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離散經驗:論析奈波爾《大河灣》的『家』與身分認同 / The Diasporic Experience: Home and Identity in V. S. Naipaul’s A Bend in the River張惠菁 Unknown Date (has links)
當許多後殖民的作家和批評家,例如薩爾曼‧魯西迪(Salman Rushdie)和霍米‧巴巴(Homi K. Bhabha),倡導「交混」(hybridity)、「異質化」(heterogeneity)、「多樣性」(multiplicity)以及「殖民模擬」(colonial mimicry)等概念時,奈波爾的作品卻透露著他對已逝去殖民母國的懷舊,以及他將本質化、固定化、二元對立式的種族、性別、階級身分認同視為理所當然。在一片反帝國主義、反本質主義的身分定位論,推崇不純、混合、重組、移動、越界的概念中,這位2001年諾貝爾文學得主顯得格格不入,不受歡迎。像是愛德華‧薩依德 (Edward W. Said)、齊努亞.阿契貝(Chinua Achebe)、德瑞克‧沃爾克特(Derek Walcott)等,都對於奈波爾的作品有嚴厲的抨擊。他們認為奈波爾對於第三世界國家毫無同情心的描寫,只是欲藉由揭露自己民族的瘡疤,來滿足西方讀者對於第三世界的一成不變並帶有偏見的想像,而非像歐文‧侯伊(Irving Howe)等批評家讚譽奈波爾誠實地呈現出第三世界國家的動盪不安、暴力、貪污、貧窮和絕望。一方面,奈波爾的二元對立本質論述應該要被批判,因為這種本質論述太過簡化且會阻礙社會流動性(social mobility)。但另一方面,這些意識型態批判容易使得這些知識分子忽略了奈波爾文本的複雜性及其所要傳達卻隱藏在文字間的訊息。亦即,雖然奈波爾文本有許多意識型態的問題,卻也同時透露在這些問題背後,充滿了很多身為一個外來被殖民者必須要面對的矛盾、自我衝突、和認同斷裂。奈波爾的筆下所要傳達的就是這些痛苦與矛盾。本論文即是藉由指出這些痛苦和矛盾來解釋奈波爾文本為何有那些意識型態的問題,而不只是一味流於批評奈波爾而已。
本論文組成共有五章。第一章是導論,主要介紹批評家對奈波爾的爭議並點出為何本論文嘗試以「離散」的角度來切入探討《大河灣》。第二章對「離散」這個概念作批判性的回顧,以克力弗特(James Clifford)和 布菈(Avtar Brah)對「離散」觀點是我最為推崇的。此外,也介紹印度離散族群在歷史上如何形成。第三章是以「家」為主題,巴巴的現代性理論和弗朗茲‧法農 (Frantz Fanon)的《黑皮膚、白面具》(Black Skin, White Masks)分別於解釋主角為何對殖民母國有著矛盾的情感。第四章則是探討離散族群如何面對自己身分認同的危機。這一章不僅分析主角為何有身分認同的危機,同時也對主角的本質化式身分認同作批判。此章節引用史都華‧霍爾(Stuart Hall)在《文化認同和離散》(“Cultural Identity and Diaspora”)的觀點,文中強調身分認同不是結果,而是過程,是「存在」(being),同時也是「形成」(becoming)。第五章是結論,旨在重申本論文的企圖,意欲重新思考本質論在奈波爾文本中的呈現。
當晚近的論述一再強調混雜、模擬、跨疆界等概念,奈波爾的文本卻展示這些概念只是帶來痛苦、矛盾、不安和弱勢的處境。因此,本論文認為在批判奈波爾的同時,也應深究其文本所要關切的的離散族群和第三世界人民均似乎無法解決的困境。 / While most postcolonial writers and critics such as Salman Rushdie and Homi K. Bhabha celebrate the concepts of hybridity, heterogeneity, multiplicity and colonial mimicry, V. S. Naipaul’s works instead reveal his nostalgia for the loss of “Englishness” and his longing for singularity rather than plurality. Apparently, he is not popular with many postcolonial critics such as Edward Said, Chinua Achebe, and Derek Walcott. Unlike Irving Howe, who admires Naipaul for his disinterested representation of the instability, violence, poverty, and corruption of the Third World, they criticize Naipaul’s allegiance to the West and his attempt to court European readers. On the one hand, Naipaul’s bipolar essentialism should be put into question because it reduces complex social relations to absolute and fixed divisions and also limits the possibilities of the social mobility. On the other hand, too much emphasis on the problematic of Naipaul’s ideologies will reduce the contradictions, complexity and ambivalence in Naipaul’s works. Thus, rather than just accusing Naipaul of his bias against postcolonial societies, the thesis attempts to have a deep and comprehensive understanding of Naipaul’s A Bend in the River (hereafter BR).
The thesis aims to analyze Naipaul’s BR from the perspective of “diaspora.” The concept of diaspora is annexed for anti-essentialism and anti-nation. However, in BR, the two protagonists, Salim and Indar, cannot embrace but try to get rid of their hybrid selves. Either to assume the new solidarity in the host country or to obtain a sense of belonging to the ancestral homeland is the way out. Their journey from East Africa to the interior of Africa, and finally to London reveals their reminiscence of the imperial past and their desire to leave the “margin” and head for the “center.” Their nostalgia for the loss of “Englishness” can be seen as the result of modernity, brought about by imperialism. Besides, as colonial subjects, they are not simply alienated but also made to alienate themselves; they adopt the identity of the “Other” as opposed to the “Self” that the British Empire represents. To solve their inferiority complex brought about by their self-alienation, they make efforts to imitate colonizers, seeing their success solely in terms of their acceptance by the “center.” However, it is never easy for the outsiders to assimilate themselves to host countries. Failing to making himself part of the “center,” Indar instead attempts to regain his sense of belonging to
the ancestral homeland. However, the India he experiences is different from what he has imagined. The Indians he sees try to make themselves look like Britons but they are unable to shake off what the caste system has imposed on them. Indar’s disgust at his ancestral homeland should not be merely attributed to his belief in the hierarchical binarism of West/East. Instead, his contempt for those Indians can also be regarded as self-contempt. He sees himself in those Indians, aware that he is one of them, who dress like Britons but always feel alienated and inferior in the “center.” The theoretically celebrated concepts of “mimicry” and “hybridty” become marks of cultural fracture in Naipaul’s BR.
Salim’s essentialism is reflected not only in his quest for home but also in his efforts to maintain his identities constructed within the imperial discourse. As a colonial subject, Salim has identified himself with an ideal image, a white male bourgeois. However, after the withdrawal of the Empire, the substantive and privileged “I” Salim has taken for granted is threatened as a result of political disorder. In the process of restoring what he sees as the coherent and unified self, he is somehow aware that the seeming fixed and essentialized self is constructed in his relation to others and is subject to change in different historical and cultural contexts. Nevertheless, Salim disavows what he has realized and keeps struggling to maintain his identity. The reason is that only by doing so can he at least have a secure sense of self in such a turbulent world.
The foregoing argument is neither to show my disapproval of critics’ harsh remarks about Naipaul nor to make excuses for Naipaul’s tendency towards essentialism. Instead, the thesis not only criticizes Naipaul’s belief in essentialism but also explores the reasons why essentialism holds an appeal to Naipaul.
The thesis is comprised of five chapters. The first chapter presents critics’ attitudes towards Naipaul and his works, which can be divided into two opposed camps, and points out why BR can be textually analyzed from the perspective of “diaspora.” The second chapter provides overviews of the term “diaspora.” Particularly, Avtar Brah’s and James Clifford’s theoretical and methodological approaches to “diaspora” are mostly stressed for they help illustrate the way the politics of home and identity will be dealt with in the following two chapters. Besides, the emergence of Indian diaspora in history will also be discussed in this chapter. The third chapter focuses on the politics of home. Bhabha’s discourse on modernity in postcolonial world and Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks (1967) explain the two protagonists’ ambivalent and contradictory attitudes towards their motherland and
ancestral homeland. By discussing the reasons for their imperialist ideologies, disclosed in the process of uprootings and regroundings, this chapter aims to present the dilemma colonial subjects lapse into, that is, inferiority complex, self-contempt and homing desire. Thus, “diaspora” cannot be merely seen as a celebratory term. Instead, in-betweenness, homelessness, multiple belongings, and mimicry anguish diasporans rather than empower them. The fourth chapter explores how diasprans solve their identity crises. This chapter not only explores why the protagonists have identity crises but also criticizes their tendency towards essentialism, emphasizing that identity, as Stuart Hall in his “Cultural Identity and Diaspora” argues, is both a matter of “being” and “becoming.” Though this chapter reveals that identity is constructed rather than fixed, the appeal of essentialism to diasporans should not be subject to the total negation particularly after the discussion of the reasons for diasporans’ identity crises. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the thesis, briefly explicating the theme of the thesis. This chapter argues that diasporans’ obsession with essentialist notions of “center” and “essence” respectively disclosed in the process of seeking for/returning home and in the process of maintaining his “idealized” identity in BR should not lead to the rash accusation of Naipaul’s imperialist intention. By discussing what leads to Naipaul’s ideological interests, the thesis discloses the dilemma ex-colonials and post-colonial societies may be faced with. The humanistic approach to Naipaul’s work reveals that this very concept of essentialism should be understood in the specific historical context instead of being universally considered negative.
The concepts of “hybridity,” “mimicry” and “border crossing” are emphasized and celebrated by most post-colonial critics; however, Naipaul’s BR reveals that those concepts which have inscribed in the two Indian diasporans make them suffer. Rather than accusing Naipaul of the problematic of his ideologies, the thesis attempts to focus on the dilemma both diasporans and postcolonial societies lapse into.
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省籍族群政治與投票--台北市選民行為之分析劉子立 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣原住民族群通婚之影響機制的分析高琬涵 Unknown Date (has links)
由於族群通婚可反映對不同族群、文化接受的程度,透過通婚也讓不同文化習俗有兼容並蓄的可能性,因此,族群關係研究中,常將族群間通婚與否視為族群間社會距離及族群疆界的有效指標。台灣為包含閩南人、外省人、客家人與原住民這四大族群的多元族群社會,其中,由於原住民僅佔總人口的 2% ,在國內量化的族群通婚研究中,往往受限於樣本數而將其予以排除,或將不同族群之原住民統一視為單一原住民族群,因此,本研究欲著眼於過去通婚研究時常忽略的「少數族群」,並將原住民族群差異納為探究通婚影響機制之一。
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PTT股票板討論對股市之影響 / The Influence of Discussion in Stock Section of PTT on Stock Market林彥丞 Unknown Date (has links)
過去總認為市場是有效率的,投資人是理性的,但近年來,行為財務學的興起,開始證明投資人經常做出不理性的行為,導致投資市場只有少數人為贏家,能長期獲得超額報酬。散戶的投資行為也是學術上時常探討的,而在過去幾年,國外開始有學者利用社群網站twitter,並用情緒辨識軟體將發文者的文章做情緒的歸類,來看能不能提升對大盤或個股的預測能力。結論是其中幾類情緒的確能提升預測大盤或個股的機率。而在台灣,比較有名的股票社群為PTT的股票板,該板通常會同時有1000人以上在線上。本文做了兩項研究,其一為藉由本週看多及看空文章的總數來看是否能預測未來幾週的大盤報酬,其二為藉由個股看多或看空文章的回文數,來看是否看多或看空文章的回文數愈多,是否能預測個股未來幾天的報酬,而以上兩項的結果,即使有些部分在統計上為顯著,但並沒有一致性,舉例來說,有些個股可能在第三天顯著,並與回文數呈負相關,但另一些個股可能在第5天顯著,並與回文數呈正相關,因此並無法得到一致性,很難有合理的解釋,因此可說明,PTT裡的發文及回文對整個投資市場來說,並無資訊內涵,並無法預測股市的報酬。 / The efficient market was popular before and most of the investors are seen as rationality. However, behavioral finance emerged in recent years. This theory tells us investors usually invest irrationally that there are only a few people in the market are winner in the long run. Retail investors’ behaviors are usually discussed in theses in recent years. In foreign country, there were some people studying the social network- twitter and use some software to judge the different emotions in an article in twitter. Finally, they found some types of emotions could predict the movement of stock prices or stock index like Dow Jones. In Taiwan, the stock section in PTT is famous. Many people express their opinions in stock section of PTT. In this paper, author use the bullish or bearish article to forecast the stock index a few weeks later and use the number of responses of an article for a specific stock to predict the return of the stock a few days later. The results are that some of the responses of stocks can predict stocks returns five days later and there are negative relation between the numbers of responses and the returns. However, other responses of stocks can predict stocks returns three days later and there are positive relation between the numbers of responses and the returns. The author can’t find the consistent results. There are more than1000 people stay in the stock section of PTT at the same time, but these people are only a small group in the stock market. Consequently, we can use PTT to predict the stock market.
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虛擬社群管理、社群績效、與獲利模式關係之探討王孟邦, Wang, Meng-Bang Unknown Date (has links)
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中共群眾路線之研究--「文化大革命」的個案分析 / A study of mass-line of Chinese communism--case study of "cultural revolution"吳黎明, Wu, Li-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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校園社群網站滿意度之研究 / Online social network on campus: a satisfaction survey黃健維, Huang, Chien Wei Unknown Date (has links)
大學校園資訊服務一般是以教學、行政、服務等公務性為主,較缺乏針對學生校園生活之互動性功能,如社團訊息溝通、相簿共享等學生較喜愛之功能。本論文是以某大學所建置學生校園社群網站(http://dono.tw)進行個案研究並線上問卷調查,來評量校園社群網站的使用者滿意度、分析使用者滿意度與各構面關係、以及分析使用者滿意度與使用者基本資料關係。在本論文的滿意度分析中,本研究所提出的五個假設,有三個假設成立,分別為「會員間互動對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路結構對於滿意度有正相關」、「網路科技對於滿意度有正相關」。針對所研究之網站,本論文有下列管理性建議:要改變學生於網路的使用習慣及行為,是相當不容易。建議學校可由整合社群網站功能於學校的學術及行政運作體系或增加使用社群網站之誘因,來提升網站使用率。 / The information services of university campus are usually focused on public affairs such as teaching, administration, and services. And there is lack of interactive functions for student campus life such as the messages communication of campus clubs, the photos sharing, etc., those are the favorite functions of students.
Based on the campus student community networks created by an university, this paper conducts a case study and making an online survey. It assesses the user’s satisfaction of the community networks, analyze the relationship between user’s satisfaction and each dimension, and analyze the relationship between the user’s satisfaction and user’s background data.
In the satisfaction analysis, we proposed five hypotheses. There are three hypotheses are valid. They are :”It is positive correlation to satisfaction among the members’ interaction”, “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web structure”, and “It is positive correlation to satisfaction for web technology”.
For the research web, we have the following managerial suggestions: It is not easy to change the custom and behavior of students on network. To improve the utilization rate, we suggest that the university can integrate the community network functions into the academic and administrative affairs system, or to make some incentives to use the community network.
Virtual Community, Campus Community, Community Web, Web 2.0
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族群領域特徵常數推算方法之研究 / Estimation of Parameters in Domains of Study紀華山 Unknown Date (has links)
由於研究目的的特殊需要以及調查的可行性與經濟起見,大多數的統計資料均藉抽樣調查而產生之。然而抽樣調查資料須經適當方法予以推算後始能顯示族群特徵而據以解決問題。一般抽樣調查除對族群特徵常數(Parameters)推算外,往往針對研究問題的需要,必須進一步對族群領域特徵常數(Parameters inDomains of Study)加以推算。由於族群領域大小刊jN通常為未知,同時領域樣品大小jN為一逢機變數(RandomVariable)的原故,族群領域特徵常數之推算式(Estimators)並非與族群特徵常數之推算式全同。因此,對族群領域特徵常數不同推算公式的誘導與其推算精密度(Precision)的分析比較自有極高的研究價值。
吾人知道現代的企業管理莫不藉重統計資料而趨於數量分析 (Quartitative Analysis) 以為各種問題的研究與解決。應用統計資料加以研究、解決企業管理問題固屬重要,然而既然大多統計資料的產生係來自抽樣調查,則如何獲得精密度較高的抽樣推算方法的探討,其重要性自不待言了。
本文內容共分五章,第一章為緒論,說明本文研究之問題及其探討之計劃。第二、三章則分別闡述簡單展算法(Simple Expansion Method)與比率推算法(Ratio Estimates)以為第四章探討之基礎。第四章運用簡單展算法與比率推算法探討簡單逢機抽樣(Simple RAndom Sampling)、分層逢機抽樣(Stratified Random Sampling)與集體抽樣(Simple Cluster Sampling)下四種族群領域特徵常數---即族群領域大小jN、族群領域平均值jY(集體抽樣時指jY)、族群領域總計值jY及族群領域總計值佔整個族群總計值成數(Proportion)jP=jY/Y的推算方法。第五章為結論。
本文之撰寫承蒙吾師 魏應澤博士悉心指導,謹此誌謝!至於本文內容,因個人學識及時間之限制,誤漏之處,在所難免,敬祈閱卷教授指正。
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在有限的預算下找出影響力最大的代言人組合 / Mining a set of agents in social networks for maximal influence with a limited budget龔偉銘 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,越來越多的社群網站受到人們廣泛的使用,例如:Facebook、Plurk之類的網站都擁有大量的使用者資料。社群網路越來越受到一些研究學者的重視,很多人開始紛紛研究如何有效的運用社群網路上的資料。影響力的傳播是社群網路上一個很重要的課題,如何在社群網路上找到影響力最大的組合是個受到廣泛討論的問題。在本研究中,我們試想一間公司如果要請人來宣傳產品的話,必須支付代言人一些費用,而如何在有限的預算下聘請一些代言人來達到最大的宣傳效果就是我們研究的問題。兩個代言人的影響力總和並不單單只是將兩個代言人的影響力相加而已,因為代言人本身所影響的對象可能會重複,所以必須扣除掉一些被重複影響的人,也增加了問題的困難度。在我們提出的演算法中,可以有效的減少計算的時間並且使找出來的代言人組合所造成的影響力趨近最佳解。 / Influence maximization is the problem of finding a small subset of nodes (seed nodes) in a social network that could maximize the spread of influence. In this paper, we given a social network and budget, which people should we choose could maximize the spread of influence with a limit budget. We propose a new algorithm combine cluster algorithm and dynamic programming to solve this problem.
Our experimental results show that our propose algorithm achieves better running time comparing with the CELF algorithm. But CELF algorithm achieve much better influence spread than our propose algorithm. Based on our results, we believe if we can improve the cluster algorithm than we can achieve much better influence spread.
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族群接觸與族群認同--以賽夏族tanohila:氏族日阿拐派下為例日婉琦 Unknown Date (has links)
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