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中共群眾路線之研究--「文化大革命」的個案分析 / A study of mass-line of Chinese communism--case study of "cultural revolution"吳黎明, Wu, Li-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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群眾募資網路平台服務運營模式之研究 / A study of the Operation Model of Crowdfunding Platforms陳佩敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採個案研究法,選擇Indiegogo、Kickstarter、眾籌網、點名時間、flyingV、嘖嘖zeczec,分屬美國、中國、台灣三地、六個平台作為研究個案,欲了解其功能發展、內容服務、運作模式、創新價值、成功要素與商業模式策略。希望藉由對產業資料的蒐集,了解群眾募資產業的發展現況與市場定位。群眾募資網路平台已不僅僅是單純的募集資金功能,對小型創業團隊或中小企業而言,眾籌平台提供產品曝光機會與市場反應測試,降低初期的創業門檻與資金問題;對大型企業而言,群眾募資平台兼具新興行銷與網路通路的功能,除了能增加產品曝光的機會,亦能規避現有銷售通路的限制,加速產品的銷售! / Recent years, crowdfunding is the most widely discussed and used way to raise finance resources. Since Indiegogo founded in 2008, Kickstarter in 2009 and other crowdfunding web platforms, this innovative funding model has spread from the United States to the whole world. The project creator show their proposal and prototype on the platform in order to earn their support. When the project successfully executed, providing feedback to the financial contributions. The crowdfunding website platform serve as the router between this relationship, providing resources and marketing communication submittal. Owing to its feedback functional, crowdfunding platform can be categorized into four primary types: reward-based、donation-based、equity-based、credit-based. In addition to well-known international platform such as Indiegogo and Kickstarter, the Asian market has also been the impact of this effect in recent years such as the establishing of China’s zhongchou, demohour and Taiwan’s flying and zeczec. Last several years, many important events of Taiwan could also had been seen on the crowdfunding platform. Its influence power on the community has been more powerful day by day.
This research adopts case study method, selecting Indiegogo, Kickstarter, zhongchou, demohour, flyingV and zeczec accordingly belong to the United States, China and Taiwan three different region as study cases. With theirs function rolls, content service, operating model, creative worth, wining factors and business model strategy, hopes to realize the crowdfunding industry current development and crowdfunding market. Crowdfunding platform is not only a simple function for raising funds for small entrepreneurial team or SMEs, but also providing product exposure and to test market reaction. Lower the financial gap for startup group’s venture capital. Besides the crowdfunding platforms combine the functions of marketing and physical channel, large enterprises could increase product exposure on platform avoiding the limitations of existing sales channels and accelerate product sales.
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中共群眾路線之研究──以「計劃生育」個案為例(1978-1988年)張蕙燕, ZHANG,HUI-YAN Unknown Date (has links)
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全像圖組織設計運用於危機管理之研究--以警察組織處理紅衫軍倒扁行動為例侯博文 Unknown Date (has links)
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運用群眾外包模式的Web2.0網站如何跨越鴻溝?黃文彥 Unknown Date (has links)
Google用16.5億美金併購Youtube、新聞集團(News Corp)以5.8億美金買下MySpace、Facebook估計市值達150億美金。Web2.0一詞,代表著只要超低成本加上一點點運氣,就可獲得超高報酬,因此引爆了一陣不亞於2001年網路泡沫化的Web2.0創業熱潮。
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虛擬群聚平台之研究─以文化創意產業為例 / The research of virtual clustering platform─A study of creative cultural industry吳杰翰 Unknown Date (has links)
「虛擬群聚」(Virtual Clustering),是透過跨組織間的電子化,以整合性網路相互連接,形成一個泛地區性、資訊交流迅速、企業互補且競爭的產業網絡。虛擬群聚的概念帶給整個產業合作、企業競爭與經營方式上重大改變。
本研究以文創產業虛擬群聚平台建置者作為研究主軸,採用個案的內容分析法,以專家推薦的方式,總計蒐集了國內外總共42個文創虛擬平台。以群眾外包的概念,歸納出在不同的虛擬群聚類型與文創產業價值活動之下,平台建置者管理方式與經營要素。本研究建議平台建置者經營網站前,需針對自身平台目的與定位進行全盤的考量,進而找出最適合的經營方式。 / The definition of Virtual Clustering is that industry network is linked by cross-organizational integrated internet, which results in fast information sharing and unique competitiveness. The concept of virtual clustering may changes the way of operating business.
In the environmental of virtual clustering, users, content providers and web builders may have closer interactions by crowdsourcing.
The Study aims at creative cultural industry and focuses on the analysis of interactions modes among the users, content providers and web builders. The study contains 42 real cases and adopts content analysis approach to propose some useful suggestions for web builders. Web builders may have to seriously consider their own position and purpose before the business.
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群眾募資法制之研究- 以P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資平台為中心 / A Study of the Regulation of Crowdfunding: Focusing on Crowdfunding Platform of P2P Lending and Equity Model趙毓馨 Unknown Date (has links)
在P2P借貸制度部分,關於我國法制,本文認為在各該模式是否使平台甚而借用人有構成銀行法收受存款之問題未能被釐清之前,P2P借貸制度恐無法被順利引進,可能須透過銀行法之修正,並輔以主管機關之解釋始能解決此一問題。關於對P2P借貸平台之規範,P2P借貸平台是否被定位為金融機構之一環,亦可能影響其應遵循之法律或規範為何。惟本文認為為促進P2P借貸平台之發展,即使主管機關將其定位為金融機構之一環,亦需適當設置例外,藉此可避免繁重之法規遵循成本讓使P2P借貸之制度失其設計之原意。關於貸與人之保護,在救濟途徑、投資限額、風險之評估與預告、中間帳戶之監管、資訊揭露、平台是否應提存準備金及設置意外準備基金、貸與人是否適用存款保險制度以及平台倒閉時對流通在外借款之處理機制等,亦應設置相關規範,惟亦應注意貸與人保護與上述平台法規遵循成本之平衡問題。在法規之規範方式上,本文則認為P2P借貸之商業模式可能乃與傳統借貸之商業模式有所落差,而平台之定位亦可能與傳統金融機構有所不同,故認為宜單獨就P2P借貸修訂專法或至少由主管機關單獨訂定法規命令,較為妥適。 / P2P lending and equity crowdfunding (so called “financial return crowdfunding,” FR crowdfunding for short), having grown rapidly in the last 5 years, are considered as an efficient vehicle for funding small and medium enterprises as well as start-ups. For maintaining the function of FR crowdfunding that is the efficiency of raising fund, it’s not appropriate to put strong regulations on the enterprises needing fund and the platforms of FR crowdfunding. However, because investing in FR crowdfunding associates with several types of risks, while reducing the burdens of the enterprises or platforms on compliance with the regulations, the issue of investor protection also cannot be ignored. How to balance between these two topics mentioned above is an important issue on the regulations of FR crowdfunding.
Firstly, this article introduces the regulations on FR crowdfunding in U.S., Britain and Japan where P2P lending or equity crowdfunding has developed or is developing. Secondly, in the regulation of Taiwan, the article presents the regulation on equity crowdfunding of Taiwan first and make some comments, referred to the foreign regulations mentioned above. Afterwards, the article analyzes the problems, encountered on the existing laws, such as the Banking Law, and studies how to regulate P2P lending, if P2P lending is introduced to Taiwan.
In the section of the equity crowdfunding, Taipei Exchange (GreTai Securities Market) started Incubation Board for Startup and Acceleration Firms (GISA) in January 2014 whose function is similar to that of the equity crowdfunding platforms. In 2015, Financial Supervisory Commission declared that securities brokers are permitted to operate platforms of equity crowdfunding (called private platforms hereinafter) once the securities brokers are authorized by the competent authority. Both GISA and private platforms are regulated by the regulations issued by Taipei Exchange. The functions and the regulation structures of GISA and private platforms are similar. When GISA and private platforms operate in a double-track way in the future, there are some problems like the insufficiency of market segmentation and risk control. Because upon the regulations, Taipei Exchange also supervises the private platforms, there exists a problem of interest conflict. Moreover, the regulations of GISA and private platforms also have common issues. About the protection of investor, firstly, whether the remedy regulations of other laws could apply for the investors of GISA and private platforms, except for the anti-fraud regulation of Securities and Exchange Act, is not clear so far. Secondly, there are also some discussions on the regulation of investment cap like the approach to calculate and verify the cap, the necessity of the measure of resale limitation, etc. About the enterprises raising fund on the GISA or private platforms, there are some discussions on whether the cap of raising fund should be higher and whether those enterprises should be permitted to offer preferred stock to raise fund, etc. About the platform, concerning to the regulations on the private platforms, there are some discussions on the industry access regulation, the feasibility of nominee structure, the operation of single business and the acts prohibited by the regulation, etc.
In the section of the P2P lending, the article notes that before the problem, whether the borrowers or the platforms under different business models be considered as doing the business of accepting deposits under the Banking Law, could be clarified, it’s afraid that P2P lending cannot be introduced to Taiwan smoothly. This problem could be solved by the amendment of the current Banking Law or by the legal interpretations issued by the competent authority of Banking Law. About the regulations to the P2P lending platforms, whether the P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution affects which laws or regulations the P2P lending platforms might obey. However, for promoting the development of P2P lending, the article thought even if P2P lending platforms are considered as a financial institution, it’s necessary to set exceptions appropriately on it. By doing that, the purpose of P2P lending might not be destroyed by the heavy burden of compliance of regulations.
About the protection of lenders, the regulations on P2P lending should include the issues on remedies of P2P lenders, investor investment cap, rating and precaution of risk, the supervision on the account of fund raised from lenders, information disclosure, whether the platforms should deposit reserves and set contingency fund, whether P2P lenders are protected by the deposit insurance, and the mechanism to deal with the loans still outstanding in case of the platform failure. However, the issue of balancing the lenders protection and the cost of regulatory compliance of the platforms still need to be considered. About how to regulate P2P lending, the article thinks that the business model of P2P lending is different from traditional lending model and that the P2P platforms are also different from the traditional financial institutions. Consequently, the article thinks that it’s appropriate to make laws or regulations singly for P2P lending.
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創意市場之開發與運用:以「國寶人壽登峰造極計畫」為例 / The development and application of idea market: the case study of Global Life Insurance Idea Market Project杜映磊 Unknown Date (has links)
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公益性非營利組織對群眾募資平台之應用研究 / A Study of the Application of Crowdfunding Platforms for Nonprofit Organizations張嘉芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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大方眾籌創業計畫書 / DaoFund.com何浩宇, Ho, Leo Unknown Date (has links)
Transparency has been one of the most important factors/concerns affecting donations. Donors are not sure where their money goes and the difficulty of finding such information makes them hesitate on making donations. On the other hand, NPOs are haunted by lack of donation, governments scratch their heads on regulating the governance of NPOs, and academia find it difficult to collect donation-related data for research purpose.
Blockchain, the upstart technology that backs up bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is born to solve the trust issue among different parties by providing ultimate transparency. However, adopting a new technology is never easy. Some traction needs to be in-place to engage people on technology adoption. Fortunately, the same technology that pulls people together is also the technology that will be able to build up the community and making a bigger social impact. DaoFund.com is funded with making social impact in mind by bringing aforementioned technologies to the society.
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