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企業信用及主導銀行認證效果對聯貸價碼之影響莊舒婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討在眾多影響台灣聯貸案件利率加碼之因素中,借款企業之信用評等是否在金融風暴前後對利率加碼之決定存在顯著變化,同時驗證主導銀行保留額度之多寡是否對台灣聯貸市場案件利率加碼有認證效果(Certification Effect)存在。
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聯貸契約財務限制條款與企業的盈餘品質 / Financial covenants of debt contract and corporate earnings quality鄭蕙嬋 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣集團經營的成本及效益分析:聯貸市場議價能力的實證結果 / The costs and benefits of group and non-group firms in Taiwan: evidence from the bargaining power in the syndication loan market邱鈺玶, Chiu,Yu Ping Unknown Date (has links)
為了研究台灣集團的經營成本和效益,本研究計算超額價值發現台灣集團下的公司並沒有比非集團公司表現更好,本研究進而以五個假說和台灣區的聯貸案來檢視集團經營成本效益,集團下的公司經營成本會高於效益 / To examine the costs and benefits of group and non-group firms in Taiwan we first calculated the excess vale of group firms. We find that group firms in Taiwan do not out-perform relative to non-group firms. To find out the reason behind their underperformance, we test five hypotheses, the profit stability hypothesis, the over-investment hypothesis, the cross-subsidization hypothesis, the co-insurance hypothesis, the bargaining power hypothesis, using data from 1998 to 2008. Our sample consists of 16950 firm samples, 208 group sample, and 3013 syndication deal samples. The results show that the group overall borrowing costs are larger than non-group firms and group characteristic does not influence the spread margin in the syndication market significantly. We conclude that cost exceed benefits for firms to operate under group affiliations.
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銀行團認購行為偏好探討–以國際聯貸市場為例 / The determinants of the financial institutions’ subscription in global syndicated loan market蔡依純, Tsai, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
全球聯貸案件資料由DealScan資料庫提供,期間為1987年至2009年,利用配對樣本方式進行Logistic迴歸分析,探討造成超額認購現象的因子為何。實證結果發現,當聯貸市場有新競爭者加入,如機構投資人或是外商銀行進入該市場,造成聯貸市場上資金供給增加,因此當市場上有較好的投資案出現時,銀行即會競相進行認購,進而造成超額認購;因此,造成超額認購的主要原因來自於市場上資金供給面的變化。 / Using a sample of global syndicated loan from 1987 to 2009, I collected data from LPC’s DealScan and Compustat database to examine which factors affect the determinants of the financial institutions’ subscription in global syndicated loan market. Using the oversubscribed syndicated loan as our sample, we test the intention of lenders’ subscription and the results show that the odds of oversubscription increased as the capital supply increased in the syndicated loan market. The primary factor for the increase of supply is when new investors, such as institutional investors or foreign banks, joined the syndicated loan market. Therefore, I find that the amount of capital supply can influence financial institutions’ subscription in the syndicated loan market.
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金融機構於聯貸市場之特定借款行為探討 / The borrowing behaviors of financial institutions in the syndicated loan market謝立威 Unknown Date (has links)
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公司取得銀行聯貸是否是一項特殊資訊? 以美國公司在證券管理委員會的呈報樣本及日內交易資料為例 / Are bank loans special? Evidence from SEC filings and US intraday data許玉美, Hsu, Yu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
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供需模型對借款利率之影響:以全球聯貸案為例 / The Effects of Market Technical on Loan Spread : Evidence From Global Syndicated Loans李孟芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於了解全球聯貸案利率如何受到供需模型之影響;本研究樣本包含1982至2009年來自63個國家超過二萬三仟筆聯貸案。研究結果顯示,供給方力量將導致聯貸案利率偏低,然而於機構投資者參與比率越高之國家存在價格偏離模型預測之情況;而上述之負向效果於財務受限愈嚴重或未來投資機會愈低之借款公司將愈加顯著。 / Using a sample of more than 23,000 syndicated tranches to borrowers from 63 countries for the 1982-2009 period, we test the influence of the supply and demand side effects on loan spread. Our results show that supply side effect leads to a significant lower spread, but in some countries with higher appetite of institutional investors, such as U.S. and Spain, these results do not hold. We find that the negative effect above mentioned on spread will be significant for firms whose original loan spread is much higher; i.e., firms with serious financial constraint or low investment opportunity.
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銀行巨擘主導之聯貸案的訂價模型及實證探討 / A pricing model and empirical analysis of syndicate loan market dominated by big brand banks楊之寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討聯貸案中的資訊不對稱現象,是否影響主貸行與借款公司間的訂價行為。由建構理論模型與實證發現,大型銀行會提供持續性的認證效果,並從中剝削好處。本文採用美國聯貸市場1987年-2010年資料進行研究,發現實證結果符合理論預期。 / We shape a model describing the exploit behavior of reputable lead arranger in syndicate loan, which suggesting that reputable bank ask higher spread when borrower care about the spill-over effect. Then we use the USA syndicate data (1987-2010) to confirm the model. Without controlling the self-selection bias, we find the 1st top tier syndicate loan is usually larger than the borrowers’ prior loan and enjoy less spread charge. Besides, the sequential loans data shows keeping dealing with reputable banks can pouring more money for borrowers. Both evidences support the certification hypothesis. But after controlling the self-selection bias in lender-borrower relationship, our finding confirm the reputable banks’ exploit behavior, especially towards those non-investment grade borrowers who indeed desperate for certification effects. Besides, we also find the certification effect spill over to the borrowers’ sequential deals in syndicate market. As compared to the 1st loan held by top tier arrangers, the borrower can raise more fund either keep dealing with reputable banks or switch to other banks as long as they can endure to pay more spreads.
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資訊不對稱與銀行聯貸案定價的關係 / Information asymmetry and syndicated loan pricing楊雅靖, Yang, Ya Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討主貸行和參貸行之間的資訊不對稱如何影響聯貸案的定價。利用模型推導出在有資訊訊號和較低債權人保護的體制下,最適的聯貸案利率會較高;利用1982年到2009年的全球聯貸案資料進行實證,發現實證結果與理論預期一致。 / This paper explores how information asymmetry between lead arrangers and participant lenders affects syndicated loan pricing. The model shows that the optimal loan spread is higher in regimes with informative signal and lower creditor rights protection. Using global syndicated loan data from 1982 to 2009, I show that the empirical results are consistent with the predictions of the model.
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CEO調節焦點與聯貸特性之關聯性 / The relationship between CEO regulatory focus and syndicated features宋怡慧, Song, Yi Huei Unknown Date (has links)
調焦焦點理論將人的特質區分成促進型目標定向( Promotion focus)與防禦型目標定向( Prevention focus)。促進型目標定向經理人的動機在於推動正面結果的產生,因此對於公司的成長與業績較為敏感;防禦型目標定向的經理人則是為了防止發生負面結果而兢兢業業,對於公司的經營偏好維持現狀。本篇研究假設促進型目標定向的經理人因為較為關注正面結果的出現與否,因而使得公司能夠有較佳的經營結果。故本篇研究假設借款公司的經理人若偏向促進型目標定向,可從銀行得到較低的聯貸利差,借款金額較高以及較長的借款期間,需要提供擔保品的機率則較低。樣本來自於S&P1500,並排除金融業及保險業;經理人的調節焦點則是藉由分析經理人所寫的致股東信所衡量。研究結果顯示擁有促進型目標定向經理人的借款公司,與聯貸利差呈現負相關,顯示這類型的公司可以得到較優惠的利率。至於非利率條件,包含借款金額、借款期間以及提供擔保品的機率,本研究並未發現擁有促進型目標定向經理人的借款公司與較優惠的非利率條件之間具有關聯性。 / This study investigates the relationship between CEO regulatory focus and syndicated features. Regulatory focus theory divides people into promotion and prevention focus. Promotion-focused people are demonstrated to pay more attention to accomplishments and growth, while prevention-focused people are more concerned about safety and security. Based on the assumption that CEOs who are more inclined to be promotion-focused are more concerned about the presence and absence of positive outcomes, the operating results would be better compared to that of the prevention-focused CEOs’. Therefore, I hypothesize that borrowing firms with CEOs who are more inclined to be promotion-focused would have lower syndicate spread, larger loan amount, longer maturity and lower possibility of providing security. The sample consists of S&P 1500 non-financial firms, and CEO regulatory focus is captured by conducting content analysis of the letters that CEOs write to shareholders. The results suggest that borrowers with CEOs that are more inclined to be promotion-focused are associated with lower loan spreads, after controlling for several firm-specific and loan-specific controls. However, I do not find evidence that CEO regulatory focus is related to non-pricing loan contract terms, including loan amount, loan maturity and the possibility of providing security.
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