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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

內部資訊與公司董監和經營團隊變動之 關連研究---以IPO事件為例 / The study of Inside Information on Company Board and Management Team Change – A case of IPO

蔡昇諭 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過各公司之自然人、創投、法人和國發基金董監事與經營團隊變動,探討四者之董監事與經營團隊在IPO之後是否因為內部資訊掌握差異,所造成的經營團隊結構改變。實證結果發現在IPO之後四者都有明顯的變動,故推斷依照基本特性推斷以下四個結果:(1)內部自然人的確有利用內部資訊進行IPO後拋開經營權之嫌;(2) 創投因為其本身就為獲利導向,故其是否利用內部資訊退場無法下定論,但可知道創投確實在IPO之後會在短時間內退場;(3) 企業法人因其介入目的大多為策略導向,故其雖亦會利用內部資訊,但並非以賺取不公平獲利為導向;(4) 國發基金身帶政策性目的和進出有其目標設定,故內部資訊之應用並非重點。還有,內部人之關係連結確實會增強內部資訊之流動。

在教育連結網絡下之董監事置換對長期經營績效的影響 / The Effect of Board Turnover on the Long-term Performance of Start-ups

涂銘哲, Tu, Ming Jhe Unknown Date (has links)
在創投的資金後,通常會影響被投資公司經營的自主權,甚至大規模地置換公司董事與經營團隊。因此本研究透過台灣上市櫃公司內部董事與外部董監事席次的變化,探討對被投資公司上市櫃後長期經營績效的影響。資料期間涵蓋未上市與成功上市櫃後,並考量內部董事與外部董事之間必然存在資訊不對稱的情況,故進一步加入教育連結網絡,控制資訊不對稱干擾效果,以利更深入地檢視董監事的置換對於公司長期經營績效的影響。本研究實證結果發現董監事的置換對於被投資公司的經營績效存在負向的關係。並進一步發現董監事置換的對象以被投資公司的內部董事最為顯著,因此當公司內部的董監事明顯發生更動時,對於公司經營績效而言可能是一個不佳的訊號。而在考量教育連結網絡下,董監事的置換對於公司長期經營績效的表現亦呈現負向關係,表示降低資訊不對稱下,董監事的改變同樣無法能夠對長期經營績效有正向的影響。本研究結果顯示,公司董事會與經營團隊的穩定性,有助公司經營決策上的一貫,使公司經營績效能夠更優異。 / In this research, board turnover is hypothesized as key factors to influence performance of startups. Based on a uniquely contructed dataset recording key information of invested companies, ventural capitals and National Development Fund(NDF) in Taiwan, we create some new variables to this dataset, board turnover, and quantify the effect of board turnover on invested companies’ long-term performance. Our empirical results show that board turnover acts negatively towards invested companies’ long term performance. Besides, by using educational linkage between invested companies and venture capitals as control variables, there is also strong negative relation between board turnover and long-term performance. We thus conclude unstable board members will influence companies’ long-term performance despite of alleviating information asymmertry.

高階經營團隊背景與國際擴張的關係 / The Background of Top Management Team and International Expansion

王嘉薇, Wang, Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討高階經營團隊成員的背景與企業國際擴張策略之間的關係。以高階經營團隊成員的學經歷背景為討論重點,探討高階經營團隊成員國外經驗的有無、教育程度的高低,以及本科專業異質性的程度是否會對企業海外投資金額的多寡與對大陸地區投資的集中程度造成影響。由高層理論可以得知,高階經理人個人的認知基礎與價值觀會成為他們進行策略選擇的依據,因此,要探討企業選擇某一策略的原因時,就必須從其高階經營團隊成員著手。本研究選擇臺灣的電子產業為樣本,以臺灣經濟新報資料庫(TEJ)中產業代碼分別為M2324半導體、M2326光電業、M2328電子零組件與M2329電子通路業等之公司為研究對象,研究時期為2001年、2006年以及2012年。實證結果發現,若高階經營團隊成員的國外經驗愈多,對海外地區(不包含大陸地區)的投資金額愈高;若高階經營團隊成員的教育程度愈高,對大陸地區投資的集中程度愈低;然而,關於高階經營團隊成員主修專業異質性的部分,則並未得出任何顯著之結果。本研究之發現不僅再一次證實過往研究的結果,確定高階經營團隊成員對企業的重要性,更給企業在聘用高階經理人時提供參考,若企業未來有往國際擴展的目標,則應盡量聘用擁有國外經驗的高階經理人,借助其經驗與優勢,讓企業在國際市場上能更有效率且成功地發展。 / This study investigates the relationship between the background of top management team and international expansion. It discusses whether foreign experience, the level of education and major heterogeneity will influence the amount of overseas investment and the concentration degree of investment in China or not. According to the upper echelons theory, personal cognitive basis and value of top managers have an impact on their decision-making process. Thus, in order to understand the reasons why an enterprise chooses one strategy, it is necessary to explore its top management team. Relying on data from Taiwan's electronics industry (TEJ codes M2324, M2326, M2328, M2329), we find that certain characteristics of top management team are related to international expansion. Empirical results show that, if the top management team members have more foreign experience, the amount of overseas investment will be higher; additionally, if the top management team members with higher education levels, the concentration degree of investment in China will be lower. However, concerning the effect of major heterogeneity, it does not find any significant results. In a word, the findings of this study not only confirm the importance of top management team but also provide a reference for a company when employing top managers.

家族控制,負債與高階經營團隊薪酬 / Family control, debt, and top management compensation

陳昭蓉, Chen,Chao-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要分別探討家族控制、負債與高階經營團隊薪酬的關係。實證結果發現,根據利益一致效果,家族企業通常會發放較少變動薪酬給高階經營團隊。然而,當家族企業偏離問題較嚴重,且由家族成員擔任高階經理人時,則會支付較高變動薪酬給家族高階經營團隊,此種現象在非電子業中尤為明顯。本文亦探討負債與薪酬的關係,結果發現,負債與高階經營團隊薪酬呈非線性關係,再將負債進一步細分,發現長期銀行負債對薪酬的監督效果高於短期銀行負債及一般公司債。本文也發現相較於非家族企業,負債對高階經營團隊薪酬的監督效果在家族企業中較弱。 / This paper investigates the variable compensation of top management teams. Prior literature suggests that compensation policy can help firms reduce the agency problem between principals and agents. Most of these studies, however, emphasize the agency problem between shareholders and managers, and only a few examine those between controlling and minority shareholders and between shareholders and debtholders. This study investigates the effects of family control and debt on top management compensation, respectively. The empirical results show that, on average, family-controlled firms are associated with a lower proportion of variable compensation, which is consistent with the alignment effect. However, family-controlled firms with greater control divergence and whose CEO is a family member, which gives rise to a central agency problem, pay higher variable compensation to family top management, as evident in the non-electronic industry. Furthermore, the empirical results find a U-shaped relationship between debt and top management compensation. In addition, the monitoring effect of long-term bank debt on top management compensation is greater than that of short-term bank debt and common bond. Finally, the monitoring effect of debt on top management compensation is weaker in family-controlled firms than in non-family-controlled firms.


劉麗玲 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣的高科技產業發展中,創投扮演了重要的角色,其所提供的資金與協助促進了新創事業的成長,造就了台灣資訊電子產業的躍居世界舞台與傲人的經濟成長。2000年人類基因圖譜的解出,似乎加快了基因技術的應用與相關產業的發展,進而成為全球經濟成長的新動力,因此我國創投的投資觸角也積極地延伸到生物技術產業上。   過去有關創投的相關研究多集中在投資評估準則的總體性研究,甚少針對某一產業的特性不同,來做進一步的研究,特別是在生物科技產業方面,因此,本研究將針對生物技術產業的特性與創投的股東背景、經營團隊與合作網路等組成因子,來探討其所產生的投資策略與行為。   本研究採用個案訪談之定性研究,選擇六家在生技產業投資比重較大的國內創投公司做訪談,再依據本研究架構進行分析整理,得到了以下之結論:   一、 生技產業的特性對投資策略與行為之影響    1. 創投因看好生技產業的成長潛力而將提高此方面的投資比重,而生技產業的投資金額以美國為最高。    2. 創投在生技產業的投資階段傾向涵蓋不同的階段。    3. 創投在生技產業的投資以醫藥產業及其週邊之醫療器材為主,主要考量是醫藥產業是目前為止較高報酬的領域。    4. 創投在生技產業的投資區域以美國為主,其中最重要的原因與該地區之產業群聚有關。    5. 創投在生技產業的投資傾向以投資組合管理及聯合同業投資來降低投資風險。    6. 創投在生技產業的投資傾向不聘任外部顧問,而傾向以經營團隊之專業評估為主,再以已投資公司與事業夥伴為諮詢對象。    7. 創投在生技產業的投資回收策略為上市或購併,投資回收期間並不會因為生技產業的產品開發期長而延長。    8. 創投在生技產業的投資評估,著重整體性評估(不會只看技術或智慧財產權),會因事業投資階段而有不同的評估重點,投資案愈偏早期,愈著重技術與人。投資案愈偏成熟期,所需評估的項目愈多。    9. 生技產業的特性雖對創投的附加價值沒有影響,但創投對生技產業的投資案有提供附加價值,會因投資案事業發展階段之不同,而提供所需之協助,附加價值則以資訊蒐集與人脈介紹為主。   二、創投的組成對投資策略與行為之影響    1. 創投的股東對外部顧問策略、投資案源與投資評估有影響,對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管、回收策略與附加價值沒有影響。    2. 創投的經營團隊對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管、外部顧問、回收策略、投資評估與附加價值有明顯的影響,對投資案源則有些影響。    3. 創投的合作網路對外部顧問、投資評估與附加價值有影響,對投資案源更是有明顯影響,而對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管與回收策略沒有影響。    三、生技產業的特性對創投的組成之影響    1. 生技產業的特性對創投董事會內的股東背景沒有影響。    2. 生技產業的的特性影響到創投招募技術專業之經營團隊。    3. 創投未因生技產業的特性而建構新的合作網路,而傾向運用集團中原有之合作網路,尤其是過去的已投資公司,為創投主要的諮詢者。 / Venture capital plays an important role in the development of high technological industries in Taiwan. It provides the essential fund and useful assistance to promote the growth of start-up companies. Because of it, the growth of economy in Taiwan dramatically increases and Taiwan has become the kingdom of information and communication industries around the world. In the year 2000, the complete sequence of human genome has enhanced the speed of the development in the field of biotech and its associated industries. In addition, the investment in biotech industry is expected to stimulate another trend of global economic growth. Therefore, venture capital in Taiwan also actively extends its influence in the field of biotech industries.   The majority of researches in venture capital seems to concentrate on the overall evaluation of the general criteria of investment, few studies focused on one particular industry, especially the biotech industry and its characteristics and aspects. Therefore, this study will aim at the characteristics of biotech industry and the constituent factors of venture capital to explore the strategies and behaviors of investment.   A qualitative research was conducted in six important venture capital firms in Taiwan using a method of intensive personal interview. The summaries of the research findings are as follows:   I. The impacts of the characteristics of biotech industry on the strategies and behaviors of investment:    1. Venture capital firms will increase investment percentage in biotech area because of its potential of growth, and the majority amounts of venture capital seem to be invested in the United States.    2. The venture capital firms’ investments in biotech tend to cover various stages.    3. The fields venture capital firms invest in biotech appear to be focused on pharmaceuticals and medical devices, because the operating return from this area is higher than any others so far.    4. The location of biotech companies venture capital invested are focused on the United States, which seem to have obvious phenomenon of clustering.    5. Through portfolio management and co-investment, venture capital firms can reduce risk while investing in biotech.    6. Instead of relying on outside consultant when invest in biotech, venture capital firms prefer to depend on inside management teams for due diligence. In addition, the past invested firms and partners are helpful while needed.    7. The exit strategies of venture capital firms are initial public offering or merger & acquisition when invest in biotech companies, and the period of investment appears to be not correlated with the long product life cycle of biotech industry.    8. Instead of emphasis on technologies or intellectual properties, venture capitalists emphasize all factors which evaluating biotech companies. Their decision criteria depend on venture development stages, the earlier stages these cases are, the more important technologies and management teams are, the later stages these cases are, the more factors are considered.    9. Venture capitalists add values to the biotech companies they invested, not because of the characteristics of biotech industry, but differ from development stages of cases. Most of add values are information collection and networking.   II. The influences of the constituent factors of VC on the strategies and behaviors of investment:    1. The stockholders of venture capital affect outside consultant strategy, deal flow, due diligence, but make no influence on investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, risk control, exit strategy and value-added.    2. The management teams of venture capital obviously influence investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, outside consultant strategy, risk control, exit strategy, due diligence and value-added, and make a little influence on deal flow.    3. The networking of venture capital make a little influence on outside consultant, due diligence and value-added, and make obvious influence on deal flow, but do not affect investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, risk control and exit strategy.   III. The influences of the characteristics of biotech industry on the components of venture capital:    1. The characteristics of biotech industry don’t appear to affect the background of stockholders in the board.    2. Venture capital firms recruit professional management teams because of the same particular characteristics of biotech industry.    3. While investing in biotech industry, venture capital firms utilize networks, especially the past invest , as their main consultants.

創辦人/董事長性別、工作生活平衡措施與自由使用度對女性經理人比例之影響 / The Effects of the Gender of the Chairman, Work-Life Balance Practices, and the Freedom to Use of Work-Life Balance Practices on the Propotion of Female Senior Managers

林瑜臻 Unknown Date (has links)
過往工作生活平衡措施皆著重在對於員工態度、行為或組織績效的影響,甚少從女性的管理階層層面探討,故本研究從董事長性別、工作生活平衡措施、工作生活平衡措施自由使用度三個面向予以探究對於女性高階經理人比例之影響,並以產業別、本國商/外商與公司成立時間作為控制變項,以組織為分析單位進行研究。 本研究針對不限產業的國內企業為抽樣對象,一家公司包含年資至少兩年的1位人資部門人員與3位不限部門的主管或員工協助填答問卷,共收集55家企業,有效問卷252份,並利用階層迴歸分析檢驗研究假說。研究結果歸納如下: 1.董事長性別與女性高階經理人比例呈正向關係。 2.工作生活平衡措施中,受撫養者的照顧服務措施與女性高階經理人比例呈正向關係。 3.工作生活平衡措施自由使用度中,受撫養者的照顧服務自由使用度與女性高階經理人比例呈正向關係。 / In the past, the study about work-life balance practices was focused on the influence on the employee attitudes, behavior or organizational performance, and it was rare to investigate from the perspective of the female management level. So this study is to investigate the effects of the gender of the chairman, work-life balance practices, and the freedom to use of work-life balance practices on the proportion of female senior mangers. The samples of this study are domestic companies from any industry, and each company included a two years of experience expert in human resource and three executives or employees from any department to answer the questionnaires.There are totally 55 companies with 252 valid questionnaires. And this study use hierarchical regression analysis to test the hypotheses. Following are the results of this study: 1. The gender of chairman has a positive correlation with the proportion of female senior managers. 2. In the work-life balance practices, dependent care service has a positive correlation with the proportion of female senior managers. 3. In the freedom to use of work-life balance practices, dependent care service has a positive correlation with the proportion of female senior managers.

企業併購的動態競爭分析 ─ 以台灣半導體封測廠商日月光與矽品合併為例 / Dynamic Competition Analysis in M&A – A Case Study of ASE-SPIL Merger

賴品中 Unknown Date (has links)
2016年全球半導體產值約 3,270 億美元,台灣半導體產值佔全球的23%,繼續蟬聯全球第二大半導體產業大國,排行僅次於美國。此外,台灣以出口為導向,根據我國財政部統計,2017上半年積體電路出口金額占整體出口總值的27.6%,是我國最主要的出口產品,可見半導體產業對台灣的影響力不言而喻。 近年來半導體併購浪潮興起,台灣廠商也無法置身事外,最受矚目非日月光與矽品的非合意併購案莫屬。一般學術論文對於非合意併購案的探討,著重於併購前的動機與併購後的綜效,鮮少討論雙方在併購過程中的攻防。故本研究欲以動態競爭觀點,並考量政府對併購成敗的影響,來找出矽品最後同意日月光共組控股公司之提案的原因,並分析此合併案對全球封測產業所造成的影響。 本研究發現雙方在合併前,應用產品及地區的市場共同性,分別呈現上升及下降趨勢,透過收購矽品,日月光不僅能追趕其主要競爭對手在車用電子的領先地位,更可以降低營收過度集中於北美的風險。另外,雙方在台灣及中國的專利申請數量有下降趨勢,但在美國專利的申請數有明顯增加且資源相似性也呈上升趨勢,故推論日月光收購矽品可鞏固其在北美市場的領導地位。總而言之,雖然日矽合併案被外界視為雙贏結果,但客戶轉單、中國商務部的限制條件及收購溢價偏高可能使得此合併綜效有限。在面對中國封測產商崛起、封測產業的市場集中度上升及半導體產業中下游界限越來越不明確的情況下,雙方合併為必然之勢。 / The worldwide semiconductor market grew 1.1% in 2016 to $338.9 billion USD, in which Taiwan accounts for 23% of the total output. Taiwan continues to rank as the world's second largest semiconductor industry, with the first being America. Taiwan is export oriented, and from the statistical data provided by the Ministry of Finance, the shipment of integrated circuit exports accounted for 27.6% of gross export value in the first two quarters of 2017. This indicates that integrated circuit is an important export product and that the semiconductor industry is of great importance to Taiwan. The recent and unprecedented M&A waves in the semiconductor industry caused major changes and created impact on Taiwanese semiconductor firm. The recent case that drew most attention is the M&A between ASE (Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.) and SPIL (Siliconware Precision Industries Co., Ltd). While most academic theses focus on the acquiring firm’s motive and post-M&A synergy, the offense and defense strategies during the M&A process are rarely explored. This research aims to focus on reasons why SPIL agreed on ASE’s proposal to form a joint venture holding company and the impact on the global OSAT (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test) industry after this M&A. This thesis utilized the dynamic competitive perspective and identifies government’s impact on M&A. The study finds that before the merger, the commonality of product shows an upward trend while the commonality of region market presents a downward direction. This merger not only assists ASE to catch up with its leading competitors in the automotive electronics sectors, but also reduce the revenue concentration risk, given that its major sales is in North America. In addition, the number of patents filed by both companies in Taiwan and China has declined, but the number in the United States has increased significantly along with an escalating resource similarity. Therefore, the research concludes that the acquisition of SPIL can consolidate ASE’s leading position in the North American market. To sum up, the merger of ASE and SPIL is regarded as win-win outcome. However, the M&A has risks, such as customer attrition, restriction from The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (MOFCOM) and merger overpayment. Such uncertainties may reduce synergy. Nevertheless, in the face of the rise of China's OSAT business, the market concentration of OSAT industry, and the increasingly unclear boundary between the middle and downstream firms, the merger of the two firms is inevitable.

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