常規交易原則。   近年來,智慧財產已逐漸取代有形財產,成為企業價值之主要項目。由於智慧財產並無公開交易市場,且其通常具有一定之獨特性,致使涉及智慧財產之受控交易,於運用常規交易原則時產生諸多困難。   本論文為智慧財產移轉訂價之探索性研究,從稅制面進行分析與探討。研究結果發現,我國現行稅制與經濟暨合作發展組織、美國移轉訂價規範相較之下,未臻完備之處有: 1. 欠缺成本貢獻協議之具體規範; 2. 欠缺相互協議程序之具體適用規範。   此外,智慧財產受控交易於運用我國現行移轉訂價規範時,容易產生爭議及困難點之處在於: 1. 缺乏可比較未受控交易; 2. 智慧財產所有權之認定; 3. 共同研發之課稅問題; 4. 相互協議程序和預先訂價協議機制難以適用。 / Transfer pricing refers to a process of pricing arrangement in a controlled transactions between affiliated enterprises. Due to differences in tax legislations and tax rates among countries, multinational corporations may deliberately allocate their profits into different countries by leveraging off those differences, so its overall tax liabilities may be minimized. In view of the foregoing, tax authorities of various countries have began to formed transfer pricing related rules and regulations in order to preserve their tax bases and have requested full conformity of transfer pricing rules from resident enterprises when conducting related party transactions. In recent years, intellectual property (“IP”) has overtaken the importance of tangible assets and became a predominant operating item in many of the enterprises. However, given the inherent uniqueness in each IP and the lack of open market for the IP, difficulties often arise when applying the arm’s length principal on IP related controlled transactions. This exploratory research discusses transfer pricing of IP. Through this research, it is identified that there may be room for improvements for Taiwan transfer pricing rules in the following two areas in comparison with the OECD and U.S. transfer pricing rules: 1. Rules of cost contribution arrangement;and 2. Application rules of mutual agreement procedure. Moreover, controversies and difficulties may likely to occur in the following areas when applying transfer pricing rules on IP related controlled transactions in Taiwan: 1. Lack of comparable uncontrolled transactions; 2. The ownership of intellectual property rights; 3. Tax on cooperative R&D;and 4. Difficulties to apply with MAP and APA.

以採用可比較利潤法之公司為例-探討我國稽徵機關移轉訂價之個案查核 / A study on examination of tax authorities on transfer prices-take companies which adopt comparable profit method as examples

游松輝 Unknown Date (has links)
我國移轉訂價查核制度,係為防止營利事業與關係企業或關係人間藉不合交易常規之安排規避或減少納稅義務之制度,及為使我國所得稅制與國際潮流趨勢接軌,財政部於93年12月28日訂定發布「營利事業所得稅不合常規移轉訂價查核準則」,建立不合交易常規之認定標準暨相關調整方法,使徵納雙方有共同遵循之依據,乃我國所得稅查核之一項重大建制。 移轉訂價,指營利事業從事受控交易時所訂定之價格或利潤。其查核制度,為徵納雙方辦理所得稅申報及核定時,評估受控交易之結果是否符合常規共同遵循之依據。制度規範不僅是企業應負之協力義務,為創造企業本身更大價值及降低稅務風險,似應善用移轉訂價分析文件,使其成為衡量管理績效之利器。 本論文以採用可比較利潤法之公司為例,主要探討可比較對象一致程度,作為移轉訂價分析可信賴程度之判斷指標。研究建議如下: 一、申報書增列受測個體、受測活動、常規交易方法、可比較對象、利潤率指標、常規交易範圍及集團企業總利潤分配情形等欄位。 二、受控交易之結果達所得額標準以上,即以其原申報額為準核定,若同時符合避風港法則之主體要件者,得以其他文據取代移轉訂價報告。 三、對採用可比較利潤法之公司,於專案查核時,應注意利潤率指標之計算錯誤或誤植及年數誤用,其他資料漏列及資本調整錯誤等情形。 四、以可比較對象一致程度與受控交易結果在四分位距兩者之落點,作為移轉訂價分析可信賴程度之判斷指標。 五、若判斷指標顯示移轉訂價分析可信賴程度偏低者,建議以重組後可比較對象,建立四分位距範圍,測試有否藉更換可比較對象操作受控交易之結果。 關鍵詞:移轉訂價、關係企業、常規交易方法 / The purpose of our transfer pricing investigation system is to prevent a profit-seeking enterprise and its related parties avoid or reduce its income tax liabilities by means of arranging non-arm’s length transactions. For past few years, more and more countries had already planned and set up a transfer pricing investigation system. In order to make our tax regulations more correspondent with international trends, the MOF promulgated “The Regulations Governing Assessment of Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax on Non-Arm’s Length Transfer Pricing” on 28th December, 2004. The established identifying standards and corresponding adjusting methods of non-arm’s length transactions provide taxpayers and tax authorities a common basis, so this is an quite important system. Transfer pricing shall mean the price or profit in controlled transactions conducted by profit-seeking enterprises. The regulation provides a common basis to assess whether the result of controlled transactions corresponds with the arm’s length principle while filing and assessing an income tax return. Except imposing obligations on enterprises, the regulation also adds values and decreases tax risks of enterprises. Furthermore, since it seems to be able to enhance the altitude and breadth by making good use of these analytical data, it can be a good tool to measure management performance. As an indicator of transfer pricing analytical reliability and auditing depth of tax authorities, this essay chooses enterprises that adopt Comparable Profit Method as exploring samples to analyze the consecutive-three-year consistency of their comparable objects . The suggestions are as follows: 1.We can add columns in tax returns for taxpayers to fill in arm’s length methods, comparable transactions, tested parties and tested activities, the arm’s length range, and total profits distribution among group companies. 2.Where the results of controlled transactions are higher than the standards of income, tax authorities can directly assess the transfer prices according to taxpayers’ filing data. 3.Where the results of controlled transactions are higher than the profit standard of the same trade and qualified for standards of safe harbor, the transfer pricing report can be replaced with other evidentiary documents. 4.We can take the consistency of the comparable objects and the range between the 25th to the 75th percentile of the results of controlled transactions as an indicator to judge the reliability of transfer pricing analysis. 5.When auditing enterprises that adopted Comparable Profit Method, we should notice the miscalculation of profit level indicators, misusage of time period, and the wrong ways of capital adjustment. Key words:transfer pricing, associated enterprises, arm’s length method

無形資產移轉訂價之研究-以成本分攤協議為中心 / A Study on Transfer Pricing of Intangible Assets: Focusing on Cost Sharing Arrangements

吳家維, Wu, Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在檢視我國無形資產移轉訂價之相關規定是否完備,並藉由外國立法例與案例之借鏡,據以針對未盡完備之處進行深入之探討,以作為我國未來制定或施行相關規範之參考。 首先,本研究以無形資產為範圍,對於主要國家與我國無形資產移轉訂價制度加以比較,以瞭解我國相關規定不足之處。研究結果發現,我國關於成本分攤協議之規定最為欠缺,因此本研究亦以上述之主要國家為參考對象,彙整與分析可參考之內容,擬具我國未來制定成本分攤協議相關規範之框架。經由本研究之整理,我國未來制定成本分攤協議相關規範所應著重之主要項目包括定義、應分攤之成本、合理預期收益、成本與收益之比率相符、參與者之異動與協議之終止、稅捐稽徵機關之調整、租稅待遇、協議內容以及稽徵行政等九大項目。 其次,借鑒相關案例之爭議與本研究之設想,本研究擬定我國未來制定或施行成本分攤協議之法規所可能面臨之問題或應考量之事項,分為稅務面、法制面與稽徵行政面,並據以提供相關建議。稅務面主要可分為分攤協議之成本、使用協議所開發之無形資產、成本分攤給付以及買進與買斷給付之稅務處理,法制面為應考量制定之法律位階與訂定內容之相關配套措施,稽徵行政面則須評估預審制度之效益、權責單位之規劃與其保密義務之限制、專責人員之專業素養與獨立性以及對於成本分攤協議進行技術輸出管制之重要性。 / This research examines whether the transfer pricing regulations of intangible assets in Taiwan are sufficient or not. It focuses on lack of regulations pertaining to cost sharing arrangements (CSA) in Taiwan. With the references to foreign legislations and cases, the research further discusses the legislation defects and provides suggestions for Taiwan’s legislatives as to enactment or enforcement of related regulations in the future. Specifically, this research locates the legislation deficiencies by comparing transfer pricing systems of intangible assets between major countries and Taiwan. Examples of such major countries are used as a framework of CSA regulations for Taiwan. This framework covers the following main items: definition of a CSA, intangible development costs (IDC), reasonably anticipated benefits (RAB), the consistency between IDC shares and RAB shares, changes in participants and the termination of CSAs, adjustments by tax administrations, tax treatment of CSAs, elements of a CSA, and administration of tax collection. Based on the above analysis and controversies of related cases, this research points out problems that may arise and issues that should be considered when CSA regulations are to be enacted or enforced in Taiwan. Such problems and issues can be separated into three aspects, namely, taxation, legal system, and administration of tax collection. The research concludes by offering suggestions on each aspect. For the taxation aspect, the tax treatment relating to certain conditions should be contemplated, including IDC shared by each participant in a CSA, exploiting the intangible assets developed by a CSA, cost sharing transaction payments (CST payments), and buy-in/buy-out payments. With regard to the aspect of legal system, the legal position and supplementary measures of CSA regulations should be taken into account. As to the aspect of administration of tax collection, many factors should be taken into consideration, such as assessing the feasibility and benefit of issuing a CSA advance ruling, determining the appropriate tax authorities in charge of CSAs, training and developing qualified tax officials to audit CSAs, and controlling the technologies export via CSAs.

跨國企業電子商務移轉訂價制度之探討 / The Research on Multinational Enterprises’ Transfer Pricing in Electronic Commerce Activities

丁俊廷, Ting, Chun-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對移轉訂價制度在電子商務環境中是否產生適用上的問題、以及是否產生新型態的交易模式來進行探討,以了解現行之移轉訂價規範是否仍適用於電子商務環境。本研究首先透過文獻分析法與比較分析法,將電子商務移轉訂價相關之文獻加以整理與分析,了解移轉訂價在電子商務環境中所可能產生的適用問題,並比較各國對電子商務移轉訂價之態度與作法;接著根據電子商務的特性,提出跨國企業可能的電子商務移轉訂價交易模式。而後採用深入訪談法,針對可能的適用問題與可能的交易模式作為訪談主題,邀請五位產、官、學界之代表進行訪談,以了解實務面的觀點與處理方式,並改善本研究所提出之交易模式。 / 依據文獻彙整及訪談結果顯示,移轉訂價制度在電子商務環境下,仍應適用與傳統商務一致之常規交易原則。針對受控交易進行功能與風險分析,以找出合適之可比較對象並選定最適之移轉訂價方法,來判斷受控交易是否符合常規交易原則。此外,對於電子商務移轉訂價所可能產生的問題,包含可比較對象之找尋、移轉訂價方法之選擇、價值創造中心之決定、租稅天堂的運用、電子商務特性之影響、以及交易軌跡消失之疑慮等方面,皆不至於重大影響移轉訂價制度的運作;電子商務僅係提供另一道交易媒介,使得交易變得更有效率,並未改變受控交易之經濟實質與交易本質。因此,移轉訂價規範不論在傳統商務或電子商務的環境中,皆可一體適用,不因電子商務的加入而須加以改善或修正。 / To know if the existing transfer pricing guideline could still apply to the environment of electronic commerce or not, this study aims to inquire into related issues of the transfer pricing under e-commerce activities, including whether it will bring any possible problems or result in new transaction models or not. First of all, documentary analysis and comparative analysis are applied to compile and analyze the literature related to transfer pricing in e-commerce. It helps to understand possible problems that will occur when applying it in e-commerce and to compare the different ideas and manners of practicing transfer pricing in e-commerce between certain countries. Also, probable transaction models will be proposed according to the characteristics of e-commerce. Secondly, in-depth interviews are used to probe into transfer pricing in e-commerce activities more thoroughly. Possible problems and transaction models of application are the main theme of interviews, and five representatives from the industrial circle, the government, and the academia are the major interviewees of the study. The purpose of in-depth interview is to figure out perspectives and actions of the practical aspect and to improve the transaction models proposed by the study. / According to the results of literature review and interviews, even in e-commerce conditions, the transfer pricing guideline can also apply to the arm’s length principle, the same as the traditional commerce does. As for the function and risk analysis of controlled transaction, which helps to figure out comparable uncontrolled transaction and to decide on the proper transfer pricing methodologies, it is applied to judge if controlled transaction could comply with the arm’s length principle. As for the function and risk analysis of controlled transaction, which helps to figure out comparable uncontrolled subjects and to decide on the proper transfer pricing methodologies, it is applied to judge if controlled transaction could comply with the arm’s length principle. Furthermore, possible problems that would arise in the course of e-commerce transfer pricing, including a search for the comparable uncontrolled transaction, the adoption of transfer pricing methodologies, the decision of value creation center, the utilization of tax heavens, the effects of e-commerce characteristics, and doubts about disappearance of the transaction track, all have no great influences upon the operation of transfer pricing guideline. E-commerce provides another medium of exchange to make transactions more efficient without changing the financial essence and transaction quality. In a word, the transfer pricing guideline can both apply to traditional commerce and e-commerce conditions. It is not necessary to improve or adjust the transfer pricing guideline even when involving in the issue of e-commerce.

智慧財產移轉訂價稅制探討與租稅規劃 / Taxation System of Transfer Pricing and Tax Planning on Intellectual Properties

廖志豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬檢視針對智慧財產移轉訂價稅制是否齊備,藉由外國稅法制度以及實務案例作為台灣修法借鏡,針對我國法制尚未臻完備之處進行探討,以作為未來修法之參考;並以納稅義務人角度,針對以智慧財產為標的之情形模擬租稅規劃安排。 首先,本研究以智慧財產為主軸,就我國目前現有移轉訂價制度先行探討,再納入美國以及中國稅制進行比較分析,以衡量我國目前稅法未完備之處。本研究結果發現,針對智慧財產移轉訂價稅制,我國尚缺乏成本分攤協議規範、智慧財產所有權人認定、可比較交易內容之資料庫等規範內容,得以美國為借鏡,作為我國未來制定相關規範之框架,盡速彌補相關智慧財產移轉訂價法制不足之處,以利徵納雙方適用。 再者,智慧財產移轉訂價為一相當實務且國際化之議題,借鏡於實際爭訟案件爭點,可作為未來我國修法規範之考量;由於台灣以研究發展見長,企業擁有許多高價值的智慧財產,未來該等轉讓或授權所牽涉的金額將更為龐大,屆時租稅規劃將為重要考量,故本文模擬數個例子,為該等企業先行作基礎租稅規劃。 最後,綜上所述,提出個人修法建議,希冀能為我國智慧財產移轉訂價稅制實務徵納以及修法方向作出一點貢獻。

反避稅租稅改革對企業租稅負擔及避稅行為之影響 / The impact of anti - avoidance tax reform on tax burden and tax avoidance

黃竑傑, Hunag, Hung Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
過往的國際租稅制度設計著重於避免雙重課稅以消除經貿交流所產生之障礙,然而當今因資訊科技快速發展使得新興商業模式興起,跨國交易手法複雜且創新,此套國際租稅制度已逐漸無法滿足當今新型態稽徵之需求,常造成各國稅捐之流失。因此,國際租稅制度的理念已由過往的避免雙重課稅轉換為現今的避免雙重不課稅,而跨國反避稅風潮也由此而生。我國於跨國反避稅浪潮中亦制定多項反避稅措施,然而其成效如何並未有相關研究文獻作全面性之檢視,因此本文以2002年至2014年台灣上市、上櫃與興櫃公司財務資料探討我國實施多年之反避稅措施對於企業租稅負擔與避稅行為之影響。 本文研究結果顯示,移轉訂價查核準則實施與簽署租稅協定將提升企業租稅負擔與降低避稅行為。由於我國企業資本弱化情形並不嚴重,因此反資本弱化條款實施對於我國企業並無顯著影響。在簽署租稅協定內含利益限制條款方面,利益限制條款並未顯著提升我國企業租稅負擔與避稅行為,究其原因,可能為我國簽署租稅協定且含利益限制條款之樣本數過少使其效果並不明顯。 / The emergence of international tax system was to reduce the burden of juridical double taxation and increase cross-border transactions. However, the new business model changed by rapid development of science and technology made taxing authorities difficult to define the substance of cross-border transactions. In this case many countries faced the fact of tax erosion, so the objective of international tax system has been changed from the elimination of double taxation to anti-avoidance measures. In order to prevent tax erosion, Taiwan’s government had legislated some anti-avoidance provisions. There is no study that research those anti-avoidance provisions whether have impact on Taiwanese enterprise. This study used Taiwanese financial information from 2002 to 2014 to investigate the tax burden and tax avoidance of enterprise after anti-avoidance provisions had been legislated. Empirical results show transfer pricing rules and tax treaties not only increase the tax burden but also decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. This study find that there is no thin capitalization in Taiwan. At the end, tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits can’t increase the tax burden and decrease the tax avoidance of Taiwanese enterprise. Owing to few samples of tax treaties which involved limitation-on-benefits, the empirical result don’t reach the significant level.

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