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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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銀行團聯貸宣告對股東財富的影響-異質條件變異數分析法 / Syndicated Loan Announcements and the Market Value of the Lending Firms and the borrowing firms

陳朝鑫, Chen, Ken Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究主要在探討以銀行團聯貸宣告下,對台灣地區上市的參貸銀行和借款公司之股東財富有何影響?本研究以事件研究法(Event Study)對標準化異常報酬做檢定,同時由於過去對殘差項估計多是以古典最小平方法來估計,但是實際股票報酬率通常具有尖峰態的胖尾分配,因此本文同時採Bollerslev(1986)的GARCH估計法及傳統古典最小平方法估計,並對結果做一比較;實証結果如下: 本研究得到下列結論: 1、在股價報酬時間數列特性上:對放款銀行之股價報酬而言,呈現異質變異性質者佔近四成,而對借款公司之股價報酬而言,呈現異質變異性質者佔四成,因此在考慮報酬率的特性時需將此考慮各國模型中,但就事件觀察期的顯著性而言,以古典最小平方法估計以異質條件變異數分析法估計的結論上,無論在放款銀行或在借款公司上皆無顯著之差異,可能因為時間數列的時間較短所致。 2、就放款銀行而言,銀行團聯貸之宣告日前一天,即有整個事件期中最強烈的正向反應,但未達顯著水準,而在宣告日前一天至宣告日當天的事件窗口有顯著水準的正向反應,顯示銀行團聯貸宣告所傳達給放款銀行之股東是正面資訊內涵。 3、就借款公司而言,銀行團聯貸之宣告前二天即有強烈的正向反應(但未達顯著水準),但隔天(宣告日前一天)即以整個事件期中最強烈的負向反應(但未達顯著水準)逆轉,而在宣告日前一天至宣告日當天的事件窗口卻有顯著水準的負向反應,顯示銀行團聯貸宣告所傳達給借款公司之股東是負面的資訊內涵。 4、放款銀行在累積異常報酬方面,在宣告日前十八天左右即有資訊揭露的現象,但持續4天之後,隨即有下跌趨勢,至宣告日前二天更跌至谷底,最後在宣告日後二天才轉回來,此現象可能代表投資人對銀行團聯貸之推動,時間拖愈久,對聯貸之成功與否持較悲觀的市場反應,乃至聯貸宣告後二天,才明確的正向反應出來。 5、借款公司在累積異常報酬方面,在宣告日之前即有上漲的趨勢,此現象顯示借款公司之股東對借款公司持較樂觀的市場反應,然宣告日前一天負面反應最強烈,可能顯示聯貸案成功與否會響到借款公司聲譽及資金的調度等方面,但聯貸案成功宣告後,則以更大幅度的正向股價反價,因此聯貸宣告整體而言,對借款公司之股東應為正面的資訊內涵。 6、以橫斷面分析法複迴歸的方式分別探討對放款銀行與對借款公司之異常報酬影響原因,實証結果顯示在放款銀行而言有99..........9%以上的顯著性,表示異常報酬與新銀行是否加入競爭有負向的關係,此現象表示81年新銀行的成立,使得舊有銀行聯貸的利潤受到很大衝擊。而在借款公司而言,銀行團參貸家數,與借款公司之異常報酬無顯著相關性,無法証實「契約彈性假說」,而借款公司之資產規模與舉債能力與異常報酬無顯著水準相關。

國際聯合授信之研究-以國際聯合貸款為例 / The legal aspect and practice of international syndicated loans

陳哲斐, Chen, Zher Fei Unknown Date (has links)
聯合貸款指的是兩個或兩個以上金融機構,使用共同的文件對同一申請人定下由相同條款及條件(terms and conditions)所構成的契約,並選定某一共同代理機構以管理該契約事宜。由於發生聯合貸款的場合,多半是因其金額龐大,非單一金融機構所能承擔其風險者。因此,乃聯合數家金融機構,使用彼此同意的共同文件與申請人簽下貸款契約。由於我國銀行在國際聯合貸款市場的佔有率並不高,在現今進入國際化,自由化的時代,筆者即欲以目前國際聯合貸款市場的實務操作與法律問題為探討的對象,提供我國銀行未來的國際化的參考。

銀行聯合貸款策略之研究-兼論因應金融海嘯之道 / none

李長華 Unknown Date (has links)
企業(甚至政府單位)大部分資金需仰賴銀行貸款(間接金融)加以挹注,尤其大額貸款,實非單一銀行所能提供與承擔風險。尤其歷經風暴的洗禮之後,銀行風險意識提高,更需聯貸的各家銀行嚴格把關,提高授信品質並降低曝險程度。聯貸市場已成為國內資金借貸市場的主流趨勢非常明顯;為順應此潮流,國內金融機構在業務單位中另設或加設專責單位以負責此項業務的推展;而推展的成果,更代表其在國內企業金融領域上的地位與專業。 為順利完成聯貸案件的籌組,本論文分別就三大方向研討聯貸案件的籌組策略並兼論因應金融海嘯之道(一)產品的設計-就授信合約中最重要的額度、期間與利率等條件,分析設計架構及考量重點。以額度而言,依不同借款用途來規劃授信額度;適當合理的額度在消極方面可避免資金挪用、屆期無力清償的問題,積極方面,可及時挹注資金缺口、改善企業體質並增強競爭力等優點。授信期間的規劃,則應與理財原則、未來現金流量及IRR相配合,對於duration 與option的設計,可符合借戶的需求與銀行風險的考量。另外有彈性的利率機制,除可保障銀行最低收益,又可激勵借戶改善財務結構,可說是在金融風暴低利下銀行的獲利因應之道。(二)策略的規劃-聯貸商品即使包裝得盡善盡美,倘聯貸策略運用不當,聯貸案件的籌組亦有可能不成功,市場不乏這種因錯誤的判斷導致失敗的案例。因此,在策略規劃部分,本論文就策畫與作業執行兩方面,分別以主辦行與參貸行角度探討應對之策,知此知彼立於不敗之地,或甚而爭取最大利益。而首先必須先確立三項目標並決定其優先順序,才開始案件的籌劃:所有資金均須籌足,此為成就聯貸案之最基本要件;利率加碼與參貸費率之分配,以降低籌募成本,提高主辦行收益;保有必要之控制權;惟為分攤分銷壓力應適時洽詢合作對象聯合作戰。另外總行聯貸的專責單位負責商品的研發與策略的規劃,而分行的業務人員負責日常客戶關係的經營,兩者必須相互搭配合作,發揮聯貸策略,才能創造銀行利潤的極大化。(三)實際案例的運用-為實地運用本文所述之聯貸策略,最後以在金融海嘯發生前後簽約的案例為本,述明其間考量與規劃的重點,以達聯貸的目標(結合不同銀行間之優勢、配合政府政策、配合借戶的財務規劃與為增加現金流量而設計等聯貸案等)。

全球航空公司避險行為對公司價值的影響 / The Impact of hedging on Firm Value in Global Airline Industry

劉珊睿 Unknown Date (has links)
本文蒐集1995年到2014年共計39家航空公司的避險數據,旨在檢視燃油避險、外匯避險和利率避險對於公司價值的影響。實證結果與多數文獻的結果一致,燃油和外匯避險對於公司價值多有顯著的正面影響。北美洲地區是唯一外匯避險有顯著負面影響的子樣本。至於利率避險在總樣本和多數的子樣本中對公司價值有顯著負面的影響。因此,本文認為避險與公司價值無絕對的關係,主要仍是取決於公司所面臨的風險。另外,經理人持股對於隔年燃油避險比率有正向關係,但不顯著。而不論燃油和外匯避險對於聯貸利率皆無顯著的關係。 / Using a sample of 39 airline companies around the world over period 1995 to 2015 to examine whether jet fuel hedging, currency hedging and interest rate hedging increase the firm value of airline companies. We find that jet fuel and currency hedging is significantly positively related to their firm value holds in various sub-samples and total sample, but North American area is only one sub-sample which have negative relationship between currency hedging and firm value. However, interest rate hedging have significantly negatively impact on various sub-samples and total sample. Based on our result, there is no absolutely negative or positive relationship between hedging and firm value, it depend on which risk the firm faced and should be hedged. Furthermore, CEO shares holding have non-significant positively relationship with hedge ratio. Our result also show there are no effect of hedging on reducing interest rate of syndicate loan.

強制採用國際會計準則對銀行聯貸市場的影響 / The effects of mandatory IFRS reporting on the syndicated loan market

姚畯, Yao, Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討強制採用國際會計準則(International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS)對銀行聯貸組成結構(ownership structure)與債務契約條款(debt covenants)的影響。研究發現結果如下:第一、當借款公司強制採用國際會計準則報導後,主辦銀行的持有比例將增加。第二、當借款公司強制採用國際會計準則報導後,外資銀行參與聯貸案的家數將下降。第三、當借款公司強制採用國際會計準則報導後,債務契約條款中將降低採用以會計數字為基礎的債務契約條款(無論以損益數字為基礎、或以資產負債表數字為基礎)。本研究之發現符合Schipper [2003]之論點:當債務人採用以原則式準則之會計報表作為借貸契約之基礎,將降低債權人與債務人以此報表訂契約的誘因。主要是因為原則式準則提供有限的會計處理程序與解釋指引,將導致會計數字在專業判斷下,報表數字可能增加主觀或偏誤,進而降低債務契約訂定的功能。最後,本研究發現前述採用國際會計準則的負面影響,在普通法國家(法律執行強度高的國家)比成文法的國家(法律執行強度弱的國家)有減緩的趨勢。 / In this dissertation, I examine how the mandatory adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) affects ownership structure and debt covenants in the syndicated loan market. I hypothesize and document that the proportion of the loan retained by syndicate lead arrangers increases after a borrower adopts mandatory IFRS reporting. Further, I document that foreign lenders are relatively less likely to be involved in syndicated loan deals after the adopting of mandatory IFRS reporting. Finally, I find that syndicate lenders are less likely to use financial covenants in debt agreements after the mandatory IFRS adopting, regardless of income statement-based or balance sheet-based covenants. Overall, these results are in line with the argument by Schipper [2003]. Specifically, the adoption of a principles-based accounting system (e.g., IFRS), characterized by limited interpretation and implementation guidance, increases the difference in professional judgment among debt contracting parties, which in turn reduces lenders’ and borrowers’ demand for accounting information in signing debt contracts. Finally, the negative effect of the mandatory IFRS adoption on the syndicated loan market is weaker in common-law countries (in countries with stricter enforcement regime) than in code-law countries (in countries with weaker enforcement regime).

聯貸案中借款人、主貸銀行、參貸銀行關係之研究 / The Relationships among Borrowers, Lead Banks and Participants in Syndicated Loans

賴儀之 Unknown Date (has links)
聯貸案為國內中大型企業重要的籌資來源之一,自1991年聯貸案引進台灣後,帶給金融機構眾多好處,包括主貸銀行可以利用其專業主導、分(代)銷及管理聯貸案,以賺取手續費,並且達到分散風險之目的,另一方面,亦可讓規模較小而無力自行籌組聯貸案之銀行,以多角化方式去化其資金,並且藉由與主貸銀行的關係,與新的借款人往來。對借款人的好處則是可以在最短時間內向多個銀行申貸大額之貸款資金,並且針對需求設計客製化商品,提供借款人多元化的籌資管道。 然而聯貸案之亦有其成本及限制,對主辦行來說,因為銀行法規規定單一銀行對於單一借款人之限額,在資本有限之下,主貸銀行僅能承貸一部分之聯貸額度;而對參貸行來說,潛在成本則是當主貸銀行未將借款人資訊充分揭露與參貸銀行;對借款人來說,須負擔較一般借款更高的手續費,且必須與尋找專業度及聲譽較高之主貸行,增加聯貸案籌組之成功性。 本研究以台灣的銀行及其所主辦參貸之聯貸案為研究對象,研究包含三個子題,首先探究哪些因素會影響主貸銀行保留額度比率;第二個研究子題是探討銀行參貸之意願與銀行間互惠效果以及銀行名聲的關係;第三個研究子題,則是探討銀行參貸之意願與過去與主貸銀行之關係以及與借款人之間的關係。 研究結果顯示,第一、借款人資訊取得難易與否、借款用途、聯貸金額和主貸銀行名聲確實會影響主貸銀行保留額度比率,借款人資訊愈透明、聯貸金額越高,主貸銀行保留額度愈低,借款用途風險愈大及主貸銀行名聲愈大則主貸銀行保留額度比率愈高;第二、銀行參貸意願與互惠關係顯著相關,證明銀行間有互惠關係,且名聲愈佳之銀行其互惠關係愈明顯。最後,實證發現參貸銀行前一年度與主貸銀行合作之關係將影響其未來參與同一主貸銀行所主導之聯貸案之意願,然而當年度銀行之參貸意願與前一年度和借款人之授信關係並不顯著。主貸銀行保留比率多寡為分辨聯貸案特性之重要評斷標準之一,透過研究各種變數影響主貸銀行保留比率多寡,實務上可以供主貸銀行決定聯貸案保留比率之參考,增加聯貸案籌組成功的機率;本研究亦歸納出聯貸案主貸銀行、參貸銀行及借款人三方關係影響台灣地區聯貸案之特性及條件,這些研究結果可提供三方在聯貸案籌組中談判之參考。

企業社會責任與銀行聯貸利差之關聯性 / The Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Syndicated Loan Spread

劉鎮嘉, Liu, Chen Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001年至2012年美國上市公司且向銀行聯貸之企業為樣本,探討企業社會責任評量表現與聯合貸款利息差額之關聯性。本研究發現企業社會責任評量總分越高,其聯貸利差越小。此外,這現象對於較依賴銀行作為資金來源的公司更加明顯。顯示企業社會責任評量表現較好之企業,能提升聲譽及形象、建立銀行之信賴、降低聯貸利息差額;若同時依賴銀行作為資金來源之企業,更能降低聯貸利息差額。另外,本研究進一步拆解企業社會責任評量總分,對組成項目進行迴歸分析,實證結果顯示,企業投入慈善活動及社區參與、僱傭平等、員工關係及權益、產品這四個正面項目,能降低聯貸利差。 / This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility performance and syndicated loan spread. Based on a sample of companies in the US from 2001 to 2012, I find that companies with higher corporate social responsibility performance have lower syndicated loan spreads. Moreover, the decrease in loan spreads are more pronounced among bank-dependent companies. This suggests that companies with better corporate social responsibility performance can set up their enterprise image and establish bank trust, which would then reduce their cost of debt financing. Besides, by analyzing the components of corporate social responsibility indicators, I find that the reduction in loan spreads is associated with strengths in community, diversity, employee relations, and product.

事前訴訟風險對銀行聯貸特性之影響 / The Effect of Ex-ante Litigation Risk On Syndicated Loan Features

蘇庭葦 Unknown Date (has links)
公司發生訴訟將影響其價值與財務狀況,亦影響未來償債能力。本研究係探討公司的事前訴訟風險(ex-ante litigation risk)是否影響銀行對其之貸款條件,進而探討宗教信仰是否降低銀行對於訴訟風險的敏感度。本研究發現,當公司面臨較高的事前訴訟風險時,銀行將要求較高的貸款利率,同時主貸銀行持有較高貸款比例且參與貸款的銀行數量較少。此外,由於宗教信仰能抑止管理階層的不道德行為及提昇財報品質,故本研究以公司總部所在地之信仰宗教人數比例作為衡量宗教的代理變數。實證結果發現,公司若位於宗教程度較高的地區,能降低事前訴訟風險對於銀行貸款條件的影響,進而獲得較低的貸款利率、較大的貸款金額,並增加參與貸款的銀行數量。 / Lawsuits may deteriorate defendant firms’ financial position and lower their firms’ value. Moreover, it reduces the recovery rate in the event of default. This study examines whether banks price their borrowers’ ex-ante litigation risk in syndicated loan market and further investigates whether the relation between ex-ante litigation risk is conditioned on religiosity. The results suggest that banks tend to price in firms with higher ex-ante litigation risk by charging higher spread, and form more concentrated syndicate. In addition, strong religious social norm is seen as a mechanism to constrain managerial opportunism and improve financial reporting quality. Using the proportion of adherents where firms’ headquarters locate as a proxy for religious adherence, I find that the association between ex-ante litigation risk and syndicated loan features is alleviated. Firms with higher ex-ante litigation risk are associated with lower loan spreads, larger loan amounts and greater number of total lenders if borrowers are headquartered in areas with strong religious social norms.

探討犯罪公司定罪前後銀行貸款利率之差異 / The Impact of Corporate Convictions on Syndicated Bank Loan Prices

黃聖雯, Huang, Sheng Wen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來知名公司面臨起訴或遭到定罪的消息層出不窮,然而在公司定罪的相關研究中,多數文獻著重於探究遭受定罪之事實對公司價值的影響,較少研究聚焦於定罪事實對公司所參與之聯貸案契約條件的影響,有鑑於此,本篇文章旨在探討犯罪公司於定罪前後其聯貸借款條件之借款利率是否有顯著差異。本篇研究發現事件前後犯罪公司之借款利率差異並不顯著。當我們試以修正資料庫登錄與犯罪新聞時間差的問題後,結果顯示犯罪公司之借款利率於犯罪相關新聞發布後顯著上升,除此之外,考量交乘作用後發現犯罪公司間,犯罪罪刑為詐欺類以及受判罰金較高的犯罪公司於事件後,相較於其他犯罪公司,該類公司更傾向面臨較高的借貸成本。 / A number of well-known corporate prosecutions have been raised in recent years. Previous literature focuses more on the valuation impact of corporate convictions. Empirical evidence on how corporate convictions affect the contract terms of syndicated loan is sparse. We examine how corporate misconducts affect the pricing of bank debt after corporate convictions. We find that the difference of loan spreads between facilities initiated before and after conviction are insignificant. Taking potential lag of initial announcement time into consideration, we find significant evidence that the effect of corporate conviction is positively associated with the increases of loan spreads. Moreover, interaction terms with conviction variable show that firms with large fines or convicted of fraud-related crimes tend to face higher loan spread after convictions.

公司財務決策論文兩篇:跨國購併目標公司之選擇以及聯貸市場參貸銀行的選擇 / Two Essays on Corporate Financial Decisions: Choices of Target Firms in Cross-Border M&As and Choices of Participant Banks in Syndicated Loan Market

謝依婷, Hsieh, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要由兩篇文章所組成,探討有關跨國購併活動中目標公司的選擇,以及聯貸市場中參貸銀行的選擇。第一部份旨在分析市場集中程度與跨國購併在垂直相關產業的議題。Beladi, Chakrabarti and Marjit (2013)建立一般均衡寡佔模型,連結當地國的市場競爭力和跨國購併在垂直相關產業的論點。他們模型認為當地國家的垂直整合程度會改變國外主併者策略優勢。我們使用1990年至2012年涵蓋86個國家,之全球購併活動案件,我們衡量當地國家的市場競爭與垂直整合程度,呈現當地國家前期的市場競爭力將會誘發國外市場主併者進入,以垂直購併的方式購併當地國家之目標公司。本研究結果提供了實證性的結果來支持過去理論之發現,認為產業的集中程度會影響跨國購併。 本論文的第二部份,在研究知識技能互補和銀行商譽在參貸銀行的選擇,觀察主貸銀行該如何選擇參貸銀行之決策分析。延伸Diamond (1991)的商譽建立假說,透過主貸銀行本身的特性因子與工作經驗,來探討主貸銀行選擇參貸銀行的誘因動機。研究結果發現,當主貸銀行具有較高的自身商譽佳、經營及投資具效率性、內部監理機制較佳、且市場經驗較為豐富時,會誘使主貸銀行減少對高商譽參貸銀行的需求。呈現知識技能互補的現象於主貸銀行選擇參貸銀行的決策。本研究結果可提供我們對聯貸銀行團商譽互補現象及分析。 / Two essays are comprised in this dissertation to study on choices of target firms in cross-border M&As and choices of participant banks in the syndicated loan market. In the first essay, cross-border mergers and market concentration in a vertically related industry, we examine the relationship between market concentration and cross-border M&A. Beladi, Chakrabarti and Marjit (2013) present an oligopoly in general equilibrium model to identify the linkages between local market competition and cross-border mergers in a vertically related industry. Their model predicts that a vertical integration at home changes the strategic advantage for foreign acquirers. Using firm-level data from 86 countries between 1990 and 2012, we calculate proxies for local market competition and show that lower (higher) pre-merger local competition at home country will increase (decrease) mergers between a foreign firm and a vertically integrated home firm. These findings provide empirical supports for the significant impact of industry concentration on the decisions of cross-border M&A. In the second essay, the effects of knowledge complementarities and bank reputation on participant banks choices, we focus on the decision of lead arrangers on participant bank choices in the syndicated loan market. We extend reputation building theory (Diamond, 1991) and model the lead arranger’s partner choice problem through the effect of self-related and task-related factors. Our paper show that when lead arrangers have higher reputation, operating efficiency, and market experience, lead arrangers tend to choose less reputable partners. These results help to explain how lead arrangers, through their partner selection decisions, manage the reputation pool among banks in the syndicated loan market.

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