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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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周舒屏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的是探討跨國機構投資者的持股比例和公司特性間的關係,藉由分析跨國機構投資者的持股偏好來推論影響國際權益投資分佈的原因。研究對象為我國投信發行之海外基金以及投資於我國集中市場的外資、我國投信及金融機構。研究期間為1996-2001年,利用隨機效果模型(Random Effect Model)實證結合橫斷面以及時間序列的追蹤資料(panel data),以分析投資者所偏好的公司特性,進而推論投資者投資偏好本國市場的原因。 本研究首先探討跨國機構投資者的持股偏好,其次探討在本國市場的機構投資者的持股偏好,以分析投資者的持股比例和公司特性間的關係。經實證後結論如下: 一、我國機構投資者對外投資所偏好的公司特性為市值大、流動比率高、對外銷貨比率高、交易週轉率高的公司,證明了資訊不對稱以及交易成本是決定我國跨國機構投資者投資偏好的原因。 二、外資顯著偏好市值大、有發行過海外證券的我國上市公司,顯示外資明顯偏好資訊不對稱程度比較小的公司。 三、機構投資者-外資、我國投信、金融機構都顯著偏好市值規模大的我國上市公司,而以外資偏好的程度最大。顯示資訊不對稱問題同樣會影響投資者在本國證券市場的投資行為。

影響銀行分行數數目因素之探討-以倫敦為例- / Factors on numbers of branches-A study on London

鄭俊緯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以倫敦國內外銀行為實證的對象。選取275家倫敦國內外的銀行為樣本,以1996年到2005年10年的分行數資料,採用Panel Data型態進行處理分析,以固定效果模式與隨機效果模式為估計方法。本文以Sang Rim Choi, Daekeum Park, and Adrian E. Tschoegl在1980到2000連續20年研究金融中心銀行進出的概念為主要架構,依據銀行本身的內在的變數、外部環境的變數,探討影響銀行分行數變動的主要原因,將實證的結果與過去文獻研究的結果互相印證,希望進一步提供相關銀行產業參考。 使用的變數分別為(1)銀行內部變數:總資產、ROA、自有資產率(2)外部環境變數:來源國及當地的GDP per capita和人口、兩國間的貿易流、文化因素以及城市之間的距離。實證結果如下: 本研究若是以英國境內的銀行到倫敦設立分行的情況來說,發現總資產及英國的GDP per capita對銀行設立分行呈現正向的關係,而自有資產率則是呈現負向的關係。若是以國外銀行至倫敦來設分行的情況來說,發現總資產、ROA和兩國間的貿易流呈現正向的關係,而當地的人口數與城市間的距離則呈現負向的關係。 / This study uses banks located in London as empirical objects. We picked 275 banks as empirical sample. The sampling period is from 1996 to 2005. We use data form is panel data and use fixed effect and random effect approach to verify. This study was based on the conception from Sang Rim Choi, Daekeum Park, and Adrian E. Tschoegl (1980 to 2000). To try find out the important factors that affect on variations of the branches in accordance with inner variables and outer variables. The empirical results can test traditional theory and provide the results to the managers of the banks. The independent variables are (1) inner variable: total asset、ROA、equity divided by total asset and (2) outer variables: foreign countries’ GDP per capita and population、UK’s GDP per capita and population、trade flows between foreign countries and UK、cultural factor and distant between cities and London. The empirical results are as follows: In local banks case, the result shows total asset and UK’ GDP per capita both have significantly positive effect on numbers of the branches. On the other hand, E/TA has significantly negative effect on numbers of the branches. In foreign banks case, the result shows total asset、ROA and trade flows all have significantly positive effect on numbers of the branches. On the other hand, UK’ population and distant both have significantly negative effect on numbers of the branches.

長期資料之隨機效果模型分析-公司每股盈餘與財務比率之關聯性研究 / Random effect model in longitudinal data--the empirical study of the relationship among EPS & financial ratios

楊慧怡, Yang, Hui-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
長期性資料(longitudinal data),是指對同一個觀察個體(subject)或實驗單位(experiment unit),在不同時間點上重複觀察或測量一個或多個變數。雖然觀察個體之間互相獨立,但就同一個個體而言,不同時間的觀察或測量常常是有相關性的。且觀察的個體之間可能由於一些無法測量的環境因素造成個體之間有差異,因此在傳統橫斷面分析中,假設其有相同迴歸係數的邊際模型可能不合理。隨機效果模型可以解決長期資料分析的相關,並假設每個個體的迴歸係數不同;此模型不但可以說明橫斷面資料的cohort效果,也可直接解釋長期資料的age效果;更可以區分個體之間與個體之內的變異。 本研究以1995年至2000年台灣11個產業中的100家公司之每股盈餘與各財務比率,作為實證分析的資料;分別配適每股盈餘與時間、產業別、時間產業別交互作用及財務比率及排除每股盈餘有異常值後之邊際效果模型(一般迴歸分析)及隨機效果模型,並比較其參數估計之異同。實證結果顯示,一般迴歸分析與假設誤差不相關且等變異下的隨機效果模型參數估計相似,但後者能區分變異為個體之間(between-subjects)與個體之內(within-subject)的變異。而假設誤差不相關且不等變異與假設誤差服從AR(1)且不等變異下的隨機效果模型估計相近。實證結果並顯示,在排除異常值後的模型參數估計,一般迴歸分析不論是估計值及顯著性大多沒有很大差別;而隨機效果模型的估計在排除異常值前後較有差別。特別是現金流量比率(CFR)原本為不顯著變數,在排除異常值後的模型配適全部變顯著性變數。 / The defining characteristic of a longitudinal study is that individuals are measured repeatedly through time. Although it is independent between subjects, the set of observations on one subject tends to be inter-correlated. Because there is some natural heterogeneity due to unmeasured factors between subjects, it is not corrected to assume they have the same regression coefficients. A random effect model is a reasonable description about the different regression coefficients, and it can resolve the inter-correlation of the observations on one subject. The major advantages of the random effect model are its capacity to separate what in the context of population studies are called cohort and age effects, and it can distinguish the variations between subjects and within subjects. This study describes the marginal model and random effect model, and shows their difference by real data analysis. We apply these models to the earnings per share (EPS) and other financial ratios of one hundred companies in Taiwan, which are distributed in eleven industries. The results show that the parameter estimates of the marginal model and random effect model are similar when error structure is independent and of equal variance. Furthermore, the latter can distinguish the variations between subjects and within subjects. However, the residual analysis reveals that the error structure may not be constant. Therefore, we consider heteroscedasticity error in random effect model. We also assume that error follows an autoregressive process (e.g. AR(1) model), which leads to the optimum among our results in terms of residual analysis. There are some observations that appear to be outlying from the majority of data. The results show little difference in the marginal models no matter whether those outliers are included. However, we obtain different results in the random effect models. Especially, the variable of “cash flow ratio” becomes significant once those potential outliers have been excluded, while it is not significant when all cases are fitted in the model.


林冶洋 Unknown Date (has links)


鄭郁芳 Unknown Date (has links)
現代化與工業化改變了人們的生活方式,也對傳統的家庭型態與關係造成莫大的影響。在世界各國,同樣也面臨家庭解組、傳統價值逐漸瓦解的問題,隨著離婚率的逐年攀升,傳統家庭道德對現代人的規範力逐漸式微。這些現象意味著,若我們要理解台灣家庭或婚姻情況的真實樣貌,我們必須得先瞭解影響台灣離婚率和行為背後的離婚態度為何?而影響離婚態度的因素又是什麼? 本研究所採用的是台灣社會變遷調查資料庫1984、1995、2000和2005年共四年份的調查資料。在這四年的問卷題組當中,受訪者都被問到「夫妻不合而離婚有沒有錯?」之相同問題。藉由長時期、相同問題重複的資料特性,並結合「階層式年齡-時期-世代別」之分析模型,本研究從個人層次、時期層次和世代層次來探討影響離婚態度變遷和差異的重要因素,進而描繪出台灣社會在過去二十多年的變遷軌跡。 本研究發現:首先,因為在婚姻市場上男性獲益較大,且女性隨教育提升、經濟獨立機會大增,女性對於傳統的婚姻價值會比男性更易鬆動,並且較能接受離婚。其次,男性和女性隨生命歷程的轉變,年齡效果沒有呈現非線性關係的倒U型趨勢。第三,在戰後嬰兒潮時期以及嬰兒潮之後出生的世代,對於離婚行為傾向較能接受;反之,出生於戰前和二戰期間的世代,對於離婚行為都會比較保守。第四,當外在社會瀰漫著一股離婚的風氣時,個人容易受周遭同儕和整體環境的影響,覺得離婚並非一件負面的事情,形成離婚世俗化的潮流,所以當社會的總體離婚率愈高的時候,人們的離婚態度就會愈開放。另外,在自變項與控制變項方面,受過高等教育者和白領職業的女性,其對離婚行為會偏向贊同和接受,而有宗教信仰者則會傾向保守並反對。

具有額外變異之離散型資料分析探討 / A Study on Modelling Overdispersion in Categorical Data

陳麗如 Unknown Date (has links)
處理類別型的資料時,常由於變異數與平均數間具有函數關係,因此資料呈現出來的變異程度會比預期的變異程度來的大,這種現象就稱為資料具有額外變異。一般的分析方法是利用廣義線性模型先作估計,再對估計之標準誤做調整。本文中將探討處理額外變異的另外兩種方法—準概似估計和隨機效果模型,並分別利用紡織原料與毒物學研究之資料作為範例來比較此兩種方法與前者的異同。 / Overdispersion is a common phenomenon in practice when modelling categorical data, and the scaled Pearson chi-square is usually used to measure it. In this study, we examine two other methods—the quasi-likelihood and the random-effect models. In addition, two examples are provided for illustration.

世界各國對中國投資之決定因素—北京、上海與廣東之比較 / Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in China: The Comparative Study between Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong

鄭惠珍, Cheng, Hui-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
自1978年中國開始經濟的改革開放政策以來,吸引外資便成為其推動經濟成長的重要手段之一。1992年鄧小平南巡,再一次宣示建立「社會主義的市場經濟體制」後,由於開放的經濟政策更為明朗,使越來越多的國家到中國直接投資。自此,中國成為全世界最受歡迎的外資投資國之一。甚至在2002年超越美國,成為全世界最大的外資接受國。如此多的國家對中國展開大規模的投資,其投資的規模與投資地區的選擇卻有相當大的差異。因此,本文的研究目的,將以1993至2003年世界各國對中國投資的追蹤資料(panel data),搭配固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)與隨機效果模型(random-effect model)的估計,並以目前中國沿海發展具代表性的北京、上海與廣東三個省(市)之比較,探究影響世界各國對中國直接投資的決定因素。 實證結果發現影響外商直接投資北京、上海與廣東的決定因素中,顯著影響的變數為相對工資率、對中國貿易依存度、相對匯率以及相對借貸成本。而其餘的變數,如相對國內生產毛額、相對每人國內生產毛額和相對國家風險等皆不顯著,反映了其皆非外商直接投資中國時所考量的決定因素。 / Since 1978, China has adopted the so-called “open door policy”, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) has become one of the most important methods to facilitate its economic growth. However, foreign countries didn’t invest large amount toward China until Deng Xiaoping’s southern trip in 1992. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the determinants of FDI from different foreign countries to different regions in China after foreign countries started to invest tremendous amount toward China. This study adopts fixed-effect model and random-effect model to investigate the determinants of FDI in China with panel data of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong during the period of 1993-2003. The result shows relative wage rate, trade dependence to China, relative exchange rate and relative borrowing cost are the most important factors in attracting FDI in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong during 1993-2003. Finally, in order to reduce the mistakes occurred in positive models and enable the study more rigorous, then uses more methods to test the models and the result.

反租稅規避制度對利潤移轉之影響 -以台灣上市電子工業在境外設立子公司為例 / Impact of anti-tax avoidance regimes on the profit shifting-Evidence from the listed electronic industries in Taiwan investing on subsidiaries abroad

顏瀅庭 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化的趨勢之下,國際分工不可避免地成為跨國公司運作的趨勢。2013年2月,OECD發布《處理稅基侵蝕及利潤移轉》的報告表示,跨國公司利潤移轉策略的採取被認為是稅基侵蝕的主要原因。基於BEPS已經成為各國非常重視的議題,世界各國也為了保全稅基及防杜利潤移出,紛紛訂出反制措施。這些反制措施是否能遏制利潤不當的移動,是一個值得重視議題。惟目前學術文獻上並未有一篇全面盤點這些反制措施及地主國租稅制度對利潤移轉的影響。 故本篇研究以2005年至2012年台灣電子工業作為研究對象,利用橫斷面及時間序列的追蹤資料 (panel data) 之隨機模型做估計,探討台灣跨國公司之電子業海外子公司的利潤移轉是否會受到租稅規避行為的影響。結果顯示,利潤移轉會受到以下四種國際租稅規避工具所影響,分別是地主國是否有移轉訂價的規範、是否有預先移轉訂價規範、是否有反資本弱化條款以及地主國是否為租稅天堂。

交易量對於隱含波動度預測誤差之對偶效果-Panel Data的分析 / The Dual Effect of Volume and Volatility Forecasting Error-Panel Data analysis

李政剛, Lee,Jonathan K. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討選擇權交易量之大小對於波動度預測之效率性所造成之對偶效果(dual effect),驗證〝正常的高交易量〞與〝異常的高交易量〞對於波動度預測能力是否有不同的影響。本研究採用panel data之資料型態,以LIFFE上市的個股買權為對象,資料長度為三年左右。主要欲探討之假說為: 1.一般而言,交易量大的選擇權,其波動度估計誤差較交易量小的選擇權來得小。 2.相對於平日水準而言,某日交易量異常高的選擇權將有較大的波動度估計誤差。 本研究所使用的波動度預測模型為隱含波動度(ISD),採用的是最接近到期月份及最接近價平的合約。實證以組合迴歸、固定效果模型、隨機效果模型分別估計之,加以比較。結果發現固定效果模型為較佳之解釋模型,然而結果顯示交易量的對偶效果並不明確影響波動度預測誤差,故推測有某種影響公司間差異的因素,即公司間之異質性,比相對交易量更容易影響波動度預測之誤差。另外,透過組間與組內效果之分析,發現不論是長期還是短期,由於公司間的異質性存在,使得相對交易量對於波動度預測誤差均無明顯影響。 / The purpose of this research is to study the dual effect on the efficiency of volatility forecasting which is caused by the volume of option market, with the intent to test whether〝normal high volume〞and〝abcdrmal high volume〞cause different results on the ability of volatility forecasting. The data used is in the form of panel data. It is drawn from LIFFE, and has a length of about three years. The hypotheses to be examined in this study are:1. High-average-volume options have smaller volatility forecasting errors than low-average-volume options; 2. Options have larger volatility forecasting errors on abcdrmally-high-volume days than on normal-volume days. In this research, volatility is forecasted by implied standard deviation (ISD) which is implied in the at-the-money and the nearest expiry month options. Pooled regression、fixed effect model、and random effect model methods were applied. The results show that the fixed effect model made the best analysis amongst the three models. However, the result does not support the hypotheses made above, which means that volume does not have much influence on volatility forecasting error. It is inferred that there exists some other factors which could cause the difference between firms, namely heterogeneity, and these factors have much more powerful influence over volatility forecasting error than volume. Finally, it was found that no matter for long run or short run, because of the existence of heterogeneity, relative volume doesn’t have obvious influence on volatility forecasting errors when analyzing the difference between the between-individual effect and the within-individual effect.


王肇蘭, Wang ,Chao Lan Unknown Date (has links)
人類慾望無窮而資源有限,所以如何將資源做最有效的使用一直是經濟學所追求的課題。有關效率的規範分析中,巴瑞圖最適(Pareto optimality)為接受度最高的準則。基於巴瑞圖效率的觀點,不論是營利組織或非營利組織其經營之基本理念皆是希望以最少的投入獲得最大的產出,因此衡量投入與產出間之相對表現即為效率的評估。非營利組織及公共部門因為有許多產出、投入不易量化,故其效率不易評定。此一情況一直到DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis;資料包絡分析法)發展才逐漸改善。另外,有關DEA的運用幾乎都集中在個別決策單位的效率衡量,將之應用在衡量總體經濟的表現上非常少見。所以論文第肆章是按傳統方式以DEA衡量我國地方政府的效率並分析造成效率差異的原因,第參章則將DEA的概念應用於經濟成長上,探討使經濟成長達到極大化之租稅負擔及租稅結構。又效率的追求為經濟學的主軸,但中央政府的效率目標與地方政府並不相同,由於目標不同,因此彼此所訂的租稅政策亦不相同。本文第伍章試圖提出一理論模型說明中央政府在面對異質地區的垂直外部性下如何有效率的訂定其租稅政策。 / The human desires are infinite but resources are scarce. Using resources effectively is the topic of the economics. In efficient analyses, the Pareto optimality is the highest criterion to accept. Based on Pareto efficiency, the basic idea is to obtain the most outputs by the least inputs. Therefore the efficiency measurement is to calculate the relative performance of inputs and outputs. The nonprofit organization and the public agencies have many outputs and inputs not easy to be quantified; hence, their efficiency is not easy to evaluate. This phenomenon doesn’t improve until DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) was developed. However, the application of DEA concentrates nearly on the efficiency measurement of individual policy-making unit; the application is be rarely used in measuring the performance of the macro-economy. Chapter 4 of this dissertation measures and explains the variation in cost efficiency of the local governments in Taiwan area. Chapter 3 deals with the application the DEA to economic growth, estimating a combination of the tax burden(the ratio of tax revenue to GDP)and the tax structure(the ratio of indirect taxes to direct taxes)which would maximize the rate of growth of GDP of Taiwan. Efficiency is the core of economics, but the national government’s efficient goal is not as same as the local government’s. Because their goals are not consistent, thus the tax policies are different. Chapter 5 attempts to propose a theoretical model to explain how a national or federal government decides its tax policy in the vertical externalities happening in heterogeneous states.

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