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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Chef Mommy-數位料理輔助系統設計研究 / Chef Mommy - a study on design of digital cooking support system

黃蘭茵, Hwang, Lan Yin Unknown Date (has links)
「餐桌變化多端,輕鬆管理菜籃。」是Chef Mommy帶給使用者的主要價值。 Chef Mommy為了解決有烹飪需求者在菜色變化與食材選購上的問題,透過網站與手機應用程式,應用雲端科技提供食譜搜尋引擎、食材庫存管理、食譜比對推薦、一週菜單規劃與採購清單管理等服務,為使用者提供方便省時,又可兼顧菜色變化與食材管理的料理解決方案。使用者藉由Chef Mommy的服務,能夠以家中庫存食材為基礎,得到原本沒想到的菜色建議,進而在備餐時搭配出更多菜色變化,為家人、朋友準備出豐盛而美好的一餐。 以台灣為例,行政院主計處2010年的家庭收支調查顯示,國內家庭花費在飲食相關採購上的支出,高達8,400億元,在這當中,國內整體食材供應市場規模粗估超過2,000億元。Chef Mommy除了在第一、二階段,針對網站與手機應用程式開發服務功能外,第三、第四階段更將規劃與食材供應業者或連鎖超市業者進行合作,將食譜推薦服務與食材購買進行連結,切入使用者的購買流程,並據此獲利。 藉著滿足使用者輕鬆管理食材與希望菜色天天有變化的需求,Chef Mommy將投入資源,培養使用者常用的習慣,以深入使用者的飲食體驗。透過使用者長期使用的歷程記錄,可了解使用者習慣購買的食材與偏好的食譜、料理方式等資訊,據此拓展出更大的飲食市場商機。 / In order to solve users’ problems of dish variety and ingredients purchase, Chef Mommy will provide services such as recipe search engine, ingredient inventory management, recommended recipes, weekly menu planning and shopping list management via its website and mobile app. As for these convenient services, Chef Mommy wants to provide a total cooking solution that can help users saving their time and giving consideration to dish variety and ingredients purchase at the same time. Based on ingredient inventory in home, Chef Mommy will recommend recipes that users may not expect or remember originally, and then with more dish variety, they can prepare a bountiful meal for family and friends. In Taiwan, 2010 Family Income and Expenditure Survey by the DGBAS shows that domestic household expenditures spent on diet-related purchase, up to NTD$ 840 billion, in which the overall food supply market size were roughly over NTD$ 200 billion. Chef Mommy will focus on developing services functions in the 1st and 2nd stages, and cut into the users’ buying process by recipes recommend service in the 3rd and 4th stages. By linking users’ recipe choice and ingredient purchase, Chef Mommy will cooperate with food supply companies or supermarket chains and gain profit from it. Chef Mommy will invest resources to training users’ habits of using Chef Mommy’s services. Via users’ long-term usage history, Chef Mommy will know users’ accustomed to buy ingredients, preferred recipes, cooking methods and other cooking information. According to this, Chef Mommy will be able to expand to a greater diet market.

自適應社群網路服務:以九校EMBA社群為例 / Adaptive Social Network Services: The Practice of 9EMBA.COM

鄭巧翊 Unknown Date (has links)


張宏斌, Chang , Hung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的興起,改變了使用者的消費習慣,顧客可以透過網路使用金融服務,也使得越來越多的金融機構投入發展網路銀行,提供顧客一次購足服務(One-Stop-Service/Shopping)、多樣化金融服務通道(Service Channel)及24小時全年無休服務等金融交易方式。但是,使用者對於網路銀行仍有安全上的考慮,擔心網站業者盜用其帳號或駭客入侵等問題。另一方面,由於各家銀行的帳戶資料與其它家銀行不相同,資料標準不一致,以致難以動態整合帳戶,遲遲無法提供整合帳戶的報表。 本研究目的在解決上述問題,透過建立服務導向架構的網路服務平台,整合使用者的資產帳戶。金融機構將網路服務發佈到註冊中心(UDDI),透過本研究的共通平台針對帳戶欄位名稱合併,由顧客取得實際帳戶明細資料對應成彙整報表。此設計架構能確保帳戶資訊是金融機構直接傳遞給客戶端,無須經過任何第三者之介入,又能解決各家銀行欄位名稱不一致的問題。 歸納本研究成果在於:(1)透過XML和網路服務等相關技術,達成金融機構資訊交換。(2)採用服務導向架構,動態搜尋服務與動態配置帳戶欄位,達到金融跨行帳戶彙整。(3)提供整合性客戶端帳戶整合報表。 / The rising of the Internet has changed user-consuming behaviors, and the customers could use the financial services with the Internet. Therefore, more and more financial institutions develop their banking websites to provide their customers One-Stop-Service/Shopping, Service Channels, and service around the year. Still the customers take the website security into consideration, such as account misappropriation by the website broker, hacker invasion, and so on. Besides, account data of a bank are different from the others, so that it is hard to integrate their account to provide entire aggregate account reports. This thesis applies the Services Oriented Architecture of Web Service and integrates customers’ asset account to resolve the above problems. The financial institutions publish their web services into Universal, Description, Discovery and Integration, and the customers can receive their account financial data to present aggregate account report through the combination of the account attributes name within the common platform. This design framework can ensure that the financial institutions will transfer account financial data to the end clients without other brokers. The contributions of this thesis are (1) the accomplishment of the data exchange in financial institutions through XML, Web Services, etc., (2) the adoption of Services Orient Architecture to dynamically search services and allocate account attributes in order to integrate the cross banking accounts, and (3) the supply of the aggregate accounts for end clients.


陳慧芳 Unknown Date (has links)
「寬頻」為網際網路基礎建設,透過”頻寬”的配合,將使網路經營獲得正面成果。固網電信市場的開放,不僅帶動寬頻設施普及,對於網路服務供應商(ISP)產業生態或經營模式亦投下新的變數。衝擊最大的莫過於所衍生的加值服務,將改變產業間態勢消長。   緣於頻寬價格因競爭不斷下壓利潤空間,ISP深切體會惟有轉型發展「加值服務」,方能於激烈市場中立於不敗之地。然而「加值服務」森羅萬象,諸如:提供各種豐富的資訊、線上購物、協助企業資訊系統規劃、網路資料中心(IDC)、應用軟體租賃服務(ASP)、電子交易市集(e-Marketplace)…等,以ISP業者有限的資源,如何選擇能在短期內佈建成功且兼具效益的附加價值服務,進而整合服務創新經營模式,實為ISP獲利關鍵。   本研究以目前資訊委外所衍生之新興網路服務產業:網路資料中心(IDC)、應用軟體租賃服務(ASP)、電子交易市集(e-Marketplace),作為ISP評估轉型的選擇。   由於網路資料中心(IDC)、應用軟體租賃服務(ASP)、電子交易市集(e-Marketplace)三者具有相當程度的延伸性,且均需倚賴網路完成交易,”頻寬”遂成為服務品質的關鍵。ISP以其豐富的網路服務經驗暨客戶資源,跨足IDC、ASP、e-Marketplace自有利基。然因三者市場均有來自不同產業之眾多競爭者,ISP應審視市場外部環境之機會與威脅,配合己身的優、劣勢,推衍出整體性策略,發揮資源、管理、行銷上的綜效。   另一方面,IDC、ASP及e-Marketplace所延伸之加值服務體系,已然由單純的價值鏈拓展為同步運作之價值網,因此策略思維亦需從生態考量,運用網路新經濟外部性的形勢力量,推動價值網網網運作,方能締造報酬遞增的營運佳績。   在摸索過程中,就現今經濟情勢的瞭解,將有助於順勢而為,導出經營加值服務的方向,冀望以此創新之經營模式,為電信事業再創另一個春天;同時也為此期間蓬勃的B2B電子商務發展作一記實。

論網路匿名言論之保障-以身分揭露程序為中心 / A Study on the Protection of Anonymous Online Speech: Focusing on the Procedure for Disclosing the Identity of Anonymous Speakers

鍾安, Chung, An Unknown Date (has links)
在網路世界中,人們以匿名表達意見遠比現實生活中更為容易,這件事已劇烈地改變了匿名言論的量與質。從好的面向看,匿名帶來自主,讓異議者可以透過網路匿名,表達可能永遠都不敢在眾人面前說出來的真正想法,讓觀念市場變得多元豐富;另一方面,匿名提高了追究責任的困難。相較於現實世界的言論,損害他人或構成犯罪的惡質網路匿名言論,將造成影響更深遠且永久的傷害。   目前,關於網路匿名言論的管制方式,世界各國政府都是仰賴「事後追懲模式」和「實名認證模式」的其中一種。前者是網路使用者原則上可以匿名地發表言論,但如果發表不當言論並造成傷害,受害者或國家可以揭露其身份以對其展開司法追訴;後者是網路使用者在張貼言論前,必須先向國家機關指定的網路業者交出個人真實身份資料以進行驗證後,才能匿名發言,或甚至完全禁止以匿名方式發言,讓網路使用者感受到被眾人監督的壓力,不敢發表不當內容。   本文主張,網路匿名言論是受到憲法所保障的權利,而「事後追懲模式」相較於「實名認證模式」,較能調和不同權利間的衝突。不過,儘管我國政府採取此模式,卻在設計民刑事訴訟制度時,漏未導入匿名言論權利的思考,導致網路匿名表意者一經策略性訴訟攻擊,真實身份就會立即暴露,使得匿名表意自由不過徒有虛幻表象。因此,本文建議,為落實對匿名言論自由的保護,立法者宜參考美國法,修改部分訴訟法來處理此問題。 / On the internet, people can express themselves anonymously far easier than in the physical world. This fact has dramatically changed both the quantities and qualities of anonymous speech. On the bright side, anonymity brings more autonomy. Dissenters can express their real opinions, which they might never have the courage to speak out in public. It, in turn will promote the diversity and integrity of the marketplace of ideas. Yet, anonymity also makes it more difficult to hold the speakers accountable. In addition, compared to speech in the real physical world, malicious online anonymous speech will cause more serious permanent harms.   Today, governments around the world are either relying on the “Ex Post Compensation and Punishment” approach or the “Real-Name Verification System” to regulate online anonymous speech. Under the former approach, internet users can express their opinions anonymously, but if the content of their speech is malicious and causes damages to other people, the victim can seek disclosure of the speaker’s identity in order to take legal actions against the speaker. In contrast, under the latter system, internet users have to provide their personal information (real identities) to the ISPs or ICPs appointed by governments and complete the verification process before they can post their words. Some real name systems go even further by banning anonymous speech completely. By making users feel like they are being supervised by the public, the real name system wishes to deter indecent contents   This thesis argues that online anonymous speech is protected by the Constitution, and the ‘Ex Post Compensation and Punishment’ is a preferred approach because it can better balance the conflicting rights. In Taiwan, although the government has chosen the ‘Ex Post Compensation and Punishment’ approach, current civil/criminal procedural laws and practices afford little protection to online anonymous speakers. The plaintiff, who is allegedly harmed by the anonymous speech, can easily bring a “Strategic Lawsuit,” with the sole purpose of obtaining the identity of the online anonymous speaker. Consequently, this thesis suggests that, in order to better protect the freedom of anonymous speech, the legislators of Taiwan should refer to U.S. laws and practices and revise several provisions of Taiwan’s Code of Civil Procedure and Code of Criminal Procedure.

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