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博弈產業與澳門經濟發展—「自由行」實施前後之比較 / The relationship between gambling industry and economic development of Macau: A comparison before and after the implementation of “Free Trip”王智樺 Unknown Date (has links)
總的來說,博彩業在澳門與中國簽訂CEPA後,反而減弱其影響力,表示在「自由行」實施後,其他產業並沒有隨著博彩業的壯大而消失,反而跟著博彩業一同成長,澳門產業結構並無朝向單一化,反而更加多元。帶動其他行業發展,有利建設先進、多元化的綜合城市。 / The gambling industry has become the leading industry in Macau since Macau return to China in 1999. This decade, accompanying with the rise of Macau’s GDP per capita, the huge profits the gambling industry, such as the phenomenon of rapid economic growth, making “Macau Pattern” become a model which East Asian countries compete to imitate. It is a controversial issue that if the gambling industry made the local industry more singlize or led other industry develop. Especially after Macao and China signed the "Mainland and Macao Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" (CEPA), the opening up of the Mainland visitors as a result of "Free Trip" policy, helping the gambling industry develop rapidly. In order to clearly understand the game industry how to impact Macao's economic development, the purposes are to investigate the relationship between gambling industry and economic development of Macau.
The empirical result shows: gambling consumption, population, public expenditure and CEPA signing have significant positive effects on economic development in Macau, Proving that the impact of the game industry is indeed a great economic development of Macau. The result also shows that after the signing of CEPA, gambling industry has fewer impact on economic development in Macau. Therefore, we infer that all industries except gambling industry were weak before “Free Trip”, and other industry got chance to develop after “Free Trip”.
To sum up, the gambling industry is the main industry that affects the economic development in Macau. After “Free Trip”, other industries didn’t disappear or decline, all of them keep developing with gambling industry.
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有影響力自變數的偵測盧惟真 Unknown Date (has links)
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二次冪限制下的模糊存貨管理 / Fuzzy inventory control with a power-of-two restriction吳充博 Unknown Date (has links)
本文是針對一個古典的經濟批量問題,在儲存空間不確定而為模糊數時,且訂購週期為二次冪的限制條件下,探討如何求得最佳訂購量,且計算出訂購週期,使得總存貨成本減至最低。曲於儲存空間的變動,會影響訂購量大小,所以我們引進模糊的概念,處理儲存空間不確定的情形,藉由模糊非線性規劃(Fuzzy Nonlinear Programming , FNLP),及模糊幾何規劃(Fuzzy GeometricProgramming, FGP)的技巧,讓目標函數與儲存空間模糊,並討論在二次冪的限制條件下,目標函數值的最大可能誤差。最後,我們舉一個實例,來說明求解的步驟,利用模糊非線性規劃,及模糊幾何規劃的技巧,很容易求得最佳目標函數值。
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非線性典型相關分析的應用 / The application of nonlinear canonical correlation analysis趙瑞韻, Chao, Jui Yun Unknown Date (has links)
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LISREL-MANOVA 與傳統 MANOVA 的比較及模擬分析 / A comparative and maximum likehood confimatory factor analysis of LISREL-MANOVA and conventional MANOVA劉子鍵, Liu, Tzu Chien Unknown Date (has links)
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關於廣義范德蒙行列式的一個證明 / A PROOF ABOUT THE GENERALIZED VANDERMONDE DETERMINANT李宣助, Lee, Shuan Juh Unknown Date (has links)
當我們解一個遞迴關係的特徵方程式時,不管解得的根是相異根或者是重根,皆視這些跟產生的解之線性獨立為理所當然,因此很容易寫出此遞迴關係的通解乃是這些解的線性組合。在本文中,我們將透過廣義的范德蒙行列式(Generalized Vandermonde Determinant)的計算,很清楚地看出這些解之間的線性獨立。 / When we solve a characteristic equation of a recurrence relation, no matter what the roots are distinct or not, we take the linear independence of these solutions producing by each root for granted. Basing on this fact, we can easily write out the general solutions of this recurrence relation by using linear combination of these solutions. In this paper, we will see the linear independence of these solutions very clearly through the calculation of Generalized Vandermonde Determinant.
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台灣地區社會犯罪住戶面受侵害者模式之研究 / Study in the Social Criminal Victimization's Model on Housing Unit in Taiwan謝志偉, Hsiesh, Jyh Woei Unknown Date (has links)
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結構性改變ARIMA模式的建立與應用 / Structural Change ARIMA Modeling and Application曾淑惠, Tseng, Shuhui Unknown Date (has links)
及比較。 / Non-linear time series analysis is a rapidly developing subject
in recent years. One of special families of non-linear models
is threshold model. Many literatures have shown that even
simple threshold model can describe certain types of time
series, such as structural change behavior, more faithful than
using linear ARMA models. In this paper, we discuss some
problems about the threshold model and structural change
analysis. Instead of finding the change point, we present the
change period concepts on the model- building. An efficient
algorithem on constructing the structure change ARIMA models is
proposed. Finally, we demonstrate an example about the birth
rate of Taiwan, and the comparison of forecasting performance
for the structure change ARIMA model with alternative models
are also made.
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線性三對角方程組之平行解法 / Parallel Algorithm for Linear Tridiagonal System Solver林伯勳, Lin, Frank Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對線性三對角方程組之解法提出平行演算法於超立方體網路 (
hypercube network), 並且此平行演算法能達到最佳費用 (optimal
cost ) O(N). 討論的解法包含 (1)循環消減法 (cyclic reduction
method)及 (2)高斯消去法 (Gaussian elimination method), 基於
(1)法之平行演算法當使用處理器個數為 O(N/logN)時, 其執行時間為 O(
logN); 基於 (2) 法之平行演算法當使用處理器個數為 O(N/(logN)^2)
時, 其執行時間為 O((logN)^2); 費用 (cost) 等於處理器個數乘以執行
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資產分類數限制下的投資組合最佳化模型 / Portfolio optimization models with restricting the number of asset category廖得勳, Liao, Der Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究股票分類與否對投資組合報酬有無差別,因此以目標規畫方式提出兩個混合整數線性規劃模型建立投資組合。在考量市場風險上,兩模型的差別在於一個是單股比重的限制,另一個是類股數目的限制。兩模型中均考慮交易數量為整數與實務中的交易成本,且採用了0-1決策變數,決定股票及類股的選取與否。並以台灣股票市場作為實證研究對象,探討兩模型投資組合在市場不同走勢下的表現,同時也觀察股票分類後,探討選幾個類股數會有較佳的績效,並分析投資組合建立後多久應該進行調整。 / This thesis studies the effect of return of a portfolio while restricting the number of asset category. Two mixed-integer linear programming models are proposed by using the goal programming technique. In consideration of the risk, the difference between these two models is that one focuses on a single stock restriction, and the other is on the asset category restriction. The integer restriction and transaction cost are included in the model while using binary decision variable to indicate the selection of an asset and the selection a category. Finally, an empirical study will be presented by applying to Taiwan’s stock market. The performances of these two models are discussed. Moreover, the best number of category in the portfolio and the best timing of rebalance are also investigated.
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