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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以模型驅動方式利用本體論知識開發網路服務 / From Ontology to Web Service via Model-Driven System Development

李廷輝, Li ,Ting-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的是希望能以模型驅動方式,利用既有本體論提供的知識,快速產生與之相關的網路服務應用。我們的方法是先將本體論知識轉換為符合EMF超模型規格的中性模型,這些模型經人為修正與轉換之後,利用EMF和我們實作的產生器,即可從模型生成模型實作以及網路服務的WSDL與OWL-S描述檔。在產生出WSDL後,就可以用AXIS提供的工具,從WSDL的介面描述中生成網路服務的通訊端點實作。我們的系統整合了AXIS與EMF產出的程式碼,使系統能夠產生出比原本AXIS產出的實作更為完整的功能。最後,部分實作所缺之邏輯處理部份,則需由程式開發人員再予補足,即能建構出完整的網路服務。我們提出的這套方法與開發工具,讓開發人員能善用本體論知識,經由模型驅動的設計方式,快速地建構出網路服務系統。 / In this thesis we propose a model-driven approach by which we can make use of existing ontology knowledge to help construct a partial implementation of web services on related domains. The idea is to use existing formal ontologies for an application domain as the basis of requirement and system analysis. Our system then transforms these ontologies into platform neutral models conforming to the EMF metamodel, which, after additional refinements, can be used to construct platform dependent web service models as well as a partial implementation by following the typical MDA process with supporting tools. Finally, developers need only fulfill the lacked service logic and a complete web service can be obtained. In addition to providing and integrating supporting tools, the main contribution of our system is to leverage ontology for rapid construction of web services.


石弘域 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今的競爭環境中,服務成為創造企業競爭優勢的利基,不僅在傳統的服務業如此,連新興的資訊產業或網路企業也都面臨服務的考驗。面對顧客的服務需求愈來愈多,企業為了維繫良好的顧客關係以追求持續性的競爭優勢,因此紛紛提供更符合使用者需要的服務品質(Service Quality)來提高顧客滿意。網路公司為能傳遞更優質的網路服務品質給予網路使用者,首要必須明瞭消費者如何知覺與評鑑其網路的顧客服務,企業才能針對顧客重視的服務品質,投入資源予以加強。本研究藉由文獻回顧對網路互動性、生動性、遙距臨場感與網路服務品質的明瞭後,進一步探究出彼此之間的關係為主要研究目的。 研究者並利用LISREL分析方法,進而實證出變數間的確呈現顯著的因果關係,即生動性與互動性對遙距臨場感有正向影響,遙距臨場感與互動性對使用者者知覺網路服務品質存在正面的影響效果;換言之,提供網路服務的企業應盡可能增加網站內容生動程度與使用者互動程度,提升網站遙距臨場感與使用者的互動性,以提高使用者知覺網路服務品質的程度。網路服務品質採用Yang and Jun(2002)提出安全性、客製化、可獲性、回應性、容易性、接近性、可靠性七個構面作為研究,研究結果顯示七個構面對於網路服務品質影響顯著,企業可針對網路服務品質重要性作為企業網站經營規劃的依據,作為提供網路服務企業傳遞更優質服務品質於消費者時的最佳參考依據。


劉明宗, Ming-Tsung, Liu Unknown Date (has links)
針對行動網際網路服務,本研究先根據文獻建構出一評估可用性之初步架構,認為影響可用性的因素包含了「使用者個人特質」、「通訊基礎建設」、「服務廠商因素」及「行動裝置易用性認知」,接下來透過問卷調查以及統計分析的方式,進一步驗證此架構的正確性,建構出適於描述台灣地區行動網際網路服務可用性之評估架構。 本研究發現,使用者對於行動網際網路服務的觀感皆透過行動裝置而來,亦即「通訊基礎建設」與「服務廠商因素」之效果皆須透過中介變數「行動裝置易用性認知」才能發揮作用,而「行動裝置易用性認知」再影響到可用性,亦即「行動應用服務可用性認知」因素,而此結果代表使用者對於「通訊基礎建設」與「服務廠商因素」兩者的觀感必須透過行動裝置才感受得到,也就是說,如果沒有行動裝置存在,使用者對於後端之人文因素(服務廠商)與技術因素(通訊系統)一無所知,而這樣的結論反映在整個架構的意義,是「行動裝置易用性認知」對於可用性來說具有舉足輕重的地位;本研究進一步發現,可用性本身對於滿意度有著正面的直接效果,代表可用性愈高也會有較高的滿意度,而在同時,「使用者個人特質」代表著不同的使用者特性,如使用經驗、服務相關知識與人口統計變數,而就不同特性而言,對於「行動裝置易用性認知」與「行動應用服務可用性認知」亦有顯著差異。 就「通訊基礎建設」而言,良好的網路訊號與服務後端系統是提升可用性的主要效果來源之一,而「服務廠商因素」則需以產品策略與服務提供品質作為策略主軸;在「行動裝置易用性認知」中,軟硬體操作與使用者支援程度對「行動應用服務可用性認知」有著最大的效果來源,顯見行動裝置是否容易操作,使用者是否能得到適當支援乃為提升可用性的主要直接原因;最後,本研究發現使用者的知識多寡在「行動裝置易用性認知」與「行動應用服務可用性認知」上皆有顯著差異,並顯示知識愈豐富的使用者往往認為行動裝置愈好用、行動網際網路服務的可用性愈高;因此,維護良好網路品質、擬定正確產品策略、改善行動裝置軟硬體操作、適時提供使用者支援與教育使用者皆可大幅提升整體服務的可用性水準。 / This study aims at building a framework to evaluate the usability of Taiwan’s mobile Internet services. An initial conceptual model is first constructed by a thorough literature review. It includes four influencing constructs: User Characteristics, Backend Infrastructure, Service Provider Aspects, and Ease of Use of Mobile Appliances. With the concepts of each construct defined, a survey is then conducted to verify the relationships among the variables. The analysis results show that User Characteristics and Ease of Use are directly related to the perceived usability, whereas Backend Infrastructure and Service Provider Aspects are indirectly related to the perceived usability. This implies that users perceive the usability through the mobile appliances’ ease of use. It is also concluded that fast and stable network connection, effective products strategy, superior service level, user-friendly mobile appliances, sufficient customer support and education for users are the keys to a successful mobile Internet service.


魏汝余, Wei, Ju-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代中,新的科技與新的市場,帶來許多機會與無可限量的發展潛力,隨著網際網路的興起,電腦與網路科技之發展,人們的學習方式也愈益多元,透過網際網路的傳遞,資訊科技的輔助有效克服了學習時間、空間上的限制,提升學習教材與學習者間的互動性,我們已進入一個數位學習的新環境。大學圖書館於數位學習環境中,將面臨數位資源整合與流通的新挑戰,也因此圖書館必需扮演數位資源的仲介者,以資源共享的理念,促進校園內部數位學習資源的共享與流通,以提升大學圖書館支援大學教學服務的角色。 本研究以服務導向架構,建構一個數位學習物件交換Web Services整合服務雛型系統。本研究於大學圖書館中,建置校園UDDI,並透過中介平台整合下列四點服務:(1)提供教師數位學習物件發佈與標準轉換與轉化的介面,以達到數位物件標準化、分享的目的;(2)使用者藉由雛型系統所提供的查詢介面,查得所需的數位學習物件;(3)透過授權申請,取得使用授權,並進行後續付費的動作;(4)可取得數位學習物件。 透過本系統的初步雛型規劃,呈現出未來大學的圖書館於數位學習物件交換須達成以下三種角色:(1)相關標準的推廣者;(2)提供適當的著作權保護;(3)服務流程之整合。

Pricing-Enabled QoS Guarantee In DiffServ Network / 差異性服務環境中以收費機制提供服務品質保證

林士發, Lin,Shih-Fa Unknown Date (has links)
利用經濟理論以及分析網路資源數量與價錢的關係,提供網路供應者,可以依據目前網路壅塞的情形,讓網路使用者可以彈性選擇個人化網路服務等級,動態保證網路使用者的網路服務品質,透過經濟效益分析,構思出定價策略來保障使用者最大利益,供應者最大收益和社會最大福利。在差異性服務環境下,我們不僅支援多種網路服務等級而且允許網路使用者動態選擇適當網路資源,實驗結果顯示我們的定價方法提供網路服務等級及增加網路供應者的利潤。 / By adopting an appropriate economics theory and analyzing a close connection between quantity and price, we enable network service providers to react instantaneously to network congestions and to provide customers with high flexibility in service class selection. Economic efficiency is well established in pricing strategies to maximize customers’ net benefit, provider’s surplus and social welfare. To achieve this goal, we propose a hybrid pricing strategy which not only supports multiple QoS classes but also allows customers to make personal QoS class selections in Differentiated Service networks. Simulation results show that our pricing strategy can support customer QoS and increase ISP revenue.

在社會網路上透過Tag-Thesaurus模型達到有效的資源彙整 / Resource Aggregation via Tag-Thesaurus model on Social Web

宋昆銘 Unknown Date (has links)
我們從自然語言領域中借用Thesaurus模型作為字彙關聯的基礎,陸續加入Folksonomy概念、Social Network Service指標的蒐集以及domain-specific ontology來建構Tag-Thesaurus模型,用來解決使用一般tagging system資源彙整能力不足的問題。首先我們對將要實驗的領域選取初始字彙,並利用這些字彙建構Tag-Thesaurus模型。接著將預先準備的這些字彙釋放到社會網路服務平台的tagging system中,透過社會網路服務平台中的tagging system來蒐集使用者對於資源的平面分類資訊,利用這些資訊來對Tag-Thesaurus模型持續地擴充。透過這樣的Tag-Thesaurus模型,我們將可以獲得較佳的資源彙整。domain-specific ontology的加入將可以強化由上而下的資源彙整。而Social Network Service當中的其他資訊,如FOAF[16]或是個人的偏好等,將可以提昇個人化資源彙整的能力。這樣的結合方式不僅是ontology應用的示範,我們更希望透過這樣的混合式模型,使得Web 2.0這樣子廣泛蒐集眾人智慧的概念能夠成為跨入語意網的橋樑。 / We aggregate various resources through the Tag-Thesaurus Model. There are three parts in Tag-Thesaurus model, the Folksonomy formal model, indices collection on Social Network Service, and lightweight domain-specific ontology. The Folksnomy model reconstruct relationships between tags, and we can aggregate resources by tags. The indices collection on Social Network Service help us to decide which resource are more important. Finally, the lightweight domain-specific ontology provide the standard interface to describe the relationships between tags.


林信宇, Lin, Allen Unknown Date (has links)
在二十世紀和二十一世紀交替的時期,資訊科技正以迅雷不及掩耳的方式快速發展。自從網際網路的出現,電腦的應用層次已呈現出另一種境界。短短幾年裡,網際網路已讓全球企業界深刻地體認到其所具有的高度商業價值;從而衍生出來的商業應用,更是為各行各業帶來新領域和新視野,亦為市場帶來無限商機。而在這一股網際網路的熱潮中,網際網路服務提供者(Internet Service Provider; ISP)扮演了一個相當重要的角色,因此很多企業相繼投入這個市場,但也因此造成了ISP產業中激烈的競爭。ISP業者如何在重重的困難中脫穎而出,進而取得更大的市場優勢? 本研究先以探索式的研究方法,探討我國ISP業的競爭狀態及內外在條件影響各ISP業者市場優勢的關係模式。先談文獻,首先,針對幾家ISP業者,進行深度個案公司訪問調查,分析其內外在條件及市場優勢,將結果與文獻探討所得到的理論架構加以整合,以建立本研究之研究模式,並且依據研究模式擬訂研究假設,然後以實證研究法驗證研究假設,進行過程乃是以我國ISP業為對象,以問卷調查作為研究工具,搜集有關本研究計劃所需要的原始資料,運用多變量分析之統計方法進行資料分析,以驗證本研究計劃所提出之假設,並嘗試說明驗證之結果。

以企業策略與品質要素之觀點 探討虛擬社群服務品質之改善 –以Facebook為例 / Virtual community service quality improvement based on an intergrated perspective of business strategy and quality attributes : using Facebook as an example.

林旻君, Lin, Min Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在當時大家認為產品品質與顧客滿意呈現一維的線性關係時,狩也紀昭首先將二因子的概念應用在產品品質上,發現了品質也有二維的特性,因此可以辨別出何種品質較其他品質重要,藉以形成品質改善的優先順序,其後亦有學者將服務品質概念應用在Kano模式上,發現服務品質也有二維品質的特性,然而Kano模式僅能提供品質的屬性分類,卻無法瞭解目前使用者的狀態,因此後來有學者加入IPA( Importance-Performance Analysis ),藉以瞭解目前使用者主觀的感受如何,因此Kano模式是將品質作「定性」,也就是瞭解品質的特性,而IPA是將品質「定量」,也就是瞭解目前使用者的感受。然而將Kano模式與IPA結合後所提出之品質改善建議往往流於模式上的字面解釋,有些甚至不符合公司當時實際在管理品質的情境,因此本研究試著導入核心策略與戰略行動的概念,試著重新提出Kano模式與IPA結合後的品質改善建議。 接著本研究以E-S-QUAL網路服務品質為基礎,結合Kano模式與IPA分析方式,並以Facebook為研究對象,探討Facebook網路服務品質的特性是否具有二維品質模式,並以不同人口統計變項將樣本分群,探討不同人口統計變項下,使用者是否對Facebook網路服務品質特性之分類有所不同,最後驗證本研究所提出的品質改善建議之合理性,並同時與Kano模式與IPA結合的品質改善建議作一對比。 結果發現,Facebook的網路服務品質的確有二維品質的屬性,但在32項品質項目中,沒有任何一項為魅力品質,代表E-S-QUAL所提出的所有品質項目,對於Facebook的使用者而言,沒有一項品質會令他們愛慕或嚮往。而對於不同人口統計變項的使用者而言,對於Facebook的網路服務品質特性之分類,在某些構面上的確有所不同。最後利用分析過後的資料,實證本研究所提出之品質改善建議,同時比較Kano模式與IPA結合的品質改善建議,發現後者確實在某些品質改善建議上有所遺漏,並於本研究所提出之改善建議中加以彌補,以形成更為周全的品質改善建議。 / At the time we think that product quality and customer satisfaction is a linear relationship, hunting Zhao Ji first applied the concept of two factors theory on quality and found that quality and customer satisfaction also has two-dimensional relationship. So you can identify what kinds of quality are more important than others to the formation of quality improvement priorities. Other researches also applied the concept of the Kano model on service quality and found that service quality also has the two-dimensional quality attribute. However, Kano model only can provide the classification of quality attribute, but cannot understand the current experience of the user. So some researches subsequently joined the IPA( Importance-Performance Analysis ), in order to understand current user subjective experience. We can know Kano model is used to “qualitative”, that is, to understand the attributes of quality, while the IPA is used to “quantitative”, that is, to understand the users current experience. However, the quality improvement suggestions from the combination with Kano model and IPA tend to fellow the literal interpretation from two models. Some suggestions even mismatch the actual company management situation. Therefore, the core of this study tried to import the concept of strategy and strategic action into the combination of Kano model and IPA to submit new recommendations of quality improvement. Then this study, based on E-S-QUAL, combining with analysis methods of Kano model and IPA, and using Facebook as an example, explores whether the characteristics of Facebook social network service qualities show two-dimensional quality attributes. Grouping the samples by different demographic variables to explore whether different users will affect the classification of quality attributes. Finally, this study examines the reasonableness of quality improvement suggestions from itself and also makes a comparison with the suggestion combining with Kano model and IPA. The results showed that, Facebook’s network service qualities do have the two dimensional quality attributes. But in 32 network service quality items, there do not have any attractive quality attribute. It shows that, there is no one service quality item proposed from E-S-QUAL will be loved or desired by Facebook users. For the different demographic variable users, there are some different in classifying Facebook’s network service quality attributes in some dimension. Finally, this study uses the result from the data analyzed through Kano model and IPA to examine the reasonableness of quality improvement suggestions from itself, and also makes a comparison with the suggestion combining with Kano model and IPA. The examination discovered that the latter is indeed miss the quality improvement suggestion in some situation. So the suggestions of this study compensated the missing part and also proposed a more comprehensive suggestion for Facebook’s quality improvement.

派翠網路運用於建構雲端服務之研究 / Using petri net for cloud computing

陳俊廷, Jiun-Ting Chen Unknown Date (has links)
雲端運算是近來全世界最熱門的資訊議題,任何設備只要能夠連上網路,就可以享有各種不同的網路服務,這些服務可能建置在不同的機器設備上,甚至可能在相隔遙遠的雲端裡,因此也稱之為雲端服務,在操作過程中,使用者不需要擔心服務安裝在哪裡,亦不用擔心服務如何達成,可想而知網路服務的背後,隱藏著很複雜的技術與架構。 網路服務的開發方式相當地簡單且快速,為系統帶來更大的便利與彈性,不過在管理的部份,卻變得越來越複雜,例如不易瞭解網路的結構與狀態、潛在的無窮迴圈及冗餘的流程問題,甚至是在資源共享的情況下,因等待或其他因素而導致死結的情況產生。這些問題將使得網路服務組合在執行時期,可能發生無法預期的錯誤。情況嚴重時,系統可能會完全鎖死或停止,對公司將造成重大的財務及商譽上的損失。這些流程的問題,需要在網路服務組合執行前先進行驗證,本研究透過流程轉換成派翠網路的分析,以確保流程設計的正確性與穩定性。 因此,本論文運用網路服務標準,將雲端服務轉換成派翠網路模型,再以派翠網路中的針織法為分析基礎,檢驗模型的狀態,避免死結發生,並提供網路特徵報告書,以降低管理的複雜度,進而提升服務的穩定性。 / Cloud computing is regarded as the most popular recent ICT topic. Any equipment which can be connected to Internet can provide its user have the access to the various services, which may be built on different machines, or even may exist in the distant 'clouds' far away. However, in the operating process, the user has no need to worry where the service locates, needless to say how the service operates, which means that a considerably amount of data and techniques hide behind the Web service. Web service is an artifical piece of art, the user and the manager can concatenate several Web services online into a bigger one according to the conditions they need, which is a considerably simple and fast developing method bringing more convenience and flexibility for the system. Nonetheless, the managerial part also becomes more complex in problems like potential infinite loops and abundant procedures, for instance. What is worse is under the circumstance of resource sharing, the deadlocks happen while pending or other factors occur. These issues will lead to severe errors while the Web service compound operates. If the system completely locks and stops, serious financial damage and loss of commercial reputation will be caused to the company. Hence the design of procedures needs to be validated and transformed as Petri Net analysis before the Web service compound operates in order to assure the accuracy and stability of the procedure design. Therefore, this paper uses Web service standards, turning Web services into Petri Net models with knitting technique as analytical base, to validate the accuracy and stability of the model to avoid deadlock to happen in order to enhance the reliability of the service.

日本遊戲平台企業的網路服務策略:任天堂與索尼之比較研究 / The Network Service Strategy of Japanese Video Game Platformer: A Comparative Case Study of Nintendo and Sony

賴裕強, Lai, Yu Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
日本遊戲產業歷史悠久,自1980年代成立以來,培養眾多具備經驗與獨特內容的企業群聚,至今仍在全球遊戲市場扮演要角。但隨著市場全球化以及產業風向的轉變,日本遊戲產業的優勢已經大不如前。不僅遊戲企業的研發能力下滑、遊戲平台銷售萎縮,國內的遊戲市場也發生「質變」。   任天堂、索尼過去曾以產業龍頭之姿,領導遊戲平台的商業模式。在遊戲產業的平台與市場走向多元化以後,則經由次世代遊戲平台與網路服務的發展,嘗試複合的商業模式。如何把握並理解這一系列現象,成為本研究的出發點。 本論文討論任天堂、索尼的網路服務策略,自帳戶、下載、媒體、連線等使用政策檢視其策略內容,並從資源、價值、競爭與需求等角度分析策略因素的影響。以共同結構聚焦之方法,設計比較研究分析。研究過程參考專家學者的研究專書、期刊論文等文獻;同時援引日本智庫統計的遊戲產業數據,經深度訪談法參考企業與學者的意見,提高本論文的參考價值。   本研究發現,不同的策略因素考量,塑造了日本遊戲產業的兩種網路服務策略,本論文將之歸納為「任天堂模式」與「索尼模式」的網路服務策略。任天堂模式的網路服務,以遊戲內容為主,以遊戲玩家的需求為優先,以網路服務提升遊戲的耐玩性與互動性,重視高品質的獨創內容與娛樂體驗的創新。索尼模式的網路服務策略,是以整合娛樂內容為方向,同時滿足遊戲、社群、媒體等使用需求,以跨裝置、雲端儲存等技術為基礎,追求軟硬體相乘的商業模式。 / Nintendo and Sony, major platform holder of console game, leading the business model of video game industry since 1980s. With their know-how and unique game software, Japanese video game industry had been the major of global video game market. However, due to the globalization of markets and industrial innovation, Japanese platform holders and game developers are losing their dominance.   In recent years, Japanese video game industry is taking downturn in marketing and development. On the other hand, Japanese domestic market is getting a “qualitative transformation”. Since the transformation of market is on the way to Multi-platform and Cross-device, Nintendo and Sony are trying to develop their own network services with next-generation game platform for a complex business model.   Finding the way to describe these phenomena is the research question in this thesis. In this research, we have analyzed the network service strategy of Nintendo and Sony with a comparative study in their using-policy. Contents of strategy were observed from their management of accounts, digital distribution, multi-media and connection between devices. The Affect of strategic factors was inspected through the resources, capabilities, competition and needs in the market.   The results show that the dissimilarity of vision and core values leads to different network service and strategies. We summarized them as “Nintendo model” and “Sony model”. The “Nintendo model” is focus on the needs of gaming, in order to improve the user experience of game software and console. In contrast, the “Sony model” is based on the cross-device integration of entertainment contents, pursuing the hardware-software synergy. Keywords: Japanese Videogame Industry, Network Services, Strategy, Nintendo, Sony.

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