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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從中華汽車採購部門程序探討台灣汽車業合作網路關係 / The research of Taiwan motor industry corporation network relationship from pruchasing department process of China Motor company

黃國鈞, Hwang, Peter Unknown Date (has links)
合作網路關係是近年來甚受重視的一門管理學科,但在汽車業的運作實務中,中心廠和協力廠的緊密合作則是行之有年,也是許多探討合作網路關係的文獻所研究的對象.但以往文獻資料中大部份探討網路的形成原因和類型,或者針對美日汽車業作比較.本研究則從台灣汽車中心廠的角度出發,來探討台灣汽車業的合作網路關係,並希望能發展出一些具有管理涵意的命題. 研究結果大致整理成五大命題: 1.合作關係的形成可分為評估與選擇,互動與合作,關係的強化與終止三個階段. 2.選擇新合作夥伴時,私人關係的影響力受組織運作機制的影響. 3.合作時間長短,介面人員特質,溝通形式會影響雙方信任關係的建立. 4.雙方的信任程度會影響交易的重要性和危機處理時的態度. 5.組織間關係的強化與終止,受介面人員,雙方過去的合作經驗,未來潛力等因素影響. 最後,根據本研究的觀察,對台灣汽車中心廠提出四點建議: 1.導入新廠商的決策過程和標準應透明公開,並採集體決策方式決定. 2.遴選適當的採購人員,並灌輸正確的觀念. 3.鼓勵對內對外的面對面溝通. 4.努力將個人化的關係組織化. / This thesis discusses the relationships between CMC(China Motor Corp.)and its subcontractors from the viewpoint of the Purchasing Department of CMC. This paper tries to find the stages of inter-organizational relationships (IOR) and the variables that affect them. The followingsare the prepositions it finds:1.IOR contains three stages which are "evaluation and choosing","interaction and cooperation",and "strengthening and termination".2.While choosing a new partner,"the influence of personal relationships"is limited by "organizational mechanism".3.The establishment of "trust"between two parties will be affected by"the period of cooperation","the quality of the contact persons",and "the style of communication".4.The "degree of trust"betweentwo parties will affect the "value of the exchange"and "the way they go in special situation".5.The strengthening and termination of IOR are affected by "the contact persons","the cooperation experience",and "potentiality".


簡正祈, Jian, Zheng-Qi Unknown Date (has links)
我國在半導體產業上的競爭力與成績有目共睹,其形成競爭優勢的原因為何? 如果以廠商為罩住與外國企業比較,無法顯示我國半導體產業的優勢,必須以產業問整體合作網路才能真正看出我國半導體的競爭優勢所在。然而,這些半導體廠商之間是如何配合的,其管理作法為何? 這也正是本研究想要探討的主題。因此,發展出一個系統化的合作網路管理架構,便成為木研究之目的所在。 為達到上述研究目的,本研究以IC製造業為核心,探討IC製造廠與IC製造設備、晶圓材料、IC設計、IC封裝及IC測試等廠商之問的合作關係。是緊密的合作關係呢?還是純粹市場交易關係? 同時,了解並分析各廠商的合作網路管理作法為何? 首先,藉由深入訪談所得的初級資料及公開的次級資料,對半導體產業合作網路管理有所了解; 按著,再根據這些資料進行分析、推論,發展出一些對合作網路管理有所助益的結論與建議。結論與建議如以下所述。 以下四點結論說明了,組織內各職級人員,在不同的合作網路發展過程,面對不同的網路需求,應以何種方式、管道,來管理合作網路問的互動內容。 1.人脈網路與法律制度在不同的合作網路發展階段扮演的重要程度不同。 2.社會記憶力、社會制裁壓力與法律懲罰力量存在替代關係。 3.各職級人員在不同的合作網路發展階段扮演角色的重要程度不同。 4.合作網路的緊密程度對互動內容有很大的影響。 最後,依這次的研究經驗,提出下列三點合作網路管理建議 1.融合運用人脈網路與法律制度。 2.知識與個人人脈網路組織化。 3.上、下游廠商間人員流動有助於業務擴展。


劉麗玲 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣的高科技產業發展中,創投扮演了重要的角色,其所提供的資金與協助促進了新創事業的成長,造就了台灣資訊電子產業的躍居世界舞台與傲人的經濟成長。2000年人類基因圖譜的解出,似乎加快了基因技術的應用與相關產業的發展,進而成為全球經濟成長的新動力,因此我國創投的投資觸角也積極地延伸到生物技術產業上。   過去有關創投的相關研究多集中在投資評估準則的總體性研究,甚少針對某一產業的特性不同,來做進一步的研究,特別是在生物科技產業方面,因此,本研究將針對生物技術產業的特性與創投的股東背景、經營團隊與合作網路等組成因子,來探討其所產生的投資策略與行為。   本研究採用個案訪談之定性研究,選擇六家在生技產業投資比重較大的國內創投公司做訪談,再依據本研究架構進行分析整理,得到了以下之結論:   一、 生技產業的特性對投資策略與行為之影響    1. 創投因看好生技產業的成長潛力而將提高此方面的投資比重,而生技產業的投資金額以美國為最高。    2. 創投在生技產業的投資階段傾向涵蓋不同的階段。    3. 創投在生技產業的投資以醫藥產業及其週邊之醫療器材為主,主要考量是醫藥產業是目前為止較高報酬的領域。    4. 創投在生技產業的投資區域以美國為主,其中最重要的原因與該地區之產業群聚有關。    5. 創投在生技產業的投資傾向以投資組合管理及聯合同業投資來降低投資風險。    6. 創投在生技產業的投資傾向不聘任外部顧問,而傾向以經營團隊之專業評估為主,再以已投資公司與事業夥伴為諮詢對象。    7. 創投在生技產業的投資回收策略為上市或購併,投資回收期間並不會因為生技產業的產品開發期長而延長。    8. 創投在生技產業的投資評估,著重整體性評估(不會只看技術或智慧財產權),會因事業投資階段而有不同的評估重點,投資案愈偏早期,愈著重技術與人。投資案愈偏成熟期,所需評估的項目愈多。    9. 生技產業的特性雖對創投的附加價值沒有影響,但創投對生技產業的投資案有提供附加價值,會因投資案事業發展階段之不同,而提供所需之協助,附加價值則以資訊蒐集與人脈介紹為主。   二、創投的組成對投資策略與行為之影響    1. 創投的股東對外部顧問策略、投資案源與投資評估有影響,對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管、回收策略與附加價值沒有影響。    2. 創投的經營團隊對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管、外部顧問、回收策略、投資評估與附加價值有明顯的影響,對投資案源則有些影響。    3. 創投的合作網路對外部顧問、投資評估與附加價值有影響,對投資案源更是有明顯影響,而對投資金額、投資階段、投資領域、投資區域、風險控管與回收策略沒有影響。    三、生技產業的特性對創投的組成之影響    1. 生技產業的特性對創投董事會內的股東背景沒有影響。    2. 生技產業的的特性影響到創投招募技術專業之經營團隊。    3. 創投未因生技產業的特性而建構新的合作網路,而傾向運用集團中原有之合作網路,尤其是過去的已投資公司,為創投主要的諮詢者。 / Venture capital plays an important role in the development of high technological industries in Taiwan. It provides the essential fund and useful assistance to promote the growth of start-up companies. Because of it, the growth of economy in Taiwan dramatically increases and Taiwan has become the kingdom of information and communication industries around the world. In the year 2000, the complete sequence of human genome has enhanced the speed of the development in the field of biotech and its associated industries. In addition, the investment in biotech industry is expected to stimulate another trend of global economic growth. Therefore, venture capital in Taiwan also actively extends its influence in the field of biotech industries.   The majority of researches in venture capital seems to concentrate on the overall evaluation of the general criteria of investment, few studies focused on one particular industry, especially the biotech industry and its characteristics and aspects. Therefore, this study will aim at the characteristics of biotech industry and the constituent factors of venture capital to explore the strategies and behaviors of investment.   A qualitative research was conducted in six important venture capital firms in Taiwan using a method of intensive personal interview. The summaries of the research findings are as follows:   I. The impacts of the characteristics of biotech industry on the strategies and behaviors of investment:    1. Venture capital firms will increase investment percentage in biotech area because of its potential of growth, and the majority amounts of venture capital seem to be invested in the United States.    2. The venture capital firms’ investments in biotech tend to cover various stages.    3. The fields venture capital firms invest in biotech appear to be focused on pharmaceuticals and medical devices, because the operating return from this area is higher than any others so far.    4. The location of biotech companies venture capital invested are focused on the United States, which seem to have obvious phenomenon of clustering.    5. Through portfolio management and co-investment, venture capital firms can reduce risk while investing in biotech.    6. Instead of relying on outside consultant when invest in biotech, venture capital firms prefer to depend on inside management teams for due diligence. In addition, the past invested firms and partners are helpful while needed.    7. The exit strategies of venture capital firms are initial public offering or merger & acquisition when invest in biotech companies, and the period of investment appears to be not correlated with the long product life cycle of biotech industry.    8. Instead of emphasis on technologies or intellectual properties, venture capitalists emphasize all factors which evaluating biotech companies. Their decision criteria depend on venture development stages, the earlier stages these cases are, the more important technologies and management teams are, the later stages these cases are, the more factors are considered.    9. Venture capitalists add values to the biotech companies they invested, not because of the characteristics of biotech industry, but differ from development stages of cases. Most of add values are information collection and networking.   II. The influences of the constituent factors of VC on the strategies and behaviors of investment:    1. The stockholders of venture capital affect outside consultant strategy, deal flow, due diligence, but make no influence on investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, risk control, exit strategy and value-added.    2. The management teams of venture capital obviously influence investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, outside consultant strategy, risk control, exit strategy, due diligence and value-added, and make a little influence on deal flow.    3. The networking of venture capital make a little influence on outside consultant, due diligence and value-added, and make obvious influence on deal flow, but do not affect investment amount, venture development stage, field, location, risk control and exit strategy.   III. The influences of the characteristics of biotech industry on the components of venture capital:    1. The characteristics of biotech industry don’t appear to affect the background of stockholders in the board.    2. Venture capital firms recruit professional management teams because of the same particular characteristics of biotech industry.    3. While investing in biotech industry, venture capital firms utilize networks, especially the past invest , as their main consultants.

實施PLM對企業提昇研發流程管理能力之影響分析-以電子科技業為例 / Analysis of the impacts for RD workflow management capability on the implementation of PLM — An empirical study on Hi-Tech Electronics Company

蔡本源, Tsai,Ben Unknown Date (has links)
回顧台灣的經濟發展軌跡,過去五十年努力以赴快速提升國民所得,逐步邁入已開發國家之林,如今台灣廉價勞力優勢逐漸被東南亞和中國等國家取代,台灣產業也開始朝向高科技、高附加價值產業發展,電子資訊產業為了持續保有全球市場競爭力,開始致力提升企業的產品開發能力,持續進行創新性產品開發,創造企業價值,這是台灣電子資訊產業建立全球競爭力的重要因素之一。 在經濟發展過程中,台灣電子產業致力於產品升級和企業轉型,擺脫複製組裝或OEM(委託生產製造),邁向ODM(委託設計製造)和OBM(自有品牌) ,促使產品研發能力提昇並持續擁有國際競爭優勢,於全球性激烈競爭市場環境中生存,並在全球產業分工模式中佔有一席地位。如何在最短期間推出品質、功能、價格皆能滿足市場需求,以維持其競爭優勢,成為台灣產業界共同關心的課題。 在全球化產業競爭日愈激烈的今日,台灣製造業除了有效運用大陸低廉生產勞動成本的競爭優勢,本身也應該從原有代工製造的型態,發展成具有代工設計能力,並且結合垂直產業價值鏈上的所有廠商,進行產品的協同設計開發,使產業核心能力互相連結,發揮創新的能力。『協同式產品商務模式』若能建立在兩岸三地的經貿合作網路中,則台商可以將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,達成及時溝通互動及智慧分享的目的,將產品的開發時程大幅縮短,同時也可節省不少溝通成本,進而為企業建立競爭優勢。 本研究從產品生命週期管理系統(PLM:Product Lifecycle Management)的用途與發展歷程觀察;台灣電子產業內外部研發職能現況,及企業內部研發活動與外部夥伴組織協同設計面臨的管理瓶頸,還有從企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統的目的及期望觀察;關鍵成功因素(CSF) 研究方法運用在PLM專案實施過程中,藉由審視實際個案導入的手法分析企業導入生命週期管理(PLM)系統後;企業內部各功能性組織及外部夥伴組織(客戶及供應商)協同設計活動,透過協同資訊服務網,將企業的各項營運資訊做有效的整合,及時溝通互動及智慧分享,逐項分析企業於策略面、作業面、管理面、組織面、資訊科技面的流程管理改善效益,期待在全球電子科技業分工議題上,藉由資訊科技的整合及溝通,兩岸産業分工由産品生産階段的分工走向研發與創新、營運、製造、行銷等功能性的分工走向,為台灣電子科技業盡一份心力。 / Taiwan’s economic development track shows that the country in the past 50 years bolstered its national income, and gradually becoming one of the developed countries in the world. And now, Taiwan’s once competitive labor is replaced by cheap labor in Southeast Asia and China. This prompted Taiwanese companies to switch to high tech and high value added industries. In their attempt to maintain its competitive edge in world market, Taiwan electronics and IT companies escalated their research and development ability on enterprise products. Creating values through consistent innovative product design is one key factor by which Taiwan electronic and IT industry players compete in the world market. In its economic development, Taiwan electronics enterprises thrived in product upgrading and business transformation. They moved away from assembly production or OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) businesses, and move toward ODM (Original Design Manufacturing) and OBM (Own Brand Manufacturing). Improved research and product design capability became their competitive edge in the global market, allowing them not only to survive amongst the cutthroat competition, but also to play a key role in global collaborative markets. It is the common focus of Taiwanese IT companies to keep ahead of global competition by delivering cost effective, quality, feature rich products in the shortest lead time. In face of the increasing competitive the global market today, Taiwanese electronics manufacturing companies bolster their strength by migrating from OEM to ODM businesses, and vertically integrating satellite companies in China, fully leveraging China's cheap labor and low cost resources. This collaborative production and business model, combining the core competence of all industries from both camps, brings out a new creative and powerful force. If this collaborative production and business model can be built on the economic and trade networks across the strait, then, Taiwanese enterprises can effectively integrate all its operational information in the same platform, linking up intelligence databases and interactive, real time communication. As a result, Taiwanese industries can shorten a great deal of product development lead time and reduce communication costs. This brings Taiwan further ahead in global competition. This research aims to layout the groundwork for Taiwanese enterprises to expand from collaborative production to functional collaborations, including R&D, operating, manufacturing, sales and marketing, by analyzing the current workflow management through case study of PLM implementation. This research results shall be supported by the following coverage: 1)Observation on system implementation and progress of PLM. 2)Purpose and expectation of Taiwanese enterprises in implementing PLM (product life cycle management). 3)Current functions of Taiwan electronic companies’ in house R&D units and external cooperative partners. 4)Bottlenecks in managing in house R&D, their activities and their cooperation with external engineering teams. 5)The role of Critical Success Factor (CSF) in the implementation of PLM. 5) Activities of internal design functional units collaborating with alliances, both vendors and customers, utilizing collaborative information service platform to effectively integrate a wide range of cross the strait operations, and linkage of interactive communication channels and sharing of real time knowledgebase database. 6) Analyze the enterprise’s tactics, the operations, the managements, the organization and Information technology aspect to improve their RD workflow management superiority item by item.

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