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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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LISREL-MANOVA 與傳統 MANOVA 的比較及模擬分析 / A comparative and maximum likehood confimatory factor analysis of LISREL-MANOVA and conventional MANOVA

劉子鍵, Liu, Tzu Chien Unknown Date (has links)
雖然允許變異數-共變數矩陣異質之LISREL-MANOVA模式能克服MANOVA在理論上的的限制(變異數-共變數矩陣同質性的假設),而帶有潛在變項的LISREL-MANOVA能解決MANOVA分析目的上的限制(不能整體考驗多組在潛在變項平均數向量上的差異),但仍有一些問題尚未解決與釐清。其一是MANOVA後續分析的問題,其二是帶有潛在變項之LISRES-MANOVA的統計特性以及切割現象所造成的影響。據此,本論文的主要研究目的有二:(一)發展允許變異數-共變數矩陣異質之LISREL-MANOVA的部份考驗模式以解決MANOVA後續分析中同質性假設的限制,並以模擬分析的方式驗證之;(二)利用模擬分析的方式來探討帶有潛在變項之LISREL-MANOVA的統計特性。   依據上述研究目的,本論文具體的研究問題有二:(一)在變異數-變異數-共變數數矩陣同質或變異數-變異數-共變數數矩陣異質的狀態下,允許變異數-共變數異質之LISREL-MANOVA的部份考驗和傳統MANOVA的後續分析(單變量F考驗、區別函數標準化加權和典型變量相關)何者較為優異?(二)是否有切割現象、切割的程度、樣本大小以及估計方法等因子對帶有潛在變項之LISREL-MANOVA的估計有何影響?   針對上述研究問題,本論文主要的研究結果有二:(一)在變異數-共變數同質的狀態下,允許變異數-共變數異質之LISREL-MANOVA的估計結果與單變量F考驗、典型變量相關一致,但較區別函數標準化加權顯著的優異;在變異數-共變數異質的狀態下,允許變異數-共變數異異質之LISREL-MANOVA的估計結果較單變量F考驗、區別函數標準化加權和典型變量相關優異。(二)就帶有潛在變項LISREL-MANOVA而言:1.切割現象會使參數估計值較不精確因而使整體配適考驗容易達顯著。2.切割的比例越大會使整體配適考驗達顯著的機率急遽的上升。3.在切割比例固定下,樣本越大越容易使整體配適考驗達顯著,且會增加WLS估計法犯型Ⅰ錯誤的可能性及GLS和ML估計法的統計考驗力。以及4.在GLS、ML和WLS三種估計法中,WLS較不容易使整配適考驗達顯著,但較容易犯型Ⅰ錯誤;GLS和ML較容易使整體配適考驗達顯著且容易犯型Ⅱ錯誤。   最後,本論文根據上述研究結果做成結論,並對應用上及未來研究方向上提出建議。

拔靴法在線性結構關係模式適合度指標之應用 / Bootstrap procedures for evaluating goodness-of-fit indices of linear structural equation models

羅靖霖, Lo, Chin Lin Unknown Date (has links)
線性結構關係模式是一種考慮以多個直線方程式來分析處理變數間因果關 係的統計方法,其結合了因徑分析及因素分析之優點並將之融合於整體模 式中。線性結構關係模式經過參數估計後,需評估整個模式之好壞,因此 許多學者嘗試提出一些評估模式好壞的適合度指標,如一般常用的卡方檢 定、殘差均方根、適合度指標、調整後適合度指標以及基準指標等。這些 指標中有的指標會受到樣本數大小或樣本分布的影響,有些指標受模式隱 藏變數多寡或因素指標多寡的影響,有些指標需有嚴格的條件(如樣本需 服從常態分布)及前提方可適用,且有些指標的分布是未知的,因此欲對 這些指標進行區間估計、假設檢定、或顯著性差異比較是不可能的。基於 上述各種適合度指標的缺點,本論文利用拔靴法進行重抽樣求得拔靴分布 來解決上述各種問題。然而傳統的拔靴法在線性結構關係模式上是不適用 的,因此,再提出一改良拔靴法程序,求得拔靴分布來做為評估模式好壞 的依據,並利用改良拔靴法來做巢狀模式之顯著性差異比較及利用抽樣誤 差和非抽樣誤差觀念來評估模式適合度。

我國與留學地主國間留學互動模式之探索暨我國未來留學人數之預測 / Exploring the Causal Model in Studying Abroad between Taiwan and the Leading Host Countries, and Forecasting the Number of Studying-Abroad Students of Taiwan

張芳全, Chang, Fang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「人口遷移學推拉理論」為基礎,探索我國與留學地主國間留學互動關係的推拉因果模式,及其間的一致性和關聯性,並對我國未來留學生人數進行預測。研究的主要目的為:(1)瞭解我國與留學地主國留學教育概況,並探討海外留學對留學地主國與送出留學生國家國家的正反面效果;(2)說明人口遷移學中的推拉理論及評閱有關留學生流動的研究文獻與報告;(3)探索我國與留學地主國間留學互動的推拉因果模式;(4)探索我國與留學地主國間在留學互動的推拉因果模式間之一致性與關聯性 ;(5)對我國未來出國的留學生人數進行預測;最後(6)根據研究結果提出建議,作為制訂留學教育政策及未來研究的參考。   在探索留學互動的推拉因果模式與其模式間的一致性和關聯性時,是以我國與美國、德國、日本及法國等四個留學地主國為對象,採1954年到1988年共35年縱貫動態分析為主。在我國未來留學生人數預測上,則以1950年到1988年的動態資料為主。研究資料來源是「中華民國教育部統計」、「中華民國台灣地區統計提要」、「中華民國統計年鑑」、UNESCO統計、國際貨幣基金統計年報、美國國際教育組織的Open doors統計,做為分析的根據。   本研究之資料處理係利用國立政治大學PRIME 6150大電腦的SPSSX、SAS/ETS及PC版的LISREL 7統計套裝軟體,另外引用余民寧(民81)所設計「二次式分配準則SAS/IML之程式」,作為統計分析的工具。本研究共提出十個虛無假設,並擬以下列方法檢定研究假設。   一、以共變結構分析(LISREL)檢定我國與留學地主國間留學互動的推拉因果模式,即假設一~四。   二、以二次式分配準則 (QAP)檢定我國與留學地主國在留學互動的推拉因果模式之一致性與關聯性,即假設五~十。   三、以單變量時間數列ARIMA方法與迴歸分析方法,進行我國未來留學生人數之預測。   本研究之主要結果為:   一、我國與美國間留學互動的推拉因果關係證實存在。   二、我國與德國間留學互動的推拉因果關係證實存在。   三、我國與日本間留學互動的推拉因果關係證實存在。   四、我國與法國間留學互動的推拉因果關係在修正模式後證實存在。   五、我國與美國、我國與德國在留學互動的推拉因果模式之適配共變數矩陣具有.429的顯著相關性與一致性。   六、我國與美國、我國與法國在留學互動的推拉因果模式之適配共變數矩陣具有.469的顯著相關性與一致性。   七、我國與美國、我國與日本在留學互動的推拉因果模式之適配共變數矩陣的相關性與一致性僅-.098而已。   八、我國與德國、我國與法國在留學互動的推拉因果模式之適配共變數矩陣具有.763的顯著相關性與一致性。   九、我國與德國、我國與日本在留學互動的推拉因果模式之適配共變數矩陣具有.510的顯著相關性與一致性。   十、我國與法國、我國與日本在留學互動的推拉因果模式之適配共變數矩陣具有.377的顯著相關性與一致性。   另外,在我國未來出國留學人數預測上,民國87年以前預期每年將至少有6600名以上的留學生出國,並且當國民所得達12000美元時,出國留學的人數預期將可能突破10000人以上。   本研究根據研究結果提出建議,作為政府制訂留學教育政策及未來研究的參考。 / This research is based on "the push-pull theory of population mobility. It explores between Taiwan and the leading host coun-tries the causal model, consistency and correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad. It also forecasts the number of studying-abroad students of Taiwan in the future. Therefore, the purposes of this research are: (1) to understand the foreign education of both Taiwan and the leading host coun-tries and further to probe the pros and cons of foreign educa-tion; (2) to explain the push-pull theory of population mobility and to comment the literatures of studying abroad; (3) to explore between Taiwan and the leading host countries the causal rela-tionship of push-pull interaction in studying abroad; (4) to explore between Taiwan and the leading host countries the consistency and correlation of push-pull causal model in studying abroad; (5) to forecast the number of studying abroad students of Taiwan; and (6) to propose suggestions for the policy-making of studying abroad and future studies according to the results of this research.   In exploring the causal relationship model, consistency, and correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad, the subjects will be Taiwan, U.S.A., Germany, Japan, and France. The data are collected from The R.O.C. St-atis-bics of the Educa-tion Ministry, The R.O.C. Statistics Summary of Taiwan Areas, The R.O.C. Statistics Yearbook, UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, Interna-tional Financial Statistics Yearbook, and Open Doors (1991-1993) of the Institute of International Education. While in forecast-ing the number of studying-abroad students of Taiwan the data will be ranged from 1950 to 1988. All data of this research are dynamic.   The handling of data will adopt SPSSX, SAS/ETS, and LISREL7 packages program and will cite Yu Min-ning"s SAS/IML program of QAP (1992). All packages program are in the Computer Center (PRIME 6150) of National Cheng-chi University, exclusive of LIS-REL7 which is set in personal computer. This research will propose ten null hypotheses, and the statistical methods used to confirm the null hypotheses are as follows:   (1) Use Linear Struc-tural Equation (LISREL) to test the causal relationship of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad between Taiwan and the leading host countries. (Hypotheses 1-4)   (2) Use Quadratic Assignment Paradigm (QAP) to test the con-sistency, correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad between Taiwan and leading host countries. (Hypotheses 5-10)   (3) Use both Autoregerssion Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) of univarate time series and regression analysis to forecast the number of the studying-abroad students of Taiwan in the future.   The main results of this research are as follows:   (1) There exists a push-pull causal' relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and U. S. A. .   (2) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and Germany.   (3) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and Japan.   (4) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and France after modifying the model.   (5) Taiwan-U.S.A. and Taiwan-Germany best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .429.   (6) Taiwan-U.S.A. and Taiwan-France best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient   (7) Taiwan-U.S.A and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance matrices are not significantly similar. The correlation coeffi-cient is only -.098.   (8) Taiwan-Germany and Taiwan-France best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .763.   (9) Taiwan-Germany and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance ma-trices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .510.   (10) Taiwan-France and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance ma-trices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .3768.   Therefore, nine null hypotheses are rejected and only one null hypothesis is accepted.   Besides, in forecasting the number of the studying-abroad students of Taiwan, it will be expected to send out over 6600 students to study abroad every year before 1998. Furthermore, when the per capita income of Taiwan reaches US$12000, the number of studying-abroad students will be over 10000 per year.   Finally, according to conclusions and results of this re-search, some suggestions for the policy-making of studying abroad and future studies in this field are proposed.


林尚志 Unknown Date (has links)
建構一套健全的公司治理評等機制,為落實公司治理相關議題的核心工作。本研究以經濟暨合作發展組織之公司治理原則、世界銀行之公司治理架構與國內外公司治理相關實證文獻作為理論基礎,透過分析量化之公司層級衡量指標,嘗試建構一套可行且適合衡量台灣企業之公司治理評等指標,以作為投資人制定投資決策與授信機構評估企業債信風險時之參考。 本研究以2002年國內523家非金融業上市公司為樣本,利用LISREL方法 (線性結構關係模式統計方法)建構台灣公司治理評等指標。分析結果共得出:股權結構構面 (盈餘股份比、專業機構投資者持股率);董事會職責構面 (盈餘席次比、外部董事席次比率、外部監察人席次數與外部董監持股率);財務透明度構面 (盈餘管理幅度、損益平穩化程度與財報重編率)等3個構面、9項衡量指標。 透過與企業當期及次期經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險間之關聯性實證測試,本研究發現,前項公司治理評等指標與企業之經營績效、公司價值呈顯著正相關,而與投資人投資風險呈顯著負相關。此項實證結果一方面顯示,前項公司治理評等指標愈佳,企業當期與次期之經營績效與公司價值愈高,投資人之投資風險愈低;另方面亦表示本研究所建構之公司治理評等指標對於企業之經營績效、公司價值與投資人投資風險,具有一定程度之關聯性與預測能力。 / A well-developed corporate governance ranking system is essential to implantation of corporate governance. Base on principles proposed by OECD, a framework provided by the World-Bank and empirical literature on corporate governance, this research attempts to develop a workable TCGI (herein Taiwan Corporate Governance Index or TCGI) ranking system. The purpose of provision of TCGI is to help investors and creditors to make better decisions. Using data for 523 non-banking corporations publicly traded at Taiwan Stock Exchange in 2002, and LISREL as the analytical tool, this research constructs a three-aspect (including ownership structure, responsibility of the board and financial transparency) TCGI ranking system with 9 corresponding indicators in total. The empirical results of association tests show that TCGI indicators are significantly and positively (negatively) related to operation performance and market value (the occurrence of firms encountering financial difficulties). The findings thus imply that the TCGI ranking system developed in this research may be useful in investors and creditors decision-making.

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